Current rates paid for fetal body parts

Who knows, there might be women in sex slavery and the slavers sell the fetus when they get pregnant.
Since 90 some percent of abortions are done before those body hearts exist, I question the veracity of the claim that PP is making a profit on this. Where did the diagram originate and where is the data supporting it?
Are you unable to read, dear?

"Because the documents were highly redacted, The Daily Signal was unable to independently confirm the prices of each body part"

There's a whole *thing* that the left has claimed as a's to pretend you're really fucking dumb. To pretend not to understand the language, to deliberately misassign definitions to words that can mean different things..with no regard to context.

Only I don't think it's an act any more. I think you really have become the retards you pretend to be.


Over the span of a year, one research institution paid a middleman company $42,535 to obtain 38 fetal brains, 12 fetal hearts, three fetal upper/lower limbs, five fetal livers, and 12 fetal pancreases, according to the select House panel’s documents."

Now, you can pretend that the fact that the courts required that certain information be REDACTED means that the other information is questionable...

But that is just you being stupid. The fact that the court required the documents to be redacted in no way negates the information in the fact, quite the opposite. The court is not questioning the information in the redacted documents. They are simply protecting potential witnesses and defendants from public censure.

Here’s How Much Baby Body Parts Cost

So is that too much?

Little over $500 a brain
$600 for a heart

What do you pay?
So a fetal heart sells for $595

While you probably can get them shipped from China for a lower price, I would trust hearts from Planned Parenthood more
Since 90 some percent of abortions are done before those body hearts exist, I question the veracity of the claim that PP is making a profit on this. Where did the diagram originate and where is the data supporting it?
Baby butchery in any form is extremely profitable, therefore embraced by progressives
This is going to be spread around on every message forum and facebook, anything the Cons can find to spread mistruths around.
What did those aborted baby’s ever do to you? That they have to be butchered for
Planned Parenthood and other abortion abbatoirs are making good money.
The bigger the baby, the more money they make.

"Among documents uncovered in the investigation is an image of a procurement company marketing itself to abortion clinics as “financially profitable.” The name of that company also was redacted."


Here’s How Much Baby Body Parts Cost

May God have mercy on us.
Since 90 some percent of abortions are done before those body hearts exist, I question the veracity of the claim that PP is making a profit on this. Where did the diagram originate and where is the data supporting it?

Vital organs begin to function at ten weeks' gestation. This is WELL within the range of even early abortions. So they are developed, but just not big enough to harvest yet.

Boy science has sure been devastating to the abortion lies, hasn't it?
We went through this crap a couple years ago. Planned Parenthood does not make any money off of fetal organs. Prices reflect what it costs to recover and safely ship those organs
$500 does not seem excessive
Planned Parenthood and other abortion abbatoirs are making good money.
The bigger the baby, the more money they make.

"Among documents uncovered in the investigation is an image of a procurement company marketing itself to abortion clinics as “financially profitable.” The name of that company also was redacted."


Here’s How Much Baby Body Parts Cost

A fetus at 20 weeks with 4D ultrasound. Again I say, science sure has been devastating to the abortion industry hasn't it? And this is put up by a dr, a man of science. This baby is at the age where he/she could be aborted and his/her organs destroyed for profit.

Oh right, it's a "woman's right to choose", of course.

Since 90 some percent of abortions are done before those body hearts exist, I question the veracity of the claim that PP is making a profit on this. Where did the diagram originate and where is the data supporting it?

Vital organs begin to function at ten weeks' gestation. This is WELL within the range of even early abortions. So they are developed, but just not big enough to harvest yet.

Boy science has sure been devastating to the abortion lies, hasn't it?

Maybe we should look at facts and science before blithley accusing others of lies? Or is that your usual tactic?

66% of abortions occur prior to 8 weeks. Another 14.5 between 9 and 10 weeks. That is 80.5 % of abortions that likeky do not produce organs..

Laws are very strict on the use of fetal tissue, how it is obtained and used. has an overview. It is no different than organ donation in that they can cover the cost of preparing and shipping but can not make a profit on it. PP has been investigsted to hell and back and no real evidence of any substantial wrongdoing has been found, in particular, making a profit on fetal tissue.

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