D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."

Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


It's 1928 and the democrats are the new Nazi party.

Simple fact.

democrats want to stage a genocide of whites and Christians. They tell us this every single day and we are supposed to ignore them and think they are just playing.

They're not.

You are a lunatiuc. If anyone has ties to the Nazis, it is Donald Trump and you. Using lies to demonize a group of people is from the Nazi playbook.

Lying fuck.

{. As Grand Mufti and leader in the Arab Higher Committee, especially during the war period 1938-45, al-Husayni played a key role in violent opposition to Zionism and closely allied himself with the Nazi regime in Germany.[5][6] }

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem - Wikipedia
When I hear about the Holocaust nothing happens emotively.. I must be missing out on something.

You should get with Shitflinger and lyingfuckbee, I think they jerk each other off to pictures of concentration camps, as so many democrats do.
No she didn’t answer my question, she jumped to the false historical claim which is valid criticism but not my point. My gripe is with the low life spinners like the OP trying to dishonestly claim she said the holocaust calms her.
lol "There's always kind of a calming feeling I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust". Just what is it about the Holocaust that you imagine give her a calming feeling? Do you think she is calmed by the claim that "her people" lost everything because of the Holocaust? Obviously, she is still smoldering with hate over Holocaust Remembrance Day, which she references by saying she celebrated it and then corrects herself, and took the opportunity to sat the Holocaust was a great tragedy for her people. Which part do you imagine had a calming effect on her, her "celebration" of Holocaust Remembrance Day or her belief "her people" last everything because of the Holocaust.

Stop being such a tool. The only reason the Democratic leadership is trying to defend her indefensible remarks is because she and Omar are protected by the Congressional Black Caucus, and to condemn her hateful remarks would split the Party.

What an imbecile you are. The very same Democrat leadership you claim is defending her comments, and Omar's, actually passed a resolution recently, condemning recent anti-Semitic comments made by Omar.
lol Idiot, Pelosi tried to pass such a resolution, but the Congressional Black Caucus threatened to oppose it if she put it up for a vote, so instead she offered a resolution that opposed all hate speech without referring to Omar. Later, Pelosi said she didn't think Omar was an antisemite. Under pressure from the Congressional Black Caucus and others on the left, the leadership of the Democratic Party has now fully endorsed anti semitism and your pathetic efforts to explain away Tlaib anti semitism is further proof of it.

Imbecile, I already posted Omar's anti-Semitic remarks AND the resolution the House did pass to show Omar's anti-Semitic remarks were condemned and rejected.

Denying that only serves to make you appear even dumber than you appeared before.
It's always hard to tell if you are as stupid as you seem or just a liar. No resolution passed that referred to Omar's anti semitic statements.

Dayum, you're a special kind of stupid.

I already posted this once, but I don't mind posting it again to highlight what a flamin' retard you are....

Omar said...

Omar: "I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country."

Omar: "I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee."

To which, Democrat leadership responded with....

H.Res. 183

(1) rejects the perpetuation of anti-Semitic stereotypes in the United States and around the world, including the pernicious myth of dual loyalty and foreign allegiance, especially in the context of support for the United States-Israel alliance;

Are ya feeling stupid yet? You should.

The very meaning of watered down bullshit......

dimocraps are scum

In the House of Representatives, U. S.,
March 7, 2019.

  • Whereas the first amendment to the Constitution established the United States as a country committed to the principles of tolerance and religious freedom, and the 14th amendment to the Constitution established equal protection of the laws as the heart of justice in the United States;

  • Whereas adherence to these principles is vital to the progress of the American people and the diverse communities and religious groups of the United States;

  • Whereas whether from the political right, center, or left, bigotry, discrimination, oppression, racism, and imputations of dual loyalty threaten American democracy and have no place in American political discourse;

  • Whereas white supremacists in the United States have exploited and continue to exploit bigotry and weaponize hate for political gain, targeting traditionally persecuted peoples, including African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other people of color, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, and others with verbal attacks, incitement, and violence;

  • Whereas the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., taught that persecution of any American is an assault on the rights and freedoms of all Americans;

  • Whereas on August 11 and 12, 2017, self-identified neo-Confederates, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and Ku Klux Klansmen held white supremacist events in Charlottesville, Virginia, where they marched on a synagogue under the Nazi swastika, engaged in racist and anti-Semitic demonstrations and committed brutal and deadly violence against peaceful Americans;

