Cuomo subjects out of state volunteers to confiscatory tax

NEW YORK — Health care workers that came to New York to help fight the coronavirus pandemic at its epicenter will have to pay state taxes, according to the governor.

He addressed the issues Tuesday at a news conference.

"We're not in a position to provide any subsidies right now because we have a $13 billion deficit," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. "So there's a lot of good things I'd like to do, and if we get federal funding, we can do, but it would be irresponsible for me to sit here looking at a $13 billion deficit and say I'm gonna spend more money, when I can't even pay the essential services."

Piss on you Proglodytes, next time you can just die.
There you go health care workers, here is your slap in the face from Cuomo for stepping up and putting your life at risk to help New York.
No different than what California does; all these blue states are corrupt and run by scum. Don't hold your breath waiting for the noble citizenry of NYC to speak out and condemn the asshole, either; they're entitled to free labor from other states, after all, just for being New Yorkers.
He knows that his city has been run into the ground. He needs every nickel he can squeeze out of everyone.
NEW YORK — Health care workers that came to New York to help fight the coronavirus pandemic at its epicenter will have to pay state taxes, according to the governor.

He addressed the issues Tuesday at a news conference.

"We're not in a position to provide any subsidies right now because we have a $13 billion deficit," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. "So there's a lot of good things I'd like to do, and if we get federal funding, we can do, but it would be irresponsible for me to sit here looking at a $13 billion deficit and say I'm gonna spend more money, when I can't even pay the essential services."

Piss on you Proglodytes, next time you can just die.
You expected anything less from a guy in charge of a state that is second only to California in its spending problem?

NEW YORK — Health care workers that came to New York to help fight the coronavirus pandemic at its epicenter will have to pay state taxes, according to the governor.

He addressed the issues Tuesday at a news conference.

"We're not in a position to provide any subsidies right now because we have a $13 billion deficit," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. "So there's a lot of good things I'd like to do, and if we get federal funding, we can do, but it would be irresponsible for me to sit here looking at a $13 billion deficit and say I'm gonna spend more money, when I can't even pay the essential services."

Piss on you Proglodytes, next time you can just die.
Not to Worry, as This Is a Repeat Thread It must be shift change for the right wing crowd
Just as a bill is moving through the US House and Senate for tax relief for healthcare workers responding to the pandemic nationally, New York has legislation going through for tax relieve. Apparently the Governor can slice through with executive order, licensing requirement for temp work in the state, more easily than New York Tax Code. Go Figure.
But it is being handled. The bullshit part of the thread is neither articles linked in either addition of this thread had the governor saying anything about taxing the healtcare workers. But for the whiney worried that weren't on earlier. There others on the web about the legislation, but here is the same one I posted this morning, from a local news station in Buffalo the State of New York.

Bill would exempt health care workers and first responders from paying state income tax in New York
ALBANY, N.Y. (WKBW — Newly introduced legislation would make health care workers and first responders in New York state temporarily exempt from paying state income tax.
The bill, by Senate Deputy Minority Leader Joseph Griffo of Rome, would cover doctors, nurses, EMTs, firefighters, police officers and other emergency and health care workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis.

The tax holiday would cover a four-month period. The bill is similar to legislation recently introduced in Congress calling for a federal tax holiday for these individuals.
The bill needs the approval of the state assembly and senate before it would go before Governor Andrew Cuomo for final approval.
NEW YORK — Health care workers that came to New York to help fight the coronavirus pandemic at its epicenter will have to pay state taxes, according to the governor.

He addressed the issues Tuesday at a news conference.

"We're not in a position to provide any subsidies right now because we have a $13 billion deficit," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. "So there's a lot of good things I'd like to do, and if we get federal funding, we can do, but it would be irresponsible for me to sit here looking at a $13 billion deficit and say I'm gonna spend more money, when I can't even pay the essential services."

Piss on you Proglodytes, next time you can just die.
Not to Worry, as This Is a Repeat Thread
Just as a bill is moving through the US House and Senate for tax relief for healthcare workers responding to the pandemic nationally, New York has legislation going through for tax relieve. Apparently the Governor can slice through with executive order, licensing requirement for temp work in the state, more easily than New York Tax Code. Go Figure.
But it is being handled. The bullshit part of the thread is neither articles linked in either addition of this thread had the governor saying anything about taxing the healtcare workers. But for the whiney worried that weren't on earlier. There others on the web about the legislation, but here is the same one I posted this morning, from a local news station in Buffalo the State of New York.

