D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

Defending themselves against Muslim terrorists doesn't make Israel a terrorist.

Terrorist Israel just shot 16 Palestinians.

Israel shoots 16 Palestinians.

“The rioters are setting tyres on fire and hurling rocks. A number of explosive devices have been hurled within the Gaza Strip, and a number of attempts have been made to approach the security fence,” it said.

Don't throw rocks and explosives at soldiers, fucking idiots.

Imagine the shrieking from Jews if the USA did that to BLM,or ANTIFA.

But, when Israel does it it's Kosher.

Why would Israel complain if some stupid bomb throwers got shot in the US?
Snowflakes condemned Israel for civilian casualties...despite it being SOP for Hamas, as mentioned, to put their headquarters, missile batteries, and other weapons systems in schools, hospitals, housing communities...

Snowflakes failed to condemn Hamas when it was reported that if citizens / non-combatants attempted to leave those locations to escape the potential for collateral damage Hamas was killing them.

Snowflakes attacked Israel for mass body counts - jumping to conclusions / taking the word of terrorists too quickly (probably because of their own hatred / anti-Semitic views), only to have it exposed Hamas was showing phtotos and videos of civilians killed as far back as almost a decade yet reporting it as 'current'.

We've gone against nations for far less than Israel's crimes.

Russia invaded Crimea, bam sanctions.

Iran just mouths off against Israel, bam sanctions.

Serbian Yugoslavia tries to hold onto Kosovo, bam war against Yugoslavia.

Iran just mouths off against Israel, bam sanctions.

Iran, largest state sponsor of terrorism.....just mouths off? LOL!
Have you always been such an ignorant twat, or is this a recent occurrence?

Israel is a terrorist.
Iran supports terrorism.

Big difference.

Defending themselves against Muslim terrorists doesn't make Israel a terrorist.

Terrorist Israel just shot 16 Palestinians.

Goodbye and Good Riddance to them.
We've gone against nations for far less than Israel's crimes.

Russia invaded Crimea, bam sanctions.

Iran just mouths off against Israel, bam sanctions.

Serbian Yugoslavia tries to hold onto Kosovo, bam war against Yugoslavia.

Iran just mouths off against Israel, bam sanctions.

Iran, largest state sponsor of terrorism.....just mouths off? LOL!
Have you always been such an ignorant twat, or is this a recent occurrence?

Israel is a terrorist.
Iran supports terrorism.

Big difference.

Defending themselves against Muslim terrorists doesn't make Israel a terrorist.

Terrorist Israel just shot 16 Palestinians.

Goodbye and Good Riddance to them.

What a terrorist supporting maniac.

“The rioters are setting tyres on fire and hurling rocks. A number of explosive devices have been hurled within the Gaza Strip, and a number of attempts have been made to approach the security fence,” it said.

Don't throw rocks and explosives at soldiers, fucking idiots.

Imagine the shrieking from Jews if the USA did that to BLM,or ANTIFA.

But, when Israel does it it's Kosher.

Why would Israel complain if some stupid bomb throwers got shot in the US?

If the USA were to shoot at the illegal immigrant caravans.

Jewish Liberals would be foaming at the mouth.

But, when terrorist Israel does it, its Kosher.

“The rioters are setting tyres on fire and hurling rocks. A number of explosive devices have been hurled within the Gaza Strip, and a number of attempts have been made to approach the security fence,” it said.

Don't throw rocks and explosives at soldiers, fucking idiots.

Imagine the shrieking from Jews if the USA did that to BLM,or ANTIFA.

But, when Israel does it it's Kosher.

Quit wasting your time, nobody gives a Shit about what you say, write, or think!
You’re a Creep, and a Loser.

Israel is the creep.
Who cares what mangy Zionists think?

“The rioters are setting tyres on fire and hurling rocks. A number of explosive devices have been hurled within the Gaza Strip, and a number of attempts have been made to approach the security fence,” it said.

Don't throw rocks and explosives at soldiers, fucking idiots.

Imagine the shrieking from Jews if the USA did that to BLM,or ANTIFA.

But, when Israel does it it's Kosher.

Why would Israel complain if some stupid bomb throwers got shot in the US?

If the USA were to shoot at the illegal immigrant caravans.

Jewish Liberals would be foaming at the mouth.

But, when terrorist Israel does it, its Kosher.

Israel isn't shooting illegal immigrant invaders, silly twat.