  • Whereas a white nationalist murdered nine African American worshipers at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, on the evening of June 17, 2015, in the hopes of igniting a nationwide race war;

  • Whereas on October 27, 2018, the perpetrator of the deadliest attack on Jewish people in the history of the United States killed 11 worshippers at the Tree of Life Synagogue building in Pittsburgh and reportedly stated that he “wanted all Jews to die”;

  • Whereas anti-Semitism is the centuries-old bigotry and form of racism faced by Jewish people simply because they are Jews;

  • Whereas in 2017 the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported a 37 percent increase in hate crimes against Jews or Jewish institutions and found that attacks against Jews or Jewish institutions made up 58.1 percent of all religious-based hate crimes;

  • Whereas there is an urgent need to ensure the safety and security of Jewish communities, including synagogues, schools, cemeteries, and other institutions;

  • Whereas Jews are the targets of anti-Semitic violence at even higher rates in many other countries than they are in the United States;

  • Whereas it is a foreign policy priority of the United States to monitor and combat anti-Semitism abroad;

  • Whereas anti-Semitism includes blaming Jews as Jews when things go wrong; calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or extremist view of religion; or making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotyped allegations about Jews;

  • Whereas Jewish people are subject in the media and political campaigns to numerous other dangerous anti-Semitic myths as well, including that Jews control the United States Government or seek global, political, and financial domination and that Jews are obsessed with money;

  • Whereas scapegoating and targeting of Jews in the United States have persisted for many years, including by the Ku Klux Klan, the America First Committee, and by modern neo-Nazis;

  • Whereas accusing Jews of being more loyal to Israel or to the Jewish community than to the United States constitutes anti-Semitism because it suggests that Jewish citizens cannot be patriotic Americans and trusted neighbors, when Jews have loyally served our Nation every day since its founding, whether in public or community life or military service;

  • Whereas accusations of dual loyalty generally have an insidious and pernicious history, including—

    (1) the discriminatory incarceration of Americans of Japanese descent during World War II on their basis of race and alleged dual loyalty;

    (2) the Dreyfus affair, when Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish French artillery captain, was falsely convicted of passing secrets to Germany based on his Jewish background;

    (3) when the loyalty of President John F. Kennedy was questioned because of his Catholic faith; and

    (4) the post-9/11 conditions faced by Muslim-Americans in the United States, including Islamophobia and false and vicious attacks on and threats to Muslim-Americans for alleged association with terrorism;

  • Whereas anti-Muslim bigotry entails prejudicial attitudes towards Muslims and people who are perceived to be Muslim, including the irrational belief that Muslims are inherently violent, disloyal, and foreign;

  • Whereas Muslims and people perceived to be Muslim are subjected to false and dangerous stereotypes and myths including unfair allegations that they sympathize with individuals who engage in violence or terror or support the oppression of women, Jews, and other vulnerable communities;

  • Whereas in 2017, mosques were bombed in Bloomington, Minnesota, and burned in Austin, Texas, Victoria, Texas, Bellevue, Washington, and Thonotosassa, Florida, and mass attacks on Muslim communities were planned against communities in Islamberg, New York, in 2019, Jacksonville, Florida, in 2017, and Garden City, Kansas, in 2016;

  • Whereas the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported that hate crimes against Muslims or Muslim institutions in the United States increased by over 99 percent between 2014 and 2016;

  • Whereas attacks motivated by bigotry against those who are Muslim or perceived to be Muslim have substantially increased since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks;

  • Whereas the violation of an individual’s civil rights based on his or her actual or perceived membership in a particular religious group clearly violates the Constitution and laws of the United States; and

  • Whereas all Americans, including Jews, Muslims, and Christians and people of all faiths and no faith, have a stake in fighting anti-Semitism, as all Americans have a stake in fighting every form of bigotry and hatred against people based on religion, race, or place of birth and origin: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives—

(1) rejects the perpetuation of anti-Semitic stereotypes in the United States and around the world, including the pernicious myth of dual loyalty and foreign allegiance, especially in the context of support for the United States-Israel alliance;

(2) condemns anti-Semitic acts and statements as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values that define the people of the United States;

(3) reaffirms its support for the mandate of the United States Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism as part of the broader policy priority of fostering international religious freedom and protecting human rights all over the world;

