Cyber Ninjas Compromised Voting Machines-Ballots


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
I note that the source is the notorious left wrong-wing lies-and-propaganda mill The Huffington Post, so the story, as reported, is most likely bullshit.

In any event, if the story itself is as reported, then I still call bullshit.

At the very worst, the manufacturer should be able to examine the existing machines, make sure the correct firmware is installed, and otherwise clear them of any possibility of having been tampered with in a way that could affect future uses of them; for much less than the cost of replacing them outright.

Reading the rest of the article, and the other claims made therein, the whole thing reads as an exercise in crackpottery, featuring batshit crazy conspiracy theories about batshit crazy conspiracy theories.

Even by normal HuffPost standards, this article is particularly lacking in credibility.
And to pile bullshit on top of bullshit—

If I understand correctly, the claim is that the machines were out of the state's custody, in a manner where there was not proper accounting of who had them, when.

Those conducting the audit had a valid court order requiring them to be allowed access to these machines. If the state thought there needed to be a strict chain-of-custody accounting done with them, then they should have set that up before they complied with the court order. This was their responsibility. To not do so, and then after the fact, cite the failure to do so as any excuse, is bullshit.

I say that this is just a case of those who know damn well that they are guilty of something, railing against the process of exposing that guilt.
These incompetent partisans have had control of voting machines and ballots with no oversight and no chain of custody. Both the ballots and the machines are now spoiled

Doesn't matter.

This is about one thing: Keeping the rubes angry, tithing and voting.
These incompetent partisans have had control of voting machines and ballots with no oversight and no chain of custody. Both the ballots and the machines are now spoiled

You guys cheated and fixing to get busted.
These incompetent partisans have had control of voting machines and ballots with no oversight and no chain of custody. Both the ballots and the machines are now spoiled

Sounds like a desperate attempt to attack the messenger (or this case, the auditors) in order to hide the crimes that occurred on election night.
These incompetent partisans have SO compromised the ballots and the machines that nothing they "find" can be considered real
Well, this was all predictable. It's been a stunt to keep the base happy from Day One. Then, when nothing comes of it, they'll just toss it on top of their pile of imagined grievances.
The company has never conducted an audit before being hired to do the most important audit in the world.
The people doing the previous recounts/audits couldn't find the obvious fraud.
There were no forensic audits, and the recounts only recounted the same questionable ballots as though they were valid.
The company has never conducted an audit before being hired to do the most important audit in the world.

Let that sink in folks.
Wait a sec...

I thought that all the audits had been done and nothing to see here....Now this is :the most important audit in the world"?
Republicans seem to think this is the most important audit. If it’s so important, why didn’t Republicans hire a competent company?
So what will the Democrats say when the audit is complete and it's announced they discovered of thousands of fraudulent votes? Will they concede that Trump actually won the election?

Already, we can se them trying to set the stage to discredit whatever the audit finds.

They sure are acting like they know that they are guilty, and that they are very afraid of what this audit will turn up.

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