Cuomo subjects out of state volunteers to confiscatory tax

Hell of a way to honor those who came from around the fruited plain to pull your state's chestnuts out of the fireplace. The State of New York had determined they will punish those who came to their Shit Hole to help them out, by making them submit to Financial Ass Rapery.

So I generally agree with this. Cuomo is right, his bankrupt state doesn't have the money to give out tax breaks, because they have a $13 Billion dollars deficit.

Here's my problem... it's because of Cuomo and his left-wing ideology, and tax-and-spend policies, with all their political pay-backs, and pork barrel spending, and endless entitlements and programs.... that they have no money to help in emergencies like this.

So while I agree that Cuomo is right, they don't have the money and budget to offer help in emergencies like this... it is specifically because of the utter irresponsible incompetence of Cuomo that they can't help.

A wise and frugal government would have money set aside for emergencies like this, and space in the budget to accommodate emergencies. A 'spend it all, and wonder why your life sucks' ideology like Hugo Chavez had in Venezuela, has the same results. When emergencies hit, Cuomo is unable to help.
In my years working in the utility construction industry, I worked in a lot of states. I always paid state taxes to the state I earned the money in.

I always filed taxes in my home state and in the one I worked. My home state let me deduct the taxes paid in the other state. This is part of why I paid an accountant to do my taxes.
bullshit. My company does business in every state in the country, our field service team does not pay taxes on money earned while in that state. come on man, why do you continue these leftists asses? I don't get it. what is in it for you exactly?

Not sure where you worked, or for how long. But if you work in a state you pay taxes in that state.

from: Living in One State, Working in Another | The Official Blog of TaxSlayer
"If you earn income in one state while living in another, you will need to file a tax return in your resident state reporting all income you earn, no matter the location. However, you might also be required to file a state tax return in your state of employment. "

from: Multiple States—Figuring What's Owed When You Live and Work in More Than One State - TurboTax Tax Tips & Videos
"Regardless of whether you're a part-year resident or a nonresident in the state where you are working, you will probably need to complete an apportionment schedule. This form can usually be found in the state's part-year or nonresident income tax return. You use the schedule to "apportion" how much of your income is taxable in each state."

from: Do You Pay State Income Taxes Based on Where You Lived or Where Your Income Was Earned?
"When you work in one state and live in another, income taxes can become confusing. Although you must typically pay income tax to your state of residence even if you earn your income outside the state, you may also owe income tax to the state in which you are employed."

Glad I could educate you on state taxes. No need for an apology. I am sure your harsh words came from a place of ignorance.
Service companies do service work in most every state using staff that flies into or drives into those states to perform work. Sorry, you're wrong. Again, i've been in the business 43 years and son, not one of our hundreds of employees has ever done that over those years.

And, none of those links say what you think they say. you should actually read them.

I did read them. And your use of your service employees is a very different scenario than the OP. travel to the democrat party Chinese flu hotspot, New York....where they are killing senior citizens in nursing homes by forcing those homes to take in victims of the Chinese Flu.....and now, the man responsible for those deaths is going to tax the volunteers who traveled to New York to save lives....

If you’re a healthcare worker who went to New York to volunteer to help fight the coronavirus outbreak there, Gov. Andrew Cuomo says you owe New York state income taxes.

Even if you were not working for any pay in New York, but you were still being paid in your home state. Pay that enabled you to volunteer and put your own health in danger to help New York.

That’s classic taxation without representation. Americans have a history of not liking this.

This man is…what’s the nice way to put this?

There isn’t a nice way to put this. Andrew Cuomo is an idiot. He’s just made sure no one will volunteer to help New York for the foreseeable future.

He’s also betrayed his bedrock opinion of your money, which is in his mind, not your money. It’s his and he feels no compunction about confiscating it. Even if you don’t live in New York.

you have obviously never owned a buisness have you? LOL ya guess what dumbass you have to pay city taxes in every city you do work in. Does not matter where you are. It is a real fucking pain in the ass. Many times I had more money in figuring out who I owed city taxes to than what I paid. Glad I no longer do what I use to do. Now I take off out of Port Cliniton and only pay port clinton. Shit load easier than doing work all over the state.
Dude these people came to NY to save it..........................

Cuomo is a heartless crumb
its the fucking law. I did not right it. You have a buisness you will pay local taxes for doing work in thier city. Works the same way in every city. Do I like it no. Did I have to do it,yes. Aint cuomo coming for you if you do not pay. It will be the city attornie and the treasurer. Cuomo could not stop it if he wanted to. Sorry children ya break the law you get in trouble.
In my years working in the utility construction industry, I worked in a lot of states. I always paid state taxes to the state I earned the money in.

