Cuomo: 'Umm...whattaya works'

The vast majority of people get over COVID just fine without treatment.

It makes it more difficult to assert a medication resulted in a good outcome when that was the overwhelming likelihood without the medication.

Not really. There are lots of medications and treatments we use for illnesses that most people's bodies could eventually overcome, because 1) there's no point in suffering longer than you have to, and 2) there's no point in taking a chance that it might worsen. THAT would be the thing we're actually trying to prevent: the disease hanging on long enough to become severe and life-threatening. So yeah, I think medical science can convincingly state that chloroquine produces a better outcome if and when its use brings the death rate and the rate of people needing ventilators down.

No matter HOW much you want to find excuses not to use it so that you don't ever have to admit that Trump was right about something.

And don't think we haven't all noticed the depth of your utter repulsiveness in wishing suffering and potential death on people in pursuit of your political agenda.
And that’s how you shut irosie91 the fuck up.

you imagine that nurses know nothing about medicine, dingfuck?
You are very extremely stupid, dingshit. The orderlies know more
than do you and your sunday whore

You are reaping what you sow, Rosie.

The beatings will continue until your morale improves.

So, are you ready to concede that zinc is an ion and requires an ionophore to be transported across a lipid membrane of a cell? Or do you need to see the study which proves it?

and lastly, are you ready to concede that the term invasive ventilators isn’t a phrase I made up but is a term the medical community uses?

try again-----hydroquinolone is not an IONOPHORE. When did I suggest that zinc in absorbable form, Zn +2, is NOT AN ION----
sheeesh ----did you pass grammar school chemistry?
You didn’t watch the video did you?

why would I watch a video that makes the utterly idiotic claim that
hydroxyquinoline is an IONOPHORE ? (for the record---an ionophore is a feature of the lipo-protein membrane that surrounds
living cells <<grammar school biology ---poor dingbat flunked)

You mean why would you listen to a doctor explain how this virus works and why zinc disrupts it’s rna replicase and how zinc cannot enter a cell without the aid of an ionphore and the paper which describes the study that proves hydroquinone gets zinc into the cell?

I don’t know. I can only assume it is because you are too proud to admit you are wrong.

the phrase "without the aid of an ionophore...." makes no sense.
An ionophore is a feature of the lipo-protein membrane. It would
make sense if you said that hydroquinone MEDIATES or FACILITATES the diffusion of zinc thru an ionophore of the lipoprotein membrane. The component doing the "aiding" in this case would be the
hydroxyquinone. Zinc is a cofactor in a MYRIAD of cellular reactions
and is ubiquitous in the human diet and absolutely necessary in
DNA transcription. Corona is an RNA virus. There is no getting
rid of zinc in the human body or in the human diet, -----but there is some evidence that lots interferes with the ribosomal transcription of the corona virus genome. Thus---the theory is that facilitated
absorption of zinc-------retards the corona rna transcription----ie
its------multiplication (aka -progeny)

I guess you missed the paper that showed the zinc entering the cells.

maybe you should write a paper telling them what they did wrong.

there is a "paper" "that showed the zinc entering the cells"
SHEEEEESH ---is that supposed to be news? The vital role
of zinc as a cofactor in human physiology is "NEWS"? It works
like this----ZINC is component of the stuff you eat. ------you cannot avoid it. It exists in just about all foods in small amounts----but small amounts is all you need. It is a cofactor in hundreds of
chemical reactions in your little body and has to be ingested and ---then absorbed into cells THRU THE LIPO-PROTEIN membrane-----like all other ions (cations and anions----like Na and Cl and K ---etc )--
thru IONOPHORES in the lipo-protein membrane ----------is this
stuff now being called "NEWS"? For practical purposes
PHORE means "hole"--------in the case of the lipoprotein membrane
it refers to points of passage. Such points can be FACILITATED
by the presence of various compounds. It's NEWS???

Yes. Maybe you have heard about it. It’s called hydroquinone.

not news

It is news because of the implications to treat covid-19.

it's news if you have been in a coma for the past 50 years

No. I’m pretty sure the off label use of hydroquinone to treat against covid-19 and the science behind why it should work are fairly recent developments.

