Cyber Ninjas Compromised Voting Machines-Ballots

"started on the site "gateway pundit."
That's where the lie originated.

.......... but a state election board supervisor was accused of taking ballots home, feeding them to his chickens then had the chickens burned to hide the evidence.
........ it's one of the lies the trump people are trying to pass off as election fraud."

Oh boy, no die Scheiße? That's a REAL story?

You know it is these fantagasms (ballot eating chickens, no less) that these Stop-the-Steal nutters put out or allow to enter the public sphere that make Republicans and Conservatives look like loons.
Where are the Republicans and Conservatives who publish columns or blogs or give interviews where they say "Look, Jim Hoft and his Gateway Pundit do NOT speak for our side of the political spectrum, they are nutso-crazos?

Instead, they either remain silent....or they defend the diet of these chickens (btw, the birds could not be sold as totally 'organic').

I'm a pretty conservative liberal-leaning independent, or, if you wish a liberal conservative-leaner, in either case, I still retain my sense of humor. And I gotta tell you, ballot eating chickens tickles my funny-bone.
They just may unseat my favorite personality of this whole 'Stop-the-Steal' crowd, Ms. Melissa Carone*.

I love this bar. It's a hoot.

So what will the Democrats say when the audit is complete and it's announced they discovered of thousands of fraudulent votes? Will they concede that Trump actually won the election?

Already, we can se them trying to set the stage to discredit whatever the audit finds.

They sure are acting like they know that they are guilty, and that they are very afraid of what this audit will turn up.
I agree. If they really thought the election was fair then they would be cheering for audits. Since they are doing everything they can to discredit the audit and the auditors they sure do know it was a stolen election.

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