D.C. Police Officer Shares Disturbing Voicemail He Received While Testifying In Front of 1/6 Select Committee Tuesday

No she isn't.

The United States Capitol Police (USCP) is overseen by the Capitol Police Board and has Congressional oversight by appropriations and authorizing committees from the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.

You must have been a shitty gunnery sgt also with a closed mind like you have.

The Capitol Police Board consists of the Sergeant at Arms of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the U.S. Senate, and the Architect of the Capitol. The Chief of the United States Capitol Police serves in an ex-officio non-voting capacity.

Now gunny get to reading so you have the correct 411 to proceed in life.

Facts....and now he will start name-calling.
If a person breaks into your house, you're allowed to shoot them. She and many others broke into our house. as far as I'm concerned they should have all been shot. That's what we used to do with traitors.
I've said it a million times: If they'd mowed down half a dozen or so at each breach, the rest of these buttholes would have turned tail. If the mob had been mostly black, that's what would have happened and we all know it. But these were white, patriot, "tourist" sorts. :rolleyes-41:
How was Pelosi supposed to know that Trump that pig would tell his terrorist goons to march on the capital, you idiot. Trump ran back to his hole as his mob did his dirty work. Has he thanked his suckers yet?
Pelosis and the capitol police and the FBI knew about the riot for 3 weeks before it happened.
15 yard penalty for unnecessary use of facts.

Notice they cannot come up with facts to con-tradict that?
If a person breaks into your house, you're allowed to shoot them. She and many others broke into our house. as far as I'm concerned they should have all been shot. That's what we used to do with traitors.
Rubber bullets should have been available.
He can say that, WITH the photo of him hiding, and WITH all the video out there.

How the fuck is anyone supposed to believe someone like that, outside of being completely delusional?
They've learned to lie and say it with a smile because they know the orange cult will believe it no matter what. That's what the orange kool-aid does to them.
Lot of hate and anger there.

How do you feel about the filthy unwashed treasonous mobs from the left that were burning and killing for the entire 4 years of Trump's presidency?

Just as much hate and anger? Or is that different, for some "reason"?
"the left that were burning and killing for the entire 4 years of trump's presidency".....wow, he wasn't a very good "president", was he?

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