Cuomo: 'Umm...whattaya works'

After being one of the many Trump-haters bashing the President for suggesting the antimalarial drug be used by doctors to help treat / save patients infected with COVID0-19 before formal drug trials have been completed, NY Gov Andrew Cuomo stated in today's Press Conference that the treatment is working.....'anecdotally'.

WTF? Anecdotal evidence is not suffiecient for official treatment guidelines. Bashing Trump for carelessly going all in on un-proven drug is completely consistent with aknowledging that there are anecdotes of it working.

Did you hear about the governor who just made his ENTIRE state the host of clinical trial just so he could get access and use drugs that have proven to help save lives in fighting COVID-19.

What a pu$$y, to cave like that just to save lives instead of hanging tough and refusing to allow his residents to take the meds because Trump said using them to save lives should be ok.


No I didn't hear about that governor, but I've heard about trials being halted due to heart problems:

anything; any word, idea, suggestion or statement by our great President Trump will be instantly dismissed as evil, wrong, incompetent and/or false on its face by the American Left—the MSM in particular.

Wrong. Any word, idea, suggestion or statement by your traitorous, malignant, fake *pResident will be instantly dismissed as idiotic, false and incompetent on its face by rational, patriotic Americans.

Even if President Trump's virus task force announced a cure tomorrow

Then I'd already know he's lying, because vaccines don't work that way in real life. In fact, the only time he's not lying is whenever his yap is shut. So, not very often.

The democrat political machine and media organ only cares about one thing: making Donald Trump look the bad guy in all circumstances.

The republican political machine and media organ only cares about one thing: making democrats look the bad guys in all circumstances. Yawn.

Far left radical democrats and their media stooges are the real and present enemy of every American.

Extremists of any political stripe are a cancer on American civilization and should be deported.
No ....your TDS prevents you from admitting your stinking wrong............and that people are using this drug with good results all over the world.......
Yes it is being used and no one knows to what effect.

Your slavish devotion to the Orange prevents YOU from admitting that
The drug cocktail is working.

What's not working so well: ventilators
Ventilators are a very last resort. It’s very hard for patients ( especially silly those with ore existing conditions ) to come off them.

if you need ventilation, you need ventilation. "not working so well...." is -----people who need a ventilator are VERY SICK.
Once your body gives up breathing to a machine it sometimes won’t rebound. See Severe COPD cases.

right----and once you live for 9 decades----and get sick----you
"sometimes won't rebound" -------I was on a ventilator for
something like four months-----but since I was only 56----I rebounded. Joan Rivers (rip) was on a ventilator for a similar
reason----she died-----her age (81) did not help. ----btw----
people are often on ventilators during surgery-------like such cases are ON every day in hospitals--------its not a RARE
thing--------people are intubated and then EXTUBATED every
Point being...a person with pre existing conditions related to breathing issues does not want to be put on a ventilator ( unless it’s a last resort)...because their body may just give up.

again an example is COPD. Your body already struggles to breathe and maintain that function...if ventilated it may give up trying so hard ,if the machine is doing it instead.

In cases such as this a patient would find it extremely hard to get off the ventilator and they may not at all.

not a point
It is a point. COVID 19 is most lethal to people with pre existing conditions. The goal should be to try everything to avoid a ventilator... which in itself could be lethal in a lot of these cases. Infact most likely instead of putting some patients on ventilators doctors probably make patients or families fill out DNR paperwork.

oh really? can you back that accusation with a credible citation? -------how does a doc "MAKE" a patient or
relative sign a DNR order? No doubt you know of such cases
or have been involved?
They explain the situation just as I have to you. You then decide if you want to put yourself ( or your family member) though ventilation in the future. If you don’ sign a DNR. If you don’t have a DNR on file they force ventilation. What’s so hard to understand?

oh really ?? news to me----I have put hundreds of people on ventilation-------never asked any to SIGN A DNR. As to the
intubation-------no one ever says-----GEE I WOULD LIKE TO BE
INTUBATED and no alert person fails to RESIST------it ain't an
enjoyable experience if the patient is awake. I have never worked in any hospital that would tolerate a doctor INSISTING
on a DNR order or even suggesting it
The drug cocktail is working.

What's not working so well: ventilators
Ventilators are a very last resort. It’s very hard for patients ( especially silly those with ore existing conditions ) to come off them.

if you need ventilation, you need ventilation. "not working so well...." is -----people who need a ventilator are VERY SICK.
Once your body gives up breathing to a machine it sometimes won’t rebound. See Severe COPD cases.

right----and once you live for 9 decades----and get sick----you
"sometimes won't rebound" -------I was on a ventilator for
something like four months-----but since I was only 56----I rebounded. Joan Rivers (rip) was on a ventilator for a similar
reason----she died-----her age (81) did not help. ----btw----
people are often on ventilators during surgery-------like such cases are ON every day in hospitals--------its not a RARE
thing--------people are intubated and then EXTUBATED every
Point being...a person with pre existing conditions related to breathing issues does not want to be put on a ventilator ( unless it’s a last resort)...because their body may just give up.

again an example is COPD. Your body already struggles to breathe and maintain that function...if ventilated it may give up trying so hard ,if the machine is doing it instead.

