Current COVID-19 Mortality Rate: 1.35%

The mortality rate is being misquoted. It’s not 1.5% of the population that dies nor 1.5% if the tested nor 1.5% of the infecteds. It’s 1.5% of the hospitalized and/or cases diagnosed as “severe or critical”
If I’m wrong I’ll say so and stand down but you that are throwing these numbers out as percentage of USA population must stand down
The mortality rate being used is the percent of confirmed cases of infection that die. Presently, it is 1.41% in the US.

Ok. Other charts I have seen dealt with deaths from hospitalizations and/or severe to critical cases most of which were hospitalized
1.41% of positives is not adding a lot of clarity because we dont know how many tested total and how many of that total tested pisitive
I’m going to say that 1% of all Americans have been tested so 3.5 million. I’m going to offer for discussion sake that 10% have tested positive so 350,000. Out of that 1.4% die or about 5,000 and we are actually not even close to 5k so I’m too high by a factor of 7x
Let me follow through though and correct that 7x at the end
350 million Americans, 35 million get it. 1.4% die or 500,000 but I can see my calculation are 7x too hight so 500k divides by 7 equals 70,000 total deaths. That’s a sobering number but not worth a devastating and full scale shutdown of America.!
Only about 250,000 have been the USA, out of 330 million residents.

We do not have enough tests....

That is the main problem of why we could not slow the spread, and why we can't get more accurate guesstimates.

I haven't been tested for cancer, because I have no cancer symptoms. Do you understand how testing works now?
We screen asymptomatic people for cancer all the time

But not on an urgent basis.
I had to wait 9 months for my colonoscopy.
Holy Smokes!!!!

I only had to wait 2 1/2 weeks here in Maine!
But in the context of comparing the US to Europe, whereas in this thread the assertion has been continually made that the US will suffer the same disaster as Italy and no experts in CDC or WHO has made that claim.
They absolutely have made the claim that it could be as bad here as in Italy. Multiple times.

Fauci said it word for word

So did the Surgeon General.

The WHO very explicitly, just today, warned that the US could become the new epicenter. The current epicenter is Italy. So that is an explicit warning that the US could be as bad as Italy.

But anyone saying it could be as bad here as Italy is not being honest.
I just talked with European doctors, and they tell me Italy always has a substandard medical system, and Italy has the single oldest population on the planet.
Italy is the most dense population and physical contact of all of Europe.
But in the context of comparing the US to Europe, whereas in this thread the assertion has been continually made that the US will suffer the same disaster as Italy and no experts in CDC or WHO has made that claim.
They absolutely have made the claim that it could be as bad here as in Italy. Multiple times.

Fauci said it word for word

So did the Surgeon General.

The WHO very explicitly, just today, warned that the US could become the new epicenter. The current epicenter is Italy. So that is an explicit warning that the US could be as bad as Italy.

But anyone saying it could be as bad here as Italy is not being honest.
I just talked with European doctors, and they tell me Italy always has a substandard medical system, and Italy has the single oldest population on the planet.
Italy is the most dense population and physical contact of all of Europe.

I haven’t seen anyone say it’s as bad here as Italy.

Italy has a decent medical system.
But in the context of comparing the US to Europe, whereas in this thread the assertion has been continually made that the US will suffer the same disaster as Italy and no experts in CDC or WHO has made that claim.
They absolutely have made the claim that it could be as bad here as in Italy. Multiple times.

Fauci said it word for word

So did the Surgeon General.

The WHO very explicitly, just today, warned that the US could become the new epicenter. The current epicenter is Italy. So that is an explicit warning that the US could be as bad as Italy.

The WHO are idiots. They are also the yahoos that don't rank US healthcare as the top in the world despite the obvious that it clearly is, in terms of quality.
Undoubtedly, we have the best healthcare system, for those who can afford it.