And how the fuck do you run clinical trials in the middle of a pandemic? Do you really take two people with a life-threatening illness and tell one of them, "We're going to give you a placebo so we can measure how much faster your condition worsens compared to that guy?"

You know...that happened with the fight against AIDS in Africa. I heard an interview on the subject years ago.....they introduced condoms to an area where they had a massive AIDS outbreak......when the initial results came in and the condoms were saving lives, they stopped the study and began giving them to all the test subjects......they said they couldn't let people die when they could be saved......

Exactly. Exhaustive clinical studies are a great idea . . . until you're in the middle of a "hail Mary" situation.
And that’s how you shut irosie91 the fuck up.

you imagine that nurses know nothing about medicine, dingfuck?
You are very extremely stupid, dingshit. The orderlies know more
than do you and your sunday whore

You are reaping what you sow, Rosie.

The beatings will continue until your morale improves.

So, are you ready to concede that zinc is an ion and requires an ionophore to be transported across a lipid membrane of a cell? Or do you need to see the study which proves it?

and lastly, are you ready to concede that the term invasive ventilators isn’t a phrase I made up but is a term the medical community uses?

try again-----hydroquinolone is not an IONOPHORE. When did I suggest that zinc in absorbable form, Zn +2, is NOT AN ION----
sheeesh ----did you pass grammar school chemistry?
You didn’t watch the video did you?

why would I watch a video that makes the utterly idiotic claim that
hydroxyquinoline is an IONOPHORE ? (for the record---an ionophore is a feature of the lipo-protein membrane that surrounds
living cells <<grammar school biology ---poor dingbat flunked)

You mean why would you listen to a doctor explain how this virus works and why zinc disrupts it’s rna replicase and how zinc cannot enter a cell without the aid of an ionphore and the paper which describes the study that proves hydroquinone gets zinc into the cell?

I don’t know. I can only assume it is because you are too proud to admit you are wrong.

the phrase "without the aid of an ionophore...." makes no sense.
An ionophore is a feature of the lipo-protein membrane. It would
make sense if you said that hydroquinone MEDIATES or FACILITATES the diffusion of zinc thru an ionophore of the lipoprotein membrane. The component doing the "aiding" in this case would be the
hydroxyquinone. Zinc is a cofactor in a MYRIAD of cellular reactions
and is ubiquitous in the human diet and absolutely necessary in
DNA transcription. Corona is an RNA virus. There is no getting
rid of zinc in the human body or in the human diet, -----but there is some evidence that lots interferes with the ribosomal transcription of the corona virus genome. Thus---the theory is that facilitated
absorption of zinc-------retards the corona rna transcription----ie
its------multiplication (aka -progeny)

I guess you missed the paper that showed the zinc entering the cells.

maybe you should write a paper telling them what they did wrong.

there is a "paper" "that showed the zinc entering the cells"
SHEEEEESH ---is that supposed to be news? The vital role
of zinc as a cofactor in human physiology is "NEWS"? It works
like this----ZINC is component of the stuff you eat. ------you cannot avoid it. It exists in just about all foods in small amounts----but small amounts is all you need. It is a cofactor in hundreds of
chemical reactions in your little body and has to be ingested and ---then absorbed into cells THRU THE LIPO-PROTEIN membrane-----like all other ions (cations and anions----like Na and Cl and K ---etc )--
thru IONOPHORES in the lipo-protein membrane ----------is this
stuff now being called "NEWS"? For practical purposes
PHORE means "hole"--------in the case of the lipoprotein membrane
it refers to points of passage. Such points can be FACILITATED
by the presence of various compounds. It's NEWS???

Yes. Maybe you have heard about it. It’s called hydroquinone.

not news

It is news because of the implications to treat covid-19.

it's news if you have been in a coma for the past 50 years

No. I’m pretty sure the off label use of hydroquinone to treat against covid-19 and the science behind why it should work are fairly recent developments.

And how the fuck do you run clinical trials in the middle of a pandemic? Do you really take two people with a life-threatening illness and tell one of them, "We're going to give you a placebo so we can measure how much faster your condition worsens compared to that guy?"

