Cuts to SS and Medicare

Exactly. SS is easy to fix. Raise the cap, and add a year to the ages,
The SS fix is tougher.

My recommendation is to add a new Federal Sales Tax of about 4%. I don't see any other way to raise enough money.
Also, I want to see another "Grace Commission" to eliminate waste, and duplication in the Federal government.

Wouldn't that just open the door?
Um...retard? It was Trump's shutdown.
Are you getting paid to sound stupid or is this really you?

The president has no authority in the states and cannot order mayors or governors to follow Fauci/CCP guidelines

Yes other countries with flaming libs in control panicked along with Cuomo and Newsome

But they were not under orders from Trump either
it is way overdue that we tax the rich again and invest in America and Americans again, after 40 years of GOP give away to the rich tax rates that have given us the worst inequality upward mobility homelessness anywhere in the modern world by far ever. Great job, swine GOP and brainwashed functional morons...

Helps explain why big city Demoncrats have the greatest homeless & crime issues. And take a look at your flag ship California. Middle class can't take it anymore. They're leaving, because the State has become home to the rich and poor.
That guy at Reuters is full of shit

There is no $2.89 trillion pile of money somewhere just for SS and Medicare

Just more government IOU’s to those programs

And never mind trying to include Medicaid, because its out and out welfare, not an earned benefit
So congress is going to default on its Debt and entitlements? I doubt that.
Its way too late for the penny solution.
Its either that or drive America off a cliff and end up like Greece
Now the Republicans are fucked. They agreed to stay away from SS and Medicare. now what?

The talking point will be "We're not cutting SS/Medicare we are fixing it."

The position will be that raising the retirement age before qualifying for SS isn't a "cut" because even though those individuals benefits will be lowered, they won't touch the checks of current recipients.

They will say that making changes to COLA isn't a cut, as no check will be reduced, just the rate of increase will be less. (Ignoring the fact that it cuts the seniors future buying power, meaning the dollars they get are worth less.)

Just watch.

it is way overdue that we tax the rich again and invest in America and Americans again, after 40 years of GOP give away to the rich tax rates that have given us the worst inequality upward mobility homelessness anywhere in the modern world by far ever. Great job, swine GOP and brainwashed functional morons...
Low income Americans are taxed so little that it cannot be the cause of their poverty

Tax the rich more for what reason?

So that bleeding heart libs can reward the ner-do-well’s with bigger government handouts?

Thats crazy
Helps explain why big city Demoncrats have the greatest homeless & crime issues. And take a look at your flag ship California. Middle class can't take it anymore. They're leaving, because the State has become home to the rich and poor.
States that have a high concentration of skilled jobs, implement regressive tax policies and have weaker worker protections in general tend to have greater income inequalities. As of 2019, the highest inequality may be observed in Puerto Rico, around the New York City and Washington, D.C. metropolitan areas, across much of the Southern United States, in California, and in Massachusetts.
The talking point will be "We're not cutting SS/Medicare we are fixing it."

The position will be that raising the retirement age before qualifying for SS isn't a "cut" because even though those individuals benefits will be lowered, they won't touch the checks of current recipients.

They will say that making changes to COLA isn't a cut, as no check will be reduced, just the rate of increase will be less. (Ignoring the fact that it cuts the seniors future buying power, meaning the dollars they get are worth less.)

Just watch.

The government is driving America toward bankruptcy
The talking point will be "We're not cutting SS/Medicare we are fixing it."

The position will be that raising the retirement age before qualifying for SS isn't a "cut" because even though those individuals benefits will be lowered, they won't touch the checks of current recipients.

They will say that making changes to COLA isn't a cut, as no check will be reduced, just the rate of increase will be less. (Ignoring the fact that it cuts the seniors future buying power, meaning the dollars they get are worth less.)

Just watch.

Then watch the Dems grudgingly allow it all to pass..
Just for the record:
I'm Independent.
I say eliminate the cap. The poor don't have any cap. Why give the rich any break?
I ask for no means testing.

Furthermore, I'm paying nearly $500 every three months now into Medicare for Parts A & B. My parents worked, retired, then enjoyed having Medicare Parts A & B until they died. Never cost them a goddamned dime. I paid my fair share into the "trust funds" same as them. Haven't used it at all yet.. and now I'm still paying for it through the nose. Not only that, the Big Insurance Cabal continues harassing me to sign up for Parts C and D.. for free! They're already stealing what I pay into Part B from Medicare, so why not? But I know why not. Because they're just lying about providing the same coverage and once signed up you can't go back.. you have to wait..

With Medicare DisAdvantage you get to enjoy glorified ObamaCrud coverage where you best make sure you're always "in network" and that each procedure remains covered that day and exactly how well, else you're apt to go broke paying for it all after the fact.. as many, many already have. Study that code book!

So exactly whose brilliant idea was this to suddenly start bilking the elderly for minimal medical coverage? Wasn't the plan to provide a secure floor to the elderly and infirm (regardless of income) so that once eligible they would never have to worry about this sort of crap again?

For any suggesting caps, means tests, or age raising on top of all the insulting BS already perpetrated or in the works -- I say fuck you very much and the horse you rode in on.
A simple fix, just remove the cap and don't raise any ages. Social Security fixed.

Think the Republicans would vote for that? I don't.
A simple fix, just remove the cap and don't raise any ages. Social Security fixed.

Think the Republicans would vote for that? I don't.
Thats just another form of soak the rich
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