I always filed taxes in my home state and in the one I worked. My home state let me deduct the taxes paid in the other state. This is part of why I paid an accountant to do my taxes.

These people are volunteers who left their homes and families to help in the middle of the Chinese Flu....a very different set of circumstances....don't you think?

Indeed it is. And, as I said, I think he should give tax breaks for them. I was referring to the person who said they were taxed on volunteer work.
In my years working in the utility construction industry, I worked in a lot of states. I always paid state taxes to the state I earned the money in.

I always filed taxes in my home state and in the one I worked. My home state let me deduct the taxes paid in the other state. This is part of why I paid an accountant to do my taxes.
bullshit. My company does business in every state in the country, our field service team does not pay taxes on money earned while in that state. come on man, why do you continue these leftists asses? I don't get it. what is in it for you exactly?

Not sure where you worked, or for how long. But if you work in a state you pay taxes in that state.

from: Living in One State, Working in Another | The Official Blog of TaxSlayer
"If you earn income in one state while living in another, you will need to file a tax return in your resident state reporting all income you earn, no matter the location. However, you might also be required to file a state tax return in your state of employment. "

from: Multiple States—Figuring What's Owed When You Live and Work in More Than One State - TurboTax Tax Tips & Videos
"Regardless of whether you're a part-year resident or a nonresident in the state where you are working, you will probably need to complete an apportionment schedule. This form can usually be found in the state's part-year or nonresident income tax return. You use the schedule to "apportion" how much of your income is taxable in each state."

from: Do You Pay State Income Taxes Based on Where You Lived or Where Your Income Was Earned?
"When you work in one state and live in another, income taxes can become confusing. Although you must typically pay income tax to your state of residence even if you earn your income outside the state, you may also owe income tax to the state in which you are employed."

Glad I could educate you on state taxes. No need for an apology. I am sure your harsh words came from a place of ignorance.
Service companies do service work in most every state using staff that flies into or drives into those states to perform work. Sorry, you're wrong. Again, i've been in the business 43 years and son, not one of our hundreds of employees has ever done that over those years.

And, none of those links say what you think they say. you should actually read them.

The laws are probably on the books, but they are only really enforced for large earners, either via volume or high individual incomes. The issue also becomes muddled in areas were a large municipality has suburbs in multiple States, like NY or D.C.
In my years working in the utility construction industry, I worked in a lot of states. I always paid state taxes to the state I earned the money in.

I always filed taxes in my home state and in the one I worked. My home state let me deduct the taxes paid in the other state. This is part of why I paid an accountant to do my taxes.
bullshit. My company does business in every state in the country, our field service team does not pay taxes on money earned while in that state. come on man, why do you continue these leftists asses? I don't get it. what is in it for you exactly?

Not sure where you worked, or for how long. But if you work in a state you pay taxes in that state.

from: Living in One State, Working in Another | The Official Blog of TaxSlayer
"If you earn income in one state while living in another, you will need to file a tax return in your resident state reporting all income you earn, no matter the location. However, you might also be required to file a state tax return in your state of employment. "

from: Multiple States—Figuring What's Owed When You Live and Work in More Than One State - TurboTax Tax Tips & Videos
"Regardless of whether you're a part-year resident or a nonresident in the state where you are working, you will probably need to complete an apportionment schedule. This form can usually be found in the state's part-year or nonresident income tax return. You use the schedule to "apportion" how much of your income is taxable in each state."

from: Do You Pay State Income Taxes Based on Where You Lived or Where Your Income Was Earned?
"When you work in one state and live in another, income taxes can become confusing. Although you must typically pay income tax to your state of residence even if you earn your income outside the state, you may also owe income tax to the state in which you are employed."

Glad I could educate you on state taxes. No need for an apology. I am sure your harsh words came from a place of ignorance.
Service companies do service work in most every state using staff that flies into or drives into those states to perform work. Sorry, you're wrong. Again, i've been in the business 43 years and son, not one of our hundreds of employees has ever done that over those years.

And, none of those links say what you think they say. you should actually read them.

Are your employees paid by you?
If the money was earned in New York and paid by a New York company. New York taxes must be paid. Under Cuomo's rule the volunteers should all go home. travel to the democrat party Chinese flu hotspot, New York....where they are killing senior citizens in nursing homes by forcing those homes to take in victims of the Chinese Flu.....and now, the man responsible for those deaths is going to tax the volunteers who traveled to New York to save lives....

If you’re a healthcare worker who went to New York to volunteer to help fight the coronavirus outbreak there, Gov. Andrew Cuomo says you owe New York state income taxes.

Even if you were not working for any pay in New York, but you were still being paid in your home state. Pay that enabled you to volunteer and put your own health in danger to help New York.

