Current COVID-19 Mortality Rate: 1.35%

Which means you are saying that people could die from this and no one would know it
Not necessarily. It also means that currently undetected cases could later be detected and result in death.

I know you morons aren't very good at stringing two thoughts together, but this is getting ridiculous.
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".
No one called it a hoax stop lying it only harms your case....
Trump called it a Democrat hoax. Then blew it off and went golfing.

What a tard!
He did not tard...stop lying or no one will ever take you seriously here have been lying for two weeks now....

Yes, he did. :28 in:

And Fox News did too.


You conveniently missed the most important part....the beginning when he said the democrats are politicizing the corona virus...he never called the virus a hoax only the politicization of it....everything the dems do is a hoax....they are the hoax party....


No he didn' the video dummy....

One of my people came up to me and said, ‘Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it.’ They tried the impeachment hoax,” said Trump. “And this is their new hoax.”


"This" meaning the media generated hysteria, dumbass.

But in the context of comparing the US to Europe, whereas in this thread the assertion has been continually made that the US will suffer the same disaster as Italy and no experts in CDC or WHO has made that claim.
They absolutely have made the claim that it could be as bad here as in Italy. Multiple times.

Fauci said it word for word

So did the Surgeon General.

The WHO very explicitly, just today, warned that the US could become the new epicenter. The current epicenter is Italy. So that is an explicit warning that the US could be as bad as Italy.

The WHO are idiots. They are also the yahoos that don't rank US healthcare as the top in the world despite the obvious that it clearly is, in terms of quality.
Undoubtedly, we have the best healthcare system, for those who can afford it.

But if you look at the system as a whole, it is not up to par with the many other nations of the industrialized world.
Not true. Everyone in the US has access to quality healthcare. For those who can't afford private health insurance and are not eligible for Medicaid, HHS operates about 12,000 clinics across the US which provide comprehensive primary care on a sliding scale basis and if you need care beyond what they can provide, hospitals will admit you if you sign papers accepting responsibility for your bills.

Unfortunately you’ve glossed over a great many holes in our patchwork system.

For example:
HHS clinics provide medical supplies on a sliding scale basis. There was no need for him to die because of the price of insulin.

Not enough to satisfy the need. nothing more than a band aid on a leaky ship.
Which means you are saying that people could die from this and no one would know it
Not necessarily. It also means that currently undetected cases could later be detected and result in death.

I know you morons aren't very good at stringing two thoughts together, but this is getting ridiculous.
It's not likely that someone is going to be deathly ill and not call the doctor, dumbass.
WHO didn't predict we would become the next epicenter, she said it was possible based on a couple of days' data.
Actually, 60+ days of data, and ten more days of data than we have on Italy.

Correcting your retarded posts really is a full time job. I think I will take the rest of the night off, ya moron.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Pogo told me the US mortality rate was over 62%.
What post was that? I want to use that to harangue him until the end of time.
It's not likely that someone is going to be deathly ill and not call the doctor, dumbass
Not all currently undetected cases that will result in death currently involve deathly ill people.

I can't believe I have to spell out this simple shit for you idiots
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


I’m hesitant to read too much into it if cases are so well under tested in this country.


Pigs just flew and hell froze over.

We agree.

I am having a galactic moment.
No one cares.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Things are moving so fast, it's now up to 1.37% of confirmed cases, but to put things in perspective, it is among the lowest rates among developed countries of any size.

Hopefully you realize how many people are in ICU's who will ultimately die and that we're a month behind Italy.

No, you don't ... Never mind
This is just you hoping for the worst for America. We are not a month behind Italy. Italy is still behind us. Because the EU never closed its borders between member states, and because Italy is a prime tourist location, its population infected people continued to enter Italy even as the crisis grew to an unsupportable size. To make matters worse, Italy has a much older population than the US, so it mortality rate is naturally much higher.

