Cuomo: 'Umm...whattaya works'

To really trigger the Fake News Establishment, Tiny Tony Fraudi should be replaced by Dr. Oz!

A quick interview in which a physician confirms the anti-malaria drug is great by itself, but since it opens cell doors and zinc stops virus replication, it is even better, way better when high dose zinc is added. To top it off, he indicates, the Kung Flu resolves in most people to nothingness with Tylonel, vitamin C, and D, and Chicken Soup, etc. even without the simple, inexpensive, prescription remedy.

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Trump saved thousands of Americans, while leftists screeched and murdered some by outlawing the Trump cure.
What people who are against this drug discount is that doctors treat other illnesses with off label drugs all the time. The FDA is not the end all be all. They put my mom on hydroxychloroquine the the same night she went into the hospital. They did so even before her test came back positive. They looked at her chest X-ray and evaluated her symptoms and knew she had COVID19. They didn’t even ask her or the family, they just put her on it. Doctors believe in this drug. That counts for something.
Wrong. They are desperate and trying ANYTHING because they don't HAVE a real proven treatment

Does it work?

No one knows and it HURTS in some cases for a variety of reasons

What we know is that it is NOT the "magic bullet" that The Orange Snake Oil Salesman claimed.

There's no way someone with no real knowledge should be making the kinds of claims he has made
To really trigger the Fake News Establishment, Tiny Tony Fraudi should be replaced by Dr. Oz!

A quick interview in which a physician confirms the anti-malaria drug is great by itself, but since it opens cell doors and zinc stops virus replication, it is even better, way better when high dose zinc is added. To top it off, he indicates, the Kung Flu resolves in most people to nothingness with Tylonel, vitamin C, and D, and Chicken Soup, etc. even without the simple, inexpensive, prescription remedy.

Yea...let's put a real quack in charge
Yea...let's put a real quack in charge

Tiny Tony Fraudi is less than a quack! 50 years, billions of dollars and still no vaccine he insisted would decimate the population in the 1980's! Tiny Tony Fraudi is a domestic and international terrorist. He is not even a real scientist, he is a public relations midget for the Deep State! Which pays very well and pleases George Soros Crooked Hillary, the Kenyan/Ethiopian Douchebag Barry Hussaine Obama, and Bill Gates from what I understand.

Recall the fake ass organization World Health Organization is headed by a Kenyan/Ethiopian savage who is responsible for millions of Black African deaths and the USA was headed by probably his cousin from a neighboring, inbred tribe for 8 years! Do the math.
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Wait...Fauci is a "failure" because we don't have a vaccine to a virus that we never HAD before?

Only a Trumper would say something that stupid
Wait...Fauci is a "failure" because we don't have a vaccine to a virus that we never HAD before?

Tiny Tony Fraudi promised a vaccine for the homosexual disease 50 years ago, so if you are not a homo, indeed, you have never HAD it before. Why do you defend the obvious fraud, Tiny Tony Fraudi? Are you willing to wait 50 years for a possible vaccine that Tiny Tony Fraudi oversees, or will you go about your business and if infected and you are among the 5% with severe symptoms take the remedy that curtails the virus within hours that is available now for a couple bucks a dose? Fauci was the ONLY person who could have developed a vaccine for AIDS?

He bears total responsibility for that?

It wasn't something the entire medical community was working on and so far has not been able to accomplish??

NO kidding.

I guess you felt the need to say "something" no matter how stupid eh? Fauci was the ONLY person who could have developed a vaccine for AIDS?

He bears total responsibility for that?

It wasn't something the entire medical community was working on and so far has not been able to accomplish??

NO kidding.

I guess you felt the need to say "something" no matter how stupid eh?
Well you Retards blame everything in the whole world on Trump every day by the same Standards that nimrod Fauci is to blame for Aids.

I heard that Trump personally visited every country in the world to hand out the virus...........given the hysteria of TDS and their Media Con Artists.

Dude gets run over by a Beer Truck......with Corona beer in it.......Death by Corona......OMFG.....We are all going to die.....
Lesh, you moron, Tiny Tony Fraudi was always a PUBLIC RELATIONS individual for the massive financial swindling going on. He personally could probably not even make chicken soup. But he promotes bullshit and through assorted, anti-American organizations uses US taxpayers and other cash to crank through BILLIONS of dollars. Like a Jerry Lewis telethon times a billion or so...
Well you Retards blame everything in the whole world on Trump every day by the same Standards that nimrod Fauci is to blame for Aids.
THAT statement is "retarded". Your very argument by it's own words undercuts it

Childish nonsense
Lesh, you moron, Tiny Tony Fraudi was always a PUBLIC RELATIONS individual for the massive financial swindling going on. He personally could probably not even make chicken soup. But he promotes bullshit and through assorted, anti-American organizations uses US taxpayers and other cash to crank through BILLIONS of dollars. Like a Jerry Lewis telethon times a billion or so...
Neither you nor I had ever heard of Fauci before this thing started and your bullshit is the product of him not agreeing with the Orange Fraud
the nature of PHARMACOLOGY-----"differential toxicology"
we have to be patient
No, that's the nature of government. You can wait until you die, for all they care.

it's the nature of science-----it takes time to prove that a
"medicine" works. I have no idea why hydroquinone would
do anything for a viral infection-----so far it is not demonstrated
and there are rare complications of that therapy
No, that's the nature of the FDA. It only takes one scientific study to prove a medicine works.
ll this drug out of his ass - he listened to experts / scientists / researchers / doctors. They/ He are / were right. Let the doctors make the call. You're welcome NY / US.

