Current law and police work catch guys selling illegal guns in Chicago, no new laws needed...

Factually incorrect, as usual.

What is factually incorrect?
Your statement in post 101. Stop pretending to be a're not.

Leaving your keys in your car isn't a stupid, irresponsible act? Shouldn't one be responsible for that act?

How about we focus on the criminal who steals the car? Why is that such a tough concept for you left wingers?

I've never stated not to focus on criminals. I've stated to not be stupid and make your stuff as inconvenient as possible to be stolen.
If you leave your keys in your car.....yes.
Bullshit! if I leave my keys in the car and it is stolen it's the thieves fault! I've never seen so many criminal loving idiots in my life!

Why would you leave your keys in your car?
Why do you suck criminal ass?

Is there any intelligent life in Texas?
Yeah, we blame crime on the law abiding.

Point made!
What part of 'secure your gun' don't you understand? This is why there should be a 'idiot clause' in gun sales........

What part of "stolen" don't you get. If you have it in your house, it is secured...if someone breaks in and takes it, you are the victim...what part of that equation don't you get? Oh...that's right, you are a left winger.....even the most simple concept is beyond you...I apologize for trying to discuss the issue with you...

In all of my properties and cars I have biometric safes. That is secured. Idiot.

You poor, deluded fool. News flash: it is not at all difficult to get into most gun safes! Grab the whole thing, throw it in a truck, haul it home, and simply cut it open at my leisure. Most gun safes are more secure than a high-end file cabinet...but not by much. A truly SECURE safe costs as much as a new car.

You believe that a residential burglar is as sophisticated as that and you call me 'deluded?'

How many guns that were secured in a safe were stolen last year in the US?

How many guns that were secured in a safe were used by kids that shot themselves or others last year in the US?

Quit making excuses for the brain dead gun owners and start taking responsibility.
No, flea brain...I "believe" (actually, I KNOW) that many burglars are that "sophisticated". Plenty of gun safes can be opened in a few minutes, with a tire iron and a hammer! There are NO gun safes that actually meet the UL's lowest burglary performance rating.

Your excuse for not securing your weapon is that not all safes are made equal?

Wouldn't you want your weapon to be as inconvenient as possible for someone to take, including little kids?
In all of my properties and cars I have biometric safes. That is secured. Idiot.

And if they want our guns they will either take your safes or break into will then be responsible...right? moron

How do you take a safe that is secured. Break into a biometric safe......good luck! In either case you've secured the weapon. (idiot clause)
You do know that most safes available to the average person can be drilled into don't you?

You think that just because it has a fingerprint scanner on it that it cant be forced open?

A residential burglar is going to take the time and make the noise to do such a thing? Really?
No...they will just grab the whole thing!

Mine are secured to the foundation of my property or the frame of my vehicle. To remove it would be a MAJOR inconvenience. Which is the point.
So instead of being convicted of a State crime, they'll be convicted of federal crimes which carry much longer sentences.
Then libtards will let them go.

This libtard believes that if you use any weapon to commit a crime you should go to jail for life. If you injure someone while committing a crime you should be killed.

In regard to guns; if you are a gun owner and don't secure your gun which is stolen or used by somebody other than you, and is used in a crime or death of another, you should suffer the wrath.

Sure, just as soon as you agree that if someone steals your car and kills someone with it, you should be responsible.

If you leave your keys in your car.....yes.


The person who took your car is responsible for what happens since he is the one committing the crime.

Tell me do you think a woman who wears short skirts is responsible for getting raped?

Why would you try to compare theft of property with sexual assault? You must have voted for Donald "Grab Her By The Pussy" Trump.

Texas Transportation Code


An operator may not leave the vehicle unattended without:

(1) stopping the engine;

(2) locking the ignition;

(3) removing the key from the ignition;

(4) setting the parking brake effectively; and

(5) if standing on a grade, turning the front wheels to the curb or side of the highway.

And yes, you may well be cited for it after having your car stolen.

It's the same in all 50 States.
Who wants people to stop selling private property? I just want to keep people who can't legally buy guns from buying guns. Universal background checks will help with that.
How, EXACTLY, do you want that enforced? Be specific.

Lots of things without a 100% failsafe enforcement ability. Wiring and plumbing in a house are supposed to meet certain codes. There is no way to tell if a home owner did his own sub standard work and didn't bother requesting an inspection unless there is some problem that brings the substandard work to light at a later date. Even something as ubiquitous as having a license to drive a car can't be 100% failsafe. The cop doesn't know if you have a license to drive unless he has some reason to pull you over and check. Again, a hefty fine, but that is also after the fact. Honest sellers will do background checks, but some small number of sellers won't, and that small number won't be known unless something happens later to bring it to light. At that point, there are hefty fines, so most don't want to take a chance, and will do it properly. How are universal background checks any different? Catch a seller selling without a background check, give them a hefty fine, or some other appropriate punishment.