If you look at the statistics for EU countries, those with a high rate of tourism have a high rate of infection and those with a lower rate of tourism have a lower rate of infection. President Trump's early action to cut off travel from countries with high infection rates is the reason we have a so much lower mortality rate than most other developed countries of any size.
In 2005, the latest statistic I could find, we have over 1 BILLION Tourists a year in the USA

So our tourism from other nations is HUGE

In the U.S., tourism is among the three largest employers in 29 states, employing 7.3 million in 2004, to take care of 1.19 billion trips tourists took in the U.S. in 2005.[citation needed] As of 2007, there are 2,462 registered National Historic Landmarks (NHL) recognized by the United States government. As of 2018, New York City is the most visited destination in the United States, followed by Los Angeles, Orlando, Las Vegas, and Chicago.

Tourists spend more money in the United States than any other country, while attracting the second-highest number of tourists after France and Spain.[2][3] The discrepancy may be explained by longer stays in the US.[3]
All true and that's why President Trump's early decision to ban travel from places with high infection rates was so important in saving us from the horror show the EU is now experiencing. The EU still has not banned travel from places with high infection rates, and although some member states have, since they have open borders with other member states, infected people can land elsewhere in the EU and travel to Rome an kill Italians.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Things are moving so fast, it's now up to 1.37% of confirmed cases, but to put things in perspective, it is among the lowest rates among developed countries of any size.

Hopefully you realize how many people are in ICU's who will ultimately die and that we're a month behind Italy.

No, you don't ... Never mind
Italy diagnosed their first case they same day we did.

Okay, you go with that.

The Intercept?
And their first local case on 2-22

We're going to become Italy. I'd say in 2-3 more weeks. They ARE way ahead of us. So is the rest of Europe.

You hope we will become Italy, but there is no basis in fact to support your hope for this.

Yes there is actually - I don't make this shit up, I listen to the doctors and scientists. We are on precisely the same trajectory.

And NO - suggesting that a fellow American hopes we become Italy is unAmerican and goofy.
Whether you are making this shit up yourself or listening to other people who are making it up, there is no basis in fact for believing the US will experience what italy is experiencing. No other nation on Earth is experiencing what Italy is experiencing, so why would you think the US will experience what is happening in Italy instead of what is happening in Germany, which is doing much better than Italy, unless you are expressing you hope for the US to go through all the same suffering and death Italy is going through because you think it will be bad for President Trump. You may technically be an American, but you are clearly no one's fellow American.
Dr. Love didn't make it up. It's what some experts are saying. I know we can't predict the future, but they've been pretty onpoint so far.
I don't know which experts you are talking about, but what I have heard is that the crisis will get worse before it gets better but not that it will be the worst in the world, which is what Dr. Love is predicting. There is no rational basis for saying it will be like Italy's rather than like Germany's, which is much better, unless you are expressing a wish for the crisis to be that bad because you believe it will be bad for Trump, as Dr. Love clearly does.
Of course I don't wish us to surpass Italy in this pandemic. I doubt if Dr. Love does either, but you'll think what you want.
Don't put TOO much reliance on the temperature for solving this problem. The article I linked didn't go into any actual #'s so I don't know just how much of a slow down it will provide. The fact that the warmer states (except Louisiana) seem to be experiencing less new cases than colder states, it's not that summer is going to lick this thing. Even my article said that warmer weather might help slow transmission ALONG WITH STRICT MEASURES to stop the spread. And how many buildings and homes in the deep south don't have air conditioning running all summer? Cool and dry air is what coronavirus likes.
From what I've read, we don't really know why flu viruses seem to disappear in warm weather, so we don't know if this virus will react the same way, so there is some reason to hope for the best. In fact, we don't know at this point if we are approaching the peak of the curve or not.
I am always HOPING for the best. I just don't ignore the people who know a lot more about it than I do.
Dr. Love has clearly said the US experience will be as bad as Italy's, which is the worst in the world, without any basis in fact for that believe or hope, so I don't know why you would doubt he is wishing the worst for America for political reasons.

I also listen closely to the experts, and nothing they have said suggests the US experience will be anything like Italy's.

