Current FLOTUS is the best EVER!!!

aside from her important work of trying to wean fat MURICAN kids (lot of them white BTW) off of uniquely MURICAN fast food. This is important, not just because it will prevent them from getting heart disease or diabetes down the road but, because the military always needs healthy recruits.

Why obesity is a national security threat -

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War | Danger Room | WIRED

Even after all that, she STILL makes time for meet & greet sessions :)

Michelle Obama Touts Education, Appears in Selfie at Dillard Graduation - NBC News

Thank you Michelle :smiliehug: You go girl!!! :thewave:

Did she also give you a free phone?

That dress looks like she rolled in packing peanuts.
Michelle Obama can relate to young people and they respond. Laura Bush came off like a School Librarian. Michelle Obama is COOL

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If Repubs want their kids to stay fat & unable to concentrate in class, thats fine but not for the rest of the children

First Lady Responds to School Meal Critics in Congress - NBC News
Mrs. Obama was joined by school administrators from around the country to discuss the benefits that more rigorous nutritional guidelines have had for students. Serving healthier food has aided young people's academic performance and helped them develop better eating habits at a time when childhood obesity is at an alarming high, according the round table participants.

The remarks came a week after a House subcommittee advanced Republican legislation that would allow some schools to waive healthier school food standards championed by the first lady. The House Appropriations Committee is expected to approve the bill this week.

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