Current COVID-19 Mortality Rate: 1.35%

We're going to become Italy. I'd say in 2-3 more weeks. They ARE way ahead of us. So is the rest of Europe.
No we won't US death rates are already flattening out...and warmer temps do weaken this virus and spring is here....
Warmer temps don't seem to be weakening the virus in Louisiana where the temps are in the 80's and 90.
It has only been that for a day or two. Lafayette is just hitting the 80’s for a couple of hours a day for the last couple of days.

Doesn't seem to matter. Australia is in lockdown. While the number of cases is still fairly low, they double about every three days over the last two weeks. This seems to indicate that higher temperatures are no hindrance to this virus's spread.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


you don't actually know the number of total cases all you know is the number of positive test results.
That's the morality rate among confirmed cases and at this point that's be best estimate we have of how dangerous the virus is.
And it's just a guess.

And you'll notice in the OP he said TOTAL cases not total positive test results
Total cases and positive test results are the same thing. The term, positive test result, means the CDC has confirmed the individual has the virus. Until the CDC does this, the term, presumed positive test result, is used. In any case, a mortality rate of 1.35% is very good compared to other developed nations of any size.
No not really.

total cases include people who had the virus, recovered and never got tested


Would you say the total number of people in the US are only the number of registered voters, or only the number of people over 30 years old?

No you wouldn't

well maybe you would
The same metrics are used to determine the mortality for all diseases, idiot. You are just parroting desperate talking points from the same propagandists who told you this virus was a hoax.
and they are still wrong

Sorry, but I trust the science more than a dipshit on a forum.

There has to be a common metric. Not some imaginary bullshit.

The common metric says the flu has a mortality rate of 0.1%, and right now the mortality rate for COVID-19 in the US is thirteen and a half times higher.


So just ignore the fact that every single person who walks into any DR's office can get a rapid flu test but only some people meet the threshold for a corona test for which they have to drive to some testing center with a prescription to get tested.

This is remedial analytical thinking. When nearly 100% of people with even the mildest symptoms of the flu are tested and a smaller percentage of people with only the most severe corona symptoms are getting tested the mortality rates calculated for the latter will be less accurate in direct proportion to the difference in percentage of the number of tests performed.
It takes months to develop a good test and then it gets modified several times...we started the seasonal flu test a year ago....the corona test needed time to configure...and produce....I say we did a hell of a job if you ask me....

We could have done a lot better. Other countries managed to scale up much quicker than us.
Comforting news to the 737 family members.

This is just the beginning. NYC is the new Italy. Son of a friend of mine who lives in Brooklyn has all the symptoms and is self-quarantining. I don't know if he's called a doctor or not. But cases are going to explode in New Orleans, Texas and Florida. And our healthcare system is NOT capable of handling the patient load.


Name one hospital that can't handle the current load.


Italy is having big issues.

I don't know what New York is doing...they are the state with 1/2 the total cases.

Both have people piled on top of each other, that's a great environment for a virus to spread.

New York is the number 1 tourist destination by foreigners.

That is very true.

So, I am O.K. with people staying away. I would.

They are in trouble.

Does that warrante a full lock down in Wyoming ?
Tourism is Wyomings second largest industry in the state.... yes, you should follow the social distancing of ten feet.


After mining and extraction, tourism is the most important engine of Wyoming's economy. Each year, over 6 million people travel to the state to see Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks, as well as Fossil Butte and Devil's Tower national monuments. Tourism provides the state government with more than $2 billion in annual revenues and directly employs 12% of the labor force.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Since we're pretty much refusing to test anyone unless they're so seriously ill that they need immediate medical care, those numbers are skewed. We should wait on all these numbers. We haven't done enough testing to have a clue.

I have had to post OL this because so many in America are not taking this COVID-19 seriously and it is NOTHING like just having the flu. This is possibly my longest ever post and I think it is the most important post I will ever have posted.

First last week I was tested for COVID-19 and the result was Negative. This is great of course, but because of my Government job I am having to visit certain areas that now require me to wear a full Hazmat suit and these things are a BASTARD, they are so hot it's incredible, or I don't know maybe it's just me that get's very warm wearing them.

I post this as someone who for three weeks has had their ENTIRE LIFE turned upside down after my existing Government position, my own Ministry was told to coordinate with the Ministry of Health into a Government COVID-19 Task Force locking EVERYTHING DOWN to protect the population (more on what we have been doing below after the two links, but I am not able to go into specifics as it would violate Government Protocol.)