In cases such as this a patient would find it extremely hard to get off the ventilator and they may not at all.

not a point
It is a point. COVID 19 is most lethal to people with pre existing conditions. The goal should be to try everything to avoid a ventilator... which in itself could be lethal in a lot of these cases. Infact most likely instead of putting some patients on ventilators doctors probably make patients or families fill out DNR paperwork.

oh really? can you back that accusation with a credible citation? -------how does a doc "MAKE" a patient or
relative sign a DNR order? No doubt you know of such cases
or have been involved?
They explain the situation just as I have to you. You then decide if you want to put yourself ( or your family member) though ventilation in the future. If you don’ sign a DNR. If you don’t have a DNR on file they force ventilation. What’s so hard to understand?

oh really ?? news to me----I have put hundreds of people on ventilation-------never asked any to SIGN A DNR. As to the
intubation-------no one ever says-----GEE I WOULD LIKE TO BE
INTUBATED and no alert person fails to RESIST------it ain't an
enjoyable experience if the patient is awake. I have never worked in any hospital that would tolerate a doctor INSISTING
on a DNR order or even suggesting it
They always ask if it is okay if you are ventilated. You or your family have to give permission.

and if you have pre existing conditions...they do ask you to sign a DNR in advance of any treatment. Like I said ...many patients with lung related issues avoid ventilation...because they don’t come back from it.

Experimental medications are HIGHLY preferred over ventilation.
The drug cocktail is working.

What's not working so well: ventilators
Ventilators are a very last resort. It’s very hard for patients ( especially silly those with ore existing conditions ) to come off them.

if you need ventilation, you need ventilation. "not working so well...." is -----people who need a ventilator are VERY SICK.
Once your body gives up breathing to a machine it sometimes won’t rebound. See Severe COPD cases.

right----and once you live for 9 decades----and get sick----you
"sometimes won't rebound" -------I was on a ventilator for
something like four months-----but since I was only 56----I rebounded. Joan Rivers (rip) was on a ventilator for a similar
reason----she died-----her age (81) did not help. ----btw----
people are often on ventilators during surgery-------like such cases are ON every day in hospitals--------its not a RARE
thing--------people are intubated and then EXTUBATED every
Point being...a person with pre existing conditions related to breathing issues does not want to be put on a ventilator ( unless it’s a last resort)...because their body may just give up.

again an example is COPD. Your body already struggles to breathe and maintain that function...if ventilated it may give up trying so hard ,if the machine is doing it instead.

In cases such as this a patient would find it extremely hard to get off the ventilator and they may not at all.

not a point
It is a point. COVID 19 is most lethal to people with pre existing conditions. The goal should be to try everything to avoid a ventilator... which in itself could be lethal in a lot of these cases. Infact most likely instead of putting some patients on ventilators doctors probably make patients or families fill out DNR paperwork.

oh really? can you back that accusation with a credible citation? -------how does a doc "MAKE" a patient or
relative sign a DNR order? No doubt you know of such cases
or have been involved?
They explain the situation just as I have to you. You then decide if you want to put yourself ( or your family member) though ventilation in the future. If you don’ sign a DNR. If you don’t have a DNR on file they force ventilation. What’s so hard to understand?

oh really ?? news to me----I have put hundreds of people on ventilation-------never asked any to SIGN A DNR. As to the
intubation-------no one ever says-----GEE I WOULD LIKE TO BE
INTUBATED and no alert person fails to RESIST------it ain't an
enjoyable experience if the patient is awake. I have never worked in any hospital that would tolerate a doctor INSISTING
on a DNR order or even suggesting it
They always ask if it is okay if you are ventilated. You or your family have to give permission.

and if you have pre existing conditions...they do ask you to sign a DNR in advance of any treatment. Like I said ...many patients with lung related issues avoid ventilation...because they don’t come back from it.

Experimental medications are HIGHLY preferred over ventilation.

I am FASCINATED -----Intubation requires consent in the hospital in which you practice?

sheeeeeesh what hellhole is that? I have never seen a "consent for intubation" or a
"consent for ventilation" form. I started dealing
with hospital consent forms when I was 19 years old-------and continued for about 50 years Of the hundreds of patients I have intubated-----none
"FORGOT HOW TO BREATHE" I was intubated
and later trached and on ventilator for several months-----and never FORGOT HOW TO BREATHE. Of course some ventilator patients do die---but not from being ventilated.
The drug cocktail is working.