(4) rejects attempts to justify hatred or violent attacks as an acceptable expression of disapproval or frustration over political events in the Middle East or elsewhere;

(5) acknowledges the harm suffered by Muslims and others from the harassment, discrimination, and violence that result from anti-Muslim bigotry;

(6) condemns anti-Muslim discrimination and bigotry against all minorities as contrary to the values of the United States;

(7) condemns the death threats received by Jewish and Muslim Members of Congress, including in recent weeks;

(8) encourages law enforcement and government officials to avoid conduct that raises the specter of unconstitutional profiling against anyone because of their race, religion, nationality, political, or particular social group, including the assignment of blame or targeting members of an entire religious group for increased suspicion, based on the conduct of a single individual or small group of individuals; and

(9) encourages all public officials to confront the reality of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism, and other forms of bigotry, as well as historical struggles against them, to ensure that the United States will live up to the transcendent principles of tolerance, religious freedom, and equal protection as embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the first and 14th amendments to the Constitution.

I can only chalk this rant up to... conservatives are crazed lunatics. :cuckoo:

Dumbfuck... again.... I quoted Omar's anti-Semitic words AND I posted the section in the Democrat resolution which condemned and rejected those very words.

So where did I lie?

And I don't need you to post the entire resolution-- I already posted the part condemning her anti-Semitic remarks.

you did not lie----the resolution does reject anti-Semitism ---
REMARK. For the record-----the DUALIE libel was invented
during my life-time-----I IS OLD------it is still used EXTENSIVELY
in the islamo-Nazi world-----if you see the word DUALIE----know that you are reading the output of an islamo-Nazi dog
^^^ another nut denying the resolution condemns Omar's specific remark.

Dumbass, I posted Omar's exact words and I posted the exact words from the resolution which condemned her words.

Your reading comprehension struggles are your problem, not mine.

I READ FINE------I read about the DUALIE libel more than
50 years ago. I do not see the name OMAR in the
I said nothing about her name appearing in that resolution. I said her words were condemned and rejected.

thanks for the clarification----she should have been censored
BY NAME. I am not being glib-----I am VERY FAMILIAR with the
islamo Nazi dog PROPAGANDA----not because I SOMEHOW got
educated to "BELIEVE" anything negative about ANYONE----I simply STUMBLED INTO THE FILTH as a child just as I STUMBLED into a mosque and stumbled into a Koran LONG LONG AGO (like 50 years ago) and STUMBLED into lots of
muslims who liked to talk to me----(like 50 years ago) Omar
is a TYPICAL victim of islamo Nazi filth.
wrong again----my experience with "MUSLIM EDUCATION" thruout the world is extensive-----based on candid conversation with
hundreds of its victims and lots of their very own writings over a bit more than 50 years. No 'cherry picking' All of science is based on STATS --------ask any physicist
Science is actually the art of PREDICTION------more than 50 years ago-----I PREDICTED ----after a visit to a mosque as a guest
-----a few of these kids are going to kill when they grow up
I can’t debate with this kind of stupid. Bad apples exist in every religion, culture and society. We don’t judge the masses by the actions of a few.

what are you talking about? I did not allude to "actions of a few"
or "bad apples" or ANY JUDGEMENT OF MASSES. I spoke
of CULTURE AND EDUCATION Do you know any muslims
well? Do you know any people who lived in MUSLIM COUNTRIES? -----did the events of 9-11-01 SURPRISE
Yes, my old roommate and business partner was from Pakistan. I know several other Muslims who are great people. I’ve spent time in Istanbul. I can easily separate normal Muslims from jihadists and terrorists who warp the religion to justify their violence. It’s a shame you can’t.

excellent example----I have had lots of close friends from both
Pakistan and India. In fact the two docs who hosted me at a mosque -50 years ago-----were --one from India and one from Pakistan.
As to Turkey----I have relatives thru marriage born in Turkey and also
a few colleagues---both Muslim and Christian from Turkey. Ever have a CANDID conversation as to actual BELIEFS or education
with ANYONE?. "warp the religion" ??? Ever know anyone
who lived in a REAL MUSLIM COUNTRY as a real muslim or non-muslim? -----under real shariah?---
not "warped shariah"-------real shariah? What are you calling
"warp the religion" ? Is the religion WARPED by the
Pakistani government? Did your Pakistani business partner
complain to you that his education in Pakistan was "warped"?
Yes I have had many in depth conversations about their education and religion and nobody I’ve ever encountered stands behind the violence that terrorist commit. The Bible has it’s “eye for an eye” type passages but most Christians don’t take that stuff literally, as such, the Muslims that I’ve encounter have expressed the same interpretations of their religion and focus on the more positive elements.