Nope....guns are private property.....we have a right to sell our own property in this country, comrade. Punish the actual criminal who buys the gun illegally, that is how you actually make a difference, lock them up for 30 years. As this thread shows......

They caught the actual illegal gun seller without the background check doing anything since he passed the background check....and still sold the gun to a criminal...

The first post of this thread shows your idea doesn't all.....

The guy who sold the gun to the criminal...passed the current FEDERAL background check....he would pass any future private sale background you whole point doesn't mean anything since it has been shown, here in this thread, that it is unnecessary to catch people intentionally selling guns to criminals.....

These guys were caught with current police techniques...they did not go through a background check....

Your whole premise is dumb.

Cars are also, but you have paperwork to complete the sale.

Not really. If you buy a car for cash all you get is a title from the seller. The sale is not reported to anyone. You do not have to register that car

You get a signed title and a bill of sale. Both, by law, have to be registered with your State.
What part of "stolen" don't you get. If you have it in your house, it is secured...if someone breaks in and takes it, you are the victim...what part of that equation don't you get? Oh...that's right, you are a left winger.....even the most simple concept is beyond you...I apologize for trying to discuss the issue with you...

In all of my properties and cars I have biometric safes. That is secured. Idiot.

You poor, deluded fool. News flash: it is not at all difficult to get into most gun safes! Grab the whole thing, throw it in a truck, haul it home, and simply cut it open at my leisure. Most gun safes are more secure than a high-end file cabinet...but not by much. A truly SECURE safe costs as much as a new car.

You believe that a residential burglar is as sophisticated as that and you call me 'deluded?'

How many guns that were secured in a safe were stolen last year in the US?

How many guns that were secured in a safe were used by kids that shot themselves or others last year in the US?

Quit making excuses for the brain dead gun owners and start taking responsibility.

They use stolen vehicles, including construction vehicles to break into heavily secured gun stores......

How about, instead of punishing the victims of the crime, gun owners who have their guns stolen, you actually punish the criminal who stole the fucking gun.....give them 30 about that, genius?

The issue I bought is UNSECURED WEAPONS. If you use stolen construction vehicles wouldn't the weapons be secured and the use of the stolen construction vehicles be used to override the securement?

Nope.....not according to you. If a gun is in a home, it is secured. If someone breaks into the home and steals the gun, you want to punish the homeowner. That is fucking stupid.
This libtard believes that if you use any weapon to commit a crime you should go to jail for life. If you injure someone while committing a crime you should be killed.

In regard to guns; if you are a gun owner and don't secure your gun which is stolen or used by somebody other than you, and is used in a crime or death of another, you should suffer the wrath.

Sure, just as soon as you agree that if someone steals your car and kills someone with it, you should be responsible.

If you leave your keys in your car.....yes.
Bullshit! if I leave my keys in the car and it is stolen it's the thieves fault! I've never seen so many criminal loving idiots in my life!

Why would you leave your keys in your car?

I have forgotten my keys were left in my car. You never have?

Factually incorrect, as usual.

What is factually incorrect?
Your statement in post 101. Stop pretending to be a're not.

Leaving your keys in your car isn't a stupid, irresponsible act? Shouldn't one be responsible for that act?

How about we focus on the criminal who steals the car? Why is that such a tough concept for you left wingers?

I've never stated not to focus on criminals. I've stated to not be stupid and make your stuff as inconvenient as possible to be stolen.

If it is in your home, you aren't being stupid. They are being criminals...if they want your gun they will get it. You don't care, you and your fellow anti gun religionists want the gun owners punished for the sin of owning a gun.
Sure, just as soon as you agree that if someone steals your car and kills someone with it, you should be responsible.

If you leave your keys in your car.....yes.
Bullshit! if I leave my keys in the car and it is stolen it's the thieves fault! I've never seen so many criminal loving idiots in my life!

Why would you leave your keys in your car?

I have forgotten my keys were left in my car. You never have?

What part of "stolen" don't you get. If you have it in your house, it is secured...if someone breaks in and takes it, you are the victim...what part of that equation don't you get? Oh...that's right, you are a left winger.....even the most simple concept is beyond you...I apologize for trying to discuss the issue with you...

In all of my properties and cars I have biometric safes. That is secured. Idiot.

You poor, deluded fool. News flash: it is not at all difficult to get into most gun safes! Grab the whole thing, throw it in a truck, haul it home, and simply cut it open at my leisure. Most gun safes are more secure than a high-end file cabinet...but not by much. A truly SECURE safe costs as much as a new car.