Bill would exempt health care workers and first responders from paying state income tax in New York
ALBANY, N.Y. (WKBW — Newly introduced legislation would make health care workers and first responders in New York state temporarily exempt from paying state income tax.
The bill, by Senate Deputy Minority Leader Joseph Griffo of Rome, would cover doctors, nurses, EMTs, firefighters, police officers and other emergency and health care workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis.

The tax holiday would cover a four-month period. The bill is similar to legislation recently introduced in Congress calling for a federal tax holiday for these individuals.
The bill needs the approval of the state assembly and senate before it would go before Governor Andrew Cuomo for final approval.

No doubt, Cuomo doesn't know about that.

NEW YORK — Health care workers that came to New York to help fight the coronavirus pandemic at its epicenter will have to pay state taxes, according to the governor.

He addressed the issues Tuesday at a news conference.

"We're not in a position to provide any subsidies right now because we have a $13 billion deficit," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. "So there's a lot of good things I'd like to do, and if we get federal funding, we can do, but it would be irresponsible for me to sit here looking at a $13 billion deficit and say I'm gonna spend more money, when I can't even pay the essential services."

Piss on you Proglodytes, next time you can just die.
Not to Worry, as This Is a Repeat Thread
Just as a bill is moving through the US House and Senate for tax relief for healthcare workers responding to the pandemic nationally, New York has legislation going through for tax relieve. Apparently the Governor can slice through with executive order, licensing requirement for temp work in the state, more easily than New York Tax Code. Go Figure.
But it is being handled. The bullshit part of the thread is neither articles linked in either addition of this thread had the governor saying anything about taxing the healtcare workers. But for the whiney worried that weren't on earlier. There others on the web about the legislation, but here is the same one I posted this morning, from a local news station in Buffalo the State of New York.

Bill would exempt health care workers and first responders from paying state income tax in New York
ALBANY, N.Y. (WKBW — Newly introduced legislation would make health care workers and first responders in New York state temporarily exempt from paying state income tax.
The bill, by Senate Deputy Minority Leader Joseph Griffo of Rome, would cover doctors, nurses, EMTs, firefighters, police officers and other emergency and health care workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis.

The tax holiday would cover a four-month period. The bill is similar to legislation recently introduced in Congress calling for a federal tax holiday for these individuals.
The bill needs the approval of the state assembly and senate before it would go before Governor Andrew Cuomo for final approval.

No doubt, Cuomo doesn't know about that.

You do realize that you dated yourself with this?
NEW YORK — Health care workers that came to New York to help fight the coronavirus pandemic at its epicenter will have to pay state taxes, according to the governor.

He addressed the issues Tuesday at a news conference.

"We're not in a position to provide any subsidies right now because we have a $13 billion deficit," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. "So there's a lot of good things I'd like to do, and if we get federal funding, we can do, but it would be irresponsible for me to sit here looking at a $13 billion deficit and say I'm gonna spend more money, when I can't even pay the essential services."

Piss on you Proglodytes, next time you can just die.
Not to Worry, as This Is a Repeat Thread
Just as a bill is moving through the US House and Senate for tax relief for healthcare workers responding to the pandemic nationally, New York has legislation going through for tax relieve. Apparently the Governor can slice through with executive order, licensing requirement for temp work in the state, more easily than New York Tax Code. Go Figure.
But it is being handled. The bullshit part of the thread is neither articles linked in either addition of this thread had the governor saying anything about taxing the healtcare workers. But for the whiney worried that weren't on earlier. There others on the web about the legislation, but here is the same one I posted this morning, from a local news station in Buffalo the State of New York.

Bill would exempt health care workers and first responders from paying state income tax in New York
ALBANY, N.Y. (WKBW — Newly introduced legislation would make health care workers and first responders in New York state temporarily exempt from paying state income tax.
The bill, by Senate Deputy Minority Leader Joseph Griffo of Rome, would cover doctors, nurses, EMTs, firefighters, police officers and other emergency and health care workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis.

The tax holiday would cover a four-month period. The bill is similar to legislation recently introduced in Congress calling for a federal tax holiday for these individuals.
The bill needs the approval of the state assembly and senate before it would go before Governor Andrew Cuomo for final approval.

No doubt, Cuomo doesn't know about that.

You do realize that you dated yourself with this?

What?! They don't have re-runs anymore.
NEW YORK — Health care workers that came to New York to help fight the coronavirus pandemic at its epicenter will have to pay state taxes, according to the governor.

He addressed the issues Tuesday at a news conference.