At your current rate America will pass China for most COVID-19 Total Cases in approx 7 days, you are as right now 19,000 Total Cases behind them you have 7.460 New Cases today and China has 47 New Cases today.

I think this time next week either America or Italy will be in first place and China down to third place after them being number one place since the beginning.

The Italy Total Cases they are 7.000 behind China as of now with 5.210 New Cases today.

The Top Three of COVID-19 now are:

China Total Cases 81.218 New Cases 47
Italy Total Cases 74.386 New Cases 5.210
USA Total Cases 62.316 New Cases 7.460

Stay safe the SHTF in America VERY soon with COVID-19 and remember THIS today in Britain they say goodbye to a girl age 21 years in age with NO existing medical problems she died of COVID-19. This is NOT just a virus that infects those aged 70 and over, this is a virus that is infecting ALL age groups. This is NOT just a virus that infects those with pre-existing conditions.

View attachment 315210

View attachment 315211

This is NOT hyperbole, this is NOT a HOAX, this is REAL and it's about do you want to live or do you want to die, it's about do you want to stay safe or do you want to think you are immortal. You are NOT being asked to do a great deal, you are just being asked to for approx 21 days to 30 days to REDUCE to the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM your social interactions. It is NOT that difficult to do. You are being asked to do this for approx 21 days to 30 days so that YOUR nations health system can get a grip, so that THEY can NOT go BEHIND the curve but attempt to get AHEAD of the curve. If you get behind the curve you lose control, if you get ahead of the curve you can hope to flatten the curve.

To reduce the risk of getting COVID-19 or of spreading COVID-19 (you CAN have it, many are showing no symptoms UNTIL they have been tested, this is WHY the majority of New Cases in EVERY nation is getting higher every day because more testing is now occuring and this is how the infected are being found etc)

So to reduce the risks to YOU and to OTHERS in your community you must do the following for approx 21-30 days:

Stay INDOORS. ONLY go out to buy food or medicines. Wear protective gloves to go out, keep them on INSIDE stores etc. Wearing a MASK over your mouth and nose will NOT prevent you from getting COVID-19. Do NOT stand nearer than EIGHT FEET to another person. Make sure you are NOT near anyone displaying symptoms of coughing OR sweating on the forehead, IF ANYONE in the store is displaying these symptoms then ALERT store staff and ask that the person is asked to LEAVE the store. OUTDOORS in stores do NOT touch your face, this NOT to touch your nose, ears or eyes. WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP AND SCRUB UNDER YOUR NAILS WITH A NAILBRUSH AS SOON AS YOU GET HOME and THROW AWAY the protective gloves, use a fresh pair of protective gloves next time you go out. ISOLATE from elderly family members, keep in touch with them via phone, email etc DO NOT GO AND PHYSICALLY VISIT THEM.

I post this as someone who for three weeks has been working in a Government COVID-19 Task Force locking EVERYTHING DOWN to protect the population. I have been in PMs for these three weeks basically updating some peoples at this forum privately about the IMMENSE STRUGGLE we are having CONTAINING this monster, I have been pre-warning these Americans NOT to laugh this off as some minor thing but to take seriously this the pre-warning. To those who THINK this is no worse than flu, you do not know what you are talking about. The other day we were shown some XRays of COVID-19 patients lungs and it was HORRIFIC, this was a cross section of age groups from 25-35, 45-55, 55-65 NOBODY was even over 70 years in age, the lungs are FULL of fluid.

COVID-19 the first few days you get flu like symptoms of fever and dry cough OR you might NOT have ANY symptoms and within 2 days this bastard goes from that intoi double pneumonia.

So the IDIOTS in nations who are going to parks, beaches, bars, meeting with groups of friends etc they could have NO symptoms but as they are NOT tested they COULD have COVID-19 and then by their behaviour are spreading it..

The situation in Italy, think of this, the situation in Italy now began with two Chinese tourists who had COVID-19. And look at what has resulted in Italy with just TWO PEOPLES who initially were infected.


I feel it is my duty as a human being to make this above post. I have been pre-warning Americans about this MONSTER and I feel too many Americans are still not taking this bastard seriously. I make the above post as a human being for other human beings, there is NO POLITICS involved, I do not care if you are Left or Right or Independent or Green or No Politics, we are ALL MORTAL, NOBODY is invincible, we ALL turn to dust. Life is NOT a game, you only get one life, you should value it and when a MONSTER is on the loose like COVID-19 when we have NO CURE then you NEED to pay attention to this and not play games with YOUR life or ANYONE else's life.

