Cuts to SS and Medicare

What do you cut. Be specific. You need to cut $1T. Here's the Budget again. You can't touch mandatory, nor defense, nor discretionary, duh.

2021 Federal Budget
Outlays $4.88T
Receipts $3.86T
Deficit $1.02T

Discretionary Spending
Defense $753b
Non-defense $733b
Total $1.49T

Mandatory Spending
Social Security $1,115b
Medicare 746b
Medicaid 452b
Other 660b
Interest on Debt 379b
Total $3.39T
We freeze the current budget and reduce every spending program by 1% next year

And every year till its balanced

That way everyone shares the pain equally
To answer your question...
If some guys are gone, others would step up. You left off Steve Jobs and Elon Musk?!
The world would adjust. Cemeteries are just full on indispensable people.
THANK YOU! Unless I'm mistaken, Steve Jobs is dead.

And you concede that if all those ultra-rich people were gone, it would not affect you in any way whatsoever. So SOMEONE ELSE WOULD BE IN THEIR PLACE. Nothing would change.

Then what is your point?

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We freeze the current budget and reduce every spending program by 1% next year

And every year till its balanced

That way everyone shares the pain equally
You could cut 50% of the non-essential personnel out of the government(they are non-essential) the first year, then 50% again the next year, and you would find that the United States would be on the plus side of tax revenues. But that wont happen as long as the Marxists "RULE" because they need their jackbooted thugs to do the dirty work do the dirty work for them.
Asked and answered. Post-89
This is not an answer.

kyzr "When the top 10% income gain (after taxes) matches the median income gain (after taxes), percentage wise."

"Not in dollars, but percentage. If its not equal, then the rich pay more. We aren't fucking peons."

That's gobblygook.

How do you support raising someone's income simply for existing?
Rick Scott is a piece of shit! Fuck him!
True, it would. The bet is that they would not raise the rate.
I'm all ears if you have a better solution.
Many of our European friends started with a low value-added tax to cover their "free" healthcare and other freebies. Now, most have a 20% tax.

Social Security was never sold to us as a retirement plan. Once you reached the average life expectancy, it was to provide a supplemental income.

The tax originally was 1%, now it is over 15%.
Many of our European friends started with a low value-added tax to cover their "free" healthcare and other freebies. Now, most have a 20% tax.

Social Security was never sold to us as a retirement plan. Once you reached the average life expectancy, it was to provide a supplemental income.

The tax originally was 1%, now it is over 15%.
FICA provides for much more now than S.S., and it's stated main purpose was to allow seniors to retire with dignity by providing them a "secure" income to pay for their basic needs. A "living wage" in other words. Only a modern "robber baron" would say "it was to provide a supplemental income."
Social insurance, as conceived by President Roosevelt, would address the permanent problem of economic security for the elderly by creating a work-related, contributory system in which workers would provide for their own future economic security through taxes paid while employed.
FDR upon signing:
This social security measure gives at least some protection to thirty millions of our citizens who will reap direct benefits through unemployment compensation, through old-age pensions and through increased services for the protection of children and the prevention of ill health.

We can never insure one hundred percent of the population against one hundred percent of the hazards and vicissitudes of life, but we have tried to frame a law which will give some measure of protection to the average citizen and to his family against the loss of a job and against poverty-ridden old age.​
Are you getting paid to sound stupid or is this really you?

The president has no authority in the states and cannot order mayors or governors to follow Fauci/CCP guidelines

Yes other countries with flaming libs in control panicked along with Cuomo and Newsome

But they were not under orders from Trump either
Way to miss the point, tard. Oil prices plunged because of a drop in GLOBAL demand.
FICA provides for much more now than S.S., and it's stated main purpose was to allow seniors to retire with dignity by providing them a "secure" income to pay for their basic needs. A "living wage" in other words. Only a modern "robber baron" would say "it was to provide a supplemental income."

FDR upon signing:

That was never the intended purpose of Social Security.

It was intended as a SUPPLEMENTAL INCOME once someone approached the end of their expected lifetime. It was never intended to be any sort of retirement plan.

In 1950 for women the retirement age was 62 and 65 for men. The average life expectancy in the US was 66.

The life expectancy of all Americans in 1961 was 70 years. Social Security benefits started at age 62 for women and 65 for men.

For those retiring today, full benefits are at 67 with an average life expectancy of 78. Many today live into their 80s and 90s.

Blacks contribute as much, but their life span is far shorter.

In 1950 there were 16.5 workers for each Social Security recipient. In 2011, the ratio is 2.9 workers for each recipient.

According to the SSA's data, about 157 million U.S. workers support 55 million Social Security recipients this year. In 1950, 48 million workers supported 2 million recipients.

Social Security did not start out as a Ponzi Scheme, it evolved into one. To deny that it needs radical reform is to deny the tide is coming in today.
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Thanks to democrat shutdown of the economy oil was in a slump when biden took office

It should have been an even greater increase in production if he was not a sworn enemy of fossil fuel

My state is completely controlled by Rethugikkkons. They have a super majority in the General Assembly and a Rethugikkkon governor and they shutdown. Please tell me how the Dims are responsible for the state of Ohio shutting down? Square that circle for me!
Why should I pay one dime more for SS than the max I already pay if I'm not getting additional benefits?? Why should I have to pay the deadbeats and moochers share? I'm growing tired of the losers always mooching off me, fuckers.
Because you not old enough yet, but when you get older you had best appreciate it.

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