Cuts to SS and Medicare

Helps explain why big city Demoncrats have the greatest homeless & crime issues. And take a look at your flag ship California. Middle class can't take it anymore. They're leaving, because the State has become home to the rich and poor.
The state has cities in in, more people, and diversity, they aren't moving. That is a lie of the worst kind.
This is is 2023.

But, other than that, specifically please prove to us exactly what it cost you for someone else to be extremely wealthy.

If Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and say Warren Buffett did not exist, how would you be enriched? Those millions of jobs would be gone too, how would that make you better off?
What makes millions of job is the small business assoc.
You could cut 50% of the non-essential personnel out of the government(they are non-essential) the first year, then 50% again the next year, and you would find that the United States would be on the plus side of tax revenues. But that wont happen as long as the Marxists "RULE" because they need their jackbooted thugs to do the dirty work do the dirty work for them.
They don't feel like Marist and socialist isn't a name for them, it's dictatorship. The republicans want us to be like them, Chistian's, but they have no idea what it entails.
So you want to steal all the money from the rich, so they can be poor and miserable like you? Fuck off you dickwad, some people actually worked to achieve their wealth, instead of just smoking dope and bitching how fucked their lives are, like Stinkwarrior and other Marxists on this board.
Take a tax hike before the shit hits and we ALL vote democrat. Think about it. Be glad you have what you have.
We freeze the current budget and reduce every spending program by 1% next year
And every year till its balanced
That way everyone shares the pain equally
That won't work. The Debt explodes. The system crashes. You need to cut $1T. Your "cut" of $10b a year would add $990b the 1st year, then add $980b.......duh.
THANK YOU! Unless I'm mistaken, Steve Jobs is dead.
And you concede that if all those ultra-rich people were gone, it would not affect you in any way whatsoever. So SOMEONE ELSE WOULD BE IN THEIR PLACE. Nothing would change.
Then what is your point?
My point is the world carries on, no matter how much the rich get taxed.
That won't work. The Debt explodes. The system crashes. You need to cut $1T. Your "cut" of $10b a year would add $990b the 1st year, then add $980b.......duh.
The debt has been exploding for decades since Reagan and his voodoo economics. It’s called,exponential growth. As long as we keep running yearly deficits, it will continue. Only liberals have reduced the yearly deficits. Confusing the debt with the deficits is an indication that Humpers of conservatives don’t know wtf they are talking about.
That won't work. The Debt explodes. The system crashes. You need to cut $1T. Your "cut" of $10b a year would add $990b the 1st year, then add $980b.......duh.
SS and Medicare parts A and B don’t raise the deficit one penny. They run a surplus which goes into to the general fund which pays down the deficit. So, this talk about cutting SS and Medicare is bullshit.
You guys are absolutely FOS.
This is not an answer.
kyzr "When the top 10% income gain (after taxes) matches the median income gain (after taxes), percentage wise."
"Not in dollars, but percentage. If its not equal, then the rich pay more. We aren't fucking peons."
That's gobblygook.
How do you support raising someone's income simply for existing?
The problem is that the US has a $1T deficit. That is unsustainable. In addition to that Social Security and Medicare are running out of money.
We can't cut spending significantly, so where do we get the $1T from?

Separating the issues.
1. Raise the cap on SS and the problem is solved. Raise the enrollment ages 1-year if needed. SS fixed.
2. Fix Medicare
3. My solution is to add a 4% Fed sales tax to get the $1T

As for justification why raising the cap is fair, the wealthy gained on the rest of us. The cap needs to be raised counting inflation anyway.
SS and Medicare parts A and B don’t raise the deficit one penny. They run a surplus which goes into to the general fund which pays down the deficit. So, this talk about cutting SS and Medicare is bullshit.
You guys are absolutely FOS.
You are FOS. SS will be insolvent in 2035. Read what the SS Trustees say:

The poor fucking rich. My heart bleeds. I won't see any of them living under bridges or jumping out of windows.
They do squeal all the way to the bank.
Conservatives have this stupid idea that the poor are hoarding all the money. No one wants tax free services more then conservatives. They don’t want to pay for anything.
Many of our European friends started with a low value-added tax to cover their "free" healthcare and other freebies. Now, most have a 20% tax.
Social Security was never sold to us as a retirement plan. Once you reached the average life expectancy, it was to provide a supplemental income.
The tax originally was 1%, now it is over 15%.
It takes what it takes. SS has worked well for 80-years.
Raising the cap is a nothingburger. Let the pigs squeal
Nope, never gonna vote for 1 more penny to be taken from those that are wealthier!
Then they'll keep losing elections. That red ripple should have given them a clue. 2024 could be the GOPs Alamo if they don't fix entitlements.
I know they advocate for their wealthy donors, but those donors don't have many votes. Choose wisely...
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The problem is that the US has a $1T deficit. That is unsustainable. In addition to that Social Security and Medicare are running out of money.
We can't cut spending significantly, so where do we get the $1T from?

Separating the issues.
1. Raise the cap on SS and the problem is solved. Raise the enrollment ages 1-year if needed. SS fixed.
2. Fix Medicare
3. My solution is to add a 4% Fed sales tax to get the $1T

As for justification why raising the cap is fair, the wealthy gained on the rest of us. The cap needs to be raised counting inflation anyway.
Clinton was the last to balance the budget. He simply capped the rate of increase. You have to on every program. You can’t CUT spending or even keep it the same. That amounts to a cut when the COLA is neglected. SS and Medicare A and B are self adjusting. They pay for themselves and generate a surplus.
UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE would cut the year deficit more then ANYTHING you can think of. It does in every country that has it. We know it works. It’s stupid not to have MEDICARE FOR ALL.

But we are stupid because we allow republicans to discuss economics which they know nothing about.
Then they'll keep losing elections. That red ripple should have given them a clue. 2024 could be the GOPs Alamo if they don't fix entitlements.
I know they advocate for their wealthy donors, but those donors don't have many votes.

Wish I could believe you, but the rubes love being fucked by their MAGA masters. They will triple down on trannies, groomers, CRT and all the other culture war BS and stay in the game. Look at Florida!
It takes what it takes. SS has worked well for 80-years.
Raising the cap is a nothingburger. Let the pigs squeal
Yup....and even generated a surplus for decades. A surplus we have been spending on defense. After we spend it and have mandatory purchase of treasury bonds by SS,it increases the deficits. So fking with SSi creases the deficits.......Conservatives should not even be allowed near any discussion of the economy.
They don’t have a ducking clue hat they are talking about.
Wish I could believe you, but the rubes love being fucked by their MAGA masters. They will triple down on trannies, groomers, CRT and all the other culture war BS and stay in the game. Look at Florida!
Geesus, conservatives and their space laser shit have it bad. They’ll believe any shit Tucker is pedaling.
Clinton was the last to balance the budget. He simply capped the rate of increase. You have to on every program. You can’t CUT spending or even keep it the same. That amounts to a cut when the COLA is neglected. SS and Medicare A and B are self adjusting. They pay for themselves and generate a surplus.
UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE would cut the year deficit more then ANYTHING you can think of. It does in every country that has it. We know it works. It’s stupid not to have MEDICARE FOR ALL.

But we are stupid because we allow republicans to discuss economics which they know nothing about.
Newt was the last one to balance the Budget. Clinton signed a tax increase and made welfare temporary, it worked.

Medicare will be bankrupt next year. You really need to fact check before typing nonsense.
“The actual future costs for Medicare are likely to exceed those shown by the current-law projections in this report, possibly by substantial amounts.”
-- CMS Office of the Actuary, May 31, 2013

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