Cuomo Supports Baby Murder in 9th Month

I'm not qualified to make those specific decisions. That is the job of a doctor, so if you are so concerned about it, go ask a doctor.

Now answer my question.

The bill SPECIFICALLY states that a doctors opinion is not needed. Take your lies elsewhere.

NY State Senate Bill S2796
Wrong, shit for brains. The legislation is Reproductive Health Act 38 - 24 and not just anyone can perform the procedure.

The person must either be a doctor, a midwife, or physician's assistant.

Now answer my question. Would you prefer that the woman dies?

Not going to work with me. I didnt say "anyone". You brought up doctors...

I'm not qualified to make those specific decisions. That is the job of a doctor, so if you are so concerned about it, go ask a doctor.

How can it be the job of a doctor when only a midwife is required? You got yourself into babble your way out. Give me one example..just one..of any condition known to medicine or science which requires an abortion rather than a birth of a nine month fetus in order to preserve the mothers life.

This is what tells me you have no soul. That you are willing to spit and fight just to avoid the truth. That you search for a forensic technique to shut down discussion rather than admitting the truth. This is what the modern political serf is taught to do. Or maybe its this technique which warps brains and produces political serf. dont know. But its repulsive.
Give an example of such a risky condition wherein birthing the baby is less risky than killing it.

What scenarios you right freaks dream up. Like some ho is going to demand and get. 9 month abortion cause she got mad at her boyfriend ?

Here’s a real life example for you . The woman’s baby was growing with its insides on its outsides .

You sanctimonious righties would have you carry the kid to term , go through a very dangerous birth , so the kid can die minutes after being born ? Cause this is the reality of later term abortion.

You didnt answer it nor did you even score the points you thought you did. You deftly answered a question not asked. I wonder why?

Nor did I come up with a "scenario". Are you short your Ritalin? In response to the stated claim that this is intended to protect women's health I asked a very simple question. Still unanswered. You get one more shot...from across the border where you dont matter anyway.

What medical conditions, in a pregnancy at term, require an abortion rather than a live birth to protect the life of the mother?
The same Socialist who were NOT worried about Obama sepating illegal kids and parents and keeping the kids in holding cells but who were / are freaking out about Trump doing so....who worried about the health of illegals making long journeys to our southern border but not enough to call what's going on there a 'crisis' are the same Democrats who just cheered and celebrated the victory of being able to murder a viable baby now all the way to the 9th month / delivery day as long as the baby's head remains in the mother when they kill it so they can still call it 'an abortion'....


Wikileaks exposed not only the contempt Democrats feel for Christians LINK, but their aggravation that the front organizations they created to overthrow Catholicism werent working. They even say "we created" when listing the front groups and speak of efforts to "plant the seeds of revolution" (direct quote) in the church. "We need a Catholic Spring..."

But here is my point...when the Democrats complain that they have been unable to overthrow the Catholic Church they specifically mention that they have been unsuccessful at compromising Catholic bishops. If you have ever read Ignatius, Ireneus or Justin Martyr you will know they preached that no matter how corrupt things get the bishops would be a firewall against heresy and infiltration.

Looks like the Democrats found that out as did every previous other Satanic attacker for 2000 years. Read the entire email here
Re: opening for a Catholic Spring? just musing . . . - WikiLeaks
Give an example of such a risky condition wherein birthing the baby is less risky than killing it.

What scenarios you right freaks dream up. Like some ho is going to demand and get. 9 month abortion cause she got mad at her boyfriend ?

Here’s a real life example for you . The woman’s baby was growing with its insides on its outsides .

You sanctimonious righties would have you carry the kid to term , go through a very dangerous birth , so the kid can die minutes after being born ? Cause this is the reality of later term abortion.

You didnt answer it nor did you even score the points you thought you did. You deftly answered a question not asked. I wonder why?

Nor did I come up with a "scenario". Are you short your Ritalin? In response to the stated claim that this is intended to protect women's health I asked a very simple question. Still unanswered. You get one more shot...from across the border where you dont matter anyway.

What medical conditions, in a pregnancy at term, require an abortion rather than a live birth to protect the life of the mother?

All sorts of crap can happen during pregnancy and child birth . Nature’s a real bitch . There can be a point where it’s one life or the other .
If the mother’s life is at stake . Forget the that major piece of the story?

Didn't forget that part --- YOU did.. It's not a matter of saving the mother. It includes allowances for "emotional distress" or mental health.. Big loopholes.

Not to mention --- NO DOCTOR NEEDED.. Just a Nurse Practitioner... How cool is that? Certainly will raise the "standard of care" for women ---- right Doc????

Not all women use doctors at child birth .

Really, what do you think happens ? Docs would just do this on some whim . Mom carries to term and suddenly just wants to end things ?
Its the Cuomo-Gosnell ticket in 2020, doing Gods work...
Cuomo would have a lot of fun in a debate thanking Trump for donating so much money to him and helping him get elected Governor.
All sorts of crap can happen during pregnancy and child birth . Nature’s a real bitch . There can be a point where it’s one life or the other .
So that's your justification for murdering a full-term baby?
Cuomo Supports Baby Murder in 9th Month
So does Trump.

So that’s why he speaks out against abortion now?

Just the false dichotomy of the left. "We hate Trump he is anti-choice..but you people should accept that Trump is pro-abortion". Its a mind game to demoralize you.

The degree of cognitive dissonance required to be a liberal is astounding.

Trump is a liberal pretending to be a conservative. And he has shown over and over again he is saying the things a liberal thinks conservatives believe. That's why he kept blowing his "pro-life" answers when he began his journey to scam you retards. Trump never had a pro-life thought in his head.