“The rioters are setting tyres on fire and hurling rocks. A number of explosive devices have been hurled within the Gaza Strip, and a number of attempts have been made to approach the security fence,” it said.

Don't throw rocks and explosives at soldiers, fucking idiots.

Imagine the shrieking from Jews if the USA did that to BLM,or ANTIFA.

But, when Israel does it it's Kosher.

Why would Israel complain if some stupid bomb throwers got shot in the US?

If the USA were to shoot at the illegal immigrant caravans.

Jewish Liberals would be foaming at the mouth.

But, when terrorist Israel does it, its Kosher.

Israel isn't shooting illegal immigrant invaders, silly twat.

Zionists tend to support open borders for the US & border terrorism for Israel.
“The rioters are setting tyres on fire and hurling rocks. A number of explosive devices have been hurled within the Gaza Strip, and a number of attempts have been made to approach the security fence,” it said.

Don't throw rocks and explosives at soldiers, fucking idiots.

Imagine the shrieking from Jews if the USA did that to BLM,or ANTIFA.

But, when Israel does it it's Kosher.

Why would Israel complain if some stupid bomb throwers got shot in the US?

If the USA were to shoot at the illegal immigrant caravans.

Jewish Liberals would be foaming at the mouth.

But, when terrorist Israel does it, its Kosher.

Israel isn't shooting illegal immigrant invaders, silly twat.

Zionists tend to support open borders for the US & border terrorism for Israel.

We need to seal the border and boot 20 million illegals.
lol "There's always kind of a calming feeling I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust". Just what is it about the Holocaust that you imagine give her a calming feeling? Do you think she is calmed by the claim that "her people" lost everything because of the Holocaust? Obviously, she is still smoldering with hate over Holocaust Remembrance Day, which she references by saying she celebrated it and then corrects herself, and took the opportunity to sat the Holocaust was a great tragedy for her people. Which part do you imagine had a calming effect on her, her "celebration" of Holocaust Remembrance Day or her belief "her people" last everything because of the Holocaust.

Stop being such a tool. The only reason the Democratic leadership is trying to defend her indefensible remarks is because she and Omar are protected by the Congressional Black Caucus, and to condemn her hateful remarks would split the Party.

What an imbecile you are. The very same Democrat leadership you claim is defending her comments, and Omar's, actually passed a resolution recently, condemning recent anti-Semitic comments made by Omar.
lol Idiot, Pelosi tried to pass such a resolution, but the Congressional Black Caucus threatened to oppose it if she put it up for a vote, so instead she offered a resolution that opposed all hate speech without referring to Omar. Later, Pelosi said she didn't think Omar was an antisemite. Under pressure from the Congressional Black Caucus and others on the left, the leadership of the Democratic Party has now fully endorsed anti semitism and your pathetic efforts to explain away Tlaib anti semitism is further proof of it.

Imbecile, I already posted Omar's anti-Semitic remarks AND the resolution the House did pass to show Omar's anti-Semitic remarks were condemned and rejected.

Denying that only serves to make you appear even dumber than you appeared before.
It's always hard to tell if you are as stupid as you seem or just a liar. No resolution passed that referred to Omar's anti semitic statements.

Dayum, you're a special kind of stupid.

I already posted this once, but I don't mind posting it again to highlight what a flamin' retard you are....

Omar said...

Omar: "I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country."

Omar: "I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee."

To which, Democrat leadership responded with....

H.Res. 183

(1) rejects the perpetuation of anti-Semitic stereotypes in the United States and around the world, including the pernicious myth of dual loyalty and foreign allegiance, especially in the context of support for the United States-Israel alliance;

Are ya feeling stupid yet? You should.

As always you are full of shit. The bill makes no reference to Omar. Pelosi had wanted to censure her for her anti semitic statements but the Congressional Black Caucus said it would oppose such a bill and Pelose backed down and supported this pathetic attempt to cover up the rampant anti semitism in the Democratic Party. What good is it to condemn anti semitism when you are winking at anti semitic statements?
Life is a bitch those who cry about the holocaust are doing the same to Palestinians since 1948. Killing them, torturing them, removing them, putting them in ghettos, expelling them.

Your facts are inaccurate. 50 Muslim nations and yet the safest place for a Muslim female is Israel. No one is killing or torturing sans Hamas. If Mexico treated the US the way Hamas and Fatah treat Israel, there would be no more Mexico.
Israel treats Muslim women as what again ?
I guess fox wont show you the IDF warplanes bombing houses with women and children in them....is all documented since the massacre of dir Yaseen your highness....
But I dont expect a low life, low education, trump supporter to know the truth and SIDS with it. You chose to be with the devil.