Stay Safe. We will win.

My point is "Win at what cost"?

More than 3 weeks of this lockdown crap and we're looking at times worse than the Great Depression. Small businesses will largely go under. Moreso than not, and all their employees will be out of work as well as the owners. Corporations could expand to fill that hole, and I don't like that. Corporate businesses take away freedom of choice and competition.

Marion this is a situation we all are facing, it's a difficult situation. We have taken measures to protect our small businesses and to protect workers jobs so that they get their FULL wages for this period. Many of our companies have their employees working from home and so far from the data feedback we have got this is going well. We have rules against Big Corporations having too much influence and so these rules will be in effect still after we all emerge from this crisis.

We have been under basically total lockdown for nearly three weeks and with these measures we are staying just level with the curve which is a good place to be at this time because so far we are containing things unlike say Switzerland who did NOT go on total lockdown and has only just a few days ago taken measures and their figures are DOUBLE our figures, they are behind the curve. I know some American States are on some type of lockdown but I'm afraid the WHOLE of America should have been put on lockdown two weeks ago, you are behind the curve and also images of crowds in parks and on beaches in Florida and other States socially interacting in close proximity was a disturbing image, this is the exact type of behaviour that should not be happening at this time.

Eh, something you don't know: Right now, most of those people you see on the beach are from Canada or yankees.
Too cold for FL people to go to the beach right now.
FL people don't go to the beach until late May or June. :eusa_naughty:

By July, it's just spring-time, forget the beaches.
Expect an outbreak in Canuckistan when all the Snowbirds go home.

Queerdreau may as well just set up a quarantine hotel now. Not activated just yet, but soon.

Only 83 today. That's...pleasant! :auiqs.jpg:

101 with 80% humidity...notsomuch.
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Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Since we're pretty much refusing to test anyone unless they're so seriously ill that they need immediate medical care, those numbers are skewed. We should wait on all these numbers. We haven't done enough testing to have a clue.
You aren’t very good at math are you? The fatality rate can only go down with more testing.
??? That was my point.
Oh ok then.
We're going to become Italy. I'd say in 2-3 more weeks. They ARE way ahead of us. So is the rest of Europe.
No we won't US death rates are already flattening out...and warmer temps do weaken this virus and spring is here....
Warmer temps don't seem to be weakening the virus in Louisiana where the temps are in the 80's and 90.
It has only been that for a day or two. Lafayette is just hitting the 80’s for a couple of hours a day for the last couple of days.

Doesn't seem to matter. Australia is in lockdown. While the number of cases is still fairly low, they double about every three days over the last two weeks. This seems to indicate that higher temperatures are no hindrance to this virus's spread.
HUMIDITY.........DROPLETS form and fall........I've shown videos and articles on it.......

While they say they are not sure if it's's gonna be.........SARs was and this will be too.

You don't see many getting the Flu in the summer......while this isn't classified as a Flu transmits the same way..........gets treated the same way........kills you the same way....except it hardens the lungs.....from what I've read......

Summer is gonna slow this thing down.
We're going to become Italy. I'd say in 2-3 more weeks. They ARE way ahead of us. So is the rest of Europe.
No we won't US death rates are already flattening out...and warmer temps do weaken this virus and spring is here....
Warmer temps don't seem to be weakening the virus in Louisiana where the temps are in the 80's and 90.
It has only been that for a day or two. Lafayette is just hitting the 80’s for a couple of hours a day for the last couple of days.

Doesn't seem to matter. Australia is in lockdown. While the number of cases is still fairly low, they double about every three days over the last two weeks. This seems to indicate that higher temperatures are no hindrance to this virus's spread.
Its fall in Australia right now...their top temp this week in Sydney was 64 degrees....that's not hot enough to slow this could mean they are in for a huge problem since its getting colder there now not warmer....
We're going to become Italy. I'd say in 2-3 more weeks. They ARE way ahead of us. So is the rest of Europe.
No we won't US death rates are already flattening out...and warmer temps do weaken this virus and spring is here....
Warmer temps don't seem to be weakening the virus in Louisiana where the temps are in the 80's and 90.
It has only been that for a day or two. Lafayette is just hitting the 80’s for a couple of hours a day for the last couple of days.