That’s classic taxation without representation. Americans have a history of not liking this.

This man is…what’s the nice way to put this?

There isn’t a nice way to put this. Andrew Cuomo is an idiot. He’s just made sure no one will volunteer to help New York for the foreseeable future.

He’s also betrayed his bedrock opinion of your money, which is in his mind, not your money. It’s his and he feels no compunction about confiscating it. Even if you don’t live in New York.

you have obviously never owned a buisness have you? LOL ya guess what dumbass you have to pay city taxes in every city you do work in. Does not matter where you are. It is a real fucking pain in the ass. Many times I had more money in figuring out who I owed city taxes to than what I paid. Glad I no longer do what I use to do. Now I take off out of Port Cliniton and only pay port clinton. Shit load easier than doing work all over the state.

Usually cities only do that if its a substantial income, and the person travels a significant distance. For example it often doesn't happen in the tri-state area if a person works site to site between NY, NJ and CT because figuring it out would be a nightmare for most people.

They go after pro athletes, actors, and people like hedge fund managers with these laws, going after every person isn't feasible.
ey will come after you if it makes thier radar. Think what ya want here children but it is the law. I spent shit loads of money complying for years. Including the tri state area. I would assume you are talking the cincinatti area. I have paid cicinatti,west chester all those corps over the years. It is the law. Are there those that are out of compliance yes. They figure out you are out of compliance they come after you. We all know cincinnatti is almost all republican and they will have thie3r hands out just as quick as any one. travel to the democrat party Chinese flu hotspot, New York....where they are killing senior citizens in nursing homes by forcing those homes to take in victims of the Chinese Flu.....and now, the man responsible for those deaths is going to tax the volunteers who traveled to New York to save lives....

If you’re a healthcare worker who went to New York to volunteer to help fight the coronavirus outbreak there, Gov. Andrew Cuomo says you owe New York state income taxes.

Even if you were not working for any pay in New York, but you were still being paid in your home state. Pay that enabled you to volunteer and put your own health in danger to help New York.

That’s classic taxation without representation. Americans have a history of not liking this.

This man is…what’s the nice way to put this?

There isn’t a nice way to put this. Andrew Cuomo is an idiot. He’s just made sure no one will volunteer to help New York for the foreseeable future.

He’s also betrayed his bedrock opinion of your money, which is in his mind, not your money. It’s his and he feels no compunction about confiscating it. Even if you don’t live in New York.

you have obviously never owned a buisness have you? LOL ya guess what dumbass you have to pay city taxes in every city you do work in. Does not matter where you are. It is a real fucking pain in the ass. Many times I had more money in figuring out who I owed city taxes to than what I paid. Glad I no longer do what I use to do. Now I take off out of Port Cliniton and only pay port clinton. Shit load easier than doing work all over the state.
Dude these people came to NY to save it..........................

Cuomo is a heartless crumb
its the fucking law. I did not right it. You have a buisness you will pay local taxes for doing work in thier city. Works the same way in every city. Do I like it no. Did I have to do it,yes. Aint cuomo coming for you if you do not pay. It will be the city attornie and the treasurer. Cuomo could not stop it if he wanted to. Sorry children ya break the law you get in trouble.
LOL let me get this straight. Cuomo BEGS FOR HELP from his knees on national TV, then when VOLUNTEERS show up to help their fellow American Cuomo says we are taxing you.

Does Cuomo know that he can not mandate that these people stay? I got news for you, Cuomo does not need any help as no hospital is full and doctors and nurses who work in NY have been laid off because Cuomo banned 90 percent of medical procedures. So Cuomo wants the volunteers to leave so he can put new yorkers back to work.

PS. The NY Yankees pay more tax in one week than every doctor and nurse in the entire USA pay in 20 years. But Cuomo killed baseball

Yawn, I own stock on 6 continents, how bout u kiddy travel to the democrat party Chinese flu hotspot, New York....where they are killing senior citizens in nursing homes by forcing those homes to take in victims of the Chinese Flu.....and now, the man responsible for those deaths is going to tax the volunteers who traveled to New York to save lives....

If you’re a healthcare worker who went to New York to volunteer to help fight the coronavirus outbreak there, Gov. Andrew Cuomo says you owe New York state income taxes.

Even if you were not working for any pay in New York, but you were still being paid in your home state. Pay that enabled you to volunteer and put your own health in danger to help New York.

That’s classic taxation without representation. Americans have a history of not liking this.

This man is…what’s the nice way to put this?

There isn’t a nice way to put this. Andrew Cuomo is an idiot. He’s just made sure no one will volunteer to help New York for the foreseeable future.