"We're not in a position to provide any subsidies right now because we have a $13 billion deficit," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. "So there's a lot of good things I'd like to do, and if we get federal funding, we can do, but it would be irresponsible for me to sit here looking at a $13 billion deficit and say I'm gonna spend more money, when I can't even pay the essential services."

Piss on you Proglodytes, next time you can just die.
Not to Worry, as This Is a Repeat Thread
Just as a bill is moving through the US House and Senate for tax relief for healthcare workers responding to the pandemic nationally, New York has legislation going through for tax relieve. Apparently the Governor can slice through with executive order, licensing requirement for temp work in the state, more easily than New York Tax Code. Go Figure.
But it is being handled. The bullshit part of the thread is neither articles linked in either addition of this thread had the governor saying anything about taxing the healtcare workers. But for the whiney worried that weren't on earlier. There others on the web about the legislation, but here is the same one I posted this morning, from a local news station in Buffalo the State of New York.

Bill would exempt health care workers and first responders from paying state income tax in New York
ALBANY, N.Y. (WKBW — Newly introduced legislation would make health care workers and first responders in New York state temporarily exempt from paying state income tax.
The bill, by Senate Deputy Minority Leader Joseph Griffo of Rome, would cover doctors, nurses, EMTs, firefighters, police officers and other emergency and health care workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis.

The tax holiday would cover a four-month period. The bill is similar to legislation recently introduced in Congress calling for a federal tax holiday for these individuals.
The bill needs the approval of the state assembly and senate before it would go before Governor Andrew Cuomo for final approval.

No doubt, Cuomo doesn't know about that.

Undoubtedly knows, just wasn't asked for the piece the thread are linked to.
Volunteers are not paid.
Therefore, there are no taxes to collect
If they were put up in motels at the expense of the state that can be called income and can be taxed.

Even if true, it's still not an income, but an expense.

It's an expense for the state but can be considered income to the out of state volunteers.

If I give a person free rent in exchange for services that is considered income for the person who is getting the free rent.

Simply not true.

If you give person free rent, that person did not receive monetary compensation, therefore is not taxable. If your "rent free" is in exchange for other services from tenant, like cleaning, maintenance, computer coding, or in your case sex, and if you did not issue 1099, it's also not taxable. Also, gifts are not taxable for those who receive them, but are taxable for those who provide them if they are over $15k in value, annually.
it is barter

"Normally we associate taxes with employment and income, but simply because no cash is changing hands does not mean there will be no tax consequences,"

That's what I said. If rent is in exchange for something else, than is a barter, therefore taxable. Free rent is not taxable, not for the tenant.
Which is what I said earlier

"In exchange for services"

Now let's go back to original question. Is volunteer's stay at hotel an income and therefore taxable?

I say not, they were not provided with stay in exchange for services. They were provided with stay so they can do services they're volunteering for. They're not paid for the services by New York state, their services are free of charge to New York state, and paid for by their original employers.

If New York charge them for the money they made from their home hospitals while working in New York state, then they should be expecting bills for services from where those volunteers came from.
I would say yes because they are performing services for the state of NY. If the state provided free rooms then that is compensation for services rendered

And I don't think the IRS would split that hair as thinly as you would.

But the real test would be if someone claimed the cost of those "free" rooms as an expense on their taxes or if the State called it an expense on their books

And are you saying that these people were being paid by their place of employment in their home states while they were working in NY?

I hadn't seen anything that indicated that

Incorrect. Room is not compensation for their services. Their services are paid by their employer, and the room cost is an expense for the state of New York in order to receive free (volunteered) services from another state.

I spent a lot of time in New York State and elsewhere on business. My company pays my salary, and my travel, logging, and food expenses that are paid as per diem expense (amount is different from one city/state to another) regulated by U.S. General Services Administration. When I pay for hotel, or rent-a-car, I pay taxes that are going to the city and state, other than that, they get nothing else from me. Although I did temporary work in New York, I don't owe them a penny, since I did not earned my salary there, I earned it in Michigan where I live and pay my taxes.
And are you saying that these people were being paid by their place of employment in their home states while they were working in NY?

I hadn't seen anything that indicated that

You would if you read the OP article.

"Even though the state government asked thousands of people to come to New York from out of state to help fight coronavirus, they will have to pay New York state taxes, even on income they might make from their home states that they're paid while in New York. "
Hell of a way to honor those who came from around the fruited plain to pull your state's chestnuts out of the fireplace. The State of New York had determined they will punish those who came to their Shit Hole to help them out, by making them submit to Financial Ass Rapery.