What's not working so well: ventilators
Ventilators are a very last resort. It’s very hard for patients ( especially silly those with ore existing conditions ) to come off them.

if you need ventilation, you need ventilation. "not working so well...." is -----people who need a ventilator are VERY SICK.
Once your body gives up breathing to a machine it sometimes won’t rebound. See Severe COPD cases.

right----and once you live for 9 decades----and get sick----you
"sometimes won't rebound" -------I was on a ventilator for
something like four months-----but since I was only 56----I rebounded. Joan Rivers (rip) was on a ventilator for a similar
reason----she died-----her age (81) did not help. ----btw----
people are often on ventilators during surgery-------like such cases are ON every day in hospitals--------its not a RARE
thing--------people are intubated and then EXTUBATED every
Point being...a person with pre existing conditions related to breathing issues does not want to be put on a ventilator ( unless it’s a last resort)...because their body may just give up.

again an example is COPD. Your body already struggles to breathe and maintain that function...if ventilated it may give up trying so hard ,if the machine is doing it instead.

In cases such as this a patient would find it extremely hard to get off the ventilator and they may not at all.

not a point
It is a point. COVID 19 is most lethal to people with pre existing conditions. The goal should be to try everything to avoid a ventilator... which in itself could be lethal in a lot of these cases. Infact most likely instead of putting some patients on ventilators doctors probably make patients or families fill out DNR paperwork.

oh really? can you back that accusation with a credible citation? -------how does a doc "MAKE" a patient or
relative sign a DNR order? No doubt you know of such cases
or have been involved?
They explain the situation just as I have to you. You then decide if you want to put yourself ( or your family member) though ventilation in the future. If you don’ sign a DNR. If you don’t have a DNR on file they force ventilation. What’s so hard to understand?

oh really ?? news to me----I have put hundreds of people on ventilation-------never asked any to SIGN A DNR. As to the
intubation-------no one ever says-----GEE I WOULD LIKE TO BE
INTUBATED and no alert person fails to RESIST------it ain't an
enjoyable experience if the patient is awake. I have never worked in any hospital that would tolerate a doctor INSISTING
on a DNR order or even suggesting it
They always ask if it is okay if you are ventilated. You or your family have to give permission.

and if you have pre existing conditions...they do ask you to sign a DNR in advance of any treatment. Like I said ...many patients with lung related issues avoid ventilation...because they don’t come back from it.

Experimental medications are HIGHLY preferred over ventilation.

for the record--- fellows of cyberspace-----get your medical information from your doctor----not from GIN. MOST people who are not under anesthesia or suffering from acute lead poisoning of the brain and require intubation HAVE LUNG ISSUES------no consent required. Failure to intubate a person in extremis from pulmonary insufficiency is malpractice
The drug cocktail is working.

What's not working so well: ventilators
Ventilators are a very last resort. It’s very hard for patients ( especially silly those with ore existing conditions ) to come off them.

if you need ventilation, you need ventilation. "not working so well...." is -----people who need a ventilator are VERY SICK.
Once your body gives up breathing to a machine it sometimes won’t rebound. See Severe COPD cases.

right----and once you live for 9 decades----and get sick----you
"sometimes won't rebound" -------I was on a ventilator for
something like four months-----but since I was only 56----I rebounded. Joan Rivers (rip) was on a ventilator for a similar
reason----she died-----her age (81) did not help. ----btw----
people are often on ventilators during surgery-------like such cases are ON every day in hospitals--------its not a RARE
thing--------people are intubated and then EXTUBATED every
Point being...a person with pre existing conditions related to breathing issues does not want to be put on a ventilator ( unless it’s a last resort)...because their body may just give up.

again an example is COPD. Your body already struggles to breathe and maintain that function...if ventilated it may give up trying so hard ,if the machine is doing it instead.

In cases such as this a patient would find it extremely hard to get off the ventilator and they may not at all.

not a point
It is a point. COVID 19 is most lethal to people with pre existing conditions. The goal should be to try everything to avoid a ventilator... which in itself could be lethal in a lot of these cases. Infact most likely instead of putting some patients on ventilators doctors probably make patients or families fill out DNR paperwork.

oh really? can you back that accusation with a credible citation? -------how does a doc "MAKE" a patient or
relative sign a DNR order? No doubt you know of such cases
or have been involved?
They explain the situation just as I have to you. You then decide if you want to put yourself ( or your family member) though ventilation in the future. If you don’ sign a DNR. If you don’t have a DNR on file they force ventilation. What’s so hard to understand?

oh really ?? news to me----I have put hundreds of people on ventilation-------never asked any to SIGN A DNR. As to the
intubation-------no one ever says-----GEE I WOULD LIKE TO BE
INTUBATED and no alert person fails to RESIST------it ain't an
enjoyable experience if the patient is awake. I have never worked in any hospital that would tolerate a doctor INSISTING
on a DNR order or even suggesting it
They always ask if it is okay if you are ventilated. You or your family have to give permission.

and if you have pre existing conditions...they do ask you to sign a DNR in advance of any treatment. Like I said ...many patients with lung related issues avoid ventilation...because they don’t come back from it.

