Current COVID-19 Mortality Rate: 1.35%

Today's figures:


The mortality rate has risen to 1.45%.

Stop misrepresenting what that figure comes from
Oh really, stop. It is SOMETIMES brutal.
Thank you Captain Obvious. Unfortunately those "sometimes" are enough to overwhelm our health infrastructure, which would result in many more people dying or falling seriously ill than otherwise would, with proper care.
That's sort of what I wondered. The US has a lower mortality rate that some other countries. I wonder if it will increase as the number of sick people increase. I dunno. Obviously if we don't have enough ventilators or if primary care people get sick from not having enough protective gear, but even assuming a best case scenario for people getting treated …. more patients per HC worker.
The mortality rate in South Korea is 0.7%. Half what ours is.
More Half Glass BS............South Korea kicked ass on testing.........and caught a whole lot more people who had it but didn't GET DEATHLY ILL...........

Germany is at 0.5% for the same reason..............As more get tested the MORTALITY RATE DROPS.

We aren't getting those numbers....and as a matter of fact in many places they say if the symptoms are don't need to get tested............

This is HOW you get INFLATED NUMBERS....

Reality..........Casualties for this will grow.....unless the treatments work..........That is how this will go down............And has gone down in the past.
That's sort of what I wondered. The US has a lower mortality rate that some other countries. I wonder if it will increase as the number of sick people increase. I dunno. Obviously if we don't have enough ventilators or if primary care people get sick from not having enough protective gear, but even assuming a best case scenario for people getting treated …. more patients per HC worker.
The mortality rate in South Korea is 0.7%. Half what ours is.
More Half Glass BS............South Korea kicked ass on testing.........and caught a whole lot more people who had it but didn't GET DEATHLY ILL...........

Germany is at 0.5% for the same reason..............As more get tested the MORTALITY RATE DROPS.

We aren't getting those numbers....and as a matter of fact in many places they say if the symptoms are don't need to get tested............

This is HOW you get INFLATED NUMBERS....

Reality..........Casualties for this will grow.....unless the treatments work..........That is how this will go down............And has gone down in the past.
South Korea was testing 20,000 people a day while Trump stuck his thumb up his ass and decided there was nothing to worry about.

Because of his colossal stupidity, the virus had a two month head start in the US, completely uncontained and spreading like wildfire.

South Korea was testing 20,000 a day. Meanwhile, Trump was lying through his teeth in his usual rhetorical way. “Anybody that needs a test, gets a test. We—they’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful.”

Bleev me...bleev me...bleev me, folks.

Of course. We are not going to get comparisons of tested positives versus negatives as the negatives will be so very few as only symptomatics are getting the tests
Oops, wrong again. Dude, this thread has been a constant stream of you making up dumb and false shit, and just kind of hoping nobody checks. But we have checked you, every time, and you have been smacked down over and over and over. Do you ever learn?


4651 tested

645 positive

Once we get those antibody tests going, that mortality rate is going below 1%.
And when will that be and how will it lower mortality?

Because then you have the ability to test not only the people who were sick enough to go to the doctor, but the population in general. Similar to what was done in say, South Korea. All you paper-bag-breathing panic brigade is going to look really bad then, because guaranteed, the morality rate will barely scrape 1%

A 1% mortality would be More than sufficient reason for alarm.
Today's figures:


The mortality rate has risen to 1.45%.

Stop misrepresenting what that figure comes from
It comes from the CDC, dipshit. Have you EVER not made a stupid post?

It comes not as a percentage of population which is what you untruthfully try to convey, it comes not from those sickened, it comes from the approx 20% of those sickened who were classified as severe or critical, most likely hospitalized and died there, most likely were 65+ and most likely had other health issues
Your panic public ploy is exposed.
The average incubation time is 5 days
And the range is 2-14 days.