He’s also betrayed his bedrock opinion of your money, which is in his mind, not your money. It’s his and he feels no compunction about confiscating it. Even if you don’t live in New York.

you have obviously never owned a buisness have you? LOL ya guess what dumbass you have to pay city taxes in every city you do work in. Does not matter where you are. It is a real fucking pain in the ass. Many times I had more money in figuring out who I owed city taxes to than what I paid. Glad I no longer do what I use to do. Now I take off out of Port Cliniton and only pay port clinton. Shit load easier than doing work all over the state.
Dude these people came to NY to save it..........................

Cuomo is a heartless crumb
its the fucking law. I did not right it. You have a buisness you will pay local taxes for doing work in thier city. Works the same way in every city. Do I like it no. Did I have to do it,yes. Aint cuomo coming for you if you do not pay. It will be the city attornie and the treasurer. Cuomo could not stop it if he wanted to. Sorry children ya break the law you get in trouble.
LOL let me get this straight. Cuomo BEGS FOR HELP from his knees on national TV, then when VOLUNTEERS show up to help their fellow American Cuomo says we are taxing you.

Does Cuomo know that he can not mandate that these people stay? I got news for you, Cuomo does not need any help as no hospital is full and doctors and nurses who work in NY have been laid off because Cuomo banned 90 percent of medical procedures. So Cuomo wants the volunteers to leave so he can put new yorkers back to work.

PS. The NY Yankees pay more tax in one week than every doctor and nurse in the entire USA pay in 20 years. But Cuomo killed baseball

Yawn, I own stock on 6 continents, how bout u kiddy

His new title should be "Cuomo the Incompetent." The deaths in the nursing homes caused by his policies should be enough to finish him as a political candidate for the rest of his life....but left wingers are really stupid people.....
He isn't taxing them for volunteer work. He is taxing them for money earned working in the state of NY.

I think he should give them a break on those taxes, but it is not a tax on volunteer work.
I give you partial credit for your answer.
People that flew or drove into New York in order to be of service while
NY was swamped in Covid virus deaths and put their own lives at risk should at least be
taxed at whatever rate they would have to pay in their home states. But once again Andrew Cuomo
demonstrates why he is quite possibly the scummiest and worst governor in the nation, and that's a very crowded field.

But are you claiming that the people that came to New York to aid them in a time of need were not
volunteering to be on the front lines? I'm not claiming they were working for free. No one claims that.
But they didn't have to come to New York, as far as I understand it at all. They chose to make a difference in
New York. And Cuomo thanks them by going through their wallet or purse? What a dick!
He isn't taxing them for volunteer work. He is taxing them for money earned working in the state of NY.

I think he should give them a break on those taxes, but it is not a tax on volunteer work.
I give you partial credit for your answer.
People that flew or drove into New York in order to be of service while
NY was swamped in Covid virus deaths and put their own lives at risk should at least be
taxed at whatever rate they would have to pay in their home states. But once again Andrew Cuomo
demonstrates why he is quite possibly the scummiest and worst governor in the nation, and that's a very crowded field.

But are you claiming that the people that came to New York to aid them in a time of need were not
volunteering to be on the front lines? I'm not claiming they were working for free. No one claims that.
But they didn't have to come to New York, as far as I understand it at all. They chose to make a difference in
New York. And Cuomo thanks them by going through their wallet or purse? What a dick!

And keep in mind what he is actually saying...

What happens if they refuse to pay those taxes? They will be arrested by men with guns and put in prison for tax evasion......that is the end result people don't really see..........

You volunteer to help.....and you get a threat of violence and prison in return. travel to the democrat party Chinese flu hotspot, New York....where they are killing senior citizens in nursing homes by forcing those homes to take in victims of the Chinese Flu.....and now, the man responsible for those deaths is going to tax the volunteers who traveled to New York to save lives....

If you’re a healthcare worker who went to New York to volunteer to help fight the coronavirus outbreak there, Gov. Andrew Cuomo says you owe New York state income taxes.

Even if you were not working for any pay in New York, but you were still being paid in your home state. Pay that enabled you to volunteer and put your own health in danger to help New York.

That’s classic taxation without representation. Americans have a history of not liking this.

This man is…what’s the nice way to put this?

There isn’t a nice way to put this. Andrew Cuomo is an idiot. He’s just made sure no one will volunteer to help New York for the foreseeable future.

He’s also betrayed his bedrock opinion of your money, which is in his mind, not your money. It’s his and he feels no compunction about confiscating it. Even if you don’t live in New York.

you have obviously never owned a buisness have you? LOL ya guess what dumbass you have to pay city taxes in every city you do work in. Does not matter where you are. It is a real fucking pain in the ass. Many times I had more money in figuring out who I owed city taxes to than what I paid. Glad I no longer do what I use to do. Now I take off out of Port Cliniton and only pay port clinton. Shit load easier than doing work all over the state.

