Cyber-Bullying Across USMB

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poor thing... projecting again???

they should have pinked you over your data mining, board wars, and recruiting long ago...

Liar liar pants on fire. I don't data mine, nor recruit. That is why your buddy isn't here. Remember? Hello? Who do you think you are talking to? Oh. Wait. You think because I am now in the middle of detoxing that I can become confused and you have power of me? Think again, skank.

ive still got the pm.... flat out prof that you DID recruit people form this board to others....

And here we go again. All about Syrenn and her pms and emails and whatever else she tosses out there and hopes it will stick. Eye roll.
I think he did this on purpose. Maybe ol Wake is a better troll than anyone. He starts this shit in the guise of caring, then bails. Fucktard asshole.
Liar liar pants on fire. I don't data mine, nor recruit. That is why your buddy isn't here. Remember? Hello? Who do you think you are talking to? Oh. Wait. You think because I am now in the middle of detoxing that I can become confused and you have power of me? Think again, skank.

ive still got the pm.... flat out prof that you DID recruit people form this board to others....

And here we go again. All about Syrenn and her pms and emails and whatever else she tosses out there and hopes it will stick. Eye roll.

Gracie, I prescribe you to go to eye candy and try to relax :). This is all just silly and you don't need the stress

I'm not a Dr. but I played on in the mafia game
Yes. I like that place. I guess I need the angst? Takes my mind off what I am feeling at the moment. I know. That sounds weird.
when you are calling your doctor an idiot cause he cut you off a highly addictive are more than a casual user and if you dont realize that you are in more trouble than one might expect

Uh. Yeah. I realize that NOW. Which is why I started the thread. Are you this stupid on a usual basis or is this special just for me?

He was NOT supposed to cut me off. He never said a word about my refills. He just refused this time. Never did before. Never discussed it with me. WHICH WAS THE POINT OF THE THREAD!!! HELLO?????

Seems to me that several people made mistakes here -

Gracie for taking a drug without researching it.
The doctor for prescribing THAT drug for insomnia and then cutting her off with no warning.
Gracie for surviving cancer and still smoking.
And some others for attacking her.

Gracie - talk to your doctor and take responsibility for your own health.

This is sounding like an old bad marriage where the subject of the fight is not really what people are made about. Maybe its time for yet another flame thread down there in the the basement.
I'm surprised this hasn't been moved to the FZ yet.
Aye is right. This is thread is better than reality television. Great entertainment. What I have learned so far.

1. Bones is a drug addict

2. Gracie is a drug addict.

3. Sarah G is a bitchface and possibly a ho.

4. Syrenn is old, fat, 4 10" and has a ass as wide as she is tall.

5. Amelia loves cats is goes by the nickname Ameoba.

My guess is all of the above allegations are true....and yet I still remain relatively young, cute, and great in bed. :) I love you all in your own special way. Please carry on....:)
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I'm surprised this hasn't been moved to the FZ yet.

Aye is right. This is thread is better than reality television. Great entertainment. What I have learned so far.

1. Bones is a drug addict

2. Gracie is a drug addict.

3. Sarah G is bitchface and possibly a ho.

4. Syrenn is old, fat, 4 10" and has a ass as wide as she is tall.

5. Amelia loves cats is goes by the nickname Ameoba.

My guess is all of the above allegations are true....and yet I still remain relatively young, cute, and great in bed. :) I love you all in your own special way. Please carry on....:)

Sounds like the beginnings of a book to me. :D
I am not a drug addict, but sleazrenn will jump on this along with her drones and make the most of it. She has been looking for an excuse to keep on keeping on. This did the trick, right, skank?
No matter what I am going thru now, I still laugh seeing people suck up to you and have NO CLUE what you really are. It damn sure ain't your avie.

^^^ drug addict.... own it babe.

No problem. I am a xanax addict. For the moment. How are you going to fix vicious? And fat? Good luck with that.

oh.... so you agree now... you ARE a drug addict... what was said was not bullying.... it was the truth....

[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION]... see... ^^^ drug addict... once an addict always an addict

oh... that is quite easy to fix.... all that needs to be done is for you to stop projecting yourself onto others..

i am very sorry you are fat and vicious.... but good to know you are a drug addict too....
when you are calling your doctor an idiot cause he cut you off a highly addictive are more than a casual user and if you dont realize that you are in more trouble than one might expect

Uh. Yeah. I realize that NOW. Which is why I started the thread. Are you this stupid on a usual basis or is this special just for me?