Trump didn't listen to "experts", he already has said he watched that Ingraham bimbo and the other dunces on FOX News, this is where he got his information, not from "experts" and "scientists".

Of course, that does not necessarily detract from the efficacy of hydroxychloriquine, but doctors were not touting something that was not proven, and only on the strength of anecdotal evidence, but a buffoon like Trump will.

Yeah, no doctors are on board with this. That's why they're prescribing it to their patients . . . because your talking points memo told you that Trump is just making it up from listening to talk radio, and by God, reality will adjust to fit your narrative!
the nature of PHARMACOLOGY-----"differential toxicology"
we have to be patient
No, that's the nature of government. You can wait until you die, for all they care.

it's the nature of science-----it takes time to prove that a
"medicine" works. I have no idea why hydroquinone would
do anything for a viral infection-----so far it is not demonstrated
and there are rare complications of that therapy

Pencillin kills people as does regular aspirin........yet for 99% of the people who use them, they are saved, not harmed by them....

Every medication on the market has a small percentage of people who can't take it. The FDA knows this, and their approval standards include a minimum percentage of those people that the medication can't exceed to get approved.
If the CDC and NIH were doing their job they would already know if the drug works or not

they should watch less porn and do more work

Really? And how would that happen? Please, be specific about the no-doubt-copious amounts of information you have on how the medical establishment comes to know if a drug works or not, and how long it takes.
And that’s how you shut irosie91 the fuck up.

you imagine that nurses know nothing about medicine, dingfuck?
You are very extremely stupid, dingshit. The orderlies know more
than do you and your sunday whore

You are reaping what you sow, Rosie.

The beatings will continue until your morale improves.

So, are you ready to concede that zinc is an ion and requires an ionophore to be transported across a lipid membrane of a cell? Or do you need to see the study which proves it?

and lastly, are you ready to concede that the term invasive ventilators isn’t a phrase I made up but is a term the medical community uses?

try again-----hydroquinolone is not an IONOPHORE. When did I suggest that zinc in absorbable form, Zn +2, is NOT AN ION----
sheeesh ----did you pass grammar school chemistry?
You didn’t watch the video did you?

why would I watch a video that makes the utterly idiotic claim that
hydroxyquinoline is an IONOPHORE ? (for the record---an ionophore is a feature of the lipo-protein membrane that surrounds
living cells <<grammar school biology ---poor dingbat flunked)

You mean why would you listen to a doctor explain how this virus works and why zinc disrupts it’s rna replicase and how zinc cannot enter a cell without the aid of an ionphore and the paper which describes the study that proves hydroquinone gets zinc into the cell?

I don’t know. I can only assume it is because you are too proud to admit you are wrong.

the phrase "without the aid of an ionophore...." makes no sense.
An ionophore is a feature of the lipo-protein membrane. It would
make sense if you said that hydroquinone MEDIATES or FACILITATES the diffusion of zinc thru an ionophore of the lipoprotein membrane. The component doing the "aiding" in this case would be the
hydroxyquinone. Zinc is a cofactor in a MYRIAD of cellular reactions
and is ubiquitous in the human diet and absolutely necessary in
DNA transcription. Corona is an RNA virus. There is no getting
rid of zinc in the human body or in the human diet, -----but there is some evidence that lots interferes with the ribosomal transcription of the corona virus genome. Thus---the theory is that facilitated
absorption of zinc-------retards the corona rna transcription----ie
its------multiplication (aka -progeny)

I guess you missed the paper that showed the zinc entering the cells.

maybe you should write a paper telling them what they did wrong.

there is a "paper" "that showed the zinc entering the cells"
SHEEEEESH ---is that supposed to be news? The vital role
of zinc as a cofactor in human physiology is "NEWS"? It works
like this----ZINC is component of the stuff you eat. ------you cannot avoid it. It exists in just about all foods in small amounts----but small amounts is all you need. It is a cofactor in hundreds of
chemical reactions in your little body and has to be ingested and ---then absorbed into cells THRU THE LIPO-PROTEIN membrane-----like all other ions (cations and anions----like Na and Cl and K ---etc )--
thru IONOPHORES in the lipo-protein membrane ----------is this
stuff now being called "NEWS"? For practical purposes
PHORE means "hole"--------in the case of the lipoprotein membrane
it refers to points of passage. Such points can be FACILITATED
by the presence of various compounds. It's NEWS???

Yes. Maybe you have heard about it. It’s called hydroquinone.

not news

It is news because of the implications to treat covid-19.

it's news if you have been in a coma for the past 50 years

No. I’m pretty sure the off label use of hydroquinone to treat against covid-19 and the science behind why it should work are fairly recent developments.

And how the fuck do you run clinical trials in the middle of a pandemic? Do you really take two people with a life-threatening illness and tell one of them, "We're going to give you a placebo so we can measure how much faster your condition worsens compared to that guy?"

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