Experimental medications are HIGHLY preferred over ventilation.

I am FASCINATED -----Intubation requires consent in the hospital in which you practice?

sheeeeeesh what hellhole is that? I have never seen a "consent for intubation" or a
"consent for ventilation" form. I started dealing
with hospital consent forms when I was 19 years old-------and continued for about 50 years Of the hundreds of patients I have intubated-----none
"FORGOT HOW TO BREATHE" I was intubated
and later trached and on ventilator for several months-----and never FORGOT HOW TO BREATHE. Of course some ventilator patients do die---but not from being ventilated.
People with chronic lung disorders do not easily wean from ventilators.

At any rate here is an article related to ventilators and The COVID 19 virus. Stating patients placed on ventilators are more likely to die.
The drug cocktail is working.

What's not working so well: ventilators
Ventilators are a very last resort. It’s very hard for patients ( especially silly those with ore existing conditions ) to come off them.

if you need ventilation, you need ventilation. "not working so well...." is -----people who need a ventilator are VERY SICK.
Once your body gives up breathing to a machine it sometimes won’t rebound. See Severe COPD cases.

right----and once you live for 9 decades----and get sick----you
"sometimes won't rebound" -------I was on a ventilator for
something like four months-----but since I was only 56----I rebounded. Joan Rivers (rip) was on a ventilator for a similar
reason----she died-----her age (81) did not help. ----btw----
people are often on ventilators during surgery-------like such cases are ON every day in hospitals--------its not a RARE
thing--------people are intubated and then EXTUBATED every
Point being...a person with pre existing conditions related to breathing issues does not want to be put on a ventilator ( unless it’s a last resort)...because their body may just give up.

again an example is COPD. Your body already struggles to breathe and maintain that function...if ventilated it may give up trying so hard ,if the machine is doing it instead.

In cases such as this a patient would find it extremely hard to get off the ventilator and they may not at all.

not a point
It is a point. COVID 19 is most lethal to people with pre existing conditions. The goal should be to try everything to avoid a ventilator... which in itself could be lethal in a lot of these cases. Infact most likely instead of putting some patients on ventilators doctors probably make patients or families fill out DNR paperwork.

oh really? can you back that accusation with a credible citation? -------how does a doc "MAKE" a patient or
relative sign a DNR order? No doubt you know of such cases
or have been involved?
They explain the situation just as I have to you. You then decide if you want to put yourself ( or your family member) though ventilation in the future. If you don’ sign a DNR. If you don’t have a DNR on file they force ventilation. What’s so hard to understand?

oh really ?? news to me----I have put hundreds of people on ventilation-------never asked any to SIGN A DNR. As to the
intubation-------no one ever says-----GEE I WOULD LIKE TO BE
INTUBATED and no alert person fails to RESIST------it ain't an
enjoyable experience if the patient is awake. I have never worked in any hospital that would tolerate a doctor INSISTING
on a DNR order or even suggesting it
They always ask if it is okay if you are ventilated. You or your family have to give permission.

and if you have pre existing conditions...they do ask you to sign a DNR in advance of any treatment. Like I said ...many patients with lung related issues avoid ventilation...because they don’t come back from it.

Experimental medications are HIGHLY preferred over ventilation.

for the record--- fellows of cyberspace-----get your medical information from your doctor----not from GIN. MOST people who are not under anesthesia or suffering from acute lead poisoning of the brain and require intubation HAVE LUNG ISSUES------no consent required. Failure to intubate a person in extremis from pulmonary insufficiency is malpractice
Yes. They should all take medical advice from a loon like you who wants to shove ventilators down their throat permission or not. LMAO. Sure.
The drug cocktail is working.

What's not working so well: ventilators
Ventilators are a very last resort. It’s very hard for patients ( especially silly those with ore existing conditions ) to come off them.

if you need ventilation, you need ventilation. "not working so well...." is -----people who need a ventilator are VERY SICK.
Once your body gives up breathing to a machine it sometimes won’t rebound. See Severe COPD cases.

right----and once you live for 9 decades----and get sick----you
"sometimes won't rebound" -------I was on a ventilator for
something like four months-----but since I was only 56----I rebounded. Joan Rivers (rip) was on a ventilator for a similar
reason----she died-----her age (81) did not help. ----btw----
people are often on ventilators during surgery-------like such cases are ON every day in hospitals--------its not a RARE
thing--------people are intubated and then EXTUBATED every
Point being...a person with pre existing conditions related to breathing issues does not want to be put on a ventilator ( unless it’s a last resort)...because their body may just give up.

again an example is COPD. Your body already struggles to breathe and maintain that function...if ventilated it may give up trying so hard ,if the machine is doing it instead.