Doesn't seem to matter. Australia is in lockdown. While the number of cases is still fairly low, they double about every three days over the last two weeks. This seems to indicate that higher temperatures are no hindrance to this virus's spread.
Its fall in Australia right now...their top temp this week in Sydney was 64 degrees....that's not hot enough to slow this could mean they are in for a huge problem since its getting colder there now not warmer....
Exactly..........the Southern Hemisphere has their winter in our summer...........and vise flues and viruses FLY SOUTH for the SUMMER.....yes I said that correctly.........LOL

Which is why the Southern Hemisphere gonna get slammed next.....
We're going to become Italy. I'd say in 2-3 more weeks. They ARE way ahead of us. So is the rest of Europe.
No we won't US death rates are already flattening out...and warmer temps do weaken this virus and spring is here....
Warmer temps don't seem to be weakening the virus in Louisiana where the temps are in the 80's and 90.
Last week it was below 70 during the day for about 4 days lows at night were 40's 50's.....that is when they upticked in new cases...after a few weeks of warm weather this thing will weaken...

Repeating a Trump Hunch. Hardly science. Nobody knows how warmer weather will affect this particular virus yet.
It does seem to be science, but not a final solution.
Think about it...your body temp must climb to over 100 degrees for a week or so to kill the virus in your you have to have 90 to 100 degree weather for days before you will see a decline in new infections....summer will kill this me....
Hell Summer about kills us down here without a virus every year.

:lol: ain't that the truth!!!!
Relevant reading...

''Our community leaders, the mayors and the city councils, deserve better than to be swindled by a handful of Silicon Valley tech bros. Our governors and state officials deserve better data and analysis than a Democratic activists’ model that doesn’t adjust for important geographical factors like population density or temperature. Americans and their families deserve better than to be jobless, hopeless, and quarantined because of a single website’s inaccurate and hyperbolic hospitalization models...''
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Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Things are moving so fast, it's now up to 1.37% of confirmed cases, but to put things in perspective, it is among the lowest rates among developed countries of any size.

Hopefully you realize how many people are in ICU's who will ultimately die and that we're a month behind Italy.

No, you don't ... Never mind
This is just you hoping for the worst for America. We are not a month behind Italy. Italy is still behind us. Because the EU never closed its borders between member states, and because Italy is a prime tourist location, its population infected people continued to enter Italy even as the crisis grew to an unsupportable size. To make matters worse, Italy has a much older population than the US, so it mortality rate is naturally much higher.

If you look at the statistics for EU countries, those with a high rate of tourism have a high rate of infection and those with a lower rate of tourism have a lower rate of infection. President Trump's early action to cut off travel from countries with high infection rates is the reason we have a so much lower mortality rate than most other developed countries of any size.
In 2005, the latest statistic I could find, we have over 1 BILLION Tourists a year in the USA

So our tourism from other nations is HUGE

In the U.S., tourism is among the three largest employers in 29 states, employing 7.3 million in 2004, to take care of 1.19 billion trips tourists took in the U.S. in 2005.[citation needed] As of 2007, there are 2,462 registered National Historic Landmarks (NHL) recognized by the United States government. As of 2018, New York City is the most visited destination in the United States, followed by Los Angeles, Orlando, Las Vegas, and Chicago.

Tourists spend more money in the United States than any other country, while attracting the second-highest number of tourists after France and Spain.[2][3] The discrepancy may be explained by longer stays in the US.[3]
All true and that's why President Trump's early decision to ban travel from places with high infection rates was so important in saving us from the horror show the EU is now experiencing. The EU still has not banned travel from places with high infection rates, and although some member states have, since they have open borders with other member states, infected people can land elsewhere in the EU and travel to Rome an kill Italians.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Things are moving so fast, it's now up to 1.37% of confirmed cases, but to put things in perspective, it is among the lowest rates among developed countries of any size.

Hopefully you realize how many people are in ICU's who will ultimately die and that we're a month behind Italy.

No, you don't ... Never mind
Italy diagnosed their first case they same day we did.

Okay, you go with that.

The Intercept?
And their first local case on 2-22

We're going to become Italy. I'd say in 2-3 more weeks. They ARE way ahead of us. So is the rest of Europe.

You hope we will become Italy, but there is no basis in fact to support your hope for this.

Yes there is actually - I don't make this shit up, I listen to the doctors and scientists. We are on precisely the same trajectory.