What that demented goof doesn't understand is, as you explained before, there is a difference between incubation time, and time to express symptoms, and the latter is longer, and may well be a good deal longer. Which is why - for the purpose assessing infection and mortality rates - the incubation time is irrelevant. That is so because folks are being tested only with Covid-19 symptoms in the overwhelming majority of cases.
Of course. We are not going to get comparisons of tested positives versus negatives as the negatives will be so very few as only symptomatics are getting the tests
Oops, wrong again. Dude, this thread has been a constant stream of you making up dumb and false shit, and just kind of hoping nobody checks. But we have checked you, every time, and you have been smacked down over and over and over. Do you ever learn?


4651 tested

645 positive

There must be at least a half dozen postings here where agencies doing the testing have stated they are maintaining stats on positives only, not total tested mostly because the tests are not random but rather from symptomatic people or those reporting they feel sick
I’m going to go with that rather than one study from one town with dubious origins
South Korea was testing 20,000 people a day while Trump stuck his thumb up his ass and decided there was nothing to worry about.
South Korea did a jam up job..........Proud of them........our career workers at the't employees didn't........Trump didn't hire them..............he didn't fire them...........they have been there for decades INCLUDING FUCI......or whatever his name is.............he was the same one with Obama during the H1N1.

We got about a 1 month break for the travel bans............and the CDC fucked up so we lost that on testing................

Doesn't matter............Shit happens and you go on.........Or you WHINE everday like ............well.........YOU.

You are doing math on known numbers because you WANT HIGHER NUMBERS..........TDS

South Korea was testing 20,000 people a day while Trump stuck his thumb up his ass and decided there was nothing to worry about.
South Korea did a jam up job..........Proud of them........our career workers at the't employees didn't........Trump didn't hire them..............he didn't fire them...........they have been there for decades INCLUDING FUCI......or whatever his name is.............he was the same one with Obama during the H1N1.

We got about a 1 month break for the travel bans............and the CDC fucked up so we lost that on testing................

Doesn't matter............Shit happens and you go on.........Or you WHINE everday like ............well.........YOU.

You are doing math on known numbers because you WANT HIGHER NUMBERS..........TDS


He really has turned into a piece of shit.
The average incubation time is 5 days
And the range is 2-14 days.

What that demented goof doesn't understand is, as you explained before, there is a difference between incubation time, and time to express symptoms, and the latter is longer, and may well be a good deal longer. Which is why - for the purpose assessing infection and mortality rates - the incubation time is irrelevant. That is so because folks are being tested only with Covid-19 symptoms in the overwhelming majority of cases.

And why the OP is a load of shit.

Mortality rates based on what ?
The average incubation time is 5 days
And the range is 2-14 days.

What that demented goof doesn't understand is, as you explained before, there is a difference between incubation time, and time to express symptoms, and the latter is longer, and may well be a good deal longer. Which is why - for the purpose assessing infection and mortality rates - the incubation time is irrelevant. That is so because folks are being tested only with Covid-19 symptoms in the overwhelming majority of cases.

And why the OP is a load of shit.

Mortality rates based on what ?
Worst Case Scenarios with incomplete data.
South Korea did a jam up job..........Proud of them....
Yet you have done nothing but cackle, whine, dance, prance, and shit all over the measures here that are responsible for their success. It's like your one brain cell doesn't know what your other brain cell is doing.
Let's see where New York lands.

They are still leading in daily mortality.

But the number dropped yesterday.

I hope for their sake it keeps going down.

The number of cases in NY continues to mushroom.

Guess they didn't listen to well.
South Korea did a jam up job..........Proud of them....
Yet you have done nothing but cackle, whine, dance, prance, and shit all over the measures here that are responsible for their success. It's like your one brain cell doesn't know what your other brain cell is doing.
I have called out BS FEAR MONGERS infected with TDS on a daily basis.

I am doing the public a service........

I post a lot of data...........have good conversations about knowledge............with OTHER PEOPLE including those that disagree with me..............but when TROLLS LIKE YOU SHOW UP .....Well I break the Flame thrower out and give it back.............You don't like it........OH WELL.

You are part of the problem.

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