Usually cities only do that if its a substantial income, and the person travels a significant distance. For example it often doesn't happen in the tri-state area if a person works site to site between NY, NJ and CT because figuring it out would be a nightmare for most people.

They go after pro athletes, actors, and people like hedge fund managers with these laws, going after every person isn't feasible.
ey will come after you if it makes thier radar. Think what ya want here children but it is the law. I spent shit loads of money complying for years. Including the tri state area. I would assume you are talking the cincinatti area. I have paid cicinatti,west chester all those corps over the years. It is the law. Are there those that are out of compliance yes. They figure out you are out of compliance they come after you. We all know cincinnatti is almost all republican and they will have thie3r hands out just as quick as any one.

It also depends on your reporting office. Even if I have a site in NJ i visit, my home office is in NY. I report to my home office, and that's where my paycheck comes out of.

I'm talking about NYC tri-state, and none of those States wants to deal with commuters trying to split their income between 3 States. travel to the democrat party Chinese flu hotspot, New York....where they are killing senior citizens in nursing homes by forcing those homes to take in victims of the Chinese Flu.....and now, the man responsible for those deaths is going to tax the volunteers who traveled to New York to save lives....

If you’re a healthcare worker who went to New York to volunteer to help fight the coronavirus outbreak there, Gov. Andrew Cuomo says you owe New York state income taxes.

Even if you were not working for any pay in New York, but you were still being paid in your home state. Pay that enabled you to volunteer and put your own health in danger to help New York.

That’s classic taxation without representation. Americans have a history of not liking this.

This man is…what’s the nice way to put this?

There isn’t a nice way to put this. Andrew Cuomo is an idiot. He’s just made sure no one will volunteer to help New York for the foreseeable future.

He’s also betrayed his bedrock opinion of your money, which is in his mind, not your money. It’s his and he feels no compunction about confiscating it. Even if you don’t live in New York.

you have obviously never owned a buisness have you? LOL ya guess what dumbass you have to pay city taxes in every city you do work in. Does not matter where you are. It is a real fucking pain in the ass. Many times I had more money in figuring out who I owed city taxes to than what I paid. Glad I no longer do what I use to do. Now I take off out of Port Cliniton and only pay port clinton. Shit load easier than doing work all over the state.
Dude these people came to NY to save it..........................

Cuomo is a heartless crumb
its the fucking law. I did not right it. You have a buisness you will pay local taxes for doing work in thier city. Works the same way in every city. Do I like it no. Did I have to do it,yes. Aint cuomo coming for you if you do not pay. It will be the city attornie and the treasurer. Cuomo could not stop it if he wanted to. Sorry children ya break the law you get in trouble.
LOL let me get this straight. Cuomo BEGS FOR HELP from his knees on national TV, then when VOLUNTEERS show up to help their fellow American Cuomo says we are taxing you.

Does Cuomo know that he can not mandate that these people stay? I got news for you, Cuomo does not need any help as no hospital is full and doctors and nurses who work in NY have been laid off because Cuomo banned 90 percent of medical procedures. So Cuomo wants the volunteers to leave so he can put new yorkers back to work.

PS. The NY Yankees pay more tax in one week than every doctor and nurse in the entire USA pay in 20 years. But Cuomo killed baseball

Yawn, I own stock on 6 continents, how bout u kiddy

His new title should be "Cuomo the Incompetent." The deaths in the nursing homes caused by his policies should be enough to finish him as a political candidate for the rest of his life....but left wingers are really stupid people.....
LOL Cuomo can run for president right after science ends old age
In my years working in the utility construction industry, I worked in a lot of states. I always paid state taxes to the state I earned the money in.

I always filed taxes in my home state and in the one I worked. My home state let me deduct the taxes paid in the other state. This is part of why I paid an accountant to do my taxes.
bullshit. My company does business in every state in the country, our field service team does not pay taxes on money earned while in that state. come on man, why do you continue these leftists asses? I don't get it. what is in it for you exactly?

Not sure where you worked, or for how long. But if you work in a state you pay taxes in that state.

from: Living in One State, Working in Another | The Official Blog of TaxSlayer
"If you earn income in one state while living in another, you will need to file a tax return in your resident state reporting all income you earn, no matter the location. However, you might also be required to file a state tax return in your state of employment. "

from: Multiple States—Figuring What's Owed When You Live and Work in More Than One State - TurboTax Tax Tips & Videos
"Regardless of whether you're a part-year resident or a nonresident in the state where you are working, you will probably need to complete an apportionment schedule. This form can usually be found in the state's part-year or nonresident income tax return. You use the schedule to "apportion" how much of your income is taxable in each state."

from: Do You Pay State Income Taxes Based on Where You Lived or Where Your Income Was Earned?
"When you work in one state and live in another, income taxes can become confusing. Although you must typically pay income tax to your state of residence even if you earn your income outside the state, you may also owe income tax to the state in which you are employed."