In cases such as this a patient would find it extremely hard to get off the ventilator and they may not at all.

not a point
It is a point. COVID 19 is most lethal to people with pre existing conditions. The goal should be to try everything to avoid a ventilator... which in itself could be lethal in a lot of these cases. Infact most likely instead of putting some patients on ventilators doctors probably make patients or families fill out DNR paperwork.

oh really? can you back that accusation with a credible citation? -------how does a doc "MAKE" a patient or
relative sign a DNR order? No doubt you know of such cases
or have been involved?
They explain the situation just as I have to you. You then decide if you want to put yourself ( or your family member) though ventilation in the future. If you don’ sign a DNR. If you don’t have a DNR on file they force ventilation. What’s so hard to understand?

oh really ?? news to me----I have put hundreds of people on ventilation-------never asked any to SIGN A DNR. As to the
intubation-------no one ever says-----GEE I WOULD LIKE TO BE
INTUBATED and no alert person fails to RESIST------it ain't an
enjoyable experience if the patient is awake. I have never worked in any hospital that would tolerate a doctor INSISTING
on a DNR order or even suggesting it
They always ask if it is okay if you are ventilated. You or your family have to give permission.

and if you have pre existing conditions...they do ask you to sign a DNR in advance of any treatment. Like I said ...many patients with lung related issues avoid ventilation...because they don’t come back from it.

Experimental medications are HIGHLY preferred over ventilation.

I am FASCINATED -----Intubation requires consent in the hospital in which you practice?

sheeeeeesh what hellhole is that? I have never seen a "consent for intubation" or a
"consent for ventilation" form. I started dealing
with hospital consent forms when I was 19 years old-------and continued for about 50 years Of the hundreds of patients I have intubated-----none
"FORGOT HOW TO BREATHE" I was intubated
and later trached and on ventilator for several months-----and never FORGOT HOW TO BREATHE. Of course some ventilator patients do die---but not from being ventilated.
People with chronic lung disorders do not easily wean from ventilators.

At any rate here is an article related to ventilators and The COVID 19 virus. Stating patients placed on ventilators are more likely to die.

some doctors "are worried that the machines may do harm" is an idiotic statement. Of course there is a morbidity related to intubation-----but it beats dying of pulmonary insufficiency----there is ALSO a morbidity a associated with heart lung bypass------(it ain't 'the heart forgets how to beat') Are you still looking for the patient who was asked to sign a DNR whilst the doc was standing around waiting to intubate?
The drug cocktail is working.

What's not working so well: ventilators
Ventilators are a very last resort. It’s very hard for patients ( especially silly those with ore existing conditions ) to come off them.

if you need ventilation, you need ventilation. "not working so well...." is -----people who need a ventilator are VERY SICK.
Once your body gives up breathing to a machine it sometimes won’t rebound. See Severe COPD cases.

right----and once you live for 9 decades----and get sick----you
"sometimes won't rebound" -------I was on a ventilator for
something like four months-----but since I was only 56----I rebounded. Joan Rivers (rip) was on a ventilator for a similar
reason----she died-----her age (81) did not help. ----btw----
people are often on ventilators during surgery-------like such cases are ON every day in hospitals--------its not a RARE
thing--------people are intubated and then EXTUBATED every
Point being...a person with pre existing conditions related to breathing issues does not want to be put on a ventilator ( unless it’s a last resort)...because their body may just give up.

again an example is COPD. Your body already struggles to breathe and maintain that function...if ventilated it may give up trying so hard ,if the machine is doing it instead.

In cases such as this a patient would find it extremely hard to get off the ventilator and they may not at all.

not a point
It is a point. COVID 19 is most lethal to people with pre existing conditions. The goal should be to try everything to avoid a ventilator... which in itself could be lethal in a lot of these cases. Infact most likely instead of putting some patients on ventilators doctors probably make patients or families fill out DNR paperwork.

oh really? can you back that accusation with a credible citation? -------how does a doc "MAKE" a patient or
relative sign a DNR order? No doubt you know of such cases
or have been involved?
They explain the situation just as I have to you. You then decide if you want to put yourself ( or your family member) though ventilation in the future. If you don’ sign a DNR. If you don’t have a DNR on file they force ventilation. What’s so hard to understand?

oh really ?? news to me----I have put hundreds of people on ventilation-------never asked any to SIGN A DNR. As to the
intubation-------no one ever says-----GEE I WOULD LIKE TO BE
INTUBATED and no alert person fails to RESIST------it ain't an
enjoyable experience if the patient is awake. I have never worked in any hospital that would tolerate a doctor INSISTING
on a DNR order or even suggesting it
They always ask if it is okay if you are ventilated. You or your family have to give permission.

and if you have pre existing conditions...they do ask you to sign a DNR in advance of any treatment. Like I said ...many patients with lung related issues avoid ventilation...because they don’t come back from it.