Furthermore, I don’t see how you think it’s productive to demonize a religion that over a billion people believe in. All your doing is insulting and dividing a large segment of people. That’s not how positive change is initiated. Creating bonds, understanding, cooperatives based on common goals is how that stuff is done.

What’s your end game?

you are quite ignorant about DA BIBLE TOO----do you understand what the phrase "an eye for eye" actually means?. Have you ever
pondered the book which in English is call "GENESIS" and its
relationship to the CODE OF HUMMARABI? I do not BLAME you for not knowing----Most americans know nothing about
the issues I have raised. "end game"?

I can only chalk this rant up to... conservatives are crazed lunatics. :cuckoo:

Dumbfuck... again.... I quoted Omar's anti-Semitic words AND I posted the section in the Democrat resolution which condemned and rejected those very words.

So where did I lie?

And I don't need you to post the entire resolution-- I already posted the part condemning her anti-Semitic remarks.

you did not lie----the resolution does reject anti-Semitism ---
REMARK. For the record-----the DUALIE libel was invented
during my life-time-----I IS OLD------it is still used EXTENSIVELY
in the islamo-Nazi world-----if you see the word DUALIE----know that you are reading the output of an islamo-Nazi dog
^^^ another nut denying the resolution condemns Omar's specific remark.

Dumbass, I posted Omar's exact words and I posted the exact words from the resolution which condemned her words.

Your reading comprehension struggles are your problem, not mine.

I READ FINE------I read about the DUALIE libel more than
50 years ago. I do not see the name OMAR in the
I said nothing about her name appearing in that resolution. I said her words were condemned and rejected.

thanks for the clarification----she should have been censored
BY NAME. I am not being glib-----I am VERY FAMILIAR with the
islamo Nazi dog PROPAGANDA----not because I SOMEHOW got
educated to "BELIEVE" anything negative about ANYONE----I simply STUMBLED INTO THE FILTH as a child just as I STUMBLED into a mosque and stumbled into a Koran LONG LONG AGO (like 50 years ago) and STUMBLED into lots of
muslims who liked to talk to me----(like 50 years ago) Omar
is a TYPICAL victim of islamo Nazi filth.
Fortunately, no one really cares what you think should have been done to her.
you did not lie----the resolution does reject anti-Semitism ---
REMARK. For the record-----the DUALIE libel was invented
during my life-time-----I IS OLD------it is still used EXTENSIVELY
in the islamo-Nazi world-----if you see the word DUALIE----know that you are reading the output of an islamo-Nazi dog
^^^ another nut denying the resolution condemns Omar's specific remark.

Dumbass, I posted Omar's exact words and I posted the exact words from the resolution which condemned her words.

Your reading comprehension struggles are your problem, not mine.

I READ FINE------I read about the DUALIE libel more than
50 years ago. I do not see the name OMAR in the
I said nothing about her name appearing in that resolution. I said her words were condemned and rejected.

thanks for the clarification----she should have been censored
BY NAME. I am not being glib-----I am VERY FAMILIAR with the
islamo Nazi dog PROPAGANDA----not because I SOMEHOW got
educated to "BELIEVE" anything negative about ANYONE----I simply STUMBLED INTO THE FILTH as a child just as I STUMBLED into a mosque and stumbled into a Koran LONG LONG AGO (like 50 years ago) and STUMBLED into lots of
muslims who liked to talk to me----(like 50 years ago) Omar
is a TYPICAL victim of islamo Nazi filth.
Fortunately, no one really cares what you think should have been done to her.

is that the best you can do?
^^^ another nut denying the resolution condemns Omar's specific remark.

Dumbass, I posted Omar's exact words and I posted the exact words from the resolution which condemned her words.

Your reading comprehension struggles are your problem, not mine.