Glad I could educate you on state taxes. No need for an apology. I am sure your harsh words came from a place of ignorance.
Service companies do service work in most every state using staff that flies into or drives into those states to perform work. Sorry, you're wrong. Again, i've been in the business 43 years and son, not one of our hundreds of employees has ever done that over those years.

And, none of those links say what you think they say. you should actually read them.

The laws are probably on the books, but they are only really enforced for large earners, either via volume or high individual incomes. The issue also becomes muddled in areas were a large municipality has suburbs in multiple States, like NY or D.C.
usually it is when one is there over six months. travel to the democrat party Chinese flu hotspot, New York....where they are killing senior citizens in nursing homes by forcing those homes to take in victims of the Chinese Flu.....and now, the man responsible for those deaths is going to tax the volunteers who traveled to New York to save lives....

If you’re a healthcare worker who went to New York to volunteer to help fight the coronavirus outbreak there, Gov. Andrew Cuomo says you owe New York state income taxes.

Even if you were not working for any pay in New York, but you were still being paid in your home state. Pay that enabled you to volunteer and put your own health in danger to help New York.

That’s classic taxation without representation. Americans have a history of not liking this.

This man is…what’s the nice way to put this?

There isn’t a nice way to put this. Andrew Cuomo is an idiot. He’s just made sure no one will volunteer to help New York for the foreseeable future.

He’s also betrayed his bedrock opinion of your money, which is in his mind, not your money. It’s his and he feels no compunction about confiscating it. Even if you don’t live in New York.

you have obviously never owned a buisness have you? LOL ya guess what dumbass you have to pay city taxes in every city you do work in. Does not matter where you are. It is a real fucking pain in the ass. Many times I had more money in figuring out who I owed city taxes to than what I paid. Glad I no longer do what I use to do. Now I take off out of Port Cliniton and only pay port clinton. Shit load easier than doing work all over the state.

Usually cities only do that if its a substantial income, and the person travels a significant distance. For example it often doesn't happen in the tri-state area if a person works site to site between NY, NJ and CT because figuring it out would be a nightmare for most people.

They go after pro athletes, actors, and people like hedge fund managers with these laws, going after every person isn't feasible.
ey will come after you if it makes thier radar. Think what ya want here children but it is the law. I spent shit loads of money complying for years. Including the tri state area. I would assume you are talking the cincinatti area. I have paid cicinatti,west chester all those corps over the years. It is the law. Are there those that are out of compliance yes. They figure out you are out of compliance they come after you. We all know cincinnatti is almost all republican and they will have thie3r hands out just as quick as any one.

It also depends on your reporting office. Even if I have a site in NJ i visit, my home office is in NY. I report to my home office, and that's where my paycheck comes out of.

I'm talking about NYC tri-state, and none of those States wants to deal with commuters trying to split their income between 3 States.
EXACTLY, these fks don't know shit from shitola. Again, that would imply that every airline pilot, Flight attendant must pay taxes in every city they land at. I'm cracking up at these pukes stupid. travel to the democrat party Chinese flu hotspot, New York....where they are killing senior citizens in nursing homes by forcing those homes to take in victims of the Chinese Flu.....and now, the man responsible for those deaths is going to tax the volunteers who traveled to New York to save lives....

If you’re a healthcare worker who went to New York to volunteer to help fight the coronavirus outbreak there, Gov. Andrew Cuomo says you owe New York state income taxes.

Even if you were not working for any pay in New York, but you were still being paid in your home state. Pay that enabled you to volunteer and put your own health in danger to help New York.

That’s classic taxation without representation. Americans have a history of not liking this.

This man is…what’s the nice way to put this?

There isn’t a nice way to put this. Andrew Cuomo is an idiot. He’s just made sure no one will volunteer to help New York for the foreseeable future.

He’s also betrayed his bedrock opinion of your money, which is in his mind, not your money. It’s his and he feels no compunction about confiscating it. Even if you don’t live in New York.

you have obviously never owned a buisness have you? LOL ya guess what dumbass you have to pay city taxes in every city you do work in. Does not matter where you are. It is a real fucking pain in the ass. Many times I had more money in figuring out who I owed city taxes to than what I paid. Glad I no longer do what I use to do. Now I take off out of Port Cliniton and only pay port clinton. Shit load easier than doing work all over the state.
Dude these people came to NY to save it..........................