Experimental medications are HIGHLY preferred over ventilation.

for the record--- fellows of cyberspace-----get your medical information from your doctor----not from GIN. MOST people who are not under anesthesia or suffering from acute lead poisoning of the brain and require intubation HAVE LUNG ISSUES------no consent required. Failure to intubate a person in extremis from pulmonary insufficiency is malpractice
Yes. They should all take medical advice from a loon like you who wants to shove ventilators down their throat permission or not. LMAO. Sure.

can you find a patient who was ASKED?
Fellows of cyberspace---the VENTILATOR does not go down the throat of the patient----the tube
that delivers the oxygen goes down the throat
The drug cocktail is working.

What's not working so well: ventilators
Ventilators are a very last resort. It’s very hard for patients ( especially silly those with ore existing conditions ) to come off them.

if you need ventilation, you need ventilation. "not working so well...." is -----people who need a ventilator are VERY SICK.
Once your body gives up breathing to a machine it sometimes won’t rebound. See Severe COPD cases.

right----and once you live for 9 decades----and get sick----you
"sometimes won't rebound" -------I was on a ventilator for
something like four months-----but since I was only 56----I rebounded. Joan Rivers (rip) was on a ventilator for a similar
reason----she died-----her age (81) did not help. ----btw----
people are often on ventilators during surgery-------like such cases are ON every day in hospitals--------its not a RARE
thing--------people are intubated and then EXTUBATED every
Point being...a person with pre existing conditions related to breathing issues does not want to be put on a ventilator ( unless it’s a last resort)...because their body may just give up.

again an example is COPD. Your body already struggles to breathe and maintain that function...if ventilated it may give up trying so hard ,if the machine is doing it instead.

In cases such as this a patient would find it extremely hard to get off the ventilator and they may not at all.

not a point
It is a point. COVID 19 is most lethal to people with pre existing conditions. The goal should be to try everything to avoid a ventilator... which in itself could be lethal in a lot of these cases. Infact most likely instead of putting some patients on ventilators doctors probably make patients or families fill out DNR paperwork.

oh really? can you back that accusation with a credible citation? -------how does a doc "MAKE" a patient or
relative sign a DNR order? No doubt you know of such cases
or have been involved?
They explain the situation just as I have to you. You then decide if you want to put yourself ( or your family member) though ventilation in the future. If you don’ sign a DNR. If you don’t have a DNR on file they force ventilation. What’s so hard to understand?

oh really ?? news to me----I have put hundreds of people on ventilation-------never asked any to SIGN A DNR. As to the
intubation-------no one ever says-----GEE I WOULD LIKE TO BE
INTUBATED and no alert person fails to RESIST------it ain't an
enjoyable experience if the patient is awake. I have never worked in any hospital that would tolerate a doctor INSISTING
on a DNR order or even suggesting it
They always ask if it is okay if you are ventilated. You or your family have to give permission.

and if you have pre existing conditions...they do ask you to sign a DNR in advance of any treatment. Like I said ...many patients with lung related issues avoid ventilation...because they don’t come back from it.

Experimental medications are HIGHLY preferred over ventilation.

for the record--- fellows of cyberspace-----get your medical information from your doctor----not from GIN. MOST people who are not under anesthesia or suffering from acute lead poisoning of the brain and require intubation HAVE LUNG ISSUES------no consent required. Failure to intubate a person in extremis from pulmonary insufficiency is malpractice
Yes. They should all take medical advice from a loon like you who wants to shove ventilators down their throat permission or not. LMAO. Sure.

can you find a patient who was ASKED?
Fellows of cyberspace---the VENTILATOR does not go down the throat of the patient----the tube
that delivers the oxygen goes down the throat
And patients who can’t wean from ventilators due to pre existing COPD. What happens then ?
The drug cocktail is working.

What's not working so well: ventilators
Ventilators are a very last resort. It’s very hard for patients ( especially silly those with ore existing conditions ) to come off them.

if you need ventilation, you need ventilation. "not working so well...." is -----people who need a ventilator are VERY SICK.
Once your body gives up breathing to a machine it sometimes won’t rebound. See Severe COPD cases.

right----and once you live for 9 decades----and get sick----you
"sometimes won't rebound" -------I was on a ventilator for
something like four months-----but since I was only 56----I rebounded. Joan Rivers (rip) was on a ventilator for a similar
reason----she died-----her age (81) did not help. ----btw----
people are often on ventilators during surgery-------like such cases are ON every day in hospitals--------its not a RARE
thing--------people are intubated and then EXTUBATED every
Point being...a person with pre existing conditions related to breathing issues does not want to be put on a ventilator ( unless it’s a last resort)...because their body may just give up.

again an example is COPD. Your body already struggles to breathe and maintain that function...if ventilated it may give up trying so hard ,if the machine is doing it instead.