But if you look at the system as a whole, it is not up to par with the many other nations of the industrialized world.
Not true. Everyone in the US has access to quality healthcare. For those who can't afford private health insurance and are not eligible for Medicaid, HHS operates about 12,000 clinics across the US which provide comprehensive primary care on a sliding scale basis and if you need care beyond what they can provide, hospitals will admit you if you sign papers accepting responsibility for your bills.
But in the context of comparing the US to Europe, whereas in this thread the assertion has been continually made that the US will suffer the same disaster as Italy and no experts in CDC or WHO has made that claim.
They absolutely have made the claim that it could be as bad here as in Italy. Multiple times.

Fauci said it word for word

So did the Surgeon General.

The WHO very explicitly, just today, warned that the US could become the new epicenter. The current epicenter is Italy. So that is an explicit warning that the US could be as bad as Italy.

The WHO are idiots. They are also the yahoos that don't rank US healthcare as the top in the world despite the obvious that it clearly is, in terms of quality.
Undoubtedly, we have the best healthcare system, for those who can afford it.

But if you look at the system as a whole, it is not up to par with the many other nations of the industrialized world.
Not true. Everyone in the US has access to quality healthcare. For those who can't afford private health insurance and are not eligible for Medicaid, HHS operates about 12,000 clinics across the US which provide comprehensive primary care on a sliding scale basis and if you need care beyond what they can provide, hospitals will admit you if you sign papers accepting responsibility for your bills.

Unfortunately you’ve glossed over a great many holes in our patchwork system.

For example:
A very small % of the population is susceptible to COVID-19 and will get it.
Pure bullshit. What the hell do you base THAT on?

Just use China as an average.
The population of China is 1.4 billion.
Of those, 81,218 got the COVID-19. that is about 0.006% of the population of China got it.

Are you saying the US does not have as good of health practices as China?
It is not like China had the warnings we had and the time we had to prepare.
But in the context of comparing the US to Europe, whereas in this thread the assertion has been continually made that the US will suffer the same disaster as Italy and no experts in CDC or WHO has made that claim.
They absolutely have made the claim that it could be as bad here as in Italy. Multiple times.

Fauci said it word for word

So did the Surgeon General.

The WHO very explicitly, just today, warned that the US could become the new epicenter. The current epicenter is Italy. So that is an explicit warning that the US could be as bad as Italy.

The WHO are idiots. They are also the yahoos that don't rank US healthcare as the top in the world despite the obvious that it clearly is, in terms of quality.
Undoubtedly, we have the best healthcare system, for those who can afford it.

But if you look at the system as a whole, it is not up to par with the many other nations of the industrialized world.
Not true. Everyone in the US has access to quality healthcare. For those who can't afford private health insurance and are not eligible for Medicaid, HHS operates about 12,000 clinics across the US which provide comprehensive primary care on a sliding scale basis and if you need care beyond what they can provide, hospitals will admit you if you sign papers accepting responsibility for your bills.

Unfortunately you’ve glossed over a great many holes in our patchwork system.

For example:
HHS clinics provide medical supplies on a sliding scale basis. There was no need for him to die because of the price of insulin.
But in the context of comparing the US to Europe, whereas in this thread the assertion has been continually made that the US will suffer the same disaster as Italy and no experts in CDC or WHO has made that claim.
They absolutely have made the claim that it could be as bad here as in Italy. Multiple times.

Fauci said it word for word

So did the Surgeon General.

The WHO very explicitly, just today, warned that the US could become the new epicenter. The current epicenter is Italy. So that is an explicit warning that the US could be as bad as Italy.

The WHO are idiots. They are also the yahoos that don't rank US healthcare as the top in the world despite the obvious that it clearly is, in terms of quality.
Undoubtedly, we have the best healthcare system, for those who can afford it.

But if you look at the system as a whole, it is not up to par with the many other nations of the industrialized world.
Not true. Everyone in the US has access to quality healthcare. For those who can't afford private health insurance and are not eligible for Medicaid, HHS operates about 12,000 clinics across the US which provide comprehensive primary care on a sliding scale basis and if you need care beyond what they can provide, hospitals will admit you if you sign papers accepting responsibility for your bills.