You aren't "watching experts" - Sounds more like Fox-n-Friends. ;)
I do listen to the experts, but clearly you don't since none of them have predicted the US experience will be the worst in the world as you insist.
Did you read Lucy's posts in this thread? I have read SO much today and in the past few days that I can't remember where I read it, but if our new cases keep piling up the way they have been going, we will soon surpass China and yes, Italy. That's what they're saying. It might not be mortality rates--they never mention in what way we're going to surpass China. Just that we will.
I have no idea what you have been reading or who you consider an expert but no one at the CDC or WHO has made such a prediction. You say you are paying attention to what the experts say, but none of them have said that.
This is what I was thinking of:
On the same day, Margaret Harris, a spokesperson for the World Health Organization said that the United States has the potential to be the next epicenter of the coronavirus, citing the dramatic increase in cases. The number of cases in the United States has surged from 7,800 cases a week ago to 53,268 cases today.

WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris told reporters Tuesday morning that 85 percent of the previous day’s new confirmed cases of Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, were in the United States or Europe. And 40 percent of those cases were reported in the US.
Even as President Donald Trump has begun publicly considering relaxing social distancing guidelines and restarting the economy, Harris warned that the “very large acceleration” in new cases could make the United States the new epicenter for the global pandemic.
The US “has a very large outbreak and an outbreak that is increasing in intensity,” she said, according to a Reuters report.
The virus was first reported in the US on January 20, and it took until March 17 to report the first 100 deaths. But that number has skyrocketed over the past week, and US states reported more than 100 Covid-19-related deaths on Monday alone, marking the first time the death count reached 100 in a single day in the US.

WHO says a third of the newest coronavirus cases worldwide are in the US

Yesterday, Tuesday, there were over 200.

Maybe I was wrong to say we would surpass Italy; if so, I apologize. What I was thinking of was that WHO is predicting we will be the next epicenter. Could we surpass Italy at this rate? We have a lot more people, so I was thinking yes we could.

Yes we likely will have more cases than Italy since we are 3 times the population.
But since we have a younger population, more ventilators per person, and more warning, we likely will have a much lower death rate per the number who contract it.
Italy had 4.4% death rate of those who contracted it, and Germany only has 0.4% death rate of those who contracted it. We likely will be in the middle somewhere.
Just like the “you said hoax” bogus cries we need to get another thing set right
Oh, sorry, you're delusional. Trump called the whole thing a hoax. It's a fact. And you agreed. You still agree. That's the weirdest thing about your posts, really. You might be somewhat mentally ill.
Fact. He did not call it a hoax.
Just like the “you said hoax” bogus cries we need to get another thing set right
Oh, sorry, you're delusional. Trump called the whole thing a hoax. It's a fact. And you agreed. You still agree. That's the weirdest thing about your posts, really. You might be somewhat mentally ill.
Fact. He did not call it a hoax.
He sure did. On one side, you have the Trump cultists. On the other, literally everyone else. And the video. Gee, who to believe....
Part of the issue is that there are no numbers of tested who are sick versus not sick because they only test those that appear sick
I guess the way they have handled all these past episodes is to try and find out who is sick period and not deal with any comparative numbers for the well for that episode or to compare to any other episodes for future referencing
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


That’s good to know, because most cases are unreported. Here in Virginia you call the hospital and unless you’re gasping for air they just say stay home for 2 weeks. Untested, thus unreported.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Things are moving so fast, it's now up to 1.37% of confirmed cases, but to put things in perspective, it is among the lowest rates among developed countries of any size.

Hopefully you realize how many people are in ICU's who will ultimately die and that we're a month behind Italy.

No, you don't ... Never mind
This is just you hoping for the worst for America. We are not a month behind Italy. Italy is still behind us. Because the EU never closed its borders between member states, and because Italy is a prime tourist location, its population infected people continued to enter Italy even as the crisis grew to an unsupportable size. To make matters worse, Italy has a much older population than the US, so it mortality rate is naturally much higher.