And NO - suggesting that a fellow American hopes we become Italy is unAmerican and goofy.
Whether you are making this shit up yourself or listening to other people who are making it up, there is no basis in fact for believing the US will experience what italy is experiencing. No other nation on Earth is experiencing what Italy is experiencing, so why would you think the US will experience what is happening in Italy instead of what is happening in Germany, which is doing much better than Italy, unless you are expressing you hope for the US to go through all the same suffering and death Italy is going through because you think it will be bad for President Trump. You may technically be an American, but you are clearly no one's fellow American.
Dr. Love didn't make it up. It's what some experts are saying. I know we can't predict the future, but they've been pretty onpoint so far.
I don't know which experts you are talking about, but what I have heard is that the crisis will get worse before it gets better but not that it will be the worst in the world, which is what Dr. Love is predicting. There is no rational basis for saying it will be like Italy's rather than like Germany's, which is much better, unless you are expressing a wish for the crisis to be that bad because you believe it will be bad for Trump, as Dr. Love clearly does.
Don't put TOO much reliance on the temperature for solving this problem. The article I linked didn't go into any actual #'s so I don't know just how much of a slow down it will provide. The fact that the warmer states (except Louisiana) seem to be experiencing less new cases than colder states, it's not that summer is going to lick this thing. Even my article said that warmer weather might help slow transmission ALONG WITH STRICT MEASURES to stop the spread. And how many buildings and homes in the deep south don't have air conditioning running all summer? Cool and dry air is what coronavirus likes.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


you don't actually know the number of total cases all you know is the number of positive test results.
That's the morality rate among confirmed cases and at this point that's be best estimate we have of how dangerous the virus is.
And it's just a guess.

And you'll notice in the OP he said TOTAL cases not total positive test results
Total cases and positive test results are the same thing. The term, positive test result, means the CDC has confirmed the individual has the virus. Until the CDC does this, the term, presumed positive test result, is used. In any case, a mortality rate of 1.35% is very good compared to other developed nations of any size.
No not really.

total cases include people who had the virus, recovered and never got tested


Would you say the total number of people in the US are only the number of registered voters, or only the number of people over 30 years old?

No you wouldn't

well maybe you would
The same metrics are used to determine the mortality for all diseases, idiot. You are just parroting desperate talking points from the same propagandists who told you this virus was a hoax.
and they are still wrong

Sorry, but I trust the science more than a dipshit on a forum.

There has to be a common metric. Not some imaginary bullshit.

The common metric says the flu has a mortality rate of 0.1%, and right now the mortality rate for COVID-19 in the US is thirteen and a half times higher.


So just ignore the fact that every single person who walks into any DR's office can get a rapid flu test but only some people meet the threshold for a corona test for which they have to drive to some testing center with a prescription to get tested.

This is remedial analytical thinking. When nearly 100% of people with even the mildest symptoms of the flu are tested and a smaller percentage of people with only the most severe corona symptoms are getting tested the mortality rates calculated for the latter will be less accurate in direct proportion to the difference in percentage of the number of tests performed.
It takes months to develop a good test and then it gets modified several times...we started the seasonal flu test a year ago....the corona test needed time to configure...and produce....I say we did a hell of a job if you ask me....

We could have done a lot better. Other countries managed to scale up much quicker than us.
That's simply not true. The EU countries are struggling to catch up with us and aside from China which is an authoritarian state no developed countries of any size have done as well as us.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


you don't actually know the number of total cases all you know is the number of positive test results.
That's the morality rate among confirmed cases and at this point that's be best estimate we have of how dangerous the virus is.
And it's just a guess.

And you'll notice in the OP he said TOTAL cases not total positive test results
Total cases and positive test results are the same thing. The term, positive test result, means the CDC has confirmed the individual has the virus. Until the CDC does this, the term, presumed positive test result, is used. In any case, a mortality rate of 1.35% is very good compared to other developed nations of any size.
No not really.

total cases include people who had the virus, recovered and never got tested


Would you say the total number of people in the US are only the number of registered voters, or only the number of people over 30 years old?

No you wouldn't

well maybe you would
The same metrics are used to determine the mortality for all diseases, idiot. You are just parroting desperate talking points from the same propagandists who told you this virus was a hoax.
and they are still wrong

Sorry, but I trust the science more than a dipshit on a forum.

There has to be a common metric. Not some imaginary bullshit.