I wouldn’t want that.

No one would . . . except for TDS-suffering leftists, for whom human lives are nothing compared to the need to declare that Trump is all things bad and wrong and evil, no matter what.
The vast majority of people get over COVID just fine without treatment.

It makes it more difficult to assert a medication resulted in a good outcome when that was the overwhelming likelihood without the medication.

Not really. There are lots of medications and treatments we use for illnesses that most people's bodies could eventually overcome, because 1) there's no point in suffering longer than you have to, and 2) there's no point in taking a chance that it might worsen. THAT would be the thing we're actually trying to prevent: the disease hanging on long enough to become severe and life-threatening. So yeah, I think medical science can convincingly state that chloroquine produces a better outcome if and when its use brings the death rate and the rate of people needing ventilators down.

No matter HOW much you want to find excuses not to use it so that you don't ever have to admit that Trump was right about something.

And don't think we haven't all noticed the depth of your utter repulsiveness in wishing suffering and potential death on people in pursuit of your political agenda.
You’ve clearly misunderstood what I’ve written.

Id try to explain it to you but it would be an utter waste of time given your extreme prejudice and bias in the matter. You’d never be able to admit you don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about.
The vast majority of people get over COVID just fine without treatment.

It makes it more difficult to assert a medication resulted in a good outcome when that was the overwhelming likelihood without the medication.

Not really. There are lots of medications and treatments we use for illnesses that most people's bodies could eventually overcome, because 1) there's no point in suffering longer than you have to, and 2) there's no point in taking a chance that it might worsen. THAT would be the thing we're actually trying to prevent: the disease hanging on long enough to become severe and life-threatening. So yeah, I think medical science can convincingly state that chloroquine produces a better outcome if and when its use brings the death rate and the rate of people needing ventilators down.

No matter HOW much you want to find excuses not to use it so that you don't ever have to admit that Trump was right about something.

And don't think we haven't all noticed the depth of your utter repulsiveness in wishing suffering and potential death on people in pursuit of your political agenda.
You’ve clearly misunderstood what I’ve written.

Id try to explain it to you but it would be an utter waste of time given your extreme prejudice and bias in the matter. You’d never be able to admit you don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about.

You've clearly misunderstood what you really said. I'd try to explain it to you, but it would be an utter waste of time, given your utterly undeserved conceit about your "brilliance". You'd never be able to admit that you don't have the slightest idea what your words actually mean.
For any of you who survived the big red/orange pill and daily little white pills in the RVN, Chloroquine ain't a big first it goes through your guts like a hurricane and by the the next morning you're tolerant. I knew before Trump knew when I heard the first guy who claimed this was IT...the answer. Trump has a nose for success, so do I....I trust his instincts like I trust my own. This it IT and as soon as the egg-heads are tossed into the trashbin of history, we'll distribute this drug (with Z-Pack if your heart is strong) destroy this fucker and get our lives back on track. MAGA!!!!!
Cuomo didn't say that. Please fix thread title.
the nature of PHARMACOLOGY-----"differential toxicology"
we have to be patient
Wag your tail a lot. They might give you a treat(ment)

Her and others want an airtight guarantee. If they die waiting for one, that's okay, that's their choice.
But if others die who are willing to take the risk of this intervention but cannot, well, THAT IS NOT OKAY!
the nature of PHARMACOLOGY-----"differential toxicology"
we have to be patient
Wag your tail a lot. They might give you a treat(ment)

Her and others want an airtight guarantee. If they die waiting for one, that's okay, that's their choice.
But if others die who are willing to take the risk of this intervention but cannot, well, THAT IS NOT OKAY!

My understanding is the reason why they give it in hospitals but don’t prescribe it to patients that are treating themselves at home is people with heart arrhythmia can’t take this medicine because it can make their condition worse. So in essence the patient’s heart situation must be monitored continually while taking this drug.
Mods won't some pro-chloroquine threads to the MEGA because this is a conservative message board.
The vast majority of people get over COVID just fine without treatment.