In cases such as this a patient would find it extremely hard to get off the ventilator and they may not at all.

not a point
It is a point. COVID 19 is most lethal to people with pre existing conditions. The goal should be to try everything to avoid a ventilator... which in itself could be lethal in a lot of these cases. Infact most likely instead of putting some patients on ventilators doctors probably make patients or families fill out DNR paperwork.

oh really? can you back that accusation with a credible citation? -------how does a doc "MAKE" a patient or
relative sign a DNR order? No doubt you know of such cases
or have been involved?
They explain the situation just as I have to you. You then decide if you want to put yourself ( or your family member) though ventilation in the future. If you don’ sign a DNR. If you don’t have a DNR on file they force ventilation. What’s so hard to understand?

oh really ?? news to me----I have put hundreds of people on ventilation-------never asked any to SIGN A DNR. As to the
intubation-------no one ever says-----GEE I WOULD LIKE TO BE
INTUBATED and no alert person fails to RESIST------it ain't an
enjoyable experience if the patient is awake. I have never worked in any hospital that would tolerate a doctor INSISTING
on a DNR order or even suggesting it
They always ask if it is okay if you are ventilated. You or your family have to give permission.

and if you have pre existing conditions...they do ask you to sign a DNR in advance of any treatment. Like I said ...many patients with lung related issues avoid ventilation...because they don’t come back from it.

Experimental medications are HIGHLY preferred over ventilation.

for the record--- fellows of cyberspace-----get your medical information from your doctor----not from GIN. MOST people who are not under anesthesia or suffering from acute lead poisoning of the brain and require intubation HAVE LUNG ISSUES------no consent required. Failure to intubate a person in extremis from pulmonary insufficiency is malpractice
Yes. They should all take medical advice from a loon like you who wants to shove ventilators down their throat permission or not. LMAO. Sure.

can you find a patient who was ASKED?
Fellows of cyberspace---the VENTILATOR does not go down the throat of the patient----the tube
that delivers the oxygen goes down the throat
And patients who can’t wean from ventilators due to pre existing COPD. What happens then ?

weaning such a patient is difficult but done all the time----it beats death from pulmonary insufficiency------your comments are idiotic.
Patients with untreated COPD-------DIE.
You are obviously unaware of the big push by liberals to prevent the malaria drug from being used until trails can be run and finalized.
If trials haven’t been run and finalized, then you can’t say it’s been proven effective.

Your claim that it’s been proven effective is obviously false.
The drug cocktail is working.

What's not working so well: ventilators
Ventilators are a very last resort. It’s very hard for patients ( especially silly those with ore existing conditions ) to come off them.

if you need ventilation, you need ventilation. "not working so well...." is -----people who need a ventilator are VERY SICK.
Once your body gives up breathing to a machine it sometimes won’t rebound. See Severe COPD cases.

right----and once you live for 9 decades----and get sick----you
"sometimes won't rebound" -------I was on a ventilator for
something like four months-----but since I was only 56----I rebounded. Joan Rivers (rip) was on a ventilator for a similar
reason----she died-----her age (81) did not help. ----btw----
people are often on ventilators during surgery-------like such cases are ON every day in hospitals--------its not a RARE
thing--------people are intubated and then EXTUBATED every
Point being...a person with pre existing conditions related to breathing issues does not want to be put on a ventilator ( unless it’s a last resort)...because their body may just give up.

again an example is COPD. Your body already struggles to breathe and maintain that function...if ventilated it may give up trying so hard ,if the machine is doing it instead.

In cases such as this a patient would find it extremely hard to get off the ventilator and they may not at all.

not a point
It is a point. COVID 19 is most lethal to people with pre existing conditions. The goal should be to try everything to avoid a ventilator... which in itself could be lethal in a lot of these cases. Infact most likely instead of putting some patients on ventilators doctors probably make patients or families fill out DNR paperwork.

oh really? can you back that accusation with a credible citation? -------how does a doc "MAKE" a patient or
relative sign a DNR order? No doubt you know of such cases
or have been involved?
They explain the situation just as I have to you. You then decide if you want to put yourself ( or your family member) though ventilation in the future. If you don’ sign a DNR. If you don’t have a DNR on file they force ventilation. What’s so hard to understand?

oh really ?? news to me----I have put hundreds of people on ventilation-------never asked any to SIGN A DNR. As to the
intubation-------no one ever says-----GEE I WOULD LIKE TO BE
INTUBATED and no alert person fails to RESIST------it ain't an
enjoyable experience if the patient is awake. I have never worked in any hospital that would tolerate a doctor INSISTING
on a DNR order or even suggesting it
They always ask if it is okay if you are ventilated. You or your family have to give permission.

and if you have pre existing conditions...they do ask you to sign a DNR in advance of any treatment. Like I said ...many patients with lung related issues avoid ventilation...because they don’t come back from it.

