Cyber Ninjas Shutting Down

We should want more of these organizations that are set up to protect our elections.
"Cyber Ninjas, a firm hired by the Arizona state Senate to conduct a review of Maricopa County’s election results, on Thursday announced that it is shutting down after a county government report slammed the firm and a judge ordered it to pay $50,000 a day in fines. The Guardian, first reported, CEO “Doug Logan and the rest of the employees have been let go and Cyber Ninjas is being shut down.”
Cyber Ninjas, which says it recounted 2.1 million ballots, confirmed Biden beat Trump in the state but claimed in its September draft report that thousands of ballots had issues -- Maricopa County released a report this month, arguing Cyber Ninjas made 22 misleading claims, 41 inaccurate claims and 13 claims that were false."
The reports of ballot issues was in the news repeatedly. I'm not surprised liberals in Maricopa county want it swept under the rug.
The reports of ballot issues was in the news repeatedly. I'm not surprised liberals in Maricopa county want it swept under the rug.
I see these reports in the news too...


A fourth person from the same fucking community arrested for voter fraud....all of them Trump supporters...and folks like you are SILENT about it...

But you want to tell me about all of these "ballot issues" that were all explained..and NONE OF THEM resulted in proving wide-spread voter fraud...and they damn sure didn't result in any arrests, let alone 4 the same damn neighborhood
I see these reports in the news too...


A fourth person from the same fucking community arrested for voter fraud....all of them Trump supporters...and folks like you are SILENT about it...

But you want to tell me about all of these "ballot issues" that were all explained..and NONE OF THEM resulted in proving wide-spread voter fraud...and they damn sure didn't result in any arrests, let alone 4 the same damn neighborhood
So they caught the Trump supporters and not the Biden supporters. Maybe a few more audits would remedy that.
Yes, there is democracy in America, just not Democracy.

Our Republic is a form of democracy.

Democracy as in people go and vote, not democracy as in people's votes don't often count.

The system decides, not the people. That's not democracy. Well, it's democracy for the system.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit.

We should have more organizations like this protecting our elections. Thanks to a lib judge, they are being forced to disband.

---Cyber Ninjas says it's 'shutting down' after Arizona judge fines it $50,000 a day in audit records fight---

Democracy as in people go and vote, not democracy as in people's votes don't often count.

The system decides, not the people. That's not democracy. Well, it's democracy for the system.
The people vote but their will is ignored by those whom they elect – presidents are elected by the states, not the people, that’s not democracy; California has the same number of votes in the Senate as Wyoming, that’s not democracy; the courts rule contrary to the will of the majority of the people, that’s not democracy.

During much of the 20th Century we managed to cobble together a pseudo-democracy built on a fundamentally anti-democratic foundation.

Starting 30 years ago that pseudo-democracy has been comprehensively dismantled exposing a system that is clearly anti-democratic and hostile to the will of the people.
The reports of ballot issues was in the news repeatedly. I'm not surprised liberals in Maricopa county want it swept under the rug.
Reports of bigfoot and the loch ness monster also are in the news. But like all the legendary voter fraud, actual evidence of existence has never manifested.
A company with no experience gets millions of dollars to conduct an election audit? What could go wrong?
It does not matter, they found enough illegal ballots to decertify the election. The country should know that whether it ever gets to court or not. Trump will let them know soon enough.
the courts rule contrary to the will of the majority of the people, that’s not democracy.
This is why the fight for the courts is so important. You have one faction that believes in interpreting the law based on America in the 1800's, and another interpreting it for the 21st century.
We should have more organizations like this protecting our elections. Thanks to a lib judge, they are being forced to disband.

---Cyber Ninjas says it's 'shutting down' after Arizona judge fines it $50,000 a day in audit records fight---

You have it backwards. The arizona judge didn't shut down cyber-ninjas, he originally imposed a $1,000 per day fine for not releasing audit documents.

They thought they could avoid the requirement by simply closing their doors, but the judge didn't buy it, and instead upped the fine to $50,000 a day, since $1,000 wasn't working.

In addition, cyber-ninjas shutting down actually proves an important point. It proves that cyber-ninjas KNEW that they weren't going to be getting lucrative contracts for future audits.
It does not matter, they found enough illegal ballots to decertify the election. The country should know that whether it ever gets to court or not. Trump will let them know soon enough.
They did no such thing. They had the opportunity to present piles of illegal ballots, but despite looking for watermarks, or bamboo, or creases, or any other physical evidence, could not identify any fraudulent votes.
They did no such thing. They had the opportunity to present piles of illegal ballots, but despite looking for watermarks, or bamboo, or creases, or any other physical evidence, could not identify any fraudulent votes.
The AG. has the evidence that proves the ballots are illegal. State senators are pushing him to get it to a court. There have been protests in front of his office by voters demanding the same. You are uninformed because the media never mentions any of it. It is all happening. No one is giving up, some of the elected officials are.
The AG. has the evidence that proves the ballots are illegal. State senators are pushing him to get it to a court. There have been protests in front of his office by voters demanding the same. You are uninformed because the media never mentions any of it. It is all happening. No one is giving up, some of the elected officials are.
Are you talking about the evidence cyber-ninjas is now being fined $50,000 a day for NOT releasing?

If they had evidence of voter fraud, they would have released it all over the internet, but instead they're refusing to disclose it.

It's just like when somebody hides the grade they got on their math test.

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