Cyclonus/Ajay: Metaphysics of Science [Sin/Design]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism-aesthetics vignette inspired by the capitalism-idealistic film Tomorrowland.

This pro-capitalism story is dedicated to TrumpUSA, which is why I didn't post such a 'patriotism-advertisement' in the Writing section.

Cheers (signing off),



"I've worked on this project for years now, combining psychology with literature to reach the masses through Internet-blogging. I even dress up like a vigilante sometimes and declare myself to be a 'democracy-defender' and talk about pornography/censorship in the modern age of media. However, when I conceived of you, Cyclonus, the ultimate wolfish-robot of terrorism, I had no idea you'd come to life and confound my mission to use media metaphysics to talk about the ethics of science and technology in the modern era. Now, I feel like I'm a prisoner of my own 'classical propaganda'." -AJAY

"Your life is your own, Ajay. I sensed your metaphysical curiosities about ethics and principles of science and marketing in the media age on Earth. I had to leap out of the pages of your comic book oriented doodles and blogs to pose a more serious 'challenge' to your intellectual quandaries. Is the Internet a behemoth of Babylon or a coliseum of Metropolis. Surely, Internet-hackers and computer-viruses add 'spice' to this question about the 'design' of sci-tech in modern times on Earth. You can consider me a worthy Devil's Advocate." -CYCLONUS


"Do you wonder if I'm some kind of hermit, Cyclonus? You know, I enjoy reading Medusa and Sheena comics presenting wondrous woman of gorgeous proportions and fantastic deeds which forces me to wonder if all this 'metaphysics-meditation' has turned me into an 'automated monk.' Maybe I'm a slave to technology and the Internet myself, using media to dissect the media. Maybe I'm a mad-scientist(!). In any case, should I entreat my human sensibilities about loneliness and forget about this 'passionate crusade' about sci-tech oriented ethics consciousness?" -AJAY

"Like I said, your life is your own, Ajay. What I can assert without much doubt is that your preoccupation with the contouring of principles in modern-media (e.g., pornography/censorship) has made you 'ultra-sensitive' to the needs/demands of pedestrians and the living daydreams of everyday American consumers. America is the modern world's official 'Big Brother' and you are America's real-life Dr. Seuss (having studied at Dartmouth and Yale, two prominent/prestigious American Ivy League schools). Perhaps you should think about why your interests in media and markets has made you fascinated with presentations of fertility-imagery in movies, on TV, and on the Internet. Perhaps you're a 'humanist' scientist. Regardless, you're lonely, because you're hypnotized by endangered beauty." -CYCLONUS


"Well, you've said a mouthful, my personal Frankenstein. You're right about me. I'm hypnotized by the 'idea' or 'concept' of endangered beauty, and that's because 'popular science' in America is more or less ruled by varying corporate concerns regarding profit-margins. Did you know America is behind Algeria in the production of renewable wind-energy, even though Algeria is an OPEC nation and hence requires America to keep pace? It seems to me that new age designs about underwater robots trolling Earth's oceans to map/photograph seismic activity and pollution suggest that humans are not the guardians of mermaid-folklore for this solar-system. Doesn't this warrant a certain measure of self-loathing?" -AJAY

"Self-loathing is a rather strange mentality. However, you're correct that human beings always leverage science/design in terms of marketability. Maybe that's why you humans report stories about prominent/respected scientists committing suicide after failing to meet the standards of press-reporting and results-recognition. It's a sad truth that science offers humanity both intellectual stimulation and sociocultural complications. I noticed Hollywood (USA) has made multiple films symbolic of genomics-paranoia such as Gattaca, X-Men, and Planet of the Apes." -CYCLONUS


"I want you to take a look at this stick-figure doodle-drawing I made of a fictional impish Christian 'messenger' simply named/called Evil Elf [EE]. Obviously, EE symbolizes all the flourish and fever of holiday-season consumerism and how Burger King imagination in the USA turns completely into Macy's gift-card consciousness between Halloween and Christmas (October-December). Last year, on Black Friday (the annual shopping-day following Thanksgiving), fundamentalist-terrorists working for the Middle Eastern group ISIS killed 300 Sufi Muslims in an Egyptian mosque. Was this an extension of 9/11 (when fundamentalist-terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center) and therefore another statement about the 'immorality' of consumerism/capitalism and how commerce threatens the metaphysics of human progress?" -AJAY

"Terrorism is a natural problem in modern times. You have to wonder what ISIS thinks of the HGP (Human Genome Project) or NASA or the Salk Institute --- all sacred science-institutions in America. You have to equally wonder what ISIS makes of American Internet and WikiLeaks and convenience/lifestyle-sites such as, Amazon, and Facebook. All of this modern 'aesthetics-progress' can drive a 'free-thinker' into a suicidal state of 'marketing-cynicism.' I mean, since you're sort of an 'idealist' and crusader, you must constantly wonder about the ergonomics of Toys 'R Us. Are you, for example, obsessed with Barbie (or E.T.)?" -CYCLONUS


"I have been fascinated by the comic books involving Black Manta (DC Comics). Black Manta is an underwater sea-ghoul and nemesis of the valiant fictional 'superhero' Aquaman. Black Manta develops eerie underwater vehicles and weapons meant to 'pervert' humanity's sense of eco-objectivity and humility. Black Manta is to Earth what Satan is to Christianity --- a real menace. Black Manta obviously reminds us that science is not always 'natural.' If I'm 'obsessed' with Black Manta, maybe it's because I've spent countless hours pondering about the nature of design in the age of intellectual arrogance. Why for example did my intellectual inquiries lead me to you, a 'creation of consciousness' itself? Do you believe Black Manta is the Devil?" -AJAY

"I'm not Christian, so I don't believe in the power/prestige of the Devil. However, I share your curiosity about the species-significance of Black Manta who obviously represents forms of eco-paranoia. Maybe I came to life when you drew me, because I wanted to offer you the sort of metaphysical debate necessary for your 'pro-democratic mission.' Maybe there's something about democracy itself that makes capitalism 'invoke' spirits (or demons!) of metaphysics. If I am such a spirit, then I think I'm obligated to tell you that Black Manta might blind you from the joys of everyday life such as finding a fair/lovely Internet mail-order-bride to marry! In other words, if you become the Karl Marx of Modernism, you just might neglect the splendors of this 'Earthly-carnival' (e.g., Facebook)." -CYCLONUS


After Ajay concluded his deep conversation with Cyclonus about the metaphysics and aesthetics of tech and design in the new age of science and marketing and media, the two agreed that they both admired the toy-like appeal of Apple Computers products such as iPads and iPhones and iBooks and why/how such goods touted consumerism (in general). Ajay resolved to spend less time 'philosophizing' about modern civilization and perhaps settle down with a perfect Internet mail-order-bride, and Cyclonus returned to his own 'dimension' (a land of pure imagination), satisfied he urged Ajay to seriously consider the practicality of 'assimilating' into the modern 'labyrinth' of human traffic. Ajay became a Facebook fan.





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