Cyclonus/Richard: Images of Evil [Modern Democracy?]


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Sep 22, 2013
The fictional wolfish A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) robot Cyclonus (from Hasbro's Transformers entertainment franchise) represents new age social curiosities about governance corruption, Machiavellian ruthlessness/piracy in mismanaged capitalism contexts, and even arrogance/vanity.

The fictional American tourist/traveler Richard (portrayed very well by Hollywood actor Leo DiCaprio), a brooding and isolationism-experimental young man from Danny Boyle's heart-of-darkness exploration film
The Beach, is a 'narrator' in a story about finding metaphysics on an isolated island while confronting the 'reality' of darkness in a world arguably 'over-run' by the bureaucracy/tedium of modern machinery.

In Cyclonus, we find a 'messenger' of Machiavellian piracy, while in Richard, we see a 'prophet' (of sorts) of civilization dissatisfaction. This makes both Cyclonus and Richard (from 'pop-culture art') characters symbolizing governance-flaw contemplation.

Isn't it interesting how we Americans are fascinated by characters/stories representing governance disarray?


As Richard wrote in his Thailand journal about his travels on an idyllic isolated island and why it promoted him to think about the heart of darkness and the dissatisfaction with modern governance/democracy, he realized he was being visited by a strange alien robot. It was raining and dark, and Richard noticed a strange purple light approaching him while he was writing in his journal in a cave on the beach on the island where he was 'meditating.' The 'bearer' of the light introduced himself as 'Cyclonus' (a robot from an A.I. planet called Cybertron). Cyclonus told Richard he was curious about human civilization and if forms of mankind's governance (e.g., 'TrumpUSA') reflected true American interests in 'socialization imagination.' Cyclonus also explained that he was an assassin-robot often thinking about governance weaknesses; Richard told Cyclonus he was a brooding/traveling 'amateur philosopher' contemplating the 'reality' of evolution-dissatisfaction.

CYCLONUS: You and I are both considered 'hellraisers' of modernism!
RICHARD: Right; you're more an 'assassin' and I'm more a 'terrorist.'
CYCLONUS: That's true; I focus on weakness, while you focus on angst!
RICHARD: Yes, assassins hunt for weaknesses, while terrorists focus on partitions.
CYCLONUS: Some consider you a 'death-prophet.'
RICHARD: I understand; I'm sometimes alluding to the 'yearning' of complete isolation.
CYCLONUS: Some consider me a 'face-ripper.'
RICHARD: That's sensible; your demeanor/goals makes you a vanity-surgeon!
CYCLONUS: Well, when assassins look for flaws in religion, they're dissecting morality.
RICHARD: Yet, I too dissect morality (in a way) when I critique society for its pride.
CYCLONUS: You allude to the frills of socialization as they contrast to the quest for privacy!
RICHARD: And you refer to the 'precision' of hunting as it relates to governance gluttony.
CYCLONUS: I'm something of a terrorist (like you), but I think more about 'liberty.'
RICHARD: True; I'm something of a nihilist (like you), but I think more about 'panic.'
CYCLONUS: Does frailty in governance give rise to panic and rage?
RICHARD: Sure it does; just as the presence of assassins signals a demand for rebellion!
CYCLONUS: Does TrumpUSA exhibit the necessary features of a 'holistic democracy'?
RICHARD: Well, there're media-scandals and consumer-vices, but it's a 'user-system.'
CYCLONUS: True; there're are governance critiques/protests, but there's 'reporting.'
RICHARD: If I'm a 'death-prophet' and you're a 'face-ripper,' we can address WikiLeaks.
CYCLONUS: Yes, we can talk about info-delivery in modern times; 'ethics intrigue.'
RICHARD: Perhaps you and I will be considered the Iagos of modernism...
CYCLONUS: If we are, we might be cited in discussions about 'TrumpUSA vices.'
RICHARD: Sure; democracy-flaws always inspire chats about governance diarism.
CYCLONUS: Perhaps the best view of from hell!

After Cyclonus (a robot from planet Cybertron) and Richard (a gothic philosopher/traveler from America) concluded their little 'chat' about the contouring of TrumpUSA/governance/democracy intrigue, they decided that new age considerations about socialization consciousness (e.g., Facebook, WikiLeaks, eTrade, MTV, etc.) represented America's interests in 'civilization dissection.' After all, what would democracy analysis become without a proper dosage of commentary from 'Devil's Advocates'? Perhaps TrumpUSA would indeed become a 'beacon' for great intellectualism, with the right messengers...even those from the 'dark side' of the imagination(!).