Collateral damage as Hamas hides in residential neighborhoods. You know this of course. And I am the Devil. Mwahahahahhaha.
Hamas didnt exist till the 80s....Israel commiter mass murders for decades before that, what's your excuse ?
Imagine the shrieking from Jews if the USA did that to BLM,or ANTIFA.

But, when Israel does it it's Kosher.

Why would Israel complain if some stupid bomb throwers got shot in the US?

If the USA were to shoot at the illegal immigrant caravans.

Jewish Liberals would be foaming at the mouth.

But, when terrorist Israel does it, its Kosher.

Israel isn't shooting illegal immigrant invaders, silly twat.

Zionists tend to support open borders for the US & border terrorism for Israel.

We need to seal the border and boot 20 million illegals.

Israeli terror attack.

Israel throws salt in the wounds of a Palestinian shot by IDF troops

What an imbecile you are. The very same Democrat leadership you claim is defending her comments, and Omar's, actually passed a resolution recently, condemning recent anti-Semitic comments made by Omar.
lol Idiot, Pelosi tried to pass such a resolution, but the Congressional Black Caucus threatened to oppose it if she put it up for a vote, so instead she offered a resolution that opposed all hate speech without referring to Omar. Later, Pelosi said she didn't think Omar was an antisemite. Under pressure from the Congressional Black Caucus and others on the left, the leadership of the Democratic Party has now fully endorsed anti semitism and your pathetic efforts to explain away Tlaib anti semitism is further proof of it.

Imbecile, I already posted Omar's anti-Semitic remarks AND the resolution the House did pass to show Omar's anti-Semitic remarks were condemned and rejected.

Denying that only serves to make you appear even dumber than you appeared before.
It's always hard to tell if you are as stupid as you seem or just a liar. No resolution passed that referred to Omar's anti semitic statements.

Dayum, you're a special kind of stupid.

I already posted this once, but I don't mind posting it again to highlight what a flamin' retard you are....

Omar said...

Omar: "I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country."

Omar: "I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee."

To which, Democrat leadership responded with....

H.Res. 183

(1) rejects the perpetuation of anti-Semitic stereotypes in the United States and around the world, including the pernicious myth of dual loyalty and foreign allegiance, especially in the context of support for the United States-Israel alliance;

Are ya feeling stupid yet? You should.

As always you are full of shit. The bill makes no reference to Omar. Pelosi had wanted to censure her for her anti semitic statements but the Congressional Black Caucus said it would oppose such a bill and Pelose backed down and supported this pathetic attempt to cover up the rampant anti semitism in the Democratic Party. What good is it to condemn anti semitism when you are winking at anti semitic statements?
"The bill makes no reference to Omar."


I never said it did. I said it condemned and rejected her anti-Semitic nonsense.

And that you yourself switched from saying the resolution didn't condemn her anti-Semitic remarks -- to -- the resolution didn't reference her, proves even you know you were wrong.

Life is a bitch those who cry about the holocaust are doing the same to Palestinians since 1948. Killing them, torturing them, removing them, putting them in ghettos, expelling them.

Your facts are inaccurate. 50 Muslim nations and yet the safest place for a Muslim female is Israel. No one is killing or torturing sans Hamas. If Mexico treated the US the way Hamas and Fatah treat Israel, there would be no more Mexico.
Israel treats Muslim women as what again ?
I guess fox wont show you the IDF warplanes bombing houses with women and children in them....is all documented since the massacre of dir Yaseen your highness....
But I dont expect a low life, low education, trump supporter to know the truth and SIDS with it. You chose to be with the devil.

Collateral damage as Hamas hides in residential neighborhoods. You know this of course. And I am the Devil. Mwahahahahhaha.
Hamas didnt exist till the 80s....Israel commiter mass murders for decades before that, what's your excuse ?

before Hamas there was FATAH------where have you been?
arabs in Palestine have been MURDERING for centuries-----
remember the PIG--AL HUSSEINI??? <<<that was the
murdering dog who licked the shit of adolf and slit the throats of babies in Hebron in 1929-------does the name of the ORGANIZATION mean so much to you-------shit by any other name still stinks
lol Idiot, Pelosi tried to pass such a resolution, but the Congressional Black Caucus threatened to oppose it if she put it up for a vote, so instead she offered a resolution that opposed all hate speech without referring to Omar. Later, Pelosi said she didn't think Omar was an antisemite. Under pressure from the Congressional Black Caucus and others on the left, the leadership of the Democratic Party has now fully endorsed anti semitism and your pathetic efforts to explain away Tlaib anti semitism is further proof of it.