And are you saying that these people were being paid by their place of employment in their home states while they were working in NY?

I hadn't seen anything that indicated that

You would if you read the OP article.

"Even though the state government asked thousands of people to come to New York from out of state to help fight coronavirus, they will have to pay New York state taxes, even on income they might make from their home states that they're paid while in New York. "

California runs the same racket; move out of the state in January or February, and they will force you to pay taxes on your entire year of earnings as if you lived there the entire year, and they will not be basing your taxes on the line of your Federal income tax return after adjustment for deductions like moving expenses; they suddenly don't allow any when you move out of state. They are outright thieves, and because they have a large number of Reps in Congress they can get away with that sort of stealing with no hassles from other Reps, R's or D's.
And are you saying that these people were being paid by their place of employment in their home states while they were working in NY?

I hadn't seen anything that indicated that

You would if you read the OP article.

"Even though the state government asked thousands of people to come to New York from out of state to help fight coronavirus, they will have to pay New York state taxes, even on income they might make from their home states that they're paid while in New York. "
Income they MIGHT make.

That is hardly the same as saying they were still being paid by their home state employers
NEW YORK — Health care workers that came to New York to help fight the coronavirus pandemic at its epicenter will have to pay state taxes, according to the governor.

He addressed the issues Tuesday at a news conference.

"We're not in a position to provide any subsidies right now because we have a $13 billion deficit," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. "So there's a lot of good things I'd like to do, and if we get federal funding, we can do, but it would be irresponsible for me to sit here looking at a $13 billion deficit and say I'm gonna spend more money, when I can't even pay the essential services."

Piss on you Proglodytes, next time you can just die.
Not to Worry, as This Is a Repeat Thread It must be shift change for the right wing crowd
Just as a bill is moving through the US House and Senate for tax relief for healthcare workers responding to the pandemic nationally, New York has legislation going through for tax relieve. Apparently the Governor can slice through with executive order, licensing requirement for temp work in the state, more easily than New York Tax Code. Go Figure.
But it is being handled. The bullshit part of the thread is neither articles linked in either addition of this thread had the governor saying anything about taxing the healtcare workers. But for the whiney worried that weren't on earlier. There others on the web about the legislation, but here is the same one I posted this morning, from a local news station in Buffalo the State of New York.

Bill would exempt health care workers and first responders from paying state income tax in New York
ALBANY, N.Y. (WKBW — Newly introduced legislation would make health care workers and first responders in New York state temporarily exempt from paying state income tax.
The bill, by Senate Deputy Minority Leader Joseph Griffo of Rome, would cover doctors, nurses, EMTs, firefighters, police officers and other emergency and health care workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis.

The tax holiday would cover a four-month period. The bill is similar to legislation recently introduced in Congress calling for a federal tax holiday for these individuals.
The bill needs the approval of the state assembly and senate before it would go before Governor Andrew Cuomo for final approval.

lol typical Democrat apologist, didn't even bother to read the news.
We can probably also count on NYC to kiss Cuomo ass and also make them pay the city's income tax, last I checked that was another 3% to 5% on top of the state tax. No sense in merely screwing people over just once when it can be a gang rape.
And are you saying that these people were being paid by their place of employment in their home states while they were working in NY?

I hadn't seen anything that indicated that

You would if you read the OP article.

"Even though the state government asked thousands of people to come to New York from out of state to help fight coronavirus, they will have to pay New York state taxes, even on income they might make from their home states that they're paid while in New York. "
Income they MIGHT make.

That is hardly the same as saying they were still being paid by their home state employers

Oh, really, are you gonna go full liberal on me now? Is anyone talking about taxing any other income?

The "income they might take from their home state" is the only income in question here.
And are you saying that these people were being paid by their place of employment in their home states while they were working in NY?

I hadn't seen anything that indicated that

You would if you read the OP article.

"Even though the state government asked thousands of people to come to New York from out of state to help fight coronavirus, they will have to pay New York state taxes, even on income they might make from their home states that they're paid while in New York. "

California runs the same racket; move out of the state in January or February, and they will force you to pay taxes on your entire year of earnings as if you lived there the entire year, and they will not be basing your taxes on the line of your Federal income tax return after adjustment for deductions like moving expenses; they suddenly don't allow any when you move out of state. They are outright thieves, and because they have a large number of Reps in Congress they can get away with that sort of stealing with no hassles from other Reps, R's or D's.

They probably hate you so much for leaving and therefore depriving illegals and parasites of their "hard earned" money that they wanna make sure you'll never come back.

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