If you look at the statistics for EU countries, those with a high rate of tourism have a high rate of infection and those with a lower rate of tourism have a lower rate of infection. President Trump's early action to cut off travel from countries with high infection rates is the reason we have a so much lower mortality rate than most other developed countries of any size.
In 2005, the latest statistic I could find, we have over 1 BILLION Tourists a year in the USA

So our tourism from other nations is HUGE

In the U.S., tourism is among the three largest employers in 29 states, employing 7.3 million in 2004, to take care of 1.19 billion trips tourists took in the U.S. in 2005.[citation needed] As of 2007, there are 2,462 registered National Historic Landmarks (NHL) recognized by the United States government. As of 2018, New York City is the most visited destination in the United States, followed by Los Angeles, Orlando, Las Vegas, and Chicago.

Tourists spend more money in the United States than any other country, while attracting the second-highest number of tourists after France and Spain.[2][3] The discrepancy may be explained by longer stays in the US.[3]
All true and that's why President Trump's early decision to ban travel from places with high infection rates was so important in saving us from the horror show the EU is now experiencing. The EU still has not banned travel from places with high infection rates, and although some member states have, since they have open borders with other member states, infected people can land elsewhere in the EU and travel to Rome an kill Italians.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Things are moving so fast, it's now up to 1.37% of confirmed cases, but to put things in perspective, it is among the lowest rates among developed countries of any size.

Hopefully you realize how many people are in ICU's who will ultimately die and that we're a month behind Italy.

No, you don't ... Never mind
Italy diagnosed their first case they same day we did.

Okay, you go with that.

The Intercept?
And their first local case on 2-22

We're going to become Italy. I'd say in 2-3 more weeks. They ARE way ahead of us. So is the rest of Europe.

You hope we will become Italy, but there is no basis in fact to support your hope for this.

Yes there is actually - I don't make this shit up, I listen to the doctors and scientists. We are on precisely the same trajectory.

And NO - suggesting that a fellow American hopes we become Italy is unAmerican and goofy.
Whether you are making this shit up yourself or listening to other people who are making it up, there is no basis in fact for believing the US will experience what italy is experiencing. No other nation on Earth is experiencing what Italy is experiencing, so why would you think the US will experience what is happening in Italy instead of what is happening in Germany, which is doing much better than Italy, unless you are expressing you hope for the US to go through all the same suffering and death Italy is going through because you think it will be bad for President Trump. You may technically be an American, but you are clearly no one's fellow American.
Dr. Love didn't make it up. It's what some experts are saying. I know we can't predict the future, but they've been pretty onpoint so far.
I don't know which experts you are talking about, but what I have heard is that the crisis will get worse before it gets better but not that it will be the worst in the world, which is what Dr. Love is predicting. There is no rational basis for saying it will be like Italy's rather than like Germany's, which is much better, unless you are expressing a wish for the crisis to be that bad because you believe it will be bad for Trump, as Dr. Love clearly does.
Of course I don't wish us to surpass Italy in this pandemic. I doubt if Dr. Love does either, but you'll think what you want.
Don't put TOO much reliance on the temperature for solving this problem. The article I linked didn't go into any actual #'s so I don't know just how much of a slow down it will provide. The fact that the warmer states (except Louisiana) seem to be experiencing less new cases than colder states, it's not that summer is going to lick this thing. Even my article said that warmer weather might help slow transmission ALONG WITH STRICT MEASURES to stop the spread. And how many buildings and homes in the deep south don't have air conditioning running all summer? Cool and dry air is what coronavirus likes.
From what I've read, we don't really know why flu viruses seem to disappear in warm weather, so we don't know if this virus will react the same way, so there is some reason to hope for the best. In fact, we don't know at this point if we are approaching the peak of the curve or not.
I am always HOPING for the best. I just don't ignore the people who know a lot more about it than I do.
Dr. Love has clearly said the US experience will be as bad as Italy's, which is the worst in the world, without any basis in fact for that believe or hope, so I don't know why you would doubt he is wishing the worst for America for political reasons.