You believe that a residential burglar is as sophisticated as that and you call me 'deluded?'

How many guns that were secured in a safe were stolen last year in the US?

How many guns that were secured in a safe were used by kids that shot themselves or others last year in the US?

Quit making excuses for the brain dead gun owners and start taking responsibility.

They use stolen vehicles, including construction vehicles to break into heavily secured gun stores......

How about, instead of punishing the victims of the crime, gun owners who have their guns stolen, you actually punish the criminal who stole the fucking gun.....give them 30 about that, genius?

The issue I bought is UNSECURED WEAPONS. If you use stolen construction vehicles wouldn't the weapons be secured and the use of the stolen construction vehicles be used to override the securement?

All you have to do is punish the criminal that you actually catch with the illegal gun...that's it. That is where the attention needs to be focused, not some hate you have for gun owners. Put a criminal caught with an illegal gun in jail for 30 years, and then you don't have to worry about the homeowner having their home broken into.....
In all of my properties and cars I have biometric safes. That is secured. Idiot.

You poor, deluded fool. News flash: it is not at all difficult to get into most gun safes! Grab the whole thing, throw it in a truck, haul it home, and simply cut it open at my leisure. Most gun safes are more secure than a high-end file cabinet...but not by much. A truly SECURE safe costs as much as a new car.

You believe that a residential burglar is as sophisticated as that and you call me 'deluded?'

How many guns that were secured in a safe were stolen last year in the US?

How many guns that were secured in a safe were used by kids that shot themselves or others last year in the US?

Quit making excuses for the brain dead gun owners and start taking responsibility.

They use stolen vehicles, including construction vehicles to break into heavily secured gun stores......

How about, instead of punishing the victims of the crime, gun owners who have their guns stolen, you actually punish the criminal who stole the fucking gun.....give them 30 about that, genius?

The issue I bought is UNSECURED WEAPONS. If you use stolen construction vehicles wouldn't the weapons be secured and the use of the stolen construction vehicles be used to override the securement?

Nope.....not according to you. If a gun is in a home, it is secured. If someone breaks into the home and steals the gun, you want to punish the homeowner. That is fucking stupid.

If a kid finds a gun in an underwear drawer and shoots themselves or somebody else was that gun secured?
What is factually incorrect?
Your statement in post 101. Stop pretending to be a're not.

Leaving your keys in your car isn't a stupid, irresponsible act? Shouldn't one be responsible for that act?

How about we focus on the criminal who steals the car? Why is that such a tough concept for you left wingers?

I've never stated not to focus on criminals. I've stated to not be stupid and make your stuff as inconvenient as possible to be stolen.

If it is in your home, you aren't being stupid. They are being criminals...if they want your gun they will get it. You don't care, you and your fellow anti gun religionists want the gun owners punished for the sin of owning a gun.

I'm a gun owner sir. I promote responsible gun ownership. You promote irresponsible gun ownership.
If you leave your keys in your car.....yes.
Bullshit! if I leave my keys in the car and it is stolen it's the thieves fault! I've never seen so many criminal loving idiots in my life!

Why would you leave your keys in your car?

I have forgotten my keys were left in my car. You never have?


I'm not an idiot.
Bullshit! if I leave my keys in the car and it is stolen it's the thieves fault! I've never seen so many criminal loving idiots in my life!

Why would you leave your keys in your car?

I have forgotten my keys were left in my car. You never have?


I'm not an idiot.
You have to be. All liberals are idiots.
Your statement in post 101. Stop pretending to be a're not.

Leaving your keys in your car isn't a stupid, irresponsible act? Shouldn't one be responsible for that act?

How about we focus on the criminal who steals the car? Why is that such a tough concept for you left wingers?

I've never stated not to focus on criminals. I've stated to not be stupid and make your stuff as inconvenient as possible to be stolen.

If it is in your home, you aren't being stupid. They are being criminals...if they want your gun they will get it. You don't care, you and your fellow anti gun religionists want the gun owners punished for the sin of owning a gun.

I'm a gun owner sir. I promote responsible gun ownership. You promote irresponsible gun ownership.
You promote a police state where criminals are set free and the law abiding are punished.
In all of my properties and cars I have biometric safes. That is secured. Idiot.

You poor, deluded fool. News flash: it is not at all difficult to get into most gun safes! Grab the whole thing, throw it in a truck, haul it home, and simply cut it open at my leisure. Most gun safes are more secure than a high-end file cabinet...but not by much. A truly SECURE safe costs as much as a new car.

You believe that a residential burglar is as sophisticated as that and you call me 'deluded?'