The common metric says the flu has a mortality rate of 0.1%, and right now the mortality rate for COVID-19 in the US is thirteen and a half times higher.


So just ignore the fact that every single person who walks into any DR's office can get a rapid flu test but only some people meet the threshold for a corona test for which they have to drive to some testing center with a prescription to get tested.

This is remedial analytical thinking. When nearly 100% of people with even the mildest symptoms of the flu are tested and a smaller percentage of people with only the most severe corona symptoms are getting tested the mortality rates calculated for the latter will be less accurate in direct proportion to the difference in percentage of the number of tests performed.
It takes months to develop a good test and then it gets modified several times...we started the seasonal flu test a year ago....the corona test needed time to configure...and produce....I say we did a hell of a job if you ask me....

We could have done a lot better. Other countries managed to scale up much quicker than us.
That's simply not true. The EU countries are struggling to catch up with us and aside from China which is an authoritarian state no developed countries of any size have done as well as us.
South Korea scaled up testing far, far quicker than us.
Our first COVID Positive person was Jan 24th

Our first death was Sadie Hawkins day, Feb 29th, 3 1/2 weeks ago, we now have over 900 deaths in 3.5 weeks...180 deaths yesterday....

I don't think it's going as well as right winger Trumpsters are claiming...
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Since we're pretty much refusing to test anyone unless they're so seriously ill that they need immediate medical care, those numbers are skewed. We should wait on all these numbers. We haven't done enough testing to have a clue.

I have had to post OL this because so many in America are not taking this COVID-19 seriously and it is NOTHING like just having the flu. This is possibly my longest ever post and I think it is the most important post I will ever have posted.

First last week I was tested for COVID-19 and the result was Negative. This is great of course, but because of my Government job I am having to visit certain areas that now require me to wear a full Hazmat suit and these things are a BASTARD, they are so hot it's incredible, or I don't know maybe it's just me that get's very warm wearing them.

I post this as someone who for three weeks has had their ENTIRE LIFE turned upside down after my existing Government position, my own Ministry was told to coordinate with the Ministry of Health into a Government COVID-19 Task Force locking EVERYTHING DOWN to protect the population (more on what we have been doing below after the two links, but I am not able to go into specifics as it would violate Government Protocol.)

At your current rate America will pass China for most COVID-19 Total Cases in approx 7 days, you are as right now 19,000 Total Cases behind them you have 7.460 New Cases today and China has 47 New Cases today.

I think this time next week either America or Italy will be in first place and China down to third place after them being number one place since the beginning.

The Italy Total Cases they are 7.000 behind China as of now with 5.210 New Cases today.

The Top Three of COVID-19 now are:

China Total Cases 81.218 New Cases 47
Italy Total Cases 74.386 New Cases 5.210
USA Total Cases 62.316 New Cases 7.460

Stay safe the SHTF in America VERY soon with COVID-19 and remember THIS today in Britain they say goodbye to a girl age 21 years in age with NO existing medical problems she died of COVID-19. This is NOT just a virus that infects those aged 70 and over, this is a virus that is infecting ALL age groups. This is NOT just a virus that infects those with pre-existing conditions.

View attachment 315210

View attachment 315211

This is NOT hyperbole, this is NOT a HOAX, this is REAL and it's about do you want to live or do you want to die, it's about do you want to stay safe or do you want to think you are immortal. You are NOT being asked to do a great deal, you are just being asked to for approx 21 days to 30 days to REDUCE to the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM your social interactions. It is NOT that difficult to do. You are being asked to do this for approx 21 days to 30 days so that YOUR nations health system can get a grip, so that THEY can NOT go BEHIND the curve but attempt to get AHEAD of the curve. If you get behind the curve you lose control, if you get ahead of the curve you can hope to flatten the curve.

To reduce the risk of getting COVID-19 or of spreading COVID-19 (you CAN have it, many are showing no symptoms UNTIL they have been tested, this is WHY the majority of New Cases in EVERY nation is getting higher every day because more testing is now occuring and this is how the infected are being found etc)

So to reduce the risks to YOU and to OTHERS in your community you must do the following for approx 21-30 days:

Stay INDOORS. ONLY go out to buy food or medicines. Wear protective gloves to go out, keep them on INSIDE stores etc. Wearing a MASK over your mouth and nose will NOT prevent you from getting COVID-19. Do NOT stand nearer than EIGHT FEET to another person. Make sure you are NOT near anyone displaying symptoms of coughing OR sweating on the forehead, IF ANYONE in the store is displaying these symptoms then ALERT store staff and ask that the person is asked to LEAVE the store. OUTDOORS in stores do NOT touch your face, this NOT to touch your nose, ears or eyes. WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP AND SCRUB UNDER YOUR NAILS WITH A NAILBRUSH AS SOON AS YOU GET HOME and THROW AWAY the protective gloves, use a fresh pair of protective gloves next time you go out. ISOLATE from elderly family members, keep in touch with them via phone, email etc DO NOT GO AND PHYSICALLY VISIT THEM.