I also listen closely to the experts, and nothing they have said suggests the US experience will be anything like Italy's.

You aren't "watching experts" - Sounds more like Fox-n-Friends. ;)
I do listen to the experts, but clearly you don't since none of them have predicted the US experience will be the worst in the world as you insist.
Did you read Lucy's posts in this thread? I have read SO much today and in the past few days that I can't remember where I read it, but if our new cases keep piling up the way they have been going, we will soon surpass China and yes, Italy. That's what they're saying. It might not be mortality rates--they never mention in what way we're going to surpass China. Just that we will.
I have no idea what you have been reading or who you consider an expert but no one at the CDC or WHO has made such a prediction. You say you are paying attention to what the experts say, but none of them have said that.
This is what I was thinking of:
On the same day, Margaret Harris, a spokesperson for the World Health Organization said that the United States has the potential to be the next epicenter of the coronavirus, citing the dramatic increase in cases. The number of cases in the United States has surged from 7,800 cases a week ago to 53,268 cases today.

WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris told reporters Tuesday morning that 85 percent of the previous day’s new confirmed cases of Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, were in the United States or Europe. And 40 percent of those cases were reported in the US.
Even as President Donald Trump has begun publicly considering relaxing social distancing guidelines and restarting the economy, Harris warned that the “very large acceleration” in new cases could make the United States the new epicenter for the global pandemic.
The US “has a very large outbreak and an outbreak that is increasing in intensity,” she said, according to a Reuters report.
The virus was first reported in the US on January 20, and it took until March 17 to report the first 100 deaths. But that number has skyrocketed over the past week, and US states reported more than 100 Covid-19-related deaths on Monday alone, marking the first time the death count reached 100 in a single day in the US.

WHO says a third of the newest coronavirus cases worldwide are in the US

Yesterday, Tuesday, there were over 200.

Maybe I was wrong to say we would surpass Italy; if so, I apologize. What I was thinking of was that WHO is predicting we will be the next epicenter. Could we surpass Italy at this rate? We have a lot more people, so I was thinking yes we could.

WHO also said the virus couldnt be transmitted person to person #wuhan #china
Just like the “you said hoax” bogus cries we need to get another thing set right
Oh, sorry, you're delusional. Trump called the whole thing a hoax. It's a fact. And you agreed. You still agree. That's the weirdest thing about your posts, really. You might be somewhat mentally ill.
Fact. He did not call it a hoax.
He sure did. On one side, you have the Trump cultists. On the other, literally everyone else. And the video. Gee, who to believe....
He said Fort Fun Indiana is a Hoax.
It's not likely that someone is going to be deathly ill and not call the doctor, dumbass
Not all currently undetected cases that will result in death currently involve deathly ill people.

I can't believe I have to spell out this simple shit for you idiots
By definition, to die from the disease, you have to be "deathly ill." Is it possible that someone who seems perfectly healthy will die from the Wuhan flu? I don't see how that's possible. They may appear healthy now, but a few days before they day, they are going to be obviously ill.
Part of the issue is that there are no numbers of tested who are sick versus not sick because they only test those that appear sick
False. You literally just made that up. For example, in New York, all testing is free for those directed by their health provider, which includes asymptomatic people at higher risk from the disease.

Can you go a single post without making shit up?
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Things are moving so fast, it's now up to 1.37% of confirmed cases, but to put things in perspective, it is among the lowest rates among developed countries of any size.

Hopefully you realize how many people are in ICU's who will ultimately die and that we're a month behind Italy.

No, you don't ... Never mind
This is just you hoping for the worst for America. We are not a month behind Italy. Italy is still behind us. Because the EU never closed its borders between member states, and because Italy is a prime tourist location, its population infected people continued to enter Italy even as the crisis grew to an unsupportable size. To make matters worse, Italy has a much older population than the US, so it mortality rate is naturally much higher.