Experimental medications are HIGHLY preferred over ventilation.

for the record--- fellows of cyberspace-----get your medical information from your doctor----not from GIN. MOST people who are not under anesthesia or suffering from acute lead poisoning of the brain and require intubation HAVE LUNG ISSUES------no consent required. Failure to intubate a person in extremis from pulmonary insufficiency is malpractice
Yes. They should all take medical advice from a loon like you who wants to shove ventilators down their throat permission or not. LMAO. Sure.

can you find a patient who was ASKED?
Fellows of cyberspace---the VENTILATOR does not go down the throat of the patient----the tube
that delivers the oxygen goes down the throat
And patients who can’t wean from ventilators due to pre existing COPD. What happens then ?

weaning such a patient is difficult but done all the time----it beats death from pulmonary insufficiency------your comments are idiotic.
Patients with untreated COPD-------DIE.
COPD patients are treated with many different types of breathing treatments and medications that help expel c02.

Ventilators are a last resort because they can further injure already damaged lungs.
If trials haven’t been run and finalized, then you can’t say it’s been proven effective.
Your claim that it’s been proven effective is obviously false.
Those in the know call it a game changer. The trials are just a foregone conclusion.
The drug cocktail is working.

What's not working so well: ventilators
Ventilators are a very last resort. It’s very hard for patients ( especially silly those with ore existing conditions ) to come off them.

if you need ventilation, you need ventilation. "not working so well...." is -----people who need a ventilator are VERY SICK.
Once your body gives up breathing to a machine it sometimes won’t rebound. See Severe COPD cases.

right----and once you live for 9 decades----and get sick----you
"sometimes won't rebound" -------I was on a ventilator for
something like four months-----but since I was only 56----I rebounded. Joan Rivers (rip) was on a ventilator for a similar
reason----she died-----her age (81) did not help. ----btw----
people are often on ventilators during surgery-------like such cases are ON every day in hospitals--------its not a RARE
thing--------people are intubated and then EXTUBATED every
Point being...a person with pre existing conditions related to breathing issues does not want to be put on a ventilator ( unless it’s a last resort)...because their body may just give up.

again an example is COPD. Your body already struggles to breathe and maintain that function...if ventilated it may give up trying so hard ,if the machine is doing it instead.

In cases such as this a patient would find it extremely hard to get off the ventilator and they may not at all.

not a point
It is a point. COVID 19 is most lethal to people with pre existing conditions. The goal should be to try everything to avoid a ventilator... which in itself could be lethal in a lot of these cases. Infact most likely instead of putting some patients on ventilators doctors probably make patients or families fill out DNR paperwork.

oh really? can you back that accusation with a credible citation? -------how does a doc "MAKE" a patient or
relative sign a DNR order? No doubt you know of such cases
or have been involved?
They explain the situation just as I have to you. You then decide if you want to put yourself ( or your family member) though ventilation in the future. If you don’ sign a DNR. If you don’t have a DNR on file they force ventilation. What’s so hard to understand?

oh really ?? news to me----I have put hundreds of people on ventilation-------never asked any to SIGN A DNR. As to the
intubation-------no one ever says-----GEE I WOULD LIKE TO BE
INTUBATED and no alert person fails to RESIST------it ain't an
enjoyable experience if the patient is awake. I have never worked in any hospital that would tolerate a doctor INSISTING
on a DNR order or even suggesting it
They always ask if it is okay if you are ventilated. You or your family have to give permission.

and if you have pre existing conditions...they do ask you to sign a DNR in advance of any treatment. Like I said ...many patients with lung related issues avoid ventilation...because they don’t come back from it.

Experimental medications are HIGHLY preferred over ventilation.

for the record--- fellows of cyberspace-----get your medical information from your doctor----not from GIN. MOST people who are not under anesthesia or suffering from acute lead poisoning of the brain and require intubation HAVE LUNG ISSUES------no consent required. Failure to intubate a person in extremis from pulmonary insufficiency is malpractice
Yes. They should all take medical advice from a loon like you who wants to shove ventilators down their throat permission or not. LMAO. Sure.

can you find a patient who was ASKED?
Fellows of cyberspace---the VENTILATOR does not go down the throat of the patient----the tube
that delivers the oxygen goes down the throat
And patients who can’t wean from ventilators due to pre existing COPD. What happens then ?

weaning such a patient is difficult but done all the time----it beats death from pulmonary insufficiency------your comments are idiotic.
Patients with untreated COPD-------DIE.
COPD patients are treated with many different types of breathing treatments and medications that help expel c02.

Ventilators are a last resort because they can further injure already damaged lungs.

wrong. Just what "medicine" do you know of that "expels" CO2? - Bronchodilators
are not only very inefficient-----they are even slightly addictive-------THEY ARE USED FOR PALLIATION They don't "expel" anything---they pathetically serve as anticholinergics on
smooth muscles-------aka paralyze the smooth muscles of the tubes----very temporarily

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