How many guns that were secured in a safe were stolen last year in the US?

How many guns that were secured in a safe were used by kids that shot themselves or others last year in the US?

Quit making excuses for the brain dead gun owners and start taking responsibility.

They use stolen vehicles, including construction vehicles to break into heavily secured gun stores......

How about, instead of punishing the victims of the crime, gun owners who have their guns stolen, you actually punish the criminal who stole the fucking gun.....give them 30 about that, genius?

The issue I bought is UNSECURED WEAPONS. If you use stolen construction vehicles wouldn't the weapons be secured and the use of the stolen construction vehicles be used to override the securement?

All you have to do is punish the criminal that you actually catch with the illegal gun...that's it. That is where the attention needs to be focused, not some hate you have for gun owners. Put a criminal caught with an illegal gun in jail for 30 years, and then you don't have to worry about the homeowner having their home broken into.....

I'm all for the death penalty for anyone that uses a gun to commit a criminal act, AND all for providing long jail sentences for anyone not securing their weapon.
You poor, deluded fool. News flash: it is not at all difficult to get into most gun safes! Grab the whole thing, throw it in a truck, haul it home, and simply cut it open at my leisure. Most gun safes are more secure than a high-end file cabinet...but not by much. A truly SECURE safe costs as much as a new car.

You believe that a residential burglar is as sophisticated as that and you call me 'deluded?'

How many guns that were secured in a safe were stolen last year in the US?

How many guns that were secured in a safe were used by kids that shot themselves or others last year in the US?

Quit making excuses for the brain dead gun owners and start taking responsibility.

They use stolen vehicles, including construction vehicles to break into heavily secured gun stores......

How about, instead of punishing the victims of the crime, gun owners who have their guns stolen, you actually punish the criminal who stole the fucking gun.....give them 30 about that, genius?

The issue I bought is UNSECURED WEAPONS. If you use stolen construction vehicles wouldn't the weapons be secured and the use of the stolen construction vehicles be used to override the securement?

Nope.....not according to you. If a gun is in a home, it is secured. If someone breaks into the home and steals the gun, you want to punish the homeowner. That is fucking stupid.

If a kid finds a gun in an underwear drawer and shoots themselves or somebody else was that gun secured?

No. That isn't what you are saying. You are blaming the gun owner for someone breaking into their home. You need to shift the goal post since your original premise was stupid.
Your statement in post 101. Stop pretending to be a're not.

Leaving your keys in your car isn't a stupid, irresponsible act? Shouldn't one be responsible for that act?

How about we focus on the criminal who steals the car? Why is that such a tough concept for you left wingers?

I've never stated not to focus on criminals. I've stated to not be stupid and make your stuff as inconvenient as possible to be stolen.

If it is in your home, you aren't being stupid. They are being criminals...if they want your gun they will get it. You don't care, you and your fellow anti gun religionists want the gun owners punished for the sin of owning a gun.

I'm a gun owner sir. I promote responsible gun ownership. You promote irresponsible gun ownership.

So. Lots of gun grabbers are gun owners. They don't want other people to have guns. Having your gun in your own home is not want to punish normal people for the crimes of others...simply because you hate people who own guns.
You poor, deluded fool. News flash: it is not at all difficult to get into most gun safes! Grab the whole thing, throw it in a truck, haul it home, and simply cut it open at my leisure. Most gun safes are more secure than a high-end file cabinet...but not by much. A truly SECURE safe costs as much as a new car.

You believe that a residential burglar is as sophisticated as that and you call me 'deluded?'

How many guns that were secured in a safe were stolen last year in the US?

How many guns that were secured in a safe were used by kids that shot themselves or others last year in the US?

Quit making excuses for the brain dead gun owners and start taking responsibility.

They use stolen vehicles, including construction vehicles to break into heavily secured gun stores......

How about, instead of punishing the victims of the crime, gun owners who have their guns stolen, you actually punish the criminal who stole the fucking gun.....give them 30 about that, genius?

The issue I bought is UNSECURED WEAPONS. If you use stolen construction vehicles wouldn't the weapons be secured and the use of the stolen construction vehicles be used to override the securement?

All you have to do is punish the criminal that you actually catch with the illegal gun...that's it. That is where the attention needs to be focused, not some hate you have for gun owners. Put a criminal caught with an illegal gun in jail for 30 years, and then you don't have to worry about the homeowner having their home broken into.....

I'm all for the death penalty for anyone that uses a gun to commit a criminal act, AND all for providing long jail sentences for anyone not securing their weapon.

The death penalty for murder, sure....30 years for using the gun in a crime...sure.......the last part, is fucking stupid.

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