It makes it more difficult to assert a medication resulted in a good outcome when that was the overwhelming likelihood without the medication.

Not really. There are lots of medications and treatments we use for illnesses that most people's bodies could eventually overcome, because 1) there's no point in suffering longer than you have to, and 2) there's no point in taking a chance that it might worsen. THAT would be the thing we're actually trying to prevent: the disease hanging on long enough to become severe and life-threatening. So yeah, I think medical science can convincingly state that chloroquine produces a better outcome if and when its use brings the death rate and the rate of people needing ventilators down.

No matter HOW much you want to find excuses not to use it so that you don't ever have to admit that Trump was right about something.

And don't think we haven't all noticed the depth of your utter repulsiveness in wishing suffering and potential death on people in pursuit of your political agenda.
You’ve clearly misunderstood what I’ve written.

Id try to explain it to you but it would be an utter waste of time given your extreme prejudice and bias in the matter. You’d never be able to admit you don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about.

You've clearly misunderstood what you really said. I'd try to explain it to you, but it would be an utter waste of time, given your utterly undeserved conceit about your "brilliance". You'd never be able to admit that you don't have the slightest idea what your words actually mean.
Honestly do you ever try listening to other people or are you just looking for excuses to launch foul mouth tirades?
The vast majority of people get over COVID just fine without treatment.

It makes it more difficult to assert a medication resulted in a good outcome when that was the overwhelming likelihood without the medication.

Not really. There are lots of medications and treatments we use for illnesses that most people's bodies could eventually overcome, because 1) there's no point in suffering longer than you have to, and 2) there's no point in taking a chance that it might worsen. THAT would be the thing we're actually trying to prevent: the disease hanging on long enough to become severe and life-threatening. So yeah, I think medical science can convincingly state that chloroquine produces a better outcome if and when its use brings the death rate and the rate of people needing ventilators down.

No matter HOW much you want to find excuses not to use it so that you don't ever have to admit that Trump was right about something.

And don't think we haven't all noticed the depth of your utter repulsiveness in wishing suffering and potential death on people in pursuit of your political agenda.
You’ve clearly misunderstood what I’ve written.

Id try to explain it to you but it would be an utter waste of time given your extreme prejudice and bias in the matter. You’d never be able to admit you don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about.

You've clearly misunderstood what you really said. I'd try to explain it to you, but it would be an utter waste of time, given your utterly undeserved conceit about your "brilliance". You'd never be able to admit that you don't have the slightest idea what your words actually mean.
Honestly do you ever try listening to other people or are you just looking for excuses to launch foul mouth tirades?

Honestly, do you always assume the only reason someone disagrees with you or views you with scorn MUST be because they just didn't listen to you? Consider the possibility that it's because I DID listen.
After being one of the many Trump-haters bashing the President for suggesting the antimalarial drug be used by doctors to help treat / save patients infected with COVID0-19 before formal drug trials have been completed, NY Gov Andrew Cuomo stated in today's Press Conference that the treatment is working.....'anecdotally'.

WTF? Anecdotal evidence is not suffiecient for official treatment guidelines. Bashing Trump for carelessly going all in on un-proven drug is completely consistent with aknowledging that there are anecdotes of it working.
WTF? Anecdotal evidence is not suffiecient for official treatment guidelines. Bashing Trump for carelessly going all in on un-proven drug is completely consistent with aknowledging that there are anecdotes of it working.

There's nothing "unproven" about'd be begging for it if you were sick. You're just following your sneering little comrades in bashing it because the President thinks it's a game-changer... It obviously is which means less dead, a reopened America and your senile bumbling fool Biden crushed in November.
The drug cocktail is working.

What's not working so well: ventilators
Ventilators are a very last resort. It’s very hard for patients ( especially those with pre existing conditions ) to come off them.
Last edited:
WTF? Anecdotal evidence is not suffiecient for official treatment guidelines. Bashing Trump for carelessly going all in on un-proven drug is completely consistent with aknowledging that there are anecdotes of it working.