Cuomo is a heartless crumb
its the fucking law. I did not right it. You have a buisness you will pay local taxes for doing work in thier city. Works the same way in every city. Do I like it no. Did I have to do it,yes. Aint cuomo coming for you if you do not pay. It will be the city attornie and the treasurer. Cuomo could not stop it if he wanted to. Sorry children ya break the law you get in trouble.
LOL let me get this straight. Cuomo BEGS FOR HELP from his knees on national TV, then when VOLUNTEERS show up to help their fellow American Cuomo says we are taxing you.

Does Cuomo know that he can not mandate that these people stay? I got news for you, Cuomo does not need any help as no hospital is full and doctors and nurses who work in NY have been laid off because Cuomo banned 90 percent of medical procedures. So Cuomo wants the volunteers to leave so he can put new yorkers back to work.

PS. The NY Yankees pay more tax in one week than every doctor and nurse in the entire USA pay in 20 years. But Cuomo killed baseball

Yawn, I own stock on 6 continents, how bout u kiddy
if they are volunteers nd are not getting paid no taxes. What about this is hard to understand? you do work in a city you owe the city taxes. Does not matter the city. Christ talk to the people who sign your pay checks. I have better shit to do than describe this process to idiots. I changed my buisnness so I did not have to worry about it any more and yall are giving me flash backs of doing my taxes when I had to deal with this shit. It is a nightmare and a pain in the ass and I hated it. Yes it needs to be better but those are the rules currently. Like I said cincinatti which is a republican town had their hands out just like the rest of them.
In my years working in the utility construction industry, I worked in a lot of states. I always paid state taxes to the state I earned the money in.

I always filed taxes in my home state and in the one I worked. My home state let me deduct the taxes paid in the other state. This is part of why I paid an accountant to do my taxes.
bullshit. My company does business in every state in the country, our field service team does not pay taxes on money earned while in that state. come on man, why do you continue these leftists asses? I don't get it. what is in it for you exactly?

Not sure where you worked, or for how long. But if you work in a state you pay taxes in that state.

from: Living in One State, Working in Another | The Official Blog of TaxSlayer
"If you earn income in one state while living in another, you will need to file a tax return in your resident state reporting all income you earn, no matter the location. However, you might also be required to file a state tax return in your state of employment. "

from: Multiple States—Figuring What's Owed When You Live and Work in More Than One State - TurboTax Tax Tips & Videos
"Regardless of whether you're a part-year resident or a nonresident in the state where you are working, you will probably need to complete an apportionment schedule. This form can usually be found in the state's part-year or nonresident income tax return. You use the schedule to "apportion" how much of your income is taxable in each state."

from: Do You Pay State Income Taxes Based on Where You Lived or Where Your Income Was Earned?
"When you work in one state and live in another, income taxes can become confusing. Although you must typically pay income tax to your state of residence even if you earn your income outside the state, you may also owe income tax to the state in which you are employed."

Glad I could educate you on state taxes. No need for an apology. I am sure your harsh words came from a place of ignorance.
Service companies do service work in most every state using staff that flies into or drives into those states to perform work. Sorry, you're wrong. Again, i've been in the business 43 years and son, not one of our hundreds of employees has ever done that over those years.

And, none of those links say what you think they say. you should actually read them.

The laws are probably on the books, but they are only really enforced for large earners, either via volume or high individual incomes. The issue also becomes muddled in areas were a large municipality has suburbs in multiple States, like NY or D.C.
usually it is when one is there over six months.

When it comes to commuters or local work done by a company say based in Manhattan that has work at a site in NJ they typically don't concern themselves because trying to sort it all out would be a net loss for everyone. travel to the democrat party Chinese flu hotspot, New York....where they are killing senior citizens in nursing homes by forcing those homes to take in victims of the Chinese Flu.....and now, the man responsible for those deaths is going to tax the volunteers who traveled to New York to save lives....

If you’re a healthcare worker who went to New York to volunteer to help fight the coronavirus outbreak there, Gov. Andrew Cuomo says you owe New York state income taxes.

Even if you were not working for any pay in New York, but you were still being paid in your home state. Pay that enabled you to volunteer and put your own health in danger to help New York.

That’s classic taxation without representation. Americans have a history of not liking this.

This man is…what’s the nice way to put this?

There isn’t a nice way to put this. Andrew Cuomo is an idiot. He’s just made sure no one will volunteer to help New York for the foreseeable future.