After Trump registered as a Republican and announced he was running for President, you could see the chameleon huckster change his colors in real time in his natural habitat, television:

TAPPER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

TRUMP: Right. I'm Pro-Choice.

TAPPER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

TRUMP: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

As those of you who have been on this forum a while know, I am pro-life, and always have been. Let me ask all of you pro-lifers out there something. Have you EVER in your life accidentally identified yourself as pro-choice?

Me, neither.

And was it a Freudian slip when he apologized for being pro-life? “I’m pro-life. I’m sorry.”

Having been “very pro-choice” all his life, it was not surprising this huckster a few months later completely fumbled a fundamental question about the abortion issue. When asked if women should be punished for getting an abortion, Trump gave five different answers in three days!

Face it. On the abortion issue, Donald Trump is a far left liberal faking he is pro-life…and you know it.


I'm very pro-choice. Right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. I have New York values.


Those bitches who abort should go to prison.

Is handed a note:

Things are unclear.

Is handed another note:

D. The woman is a victim. Final answer.

After Trump registered as a Republican and announced he was running for President, you could see the chameleon huckster change his colors in real time in his natural habitat, television:
ROFLMFAO.. Like Hillary changed her position on same sex marriage?

I wish you f*cks would all drop dead!
Cuomo Supports Baby Murder in 9th Month
So does Trump.

So that’s why he speaks out against abortion now?

Just the false dichotomy of the left. "We hate Trump he is anti-choice..but you people should accept that Trump is pro-abortion". Its a mind game to demoralize you.

The degree of cognitive dissonance required to be a liberal is astounding.

Trump is a liberal pretending to be a conservative. And he has shown over and over again he is saying the things a liberal thinks conservatives believe. That's why he kept blowing his "pro-life" answers when he began his journey to scam you retards. Trump never had a pro-life thought in his head.

After Trump registered as a Republican and announced he was running for President, you could see the chameleon huckster change his colors in real time in his natural habitat, television:

TAPPER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

TRUMP: Right. I'm Pro-Choice.

TAPPER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

TRUMP: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

As those of you who have been on this forum a while know, I am pro-life, and always have been. Let me ask all of you pro-lifers out there something. Have you EVER in your life accidentally identified yourself as pro-choice?

Me, neither.

And was it a Freudian slip when he apologized for being pro-life? “I’m pro-life. I’m sorry.”

Having been “very pro-choice” all his life, it was not surprising this huckster a few months later completely fumbled a fundamental question about the abortion issue. When asked if women should be punished for getting an abortion, Trump gave five different answers in three days!

Face it. On the abortion issue, Donald Trump is a far left liberal faking he is pro-life…and you know it.


I'm very pro-choice. Right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. I have New York values.


Those bitches who abort should go to prison.

Is handed a note:

Things are unclear.

Is handed another note:

D. The woman is a victim. Final answer.

After Trump registered as a Republican and announced he was running for President, you could see the chameleon huckster change his colors in real time in his natural habitat, television:
ROFLMFAO.. Like Hillary changed her position on same sex marriage?

I wish you f*cks would all drop dead!

Crooked Hillary should have thanked Cowardly Lyin' Trump for donating $600,000 to her foundation.
"and the procedure could be done until the mother's due date if the woman's health is endangered or if the fetus is not viable. "

As it should be....
As long as a nation can take the increase in taxes to pay for all of our irresponsible ways this will continue. When it collapses much of this will return to personal irresponsible actions that will determine an individuals life. And they will become much more responsible.

FACT CHECK: Did New York Pass a Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth?

What's True
The New York state legislature passed a law allowing abortions after 24 weeks if the mother's health is at risk or there is an absence of fetal viability.

What's False
The law does not allow for unrestricted abortion up through the normal term of pregnancy.
I'm not qualified to make those specific decisions. That is the job of a doctor, so if you are so concerned about it, go ask a doctor.

Now answer my question.

The bill SPECIFICALLY states that a doctors opinion is not needed. Take your lies elsewhere.

NY State Senate Bill S2796
Wrong, shit for brains. The legislation is Reproductive Health Act 38 - 24 and not just anyone can perform the procedure.

The person must either be a doctor, a midwife, or physician's assistant.

Now answer my question. Would you prefer that the woman dies?

Not going to work with me. I didnt say "anyone". You brought up doctors...

I'm not qualified to make those specific decisions. That is the job of a doctor, so if you are so concerned about it, go ask a doctor.

How can it be the job of a doctor when only a midwife is required? You got yourself into babble your way out. Give me one example..just one..of any condition known to medicine or science which requires an abortion rather than a birth of a nine month fetus in order to preserve the mothers life.

This is what tells me you have no soul. That you are willing to spit and fight just to avoid the truth. That you search for a forensic technique to shut down discussion rather than admitting the truth. This is what the modern political serf is taught to do. Or maybe its this technique which warps brains and produces political serf. dont know. But its repulsive.
I see you still haven't answered my question, or maybe you did with your refusal to answer.

Let the bitch die, right?
The same Socialist who were NOT worried about Obama sepating illegal kids and parents and keeping the kids in holding cells but who were / are freaking out about Trump doing so....who worried about the health of illegals making long journeys to our southern border but not enough to call what's going on there a 'crisis' are the same Democrats who just cheered and celebrated the victory of being able to murder a viable baby now all the way to the 9th month / delivery day as long as the baby's head remains in the mother when they kill it so they can still call it 'an abortion'....


Bad, bad, bad Democrats...bad, bad...

SSDD from Tinker Bell, the fluffiest snowflake of them all.

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