There's nothing "unproven" about'd be begging for it if you were sick. You're just following your sneering little comrades in bashing it because the President thinks it's a game-changer... It obviously is which means less dead, a reopened America and your senile bumbling fool Biden crushed in November.

you got a citation from a peer reviewed medical journal?
The drug cocktail is working.

What's not working so well: ventilators
Ventilators are a very last resort. It’s very hard for patients ( especially silly those with ore existing conditions ) to come off them.

if you need ventilation, you need ventilation. "not working so well...." is -----people who need a ventilator are VERY SICK.
After being one of the many Trump-haters bashing the President for suggesting the antimalarial drug be used by doctors to help treat / save patients infected with COVID0-19 before formal drug trials have been completed, NY Gov Andrew Cuomo stated in today's Press Conference that the treatment is working.....'anecdotally'.

"New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo(D) said Monday that early responses to the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine “anecdotally” suggest its use in the coronavirus fight has been “effective,” but that official data was still forthcoming.

Asked about the progress of the trials at his daily press briefing, Cuomo noted that state officials have allowed use of the drug in combination with the antibiotic Zithromax in hospitals “at their discretion.” He said the federal government would increase supplies to New York pharmacies, but that New York has imposed a 14-day limit to protect the supplies for people who rely on it to treat other medical conditions."

"President Trump has repeatedly promoted the drug as a treatment for the virus despite lack of approval by the Food and Drug Administration for that use in the long-term or comprehensive clinical trial data, although the agency has granted emergency approval for use with a prescription."

If you or a loved one are extremely ill, potentially dying, from COVID-19 and there is a drug out there already approved to fight malaria that doctors / scientists believe have a good chance of being used to treat this virus and save lives, do you really want to wait for the CDC / government to conduct comprehensive clinical trials to confirm it works....or do you want to allow doctors to make the call in order to save lives?

It's working.

The President didn't just pull this drug out of his ass - he listened to experts / scientists / researchers / doctors. They/ He are / were right. Let the doctors make the call. You're welcome NY / US.


The only heros in this story are the governors who didn't shut down their states with illiberal policy with no justification

Why don't we shut down every year for the flu?

Trump was quite literally cowed by teh media. Total cowardice
The drug cocktail is working.

What's not working so well: ventilators
Ventilators are a very last resort. It’s very hard for patients ( especially silly those with ore existing conditions ) to come off them.

if you need ventilation, you need ventilation. "not working so well...." is -----people who need a ventilator are VERY SICK.
Once your body gives up breathing to a machine it sometimes won’t rebound. See Severe COPD cases.
The only heros in this story are the governors who didn't shut down their states with illiberal policy with no justification Why don't we shut down every year for the flu? Trump was quite literally cowed by teh media. Total cowardice

Trump was backed into a corner by the same democrats and fake media who villainized him for imposing a travel ban only to now claim he did so too late and that they - despite opposing it and calling him a Xenophobe for doing it when he did it - would have done it sooner.

Damned if he did / does, damned if he didn't /doesn't ... and too many ignorant people not understanding that.
The only heros in this story are the governors who didn't shut down their states with illiberal policy with no justification Why don't we shut down every year for the flu? Trump was quite literally cowed by teh media. Total cowardice

Trump was backed into a corner by the same democrats and fake media who villainized him for imposing a travel ban only to now claim he did so too late and that they - despite opposing it and calling him a Xenophobe for doing it when he did it - would have done it sooner.

Damned if he did / does, damned if he didn't /doesn't ... and too many ignorant people not understanding that.

Yea i mean he coulda stood tall as president and not caused a massive collapse in GDP


His election chances were more important to him

*boo hoo poor trump* doesn't work. he acted like a giant pussy
Yea i mean he coulda stood tall as president and not caused a massive collapse in GDP


His election chances were more important to him

*boo hoo poor trump* doesn't work. he acted like a giant pussy

Yeah, he should have just joined Pelosi, Cuomo, Biden, and other Democrats in telling Americans 'Nothing to see here - nothing to worry about....go about your business / lives, herding in large numbers, crapping on San Fran streets, riding the subway, licking windows, going to China Town, and keep the borders open...'

He decided to be different......and right.

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