He’s also betrayed his bedrock opinion of your money, which is in his mind, not your money. It’s his and he feels no compunction about confiscating it. Even if you don’t live in New York.

you have obviously never owned a buisness have you? LOL ya guess what dumbass you have to pay city taxes in every city you do work in. Does not matter where you are. It is a real fucking pain in the ass. Many times I had more money in figuring out who I owed city taxes to than what I paid. Glad I no longer do what I use to do. Now I take off out of Port Cliniton and only pay port clinton. Shit load easier than doing work all over the state.

Usually cities only do that if its a substantial income, and the person travels a significant distance. For example it often doesn't happen in the tri-state area if a person works site to site between NY, NJ and CT because figuring it out would be a nightmare for most people.

They go after pro athletes, actors, and people like hedge fund managers with these laws, going after every person isn't feasible.
ey will come after you if it makes thier radar. Think what ya want here children but it is the law. I spent shit loads of money complying for years. Including the tri state area. I would assume you are talking the cincinatti area. I have paid cicinatti,west chester all those corps over the years. It is the law. Are there those that are out of compliance yes. They figure out you are out of compliance they come after you. We all know cincinnatti is almost all republican and they will have thie3r hands out just as quick as any one.

It also depends on your reporting office. Even if I have a site in NJ i visit, my home office is in NY. I report to my home office, and that's where my paycheck comes out of.

I'm talking about NYC tri-state, and none of those States wants to deal with commuters trying to split their income between 3 States.
EXACTLY, these fks don't know shit from shitola. Again, that would imply that every airline pilot must pay taxes in every city they land at. I'm cracking up at these pukes stupid.

The way airlines get around it is they are federally regulated, similar to railroads and truckers. travel to the democrat party Chinese flu hotspot, New York....where they are killing senior citizens in nursing homes by forcing those homes to take in victims of the Chinese Flu.....and now, the man responsible for those deaths is going to tax the volunteers who traveled to New York to save lives....

If you’re a healthcare worker who went to New York to volunteer to help fight the coronavirus outbreak there, Gov. Andrew Cuomo says you owe New York state income taxes.

Even if you were not working for any pay in New York, but you were still being paid in your home state. Pay that enabled you to volunteer and put your own health in danger to help New York.

That’s classic taxation without representation. Americans have a history of not liking this.

This man is…what’s the nice way to put this?

There isn’t a nice way to put this. Andrew Cuomo is an idiot. He’s just made sure no one will volunteer to help New York for the foreseeable future.

He’s also betrayed his bedrock opinion of your money, which is in his mind, not your money. It’s his and he feels no compunction about confiscating it. Even if you don’t live in New York.

you have obviously never owned a buisness have you? LOL ya guess what dumbass you have to pay city taxes in every city you do work in. Does not matter where you are. It is a real fucking pain in the ass. Many times I had more money in figuring out who I owed city taxes to than what I paid. Glad I no longer do what I use to do. Now I take off out of Port Cliniton and only pay port clinton. Shit load easier than doing work all over the state.
Dude these people came to NY to save it..........................

Cuomo is a heartless crumb
its the fucking law. I did not right it. You have a buisness you will pay local taxes for doing work in thier city. Works the same way in every city. Do I like it no. Did I have to do it,yes. Aint cuomo coming for you if you do not pay. It will be the city attornie and the treasurer. Cuomo could not stop it if he wanted to. Sorry children ya break the law you get in trouble.
LOL let me get this straight. Cuomo BEGS FOR HELP from his knees on national TV, then when VOLUNTEERS show up to help their fellow American Cuomo says we are taxing you.

Does Cuomo know that he can not mandate that these people stay? I got news for you, Cuomo does not need any help as no hospital is full and doctors and nurses who work in NY have been laid off because Cuomo banned 90 percent of medical procedures. So Cuomo wants the volunteers to leave so he can put new yorkers back to work.

PS. The NY Yankees pay more tax in one week than every doctor and nurse in the entire USA pay in 20 years. But Cuomo killed baseball

Yawn, I own stock on 6 continents, how bout u kiddy
if they are volunteers nd are not getting paid no taxes. What about this is hard to understand? you do work in a city you owe the city taxes. Does not matter the city. Christ talk to the people who sign your pay checks. I have better shit to do than describe this process to idiots. I changed my buisnness so I did not have to worry about it any more and yall are giving me flash backs of doing my taxes when I had to deal with this shit. It is a nightmare and a pain in the ass and I hated it. Yes it needs to be better but those are the rules currently. Like I said cincinatti which is a republican town had their hands out just like the rest of them.
Doctors and nurses who volunteered to come to NY and help the retarded in NY are most certainly getting paid. Or are you so moronic that you believe that ER's and ICU units are being staffed by unemployed Chick Filet workers.

Jesus you need a mental health exam

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