If you look at the statistics for EU countries, those with a high rate of tourism have a high rate of infection and those with a lower rate of tourism have a lower rate of infection. President Trump's early action to cut off travel from countries with high infection rates is the reason we have a so much lower mortality rate than most other developed countries of any size.
In 2005, the latest statistic I could find, we have over 1 BILLION Tourists a year in the USA

So our tourism from other nations is HUGE

In the U.S., tourism is among the three largest employers in 29 states, employing 7.3 million in 2004, to take care of 1.19 billion trips tourists took in the U.S. in 2005.[citation needed] As of 2007, there are 2,462 registered National Historic Landmarks (NHL) recognized by the United States government. As of 2018, New York City is the most visited destination in the United States, followed by Los Angeles, Orlando, Las Vegas, and Chicago.

Tourists spend more money in the United States than any other country, while attracting the second-highest number of tourists after France and Spain.[2][3] The discrepancy may be explained by longer stays in the US.[3]
All true and that's why President Trump's early decision to ban travel from places with high infection rates was so important in saving us from the horror show the EU is now experiencing. The EU still has not banned travel from places with high infection rates, and although some member states have, since they have open borders with other member states, infected people can land elsewhere in the EU and travel to Rome an kill Italians.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Things are moving so fast, it's now up to 1.37% of confirmed cases, but to put things in perspective, it is among the lowest rates among developed countries of any size.

Hopefully you realize how many people are in ICU's who will ultimately die and that we're a month behind Italy.

No, you don't ... Never mind
Italy diagnosed their first case they same day we did.

Okay, you go with that.

The Intercept?
And their first local case on 2-22

We're going to become Italy. I'd say in 2-3 more weeks. They ARE way ahead of us. So is the rest of Europe.

You hope we will become Italy, but there is no basis in fact to support your hope for this.

Yes there is actually - I don't make this shit up, I listen to the doctors and scientists. We are on precisely the same trajectory.

And NO - suggesting that a fellow American hopes we become Italy is unAmerican and goofy.
Whether you are making this shit up yourself or listening to other people who are making it up, there is no basis in fact for believing the US will experience what italy is experiencing. No other nation on Earth is experiencing what Italy is experiencing, so why would you think the US will experience what is happening in Italy instead of what is happening in Germany, which is doing much better than Italy, unless you are expressing you hope for the US to go through all the same suffering and death Italy is going through because you think it will be bad for President Trump. You may technically be an American, but you are clearly no one's fellow American.
Dr. Love didn't make it up. It's what some experts are saying. I know we can't predict the future, but they've been pretty onpoint so far.
I don't know which experts you are talking about, but what I have heard is that the crisis will get worse before it gets better but not that it will be the worst in the world, which is what Dr. Love is predicting. There is no rational basis for saying it will be like Italy's rather than like Germany's, which is much better, unless you are expressing a wish for the crisis to be that bad because you believe it will be bad for Trump, as Dr. Love clearly does.
Of course I don't wish us to surpass Italy in this pandemic. I doubt if Dr. Love does either, but you'll think what you want.
Don't put TOO much reliance on the temperature for solving this problem. The article I linked didn't go into any actual #'s so I don't know just how much of a slow down it will provide. The fact that the warmer states (except Louisiana) seem to be experiencing less new cases than colder states, it's not that summer is going to lick this thing. Even my article said that warmer weather might help slow transmission ALONG WITH STRICT MEASURES to stop the spread. And how many buildings and homes in the deep south don't have air conditioning running all summer? Cool and dry air is what coronavirus likes.
From what I've read, we don't really know why flu viruses seem to disappear in warm weather, so we don't know if this virus will react the same way, so there is some reason to hope for the best. In fact, we don't know at this point if we are approaching the peak of the curve or not.
I am always HOPING for the best. I just don't ignore the people who know a lot more about it than I do.
Dr. Love has clearly said the US experience will be as bad as Italy's, which is the worst in the world, without any basis in fact for that believe or hope, so I don't know why you would doubt he is wishing the worst for America for political reasons.

I also listen closely to the experts, and nothing they have said suggests the US experience will be anything like Italy's.

