'D' And 'D': Our Ingrate Aliens

Guests from the Bolshevik North who don't show the proper appreciation for America!!!
I bet you can guess who they are.

1.These two posters from a second rate gas station masquerading as a nation, never miss an opportunity to insult this nation, generally, or Republicans, specifically.

One ‘D’ is a reptile, and the other ‘D,’ a reprobate, devotee of communism and genocide….and these two escapees from the spearhead of Progressivism in North America, have the nerve to reproach the nation that maintains their survival.

2. The time has come to return the favor, quoting that very principality.

“Giving Up on Canada

There’s an old joke about the typical Canadian who is nudged off the sidewalk by a passerby and immediately apologizes, a humorously rueful sign of the national character.

Of course, such attitudes presume that we still have a national character, which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau believes we do not, having told the New York Times that Canada has no “core identity” and is the world’s “first post-national state.” Trudeau may be right. We have become, apparently, citizens of the world, which means we are stakeholders in nothing tangibly visceral, that we have no civic identity, that we are political ciphers.

3. As Victor Davis Hanson writes, the concept of the citizen is dying. This is certainly the case in Canada, thanks to a moribund education system—Education Zero seems to be the aim—and a massive influx of immigrants from mainly impoverished, Third-World, and autocratic countries who have little interest in the usages, customs, and history of the nation they have come to settle in. Indeed, the city I live in is 40% from elsewhere. There is no longer a continuity of tradition here, merely a superposition of alien narratives: the “superior” culture of the native peoples, the pastoral nostalgia of landscape, the persistence of immigrant loyalties, the ethereal fantasy of a socialist utopia as championed by Trudeau père in Federalism and the French-Canadians.

4. … several “generations” of students and spoken with innumerable people in all walks of life, not a single one of whom knows anything about the British North America Act of 1867, which established the Canadian Confederation. No less alarming, they are entirely ignorant of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of 1981 and the Constitution Act of 1982 that entrenched the Charter. Nor do most people recognize how power has devolved from provincial First Ministers and the Federal Parliament to the vast bureaucratic apparatus presided over by the current prime minister. They do not see how democracy has eroded almost beyond any possibility of restoration, how the country is rapidly slipping away from them—and, what is even more distressing, many do not seem to care.” Giving Up on Canada

I bet you have seen the absurd, and blatantly jealous posts by these two D-named posters, hiding their enviousness behind slaps at this bastion of freedom and the party that most closely represents American values and heritage!


They should be shown the (digital) back of our hands!!

I've been very specific.....you're lying again.

I even quoted you to reveal your lie.

And educated you on civil law vs common law.

"What is the 'green' envy to which you refer? I think I've quite satisfactorily provided facts in links to rebut any of your suggestions that we lag the US on any freedoms, rights, or imprisonment."

Watch carefully as I eviscerate you:

Canadian colleges force out unvaccinated students despite their low COVID risk


What are Canada’s shortcomings?

Having lived now in Canada, coming from an Asian background, I would say that Canada has several issues that I think need to be addressed:


Why are you trying to downplay Canada's genocide of children???

How Canada committed genocide against Indigenous Peoples, explained by the lawyer central to the determination

Ending the Canadian genocide of Indigenous peoples is a legal obligation, requiring honest, active decolonization. The lawyer who wrote the MMIWG’s inquiry’s legal analysis of genocide explains.


Decades of missing Indigenous women a 'Canadian genocide' – leaked report

Government’s inquiry into disappeared women and girls to be published Monday


How Canada committed genocide against Indigenous Peoples, explained by the lawyer central to the determination



Canada has lost its halo: we must confront our Indigenous genocide | Tara Sutton

Hundreds of unmarked graves, and testimonies of countless horrors, belie our angelic self-image

The ongoing legacies of Canadian genocide

The question of whether the horrors committed upon Indigenous peoples by colonial and then Canadian officials can be called genocide often attracts a great deal of controversy. Most Canadians cling to the notion that genocide means something that happens to other people, in far away countries...


How Canada committed genocide against Indigenous Peoples, explained by the lawyer central to the determination

The Canadian government has just forbidden its employees from using the phrase made popular at a recent NASCAR event "Let's Go Brandon". Seriously: The letter was revealed yesterday on Twitter by Peter McCaffrey. In the letter, it says that all correspondence must be approved by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) prior to being released for

The nation that has a law against free speech???
C-16 the law opposed to free speech

"Canadian Bill C-16 Becomes Law, Enforcing Compelled Use Of Preferred Gender Pronouns"
Canadian Bill C-16 Becomes Law, Enforcing Compelled Use of Preferred Gender Pronouns - Nebraska Family Alliance

On June 19th Canadian Bill C-16 received royal assent, which is equivalent to the President's signature in the United States. The bill amends the


Would you mind repeating what you said here, that banning speech is freedom?

What Limits Should We Impose On Truth?

post 25

Notley Scolds Quebec - History of No Free Speech in Canada


Canada cracks down on doctors who warn risks of COVID-19 vaccines are being ignored

Shock Video: Another Pastor Arrested In Canada Following Anti-Lockdown Church Service

Now.....it appears you've managed to put both feet in your mouth, huh?



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