He was NOT supposed to cut me off. He never said a word about my refills. He just refused this time. Never did before. Never discussed it with me. WHICH WAS THE POINT OF THE THREAD!!! HELLO?????

Here's a thought I wasn't able to post in the original thread.

You stated you were on that med for over a year.

I've known some docs who have overwritten pt scripts.

It's very odd that he didn't discuss a taper with you or rx other meds, specifically anti-sezuire meds. Seizures are a side effect of total w/d from xanax.
It's true that there are groups of people who troll others relentlessly within this website, across this board, cruelly. It's of a bullying nature, and it's wrong.

I just happened upon this thread, My Doctor is an Idiot, and I read some pretty lowdown garbage in there.

All this is, is internet bullying. Aka cyberbullying. In my opinion there's a problem with bullies here, and it shouldn't be tolerated. We've got people now who are too scared to post general threads because a pack of people will troll and hurt them over it.

Could USMB's rules be amended, to further discourage site-wide bullying, please? People shouldn't have to have inoffensive threads being used to be personally attacked and bullied over upstairs.

Cyberbullying should be stamped out when it happens.

I know that others feel strongly in agreement with me here, and I would appreciate your thoughts on this matter, too.

It shouldn't be that a group of people can keep trying to make life complete and utter hell for certain individuals upstairs, in the worst personal ways. Whether it's in the Pet forum, or in the Healthcare, whatever, it should not be. It's not ok, it's not alright.

I knew the Poet would eventually return.

Good one on ya ...
It's true that there are groups of people who troll others relentlessly within this website, across this board, cruelly. It's of a bullying nature, and it's wrong.

I just happened upon this thread, My Doctor is an Idiot, and I read some pretty lowdown garbage in there.

All this is, is internet bullying. Aka cyberbullying. In my opinion there's a problem with bullies here, and it shouldn't be tolerated. We've got people now who are too scared to post general threads because a pack of people will troll and hurt them over it.

Could USMB's rules be amended, to further discourage site-wide bullying, please? People shouldn't have to have inoffensive threads being used to be personally attacked and bullied over upstairs.

Cyberbullying should be stamped out when it happens.

I know that others feel strongly in agreement with me here, and I would appreciate your thoughts on this matter, too.

It shouldn't be that a group of people can keep trying to make life complete and utter hell for certain individuals upstairs, in the worst personal ways. Whether it's in the Pet forum, or in the Healthcare, whatever, it should not be. It's not ok, it's not alright.

[ame=]Mamby Pamby Land - YouTube[/ame]
Aye is right. This is thread is better than reality television. Great entertainment. What I have learned so far.

1. Bones is a drug addict

2. Gracie is a drug addict.

3. Sarah G is bitchface and possibly a ho.

4. Syrenn is old, fat, 4 10" and has a ass as wide as she is tall.

5. Amelia loves cats is goes by the nickname Ameoba.

My guess is all of the above allegations are true....and yet I still remain relatively young, cute, and great in bed. :) I love you all in your own special way. Please carry on....:)

Sounds like the beginnings of a book to me. :D

Don't encourage him, he's a moron. I guess that can be added to the list.
when you are calling your doctor an idiot cause he cut you off a highly addictive are more than a casual user and if you dont realize that you are in more trouble than one might expect

Uh. Yeah. I realize that NOW. Which is why I started the thread. Are you this stupid on a usual basis or is this special just for me?

He was NOT supposed to cut me off. He never said a word about my refills. He just refused this time. Never did before. Never discussed it with me. WHICH WAS THE POINT OF THE THREAD!!! HELLO?????

Gracie, state and federal laws vary, but if you take certain prescriptions, physicians are required by law to examine you in person, which requires a visit to his or her office at certain time allotments. I hope that helps you in some small way. I was a little miffed over not having a muscle relaxant one time, because if I don't take it, my fibromyalgia comes back full bore with a nice little muscle seizure or two the full length of my back down to an ankle. It's not a perfect remedy because I do not have the depression some people have that require the drug. I've learned to make a doctor's appointment when I don't understand something. At one point, she took me off a drug after less than a day because a report rolled across her desk linking it to very serious problems. At that point, I was grateful she called me. Very grateful. Her skill has made me almost symptomless if I stick with her panaceae.

Best wishes to you in getting a handle on whatever it takes to overcome your underlying health problem, whatever it may be. I just wish everyone had as great a doctor as I have. She works very hard to deal with people's issues and find out what else could be causing the anathema your body and soul must deal with.


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