Cyber Ninjas Compromised Voting Machines-Ballots

The company has never conducted an audit before being hired to do the most important audit in the world.
The people doing the previous recounts/audits couldn't find the obvious fraud.

Ewe had better get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow pronto. They are in immediate need of it!!!!
So the cowardly little shit biscuit finally posts something, instead of hiding behind silly reaction emojis.

Your confused turdbucket. I never use emojis. Try harder, fail better!!!
Blow it our your ass, you cowardly little pusbucket.

So now ewe are exposing yourself as a lunatic as well as a liar!!! How tRumptarding of ewe.
These incompetent partisans have SO compromised the ballots and the machines that nothing they "find" can be considered real
Well, this was all predictable. It's been a stunt to keep the base happy from Day One. Then, when nothing comes of it, they'll just toss it on top of their pile of imagined grievances.
Which is getting to Everest size at this point.
So what will the Democrats say when the audit is complete and it's announced they discovered of thousands of fraudulent votes? Will they concede that Trump actually won the election?
The only way that happens is for the "cyber Ninja's" to lie, which we fully expect them to do.
These incompetent partisans have SO compromised the ballots and the machines that nothing they "find" can be considered real
Well, this was all predictable. It's been a stunt to keep the base happy from Day One. Then, when nothing comes of it, they'll just toss it on top of their pile of imagined grievances.
Which is getting to Everest size at this point.
As I've said, these people make college snowflakes look like Stallone.
These incompetent partisans have had control of voting machines and ballots with no oversight and no chain of custody. Both the ballots and the machines are now spoiled

I thought the machines were unspoilable? You told us they were beyond anyone being able to mess them up.
I note that the source is the notorious left wrong-wing lies-and-propaganda mill The Huffington Post, so the story, as reported, is most likely bullshit.

In any event, if the story itself is as reported, then I still call bullshit.

At the very worst, the manufacturer should be able to examine the existing machines, make sure the correct firmware is installed, and otherwise clear them of any possibility of having been tampered with in a way that could affect future uses of them; for much less than the cost of replacing them outright.

Reading the rest of the article, and the other claims made therein, the whole thing reads as an exercise in crackpottery, featuring batshit crazy conspiracy theories about batshit crazy conspiracy theories.

Even by normal HuffPost standards, this article is particularly lacking in credibility.

If you don't like the source in the OP then go over to the thread I started about this on Thursday. NBC News reported it a few days ago.

The thing is, all you have to do is a search on the subject. It takes just a couple seconds. Then you can pick the source you like.

However I doubt that it's the source. It's the subject of the article you don't like. You can't refute it so you attack the source.

Which is weak and sad.
These incompetent partisans have SO compromised the ballots and the machines that nothing they "find" can be considered real

All of it is unnecessary too. None of this had to happen.

No matter what their so called "results" will be, it will not be official. It won't matter. The vote tally for Arizona won't change. That tally has been legally certified by the governor. It can't be changed.

These aren't legal, official and certified people from an official, legal and certified company doing the work. So anything they claim they found, isn't legal, official or certified and won't do a damn thing.

In fact, most of what they have done is illegal as far as the federal election law is concerned.

The state of Arizona violated the federal law that requires that the ballots remain secured in the possession of the state of Arizona for 22 months.

If the cyber ninjas are honest and come to the same result the several other official and legal counts came to, the trump people won't believe it. They will still say there was fraud and trump won.

So they are destroying ballots, tampering with machines causing millions to have to be spent for new ones all for nothing.
The company has never conducted an audit before being hired to do the most important audit in the world.
The people doing the previous recounts/audits couldn't find the obvious fraud.
There were no forensic audits, and the recounts only recounted the same questionable ballots as though they were valid.
there were two forensic independent, audits. The board of elections supervisors voted late
Jan 2021... Because of all the mistrust out there brewing about the Dominion voting machines as fraud.

in February, 2 different and independent, certified election auditing firms were hired and conducted forensic audits...


The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on January 27, 2021 to authorize a forensic audit of ballot tabulation equipment used in the 2020 elections. The audit is the culmination of a year-long effort by Maricopa County to ensure the accuracy of the federally- and state-certified hardware and software used to count votes


The multi-layered forensic audit is comprised of three separate audits performed by two United States Elections Assistance Commission Voting System Testing Laboratories and a Certified Public Accounting Firm.

The audit of the tabulation equipment’s software and hardware was performing by two independent Voting System Testing Laboratories: Pro V&V and SLI Compliance. The firms were hired to:

  • Analyze election equipment software and hardware’s hacking vulnerability
  • Verify that no malicious malware was installed
  • Test that tabulators were not sending or receiving information over the internet
  • Confirm that no vote switching occurred

As an added measure of transparency, the Board hired a reputable Certified Public Accounting firm, Berry Dunn, to review county contracts with Dominion Voting Services and verify that the county leased the tabulation equipment according to state and county procurement regulations

Auditing Elections Equipment In Maricopa County | Maricopa County, AZ

What's going on now, is just a dog and pony Show!!!!


What's going on now is a federal crime.
These incompetent partisans have SO compromised the ballots and the machines that nothing they "find" can be considered real
Which means, in turn, that the results being audited are ALSO so compromised that they cannot be considered valid. Because we know as absolutely as you know these guys monkeyed with them, that the originals were corrupted by partisans trying to elect Quid Pro. See how that works?
So what will the Democrats say when the audit is complete and it's announced they discovered of thousands of fraudulent votes? Will they concede that Trump actually won the election?
We’ll look at that evidence and the chain of events surrounding it. And find bupkus
They copied it after the it was recovered by the white hat hackers, from the amateurish attempt to delete it.

Not up on current events as much as you thought, eh?

Current events? The communiications between the parties is public data that's out there. Now if care to swallow whatever source you use to keep up with "current events", that fine with me. I've just no taste for bullshit.
The "communication between parties" indicate that the white hats were able to recover a database that was deliberately deleted.

The county did not provide the auditors anything between the Senate's letter of May 12th and the County's reply on the 17th. In their meeting of the 18th, the Ninjas admitted to having the data So I guess you;re contending the Ninja's called in the White Hats. Good choice for the nitwits to reach out to ....

Republican Senate's letter:
Can you please advise as to why these folders were deleted, and whether there are any backups that may contain the deleted folders?

Maricopa County Republican election overseers response letter:
the failure of your so called “auditors” to locate data files on the copy they made of the County’s server speaks more to their ineptitude than it does to the integrity and actions of our dedicated public employees who effectively and accurately run the elections in the fourth largest county in the United States

This is supposed to be a cyber security company. Yet they couldn't even find files they copied from a different system.

What kind of cyber security people can't do a simple copy to another computer then find the files? What totally incompetent boobs have they hired?

And the republicans believe these nitwits can count ballots?

This is nothing but a huge disgrace.

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