Imbecile, I already posted Omar's anti-Semitic remarks AND the resolution the House did pass to show Omar's anti-Semitic remarks were condemned and rejected.

Denying that only serves to make you appear even dumber than you appeared before.
It's always hard to tell if you are as stupid as you seem or just a liar. No resolution passed that referred to Omar's anti semitic statements.

Dayum, you're a special kind of stupid.

I already posted this once, but I don't mind posting it again to highlight what a flamin' retard you are....

Omar said...

Omar: "I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country."

Omar: "I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee."

To which, Democrat leadership responded with....

H.Res. 183

(1) rejects the perpetuation of anti-Semitic stereotypes in the United States and around the world, including the pernicious myth of dual loyalty and foreign allegiance, especially in the context of support for the United States-Israel alliance;

Are ya feeling stupid yet? You should.

As always you are full of shit. The bill makes no reference to Omar. Pelosi had wanted to censure her for her anti semitic statements but the Congressional Black Caucus said it would oppose such a bill and Pelose backed down and supported this pathetic attempt to cover up the rampant anti semitism in the Democratic Party. What good is it to condemn anti semitism when you are winking at anti semitic statements?
"The bill makes no reference to Omar."


I never said it did. I said it condemned and rejected her anti-Semitic nonsense.

And that you yourself switched from saying the resolution didn't condemn her anti-Semitic remarks -- to -- the resolution didn't reference her, proves even you know you were wrong.


not really-------the bitch should have been censured
Life is a bitch those who cry about the holocaust are doing the same to Palestinians since 1948. Killing them, torturing them, removing them, putting them in ghettos, expelling them.

Your facts are inaccurate. 50 Muslim nations and yet the safest place for a Muslim female is Israel. No one is killing or torturing sans Hamas. If Mexico treated the US the way Hamas and Fatah treat Israel, there would be no more Mexico.
Israel treats Muslim women as what again ?
I guess fox wont show you the IDF warplanes bombing houses with women and children in them....is all documented since the massacre of dir Yaseen your highness....
But I dont expect a low life, low education, trump supporter to know the truth and SIDS with it. You chose to be with the devil.

Collateral damage as Hamas hides in residential neighborhoods. You know this of course. And I am the Devil. Mwahahahahhaha.
Hamas didnt exist till the 80s....Israel commiter mass murders for decades before that, what's your excuse ?

PLO did. Terror has existed long before Hamas.
So she was elected to bang the drum for Palestinians? Man I thought she was to serve legal citizens of the USA.

Imbecile, I already posted Omar's anti-Semitic remarks AND the resolution the House did pass to show Omar's anti-Semitic remarks were condemned and rejected.

Denying that only serves to make you appear even dumber than you appeared before.
It's always hard to tell if you are as stupid as you seem or just a liar. No resolution passed that referred to Omar's anti semitic statements.

Dayum, you're a special kind of stupid.

I already posted this once, but I don't mind posting it again to highlight what a flamin' retard you are....

Omar said...

Omar: "I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country."

Omar: "I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee."

To which, Democrat leadership responded with....

H.Res. 183

(1) rejects the perpetuation of anti-Semitic stereotypes in the United States and around the world, including the pernicious myth of dual loyalty and foreign allegiance, especially in the context of support for the United States-Israel alliance;

Are ya feeling stupid yet? You should.

As always you are full of shit. The bill makes no reference to Omar. Pelosi had wanted to censure her for her anti semitic statements but the Congressional Black Caucus said it would oppose such a bill and Pelose backed down and supported this pathetic attempt to cover up the rampant anti semitism in the Democratic Party. What good is it to condemn anti semitism when you are winking at anti semitic statements?
"The bill makes no reference to Omar."


I never said it did. I said it condemned and rejected her anti-Semitic nonsense.

And that you yourself switched from saying the resolution didn't condemn her anti-Semitic remarks -- to -- the resolution didn't reference her, proves even you know you were wrong.


not really-------the bitch should have been censured

As if it matters what you think.
So she was elected to bang the drum for Palestinians? Man I thought she was to serve legal citizens of the USA.

The clear and evident result of favoring multiculturalism over assimilation.

Thank you, Democrats.

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