I do not believe that.
I have never heard of or seen any HHS clinic.
If you mean that the ER of any hospital has to take you, they still send you a bill and sue if you do not pay, and the ER bill is about 5 times normal.
Asked whether the United States could overtake Europe as the epicenter of COVID-19, Harris said: “We are now seeing a very large acceleration in the number of cases from the US, so it does have that potential.
That is her explicitly warning that the US has the potential to be as bad as Italy. Thanks for the assist.

And the surgeon general and Fauci both said it as well. Those are facts you just claimed to be false.

I think we're done, here. I can't really do anything else to show you that you are full of shit.
lol There you go again capable of nothing by lies.
You just got embarrassed. You literally posted proof of what i said, while calling it false. How embarrassing for you.
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".


The flu infected 38 to 54 million people in the US this year.
The flu killed 23 to 59 thousand people in the US this year.

So the flu then is far more deadly then COVID-19.
China only has 21 thousand COVID-19 deaths this year, and has about 5 times the population of the US. Devide 21 thousand by 5 and you get a reasonable estimate for the US. Which is only about 4 thousand.
The flu has a vaccine, the flu has antivirals to combat once sick.

We have neither for COVID19.

We also have no freaking idea how many have contracted this virus, nor how many are being infected right now or next week with it....

COVId19 has only been around for 3 to 4 months, not a full year, as the Flu numbers are for a year.

And, COVID19 is not a flu... we still are not certain how it spreads so rapidly...other than guessing that all the a symptomatic carriers are spreading it without knowledge... this virus is a sneaky little bastard..

The flu, you can hear and see who has it, and keep a distance....

There truly are too many unknowns, for any of us to claim we KNOW....anything yet.
Last edited:
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".


The flu infected 38 to 54 million people in the US this year.
The flu killed 23 to 59 thousand people in the US this year.

So the flu then is far more deadly then COVID-19.
China only has 21 thousand COVID-19 deaths this year, and has about 5 times the population of the US. Devide 21 thousand by 5 and you get a reasonable estimate for the US. Which is only about 4 thousand.
The flu has a vaccine, the flu has antivirals to combat once sick.

We have neither for COVID19.

We also have no freaking idea how many have contracted this virus, nor how many are being infected right now or next week with it....

Vivid19 has only been around for 3 to 4 months, not a full year, as the Flu numbers are for a year.

And, COVID19 is not a flu... we still are not certain how it spreads so rapidly...other than guessing that all the a symptomatic carriers are spreading it without knowledge... this virus is a sneaky little avatars....

The flu, you can hear and see who has it, and keep a distance....

There truly are too many unknowns, for any of us to claim we KNOW....anything yet.

Setting aside differences, let me ask you a question.

If you look at World-o-meters you see every state has a few cases. With the exception of the states that are really taking a beating....don't you think it odd that a place like Iowa has only a few hundred cases ?

I would guess (and yes, I said guess) that we'll find that most of these states like Arizona that have huge population centers will eventually discover there a bunch more cases we never knew about.

Just sayin'
But in the context of comparing the US to Europe, whereas in this thread the assertion has been continually made that the US will suffer the same disaster as Italy and no experts in CDC or WHO has made that claim.
They absolutely have made the claim that it could be as bad here as in Italy. Multiple times.

Fauci said it word for word

So did the Surgeon General.

The WHO very explicitly, just today, warned that the US could become the new epicenter. The current epicenter is Italy. So that is an explicit warning that the US could be as bad as Italy.

The WHO are idiots. They are also the yahoos that don't rank US healthcare as the top in the world despite the obvious that it clearly is, in terms of quality.
Undoubtedly, we have the best healthcare system, for those who can afford it.

But if you look at the system as a whole, it is not up to par with the many other nations of the industrialized world.
Not true. Everyone in the US has access to quality healthcare. For those who can't afford private health insurance and are not eligible for Medicaid, HHS operates about 12,000 clinics across the US which provide comprehensive primary care on a sliding scale basis and if you need care beyond what they can provide, hospitals will admit you if you sign papers accepting responsibility for your bills.

I do not believe that.
I have never heard of or seen any HHS clinic.
If you mean that the ER of any hospital has to take you, they still send you a bill and sue if you do not pay, and the ER bill is about 5 times normal.
Believe it.

