Cuts to SS and Medicare

1. The bottom 50% of incomes pay about 2% of the total income taxes collected.
2. I opposed the Trump tax cuts. I oppose all tax cuts while we need revenue. The old "tax cuts pay for themselves" tripe was a proven disaster.
3. Stop whining and start putting up solutions.
That’s why you should not be in any discussion of taxes. You don’t have a clue dumbo. Payroll taxes ARE FEDERAL TAXES payed by everyone including the working poor. It’s capped for the wealthy.
SS and Medicare parts A and B are self funding with a surplus. THE WORKING POOR and MIDDLE CLASS pay more then their fair share. They keep you in bullshit.
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Thats pretty drastic

I agree that a reduction in force is possible and needed

But it should be steady and gradual
Keep one thing in mind, other then soldiers during war time, federal employment HAS NOT INCREASED FOR DECADES. CUTTING federal employment is a scam. It’s never been increased yet the population they service has. The gop perpetually makes cuts to the IRS which can’t keep up with their tax avoiding scams.
The dems just had the House, Senate, and WH for 2-years. They did NOTHING except their J6 "kangaroo court", that went nowhere.
So why didn't dems fix entitlements? Stop whining about Republicans.
Wrong..they did. You have the legislation below. Look it up, I did instead of making up shit.
August 10​
Clinton-Gore Deficit Reduction Plan Enacted
Passed without a single Republican vote,
the Clinton-Gore Administration's economic plan established fiscal discipline by slashing the deficit in half — the largest deficit reduction plan in history — while making important investments in our economic future, including education, health care, and science and technology research. This legislation also extended the life of the Medicare Trust Fund by three years. Fiscal discipline established by the Clinton-Gore Administration has turned the largest deficits in our country's history into the largest surplus. (PL 103-66, signed 8/10/93)​
My state is completely controlled by Rethugikkkons. They have a super majority in the General Assembly and a Rethugikkkon governor and they shutdown. Please tell me how the Dims are responsible for the state of Ohio shutting down? Square that circle for me!
How long was Ohio shut down?

The panic over Covid was pretty strong when lib captain’s of US aircraft carriers were disobeying orders and docking their ship at the neatest port

There was the cruise ship debacle and Italian emergency rooms filled to the brim and patients dying in the hallways

So 90 days of craziness was perhaps forgivable

But libs took years to come to their senses and in the meantime our economy went into the toilet
That won't work. The Debt explodes. The system crashes. You need to cut $1T. Your "cut" of $10b a year would add $990b the 1st year, then add $980b.......duh.
In 3 years we would reduce current spending by $1 trillion
How long was Ohio shut down?

The panic over Covid was pretty strong when lib captain’s of US aircraft carriers were disobeying orders and docking their ship at the neatest port

There was the cruise ship debacle and Italian emergency rooms filled to the brim and patients dying in the hallways

So 90 days of craziness was perhaps forgivable

But libs took years to come to their senses and in the meantime our economy went into the toilet

What difference does it make how long. The Rethugikkkons are completely in control and THEY shut the state down not the Dims.
You have actual, verifiable proof this boat captain is a liberal or just your feels?
COVID has zero long term effects on the number of people working now contrary to what some say.
Keep one thing in mind, other then soldiers during war time, federal employment HAS NOT INCREASED FOR DECADES. CUTTING federal employment is a scam. It’s never been increased yet the population they service has. The gop perpetually makes cuts to the IRS which can’t keep up with their tax avoiding scams.
According to even liberal news sources biden wants to hire as many as 87,000 new IRS agents

And thats just one federal agency

The Rethugikkkons had the House, Senate and WH for 2 years(2017-2019). They did nothing but cut taxes for the uber wealthy and a MASSIVE 40% tax cut for their precious corporations that massively increased the the deficit. So why didn't Rethugikkkons fix entitlements? Stop whining about Dims!
Ok, so no one is for the middle class. BOTH parties are whores for their wealthy donors.
That’s why you should not be in any discussion of taxes. You don’t have a clue dumbo. Payroll taxes ARE FEDERAL TAXES payed by everyone including the working poor. It’s capped for the wealthy.
SS and Medicare parts A and B are self funding with a surplus. THE WORKING POOR and MIDDLE CLASS pay more then their fair share. They keep you in bullshit.
More lies typed with no links proving your assertions. I gave you credible links, you type lies. Thanks for playing.
* Restructure Federal debt
* Legislate new budgeting and cash-flow priorities - people come first - current operational needs come second - anything left over can go against the debt
* Divert savings on interest to the Old Age Pension and Old Age Healthcare aspects of the Social Security and MediCare programs
* Eliminate all foreign aid except for strategically necessary military aid (like Ukraine)
* Eliminate as many Federal agencies as practicable
* Slash the Federal workforce
* Convert all old-style Federal civilian pensions to new-style Federal civilian pensions
* Slash Federal grant programs
* Massive overhaul of Federal military R&D, purchasing-acquisition and logistics programs; less focus on hyper-bleeding-edge; more focus on good, solid and sustainable
* Massive overhaul of the VA
* Slash Social Security Disability and Supplemental Income and Medicaid (ObumbleCare) programs; keep 'em running but shift to stringent vetting and periodic reviews
* Take another look at overseas military bases; fewer per global region if possible; close any found to be redundant or near-redundant (scope-creep since last round?)
* Eliminate as many Federal grant programs as possible (and there are tons of low-value programs that we just can't afford nowadays)
* Small V(alue) A(dded) T(ax) nationwide to be used only for (a) bolstering Social Security and Medicaid and (b) reducing the Federal debt; split 50/50 or 60/40 or something

.....or some-such thing... it'll never happen (because politicians think paying interest on the debt is more important than their own people) but it would be a start.
In 3 years we would reduce current spending by $1 trillion
LOL!! You must be from Baltimore!! No one knows math in Baltimore. SHOW YOUR MATH!!

The 2022 Federal Budget is $6.272T

1% of $6.272T is $0.0627T so the deficit is $1.375T minus $0.06T is still $1.31T dumbass. Your 1% cut is NOT even noticeable.

We need a serious revenue increase and serious spending cuts to get back to sanity. A 1% cut is NOT it.

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