I READ FINE------I read about the DUALIE libel more than
50 years ago. I do not see the name OMAR in the
I said nothing about her name appearing in that resolution. I said her words were condemned and rejected.

thanks for the clarification----she should have been censored
BY NAME. I am not being glib-----I am VERY FAMILIAR with the
islamo Nazi dog PROPAGANDA----not because I SOMEHOW got
educated to "BELIEVE" anything negative about ANYONE----I simply STUMBLED INTO THE FILTH as a child just as I STUMBLED into a mosque and stumbled into a Koran LONG LONG AGO (like 50 years ago) and STUMBLED into lots of
muslims who liked to talk to me----(like 50 years ago) Omar
is a TYPICAL victim of islamo Nazi filth.
Fortunately, no one really cares what you think should have been done to her.

is that the best you can do?
What else is needed?
I READ FINE------I read about the DUALIE libel more than
50 years ago. I do not see the name OMAR in the
I said nothing about her name appearing in that resolution. I said her words were condemned and rejected.

thanks for the clarification----she should have been censored
BY NAME. I am not being glib-----I am VERY FAMILIAR with the
islamo Nazi dog PROPAGANDA----not because I SOMEHOW got
educated to "BELIEVE" anything negative about ANYONE----I simply STUMBLED INTO THE FILTH as a child just as I STUMBLED into a mosque and stumbled into a Koran LONG LONG AGO (like 50 years ago) and STUMBLED into lots of
muslims who liked to talk to me----(like 50 years ago) Omar
is a TYPICAL victim of islamo Nazi filth.
Fortunately, no one really cares what you think should have been done to her.

is that the best you can do?
What else is needed?

nothing with a cherry on top is a great answer
I read slut rashida's WHOLE STATEMENT------it stinks ---
unfortunately it is based on the shit muslims world over
lick off the mosque floors--------during the weekly
Khutbah Jumaat feces fling

I am fascinated with "SLADE" 's evaluation of my post as
"funny" slade, dear-----what is "funny" about it?
I find it amusing when people let emotion trump logic
It’s the liberal national platform
It’s at the top of both platforms
See, once again, taking some one else’s words and applying it to suit yourself shows an inability to form your own thoughts. That because you can’t think but can emote.
If you were even semi literate you would see that I was agreeing with his statement and expanding on it. Yes Liberals are emotional. Also yes Conservatives are emotional. What’s your problem
I can’t debate with this kind of stupid. Bad apples exist in every religion, culture and society. We don’t judge the masses by the actions of a few.

what are you talking about? I did not allude to "actions of a few"
or "bad apples" or ANY JUDGEMENT OF MASSES. I spoke
of CULTURE AND EDUCATION Do you know any muslims
well? Do you know any people who lived in MUSLIM COUNTRIES? -----did the events of 9-11-01 SURPRISE
Yes, my old roommate and business partner was from Pakistan. I know several other Muslims who are great people. I’ve spent time in Istanbul. I can easily separate normal Muslims from jihadists and terrorists who warp the religion to justify their violence. It’s a shame you can’t.

excellent example----I have had lots of close friends from both
Pakistan and India. In fact the two docs who hosted me at a mosque -50 years ago-----were --one from India and one from Pakistan.
As to Turkey----I have relatives thru marriage born in Turkey and also
a few colleagues---both Muslim and Christian from Turkey. Ever have a CANDID conversation as to actual BELIEFS or education
with ANYONE?. "warp the religion" ??? Ever know anyone
who lived in a REAL MUSLIM COUNTRY as a real muslim or non-muslim? -----under real shariah?---
not "warped shariah"-------real shariah? What are you calling
"warp the religion" ? Is the religion WARPED by the
Pakistani government? Did your Pakistani business partner
complain to you that his education in Pakistan was "warped"?
Yes I have had many in depth conversations about their education and religion and nobody I’ve ever encountered stands behind the violence that terrorist commit. The Bible has it’s “eye for an eye” type passages but most Christians don’t take that stuff literally, as such, the Muslims that I’ve encounter have expressed the same interpretations of their religion and focus on the more positive elements.

Furthermore, I don’t see how you think it’s productive to demonize a religion that over a billion people believe in. All your doing is insulting and dividing a large segment of people. That’s not how positive change is initiated. Creating bonds, understanding, cooperatives based on common goals is how that stuff is done.