Scroll down the page until you come to the address box for locations, type in your location and see all the clinics near you.
But in the context of comparing the US to Europe, whereas in this thread the assertion has been continually made that the US will suffer the same disaster as Italy and no experts in CDC or WHO has made that claim.
They absolutely have made the claim that it could be as bad here as in Italy. Multiple times.

Fauci said it word for word

So did the Surgeon General.

The WHO very explicitly, just today, warned that the US could become the new epicenter. The current epicenter is Italy. So that is an explicit warning that the US could be as bad as Italy.

The WHO are idiots. They are also the yahoos that don't rank US healthcare as the top in the world despite the obvious that it clearly is, in terms of quality.
Undoubtedly, we have the best healthcare system, for those who can afford it.

But if you look at the system as a whole, it is not up to par with the many other nations of the industrialized world.
Not true. Everyone in the US has access to quality healthcare. For those who can't afford private health insurance and are not eligible for Medicaid, HHS operates about 12,000 clinics across the US which provide comprehensive primary care on a sliding scale basis and if you need care beyond what they can provide, hospitals will admit you if you sign papers accepting responsibility for your bills.

Unfortunately you’ve glossed over a great many holes in our patchwork system.

For example:
HHS clinics provide medical supplies on a sliding scale basis. There was no need for him to die because of the price of insulin.
They all sell insulin, based on income? That's false.
But in the context of comparing the US to Europe, whereas in this thread the assertion has been continually made that the US will suffer the same disaster as Italy and no experts in CDC or WHO has made that claim.
They absolutely have made the claim that it could be as bad here as in Italy. Multiple times.

Fauci said it word for word

So did the Surgeon General.

The WHO very explicitly, just today, warned that the US could become the new epicenter. The current epicenter is Italy. So that is an explicit warning that the US could be as bad as Italy.

But anyone saying it could be as bad here as Italy is not being honest.
I just talked with European doctors, and they tell me Italy always has a substandard medical system, and Italy has the single oldest population on the planet.
Italy is the most dense population and physical contact of all of Europe.
That's simply NOT TRUE, Italy is ranked one of the best healthcare systems in EU.
The last two days, New York has had rocketing cases and deaths (over 100 deaths the last two or three days).

Right now World O Meters is showing 14 so far today.

New York really skewed the numbers.

If this holds, you have to start asking some questions.

Yesterdays total was 225 deaths total in the U.S. Right now we are at 150.

The day isn't over, although I think the reporting period might be getting close to ending.
But in the context of comparing the US to Europe, whereas in this thread the assertion has been continually made that the US will suffer the same disaster as Italy and no experts in CDC or WHO has made that claim.
They absolutely have made the claim that it could be as bad here as in Italy. Multiple times.

Fauci said it word for word

So did the Surgeon General.

The WHO very explicitly, just today, warned that the US could become the new epicenter. The current epicenter is Italy. So that is an explicit warning that the US could be as bad as Italy.

The WHO are idiots. They are also the yahoos that don't rank US healthcare as the top in the world despite the obvious that it clearly is, in terms of quality.
Undoubtedly, we have the best healthcare system, for those who can afford it.

But if you look at the system as a whole, it is not up to par with the many other nations of the industrialized world.
Not true. Everyone in the US has access to quality healthcare. For those who can't afford private health insurance and are not eligible for Medicaid, HHS operates about 12,000 clinics across the US which provide comprehensive primary care on a sliding scale basis and if you need care beyond what they can provide, hospitals will admit you if you sign papers accepting responsibility for your bills.

Unfortunately you’ve glossed over a great many holes in our patchwork system.

For example:
HHS clinics provide medical supplies on a sliding scale basis. There was no need for him to die because of the price of insulin.
They all sell insulin, based on income? That's false.
It's all true and these HHS clinics have been around for many years, so when Obama said if you don't have health insurance you have choice but to go to an ER for primary care, he was lying.

Check it out.

Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


I’m hesitant to read too much into it if cases are so well under tested in this country.

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