You aren't "watching experts" - Sounds more like Fox-n-Friends. ;)
I do listen to the experts, but clearly you don't since none of them have predicted the US experience will be the worst in the world as you insist.
Did you read Lucy's posts in this thread? I have read SO much today and in the past few days that I can't remember where I read it, but if our new cases keep piling up the way they have been going, we will soon surpass China and yes, Italy. That's what they're saying. It might not be mortality rates--they never mention in what way we're going to surpass China. Just that we will.
I have no idea what you have been reading or who you consider an expert but no one at the CDC or WHO has made such a prediction. You say you are paying attention to what the experts say, but none of them have said that.
This is what I was thinking of:
On the same day, Margaret Harris, a spokesperson for the World Health Organization said that the United States has the potential to be the next epicenter of the coronavirus, citing the dramatic increase in cases. The number of cases in the United States has surged from 7,800 cases a week ago to 53,268 cases today.

WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris told reporters Tuesday morning that 85 percent of the previous day’s new confirmed cases of Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, were in the United States or Europe. And 40 percent of those cases were reported in the US.
Even as President Donald Trump has begun publicly considering relaxing social distancing guidelines and restarting the economy, Harris warned that the “very large acceleration” in new cases could make the United States the new epicenter for the global pandemic.
The US “has a very large outbreak and an outbreak that is increasing in intensity,” she said, according to a Reuters report.
The virus was first reported in the US on January 20, and it took until March 17 to report the first 100 deaths. But that number has skyrocketed over the past week, and US states reported more than 100 Covid-19-related deaths on Monday alone, marking the first time the death count reached 100 in a single day in the US.

WHO says a third of the newest coronavirus cases worldwide are in the US

Today, Wednesday, there were 200 deaths reported.

Maybe I was wrong to say we would surpass Italy; if so, I apologize. What I was thinking of was that WHO is predicting we will be the next epicenter. Could we surpass Italy at this rate? We have a lot more people, so I was thinking yes we could.
WHO didn't predict we would become the next epicenter, she said it was possible based on a couple of days' data. The US has 5 1/2 times as many people as Italy, so it is meaningless to compare raw numbers without adjusting them for the differences in population. We are on the upside of the curve now and no ne knows where the peak is so no one can make sensible predictions on the basis of a few days' data. If we believe the experts at CDC, the higher our infection rate goes, the closer we are to the peak and the slide down to normal.
Birx mentioned that today, how making such predictions without all considerations was not going to be accurate.
But in the context of comparing the US to Europe, whereas in this thread the assertion has been continually made that the US will suffer the same disaster as Italy and no experts in CDC or WHO has made that claim.
They absolutely have made the claim that it could be as bad here as in Italy. Multiple times.

Fauci said it word for word

So did the Surgeon General.

The WHO very explicitly, just today, warned that the US could become the new epicenter. The current epicenter is Italy. So that is an explicit warning that the US could be as bad as Italy.

The WHO are idiots. They are also the yahoos that don't rank US healthcare as the top in the world despite the obvious that it clearly is, in terms of quality.
Undoubtedly, we have the best healthcare system, for those who can afford it.

But if you look at the system as a whole, it is not up to par with the many other nations of the industrialized world.
Not true. Everyone in the US has access to quality healthcare. For those who can't afford private health insurance and are not eligible for Medicaid, HHS operates about 12,000 clinics across the US which provide comprehensive primary care on a sliding scale basis and if you need care beyond what they can provide, hospitals will admit you if you sign papers accepting responsibility for your bills.

Unfortunately you’ve glossed over a great many holes in our patchwork system.

For example:

What if Sanofi of France, Novo Nordisk of Denmark and Eli Lilly just get out of the US market. Who will the Raseshawns of the world sue then?
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


That’s good to know, because most cases are unreported. Here in Virginia you call the hospital and unless you’re gasping for air they just say stay home for 2 weeks. Untested, thus unreported.
Everywhere is like that. They will only admit you, and thus count you, if you are near to the end.

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