What’s your end game?

you are quite ignorant about DA BIBLE TOO----do you understand what the phrase "an eye for eye" actually means?. Have you ever
pondered the book which in English is call "GENESIS" and its
relationship to the CODE OF HUMMARABI? I do not BLAME you for not knowing----Most americans know nothing about
the issues I have raised. "end game"?
You can spin around it all you want. Fact remains my statement is true.
what are you talking about? I did not allude to "actions of a few"
or "bad apples" or ANY JUDGEMENT OF MASSES. I spoke
of CULTURE AND EDUCATION Do you know any muslims
well? Do you know any people who lived in MUSLIM COUNTRIES? -----did the events of 9-11-01 SURPRISE
Yes, my old roommate and business partner was from Pakistan. I know several other Muslims who are great people. I’ve spent time in Istanbul. I can easily separate normal Muslims from jihadists and terrorists who warp the religion to justify their violence. It’s a shame you can’t.

excellent example----I have had lots of close friends from both
Pakistan and India. In fact the two docs who hosted me at a mosque -50 years ago-----were --one from India and one from Pakistan.
As to Turkey----I have relatives thru marriage born in Turkey and also
a few colleagues---both Muslim and Christian from Turkey. Ever have a CANDID conversation as to actual BELIEFS or education
with ANYONE?. "warp the religion" ??? Ever know anyone
who lived in a REAL MUSLIM COUNTRY as a real muslim or non-muslim? -----under real shariah?---
not "warped shariah"-------real shariah? What are you calling
"warp the religion" ? Is the religion WARPED by the
Pakistani government? Did your Pakistani business partner
complain to you that his education in Pakistan was "warped"?
Yes I have had many in depth conversations about their education and religion and nobody I’ve ever encountered stands behind the violence that terrorist commit. The Bible has it’s “eye for an eye” type passages but most Christians don’t take that stuff literally, as such, the Muslims that I’ve encounter have expressed the same interpretations of their religion and focus on the more positive elements.

Furthermore, I don’t see how you think it’s productive to demonize a religion that over a billion people believe in. All your doing is insulting and dividing a large segment of people. That’s not how positive change is initiated. Creating bonds, understanding, cooperatives based on common goals is how that stuff is done.

What’s your end game?

you are quite ignorant about DA BIBLE TOO----do you understand what the phrase "an eye for eye" actually means?. Have you ever
pondered the book which in English is call "GENESIS" and its
relationship to the CODE OF HUMMARABI? I do not BLAME you for not knowing----Most americans know nothing about
the issues I have raised. "end game"?
You can spin around it all you want. Fact remains my statement is true.

your "STATEMENT" ?? I had a friend who was a muslim who was a nice guy? --------that's a "statement"? Lots of
members of the Nazi party in the 1930s to 40s were nice guys too
There were people who had only nice things to say about ADOLF on a personal level. Your statement is MEANINGLESS. Stalin
was very charming at dinner parties
Life is a bitch those who cry about the holocaust are doing the same to Palestinians since 1948. Killing them, torturing them, removing them, putting them in ghettos, expelling them.

Your facts are inaccurate. 50 Muslim nations and yet the safest place for a Muslim female is Israel. No one is killing or torturing sans Hamas. If Mexico treated the US the way Hamas and Fatah treat Israel, there would be no more Mexico.
Israel treats Muslim women as what again ?
I guess fox wont show you the IDF warplanes bombing houses with women and children in them....is all documented since the massacre of dir Yaseen your highness....
But I dont expect a low life, low education, trump supporter to know the truth and SIDS with it. You chose to be with the devil.
Life is a bitch those who cry about the holocaust are doing the same to Palestinians since 1948. Killing them, torturing them, removing them, putting them in ghettos, expelling them.

Your facts are inaccurate. 50 Muslim nations and yet the safest place for a Muslim female is Israel. No one is killing or torturing sans Hamas. If Mexico treated the US the way Hamas and Fatah treat Israel, there would be no more Mexico.
Israel treats Muslim women as what again ?
I guess fox wont show you the IDF warplanes bombing houses with women and children in them....is all documented since the massacre of dir Yaseen your highness....
But I dont expect a low life, low education, trump supporter to know the truth and SIDS with it. You chose to be with the devil.

