Cuomo getting raked over the coals

A lot of people thought the same about Gov. Northam in Virginia who got pinched for wearing Klan robes in blackface, they had pictures of the crime.

And Sen. Whitehouse of Rhode Island, who was discovered to belong to a white Supremacist cult in his home state.

I don't think Fredo has much to worry about, if he stonewalls.

It isn't a case like Al Franken's where they had actual pics of the sexual harassment.
You are certainly misrepresenting Sen. Whitehouse. Why? A country club is so far from a cult that it is mystifying you would use the term. It's a country club.
They play golf there. Whitehouse doesn't even belong to the country club in question. He has family members that have belonged for generations.

Why would you make up such a strange tale?

No excuses Andrew! Time to step aside.
Excellent link! The article has the actual full report, front and center!
No need to guess, or make up dumb shyte--we can read the report..not the report about the report..slanted one way or the other!
Looks like a crime to me~

On at least one occasion, the investigation found, Cuomo and his senior staff worked to retaliate against a former employee who accused him of wrongdoing. Cuomo was also found to have harassed women outside of government, the investigation found.
The report also detailed, for the first time, allegations that Cuomo sexually harassed a female state trooper on his security detail. It said that the governor ran his hand or fingers across her stomach and her back, kissed her on the cheek, asked for her help in finding a girlfriend and asked why she didn’t wear a dress.
“These brave women stepped forward to speak truth to power and, in doing so, they expressed faith in the belief that although the governor may be powerful, the truth is even more so,” Joon Kim, one of the lawyers leading the investigation, said at the press conference.
Investigators said they found all 11 women were credible, noting that their allegations were corroborated to varying degrees, including by other witnesses and contemporaneous text messages.
Now if we can get that Orange Lying POS Traitor. Over 60+Women accused that POS of sexual abuse, sexual assault and sexual harassment.

Yes, force Cuomo out for he did, put in him jail. But unless or until such a time a The Traitor is held to same standard, Cons should just shut the fuck up.
No fan of Cuomo, but you're pretty warped if you think he should do time for that.

That's just sick.
Well..looks like he's toast~

Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women in violation of state and federal law, NY AG finds

New York Attorney General Letitia James announced Tuesday that her office's investigation into sexual harassment allegations against Gov. Andrew Cuomo has concluded and that they have found that Cuomo indeed sexually harassed multiple women.

A clarification...sexual harassment is not a sex crime. It involves his making his office an abusive workplace and using demeaning and derogatory sexual terms. Maybe tormenting women that refused his advances? Possibly some unwanted sexual advances, as well. Kinda like..well..kinda like grabbing em by the pussy, right? LOL!
Anyway, I'm surprised that there is no indictment--but it could be that the results of the AG's investigation have been forwarded to the appropriate agencies...we'll see.
A lot of sexual harassment is illegal, on a civil level--but not prosecutable as a crime. Again, we'll see.
Where is Garland? Too busy trying to find Trump’s tax returns?
A lot of people thought the same about Gov. Northam in Virginia who got pinched for wearing Klan robes in blackface, they had pictures of the crime.

And Sen. Whitehouse of Rhode Island, who was discovered to belong to a white Supremacist cult in his home state.

I don't think Fredo has much to worry about, if he stonewalls.

It isn't a case like Al Franken's where they had actual pics of the sexual harassment.
Fredo is Chris, not Andrew.

Andrew is now Afraido!

I hope this power hungry wop is removed from power . This psycho should be in prison for sexual harassment and the deaths of tens thousands
The spaghetti and meatballs man needs to go
A lot of people thought the same about Gov. Northam in Virginia who got pinched for wearing Klan robes in blackface, they had pictures of the crime.

And Sen. Whitehouse of Rhode Island, who was discovered to belong to a white Supremacist cult in his home state.

I don't think Fredo has much to worry about, if he stonewalls.

It isn't a case like Al Franken's where they had actual pics of the sexual harassment.

Exactly. DemoKKKrats get to keep their jobs after they wear their KKK uniforms, rape women, belong to racist clubs, and kill old people.

Franken resigned, by the way. If he had told his critics to fuck off, like Northam, Cuomo, and Biden did, he'd still have his job, like they all do.

DemoKKKrats don't have a problem with the KKK, rape, or racist clubs.
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Now if we can get that Orange Lying POS Traitor. Over 60+Women accused that POS of sexual abuse, sexual assault and sexual harassment.

Yes, force Cuomo out for he did, put in him jail. But unless or until such a time a The Traitor is held to same standard, Cons should just shut the fuck up.

But, but but but.......

So much projection from the Trump cult traitors.

I understand why. They've all spent years running cover for every GOP perv and criminal out there, and boy howdy have there been a lot of them. They've all been trained to be unrepenetant corrupt party hacks, so they assume the moral people must think and act the same way.

That's not the case. Trump cultists. We are not like you. As the case with Franken showed, liberals toss out any bad democrats instantly. We've been trying to get rid of Cuomo for years.

Yes, I know Republicans aren't capable of understanding the country-over-party thing. It's just too alien to their Stalinist nature. They will continue to tongue-bathe every Republican perv and criminal, becuase it's part of their fundamental nature.

Now, run along, Trump cultists. You're needed. Those perv rectums won't lick themselves.

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