{Cyclonus & Richard}

Chapter 2: Medusa

I really like how that turned out, so I'm adding an addendum involving myself (as a fictional Internet-blogger named Ajay Satan!) and renowned actor Ralph Fiennes engaging with Medusa on a Ouija board and talking to her about 'TrumpUSA imagination.'

Should TrumpUSA inspire more 'deism folk-tales'?

Are we much evolved from Reaganomics? What do you think?



One day, while esteemed actor Ralph Fiennes (The English Patient, Schindler's List) was perusing Internet discussion boards, he came across the posts of an idealistic blogger named Ajay Satan who was writing about the intrigue surrounding pornography/censorship in the modern age of media. Ralph decided to chat privately with Ajay and request to meet with him and discuss more his interests in media/censorship. The two met at a hotel cafe and talked about the role media diplomats (celebrities, bloggers, journalists, etc.) have in the modern world in affecting social perspectives on the 'etiquette' and 'aesthetics' of TrumpUSA, a system of great 'media proportions.' Ajay and Ralph became great friends, and one day, while spending time together during Super Bowl (NFL) weekend, Ajay suggested that they try to contact the underworld spirit of Medusa using a Ouija board Ajay just purchased. Ralph thought it would be a clever idea, since Medusa symbolized all kinds of 'attention relevant' customs/imagination perhaps for 'TrumpUSA dissection.'

RALPH: It's interesting engaging with you (Medusa) with Ouija!
AJAY: Yeah, we didn't really know what to expect...
MEDUSA: Cut the flattery; I know you find me attractive/mysterious.

RALPH: Relax, we merely want to chat with you about 'TrumpUSA.'
AJAY: Are you a fan of governance/culture analysis?
MEDUSA: I'm interested in archery and hypnosis and the Occult!

RALPH: That's exactly why we wanted to converse.
AJAY: Thanks for responding to us through Ouija.
MEDUSA: Yes, well, your 'requisition' seemed sincere enough...

RALPH: So, Medusa, what do you make of the First Lady (Melania Trump)?
AJAY: Do you find her to be an adequate 'diplomat' of capitalism democracy?
MEDUSA: The First Lady is a ministress of TrumpUSA, I suppose!

RALPH: Alright, what do you make of Americans' seeming obsession with NASDAQ?
AJAY: Are you impressed with TrumpUSA Facebook aesthetics?
MEDUSA: Whether or not President Trump has a Facebook page doesn't concern me!

RALPH: Well, what (if anything) about TrumpUSA does interest you, Medusa?
AJAY: Yeah, are you curious about the 'mechanics' of consumerism-consciousness?
MEDUSA: I find the cotton-candy imagination of Burger King America rather harmless...

RALPH: What about capitalism-oriented warfare (e.g., Gulf War)?
AJAY: Are you a scholar/student of capitalism-systems relevant complications?
MEDUSA: Honestly, TrumpUSA will 'become' what it's meant to become --- a jewelry box.

RALPH: Thanks for chatting; we conclude you're intrigued by TrumpUSA markets!
AJAY: We'll keep this chat a secret; we're pleased you find TrumpUSA...stimulating.
MEDUSA: Fine; don't use that Ouija to contact me again; perhaps TrumpUSA will be 'deist.'

After Medusa's spirit vanished, Ralph and Ajay gave each other a high-five and congratulated each other for conversing with the complex demon-deity using Ouija (though the vowed never to use the board again to contact Medusa!). Ralph/Ajay thought about the imagination ramifications of what Medusa mentioned about the contours/aesthetics of TrumpUSA --- about how the media-centric features highlighted America's interest in traffic-oriented mentality (e.g., Facebook advertisements). Ralph and Ajay wondered if Medusa thought seriously about the 'human' qualities of modern-day American capitalism. Ajay resolved to write a book called Obsession and Capital: American Media, and Ralph resolved to make a TrumpUSA-parody film about Medusa titled Sound of Doom (directed by Woody Allen). This was great TrumpUSA campfire storytelling(!). Would Trumponomics be a giant leap from the gloom of Reaganomics?


{Ajay & Ralph}


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