do you know THE TRUTH Issa. ? ---I got news----you don't get
truth in the weekly Khutbah Jumaat feces fling. In fact, you do not
even know the truth about DEIR YASSIN and the siege of Jerusalem----1947. I can help you----my very own hubby was born in a shariah shit hole-----his status at birth was "dhimmi"--- under the vile stench of shariah law and the FILTH of the
PACT OF OMAR ---shoved down the throat of his community
AFTER that community had already resided in the land for more then 1000 years----shoved by the filth that spilled out of arabia
Feel free to ask questions-----I got the real story from people
(some of his relatives now dead) who LIVED YOUR STINK.
Not only do women have it better Israel then do women in shariah
shit holes-------even muslim women face the stink of LEGAL RAPE
UNDER SHARIAH LAW during the eternal CONFLICTS between
muslims themselves. Talk to a BANGLA DESHI
Yes, my old roommate and business partner was from Pakistan. I know several other Muslims who are great people. I’ve spent time in Istanbul. I can easily separate normal Muslims from jihadists and terrorists who warp the religion to justify their violence. It’s a shame you can’t.

excellent example----I have had lots of close friends from both
Pakistan and India. In fact the two docs who hosted me at a mosque -50 years ago-----were --one from India and one from Pakistan.
As to Turkey----I have relatives thru marriage born in Turkey and also
a few colleagues---both Muslim and Christian from Turkey. Ever have a CANDID conversation as to actual BELIEFS or education
with ANYONE?. "warp the religion" ??? Ever know anyone
who lived in a REAL MUSLIM COUNTRY as a real muslim or non-muslim? -----under real shariah?---
not "warped shariah"-------real shariah? What are you calling
"warp the religion" ? Is the religion WARPED by the
Pakistani government? Did your Pakistani business partner
complain to you that his education in Pakistan was "warped"?
Yes I have had many in depth conversations about their education and religion and nobody I’ve ever encountered stands behind the violence that terrorist commit. The Bible has it’s “eye for an eye” type passages but most Christians don’t take that stuff literally, as such, the Muslims that I’ve encounter have expressed the same interpretations of their religion and focus on the more positive elements.

Furthermore, I don’t see how you think it’s productive to demonize a religion that over a billion people believe in. All your doing is insulting and dividing a large segment of people. That’s not how positive change is initiated. Creating bonds, understanding, cooperatives based on common goals is how that stuff is done.

What’s your end game?

you are quite ignorant about DA BIBLE TOO----do you understand what the phrase "an eye for eye" actually means?. Have you ever
pondered the book which in English is call "GENESIS" and its
relationship to the CODE OF HUMMARABI? I do not BLAME you for not knowing----Most americans know nothing about
the issues I have raised. "end game"?
You can spin around it all you want. Fact remains my statement is true.

your "STATEMENT" ?? I had a friend who was a muslim who was a nice guy? --------that's a "statement"? Lots of
members of the Nazi party in the 1930s to 40s were nice guys too
There were people who had only nice things to say about ADOLF on a personal level. Your statement is MEANINGLESS. Stalin
was very charming at dinner parties
See there you go with your spin again. I never said I had a friend who was Muslim who was a nice guy. You’re just making shit up now
excellent example----I have had lots of close friends from both
Pakistan and India. In fact the two docs who hosted me at a mosque -50 years ago-----were --one from India and one from Pakistan.
As to Turkey----I have relatives thru marriage born in Turkey and also
a few colleagues---both Muslim and Christian from Turkey. Ever have a CANDID conversation as to actual BELIEFS or education
with ANYONE?. "warp the religion" ??? Ever know anyone
who lived in a REAL MUSLIM COUNTRY as a real muslim or non-muslim? -----under real shariah?---
not "warped shariah"-------real shariah? What are you calling
"warp the religion" ? Is the religion WARPED by the
Pakistani government? Did your Pakistani business partner
complain to you that his education in Pakistan was "warped"?
Yes I have had many in depth conversations about their education and religion and nobody I’ve ever encountered stands behind the violence that terrorist commit. The Bible has it’s “eye for an eye” type passages but most Christians don’t take that stuff literally, as such, the Muslims that I’ve encounter have expressed the same interpretations of their religion and focus on the more positive elements.

Furthermore, I don’t see how you think it’s productive to demonize a religion that over a billion people believe in. All your doing is insulting and dividing a large segment of people. That’s not how positive change is initiated. Creating bonds, understanding, cooperatives based on common goals is how that stuff is done.