I post this as someone who for three weeks has been working in a Government COVID-19 Task Force locking EVERYTHING DOWN to protect the population. I have been in PMs for these three weeks basically updating some peoples at this forum privately about the IMMENSE STRUGGLE we are having CONTAINING this monster, I have been pre-warning these Americans NOT to laugh this off as some minor thing but to take seriously this the pre-warning. To those who THINK this is no worse than flu, you do not know what you are talking about. The other day we were shown some XRays of COVID-19 patients lungs and it was HORRIFIC, this was a cross section of age groups from 25-35, 45-55, 55-65 NOBODY was even over 70 years in age, the lungs are FULL of fluid.

COVID-19 the first few days you get flu like symptoms of fever and dry cough OR you might NOT have ANY symptoms and within 2 days this bastard goes from that intoi double pneumonia.

So the IDIOTS in nations who are going to parks, beaches, bars, meeting with groups of friends etc they could have NO symptoms but as they are NOT tested they COULD have COVID-19 and then by their behaviour are spreading it..

The situation in Italy, think of this, the situation in Italy now began with two Chinese tourists who had COVID-19. And look at what has resulted in Italy with just TWO PEOPLES who initially were infected.


I feel it is my duty as a human being to make this above post. I have been pre-warning Americans about this MONSTER and I feel too many Americans are still not taking this bastard seriously. I make the above post as a human being for other human beings, there is NO POLITICS involved, I do not care if you are Left or Right or Independent or Green or No Politics, we are ALL MORTAL, NOBODY is invincible, we ALL turn to dust. Life is NOT a game, you only get one life, you should value it and when a MONSTER is on the loose like COVID-19 when we have NO CURE then you NEED to pay attention to this and not play games with YOUR life or ANYONE else's life.

Stay Safe. We will win.

My point is "Win at what cost"?

More than 3 weeks of this lockdown crap and we're looking at times worse than the Great Depression. Small businesses will largely go under. Moreso than not, and all their employees will be out of work as well as the owners. Corporations could expand to fill that hole, and I don't like that. Corporate businesses take away freedom of choice and competition.

Marion this is a situation we all are facing, it's a difficult situation. We have taken measures to protect our small businesses and to protect workers jobs so that they get their FULL wages for this period. Many of our companies have their employees working from home and so far from the data feedback we have got this is going well. We have rules against Big Corporations having too much influence and so these rules will be in effect still after we all emerge from this crisis.

We have been under basically total lockdown for nearly three weeks and with these measures we are staying just level with the curve which is a good place to be at this time because so far we are containing things unlike say Switzerland who did NOT go on total lockdown and has only just a few days ago taken measures and their figures are DOUBLE our figures, they are behind the curve. I know some American States are on some type of lockdown but I'm afraid the WHOLE of America should have been put on lockdown two weeks ago, you are behind the curve and also images of crowds in parks and on beaches in Florida and other States socially interacting in close proximity was a disturbing image, this is the exact type of behaviour that should not be happening at this time.
We now have 10 cases in our county........we've been in curfews.......and only essential workers should be going out.........Major companies laid a whole lot off temporary for this event.........even at the 10 was 5 ..........3 days ago.........will see if it starts doing the math or not in about 3 days......

but we are not like the big cities.........who are packed in........and that is where the CLUSTER is in the United States.

While it's getting's much better here because we had time before it really got rolling......bought us about a month from the timeline of Europe......It would take several countries in Europe to equal our in STATISTICS........we aren't doing as bad here.

"bought us about a month from the timeline of Europe."

You don't understand, you only now have some States going into lockdown, you are behind the curve. China was the epicentre, then my Continent became the epicentre and now the epicentre in approx 7 days is going to be America. You have gone from three weeks ago to having 10-20 New Cases a day of COVID-19 to your total today which now has been updated to 9.815 (when I posted my original comments moments ago the New Cases were 7.460, so you have another 2.355 New Cases in what the 30 minutes or whatever since I posted my original comments. At today's end for America you are going to have 10.000-12.000 New Cases than yesterday) You bought no month as you suggest, IF you did your New Cases would be in the 200-500 region, but they are not they are in the MULTIPLE THOUSANDS a day now.

That month you say you bought that was the month you had everyone walking around as normal not knowing WHO was infected with COVID-19 and NOT showing any symptoms but spreading it and that is WHY you now have started to have an explosion of New Cases because measures were not taken many weeks ago.

As of right now America is only 16.547 Total Cases behind China.

Updated Total Cases:

China 81.218
Italy 74.386
USA 64.671

We are securing MILLIONS of new masks, hazmat suits and ALL other protective gear. We now have multiple nightly flights landing carrying ONLY this important equipment. Everyone involved of course has to wear a hazmat suit, these are not normal flights there is no normal person to person contact between the small flight crew and our crowd who are securing the equipment to be distributed for use.

Many American States are running low or running out of masks, hazmat suits and other protective gear and this with you having MULTIPLE THOUSANDS New Cases.
Don't put TOO much reliance on the temperature for solving this problem. The article I linked didn't go into any actual #'s so I don't know just how much of a slow down it will provide. The fact that the warmer states (except Louisiana) seem to be experiencing less new cases than colder states, it's not that summer is going to lick this thing. Even my article said that warmer weather might help slow transmission ALONG WITH STRICT MEASURES to stop the spread. And how many buildings and homes in the deep south don't have air conditioning running all summer? Cool and dry air is what coronavirus likes.
You probably already knows this. ....But.

The warm weather gets people outdoors, in the sun, absorbing badly needed sunshine Vitamin D. That is why there are less instances of cold ,flu, and other viruses in the warm months. The human body typically stores about 3 months of vitamin D. When the fall/winter hits, most of the US especially the northern areas, go indoors and get very little sunshine. Their vitamin D levels drop and they become susceptible to viruses. That is why they call winter the cold and flu "season".
We're going to become Italy. I'd say in 2-3 more weeks. They ARE way ahead of us. So is the rest of Europe.
No we won't US death rates are already flattening out...and warmer temps do weaken this virus and spring is here....
Warmer temps don't seem to be weakening the virus in Louisiana where the temps are in the 80's and 90.
It has only been that for a day or two. Lafayette is just hitting the 80’s for a couple of hours a day for the last couple of days.

Doesn't seem to matter. Australia is in lockdown. While the number of cases is still fairly low, they double about every three days over the last two weeks. This seems to indicate that higher temperatures are no hindrance to this virus's spread.
HUMIDITY.........DROPLETS form and fall........I've shown videos and articles on it.......

While they say they are not sure if it's's gonna be.........SARs was and this will be too.

You don't see many getting the Flu in the summer......while this isn't classified as a Flu transmits the same way..........gets treated the same way........kills you the same way....except it hardens the lungs.....from what I've read......

Summer is gonna slow this thing down.

Whatever you say Mr Science :lmao:
Don't put TOO much reliance on the temperature for solving this problem. The article I linked didn't go into any actual #'s so I don't know just how much of a slow down it will provide. The fact that the warmer states (except Louisiana) seem to be experiencing less new cases than colder states, it's not that summer is going to lick this thing. Even my article said that warmer weather might help slow transmission ALONG WITH STRICT MEASURES to stop the spread. And how many buildings and homes in the deep south don't have air conditioning running all summer? Cool and dry air is what coronavirus likes.
From what I've read, we don't really know why flu viruses seem to disappear in warm weather, so we don't know if this virus will react the same way, so there is some reason to hope for the best. In fact, we don't know at this point if we are approaching the peak of the curve or not.
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The highest is Italy, with 4%, and Germany has kept it as low as 0.4%.
So this is not the big threat some fear it might have become.
China shows the total is not that bad, since they are over it mostly.

But what we DO have to remember is that COVID-19 is not going away.
Everyone will get it eventually, if not this year, then in one of the following years.
And it will get more lethal over time.
The safest way to get resistance is to get it sooner rather than later.
However, if they get a successful vaccine, that would be best.
How does it get “more lethal in time” when people develop antibodies against it, vaccinations are created, and as Spring and Summer come the UV radiation destroys it.

You are truly an uniformed dumb ass.

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