What’s your end game?

you are quite ignorant about DA BIBLE TOO----do you understand what the phrase "an eye for eye" actually means?. Have you ever
pondered the book which in English is call "GENESIS" and its
relationship to the CODE OF HUMMARABI? I do not BLAME you for not knowing----Most americans know nothing about
the issues I have raised. "end game"?
You can spin around it all you want. Fact remains my statement is true.

your "STATEMENT" ?? I had a friend who was a muslim who was a nice guy? --------that's a "statement"? Lots of
members of the Nazi party in the 1930s to 40s were nice guys too
There were people who had only nice things to say about ADOLF on a personal level. Your statement is MEANINGLESS. Stalin
was very charming at dinner parties
See there you go with your spin again. I never said I had a friend who was Muslim who was a nice guy. You’re just making shit up now

oh---maybe someone else-----a muslim room mate and business
partner----??? not you?
She said the Holocaust was "horrific",
but "felt calming" about her own folk taking an active part and trying to finish what Nazis couldn't?

That's total moral degradation and corruption, and You're insulting everyone's intelligence by trying to excuse her open racism as virtue.
I’m insulting everybody’s intelligence who claims she said she felt calmed by the holocaust like many are. I’m fine with you taking issue about any false historical claims but that’s besides my point. I’m not making any excuses for her, just looking for honest conversation

That's the thing, You're still doing the act pretending it wasn't a Freudian slip..
What You're trying to portray as "beyond the point" is exactly what makes it even more shockingly vile exactly in that context You try to disconnect from what she said.

I don't see in the Arab attempt against the survivors, to finish what they didn't mange during the Holocaust in a joint effort as anything less than one and the same act, and nothing she ever utters in this relation has been anything but a cover and normalization of an attempted genocide against a minority.
I don’t presume to know what history she was taught, but my instincts would be to question, listen and debate when it comes to historical inaccuracies that differ from what I’ve learned. That’s how conversations should take place. And she should be challenged about what she said. But when the reaction is “she said she was calmed by the holocaust” that’s a straight up distortion of what she said aimed to grow hatred and used to be a political hit job and click bait.

No she basically said she was calmed by the idea it were her ancestors who failed to finish the Holocaust survivors during and right after. What a generosity those Nazi's demonstrate by failing, .real good deed on their part, 'safe haven', right?

Her Freoudian slip just couldn't be more vile degradation of truth, and many say outright Holocaust support,
and spread of racist blood libel against the targeted minority for genocide..
“She basically said... Freudian slip...”????? come on, grow up
Ignorance is bliss.
Not Your people did they try to annihilate,
not Your people they expelled from every corner of the middle east.

I should grow up, but she should be allowed to spread her racist blood libels against a minority?
I’m insulting everybody’s intelligence who claims she said she felt calmed by the holocaust like many are. I’m fine with you taking issue about any false historical claims but that’s besides my point. I’m not making any excuses for her, just looking for honest conversation

That's the thing, You're still doing the act pretending it wasn't a Freudian slip..
What You're trying to portray as "beyond the point" is exactly what makes it even more shockingly vile exactly in that context You try to disconnect from what she said.

I don't see in the Arab attempt against the survivors, to finish what they didn't mange during the Holocaust in a joint effort as anything less than one and the same act, and nothing she ever utters in this relation has been anything but a cover and normalization of an attempted genocide against a minority.
I don’t presume to know what history she was taught, but my instincts would be to question, listen and debate when it comes to historical inaccuracies that differ from what I’ve learned. That’s how conversations should take place. And she should be challenged about what she said. But when the reaction is “she said she was calmed by the holocaust” that’s a straight up distortion of what she said aimed to grow hatred and used to be a political hit job and click bait.

No she basically said she was calmed by the idea it were her ancestors who failed to finish the Holocaust survivors during and right after. What a generosity those Nazi's demonstrate by failing, .real good deed on their part, 'safe haven', right?

Her Freoudian slip just couldn't be more vile degradation of truth, and many say outright Holocaust support,
and spread of racist blood libel against the targeted minority for genocide..
“She basically said... Freudian slip...”????? come on, grow up
Ignorance is bliss.
Not Your people did they try to annihilate,
not Your people they expelled from every corner of the middle east.

I should grow up, but she should be allowed to spread her racist blood libels against a minority?

The rashida slut actually EXPRESSED the Islamic POV---very
well-------SHE FEELS COMFORTED. I have interacted with muslims from Islamic lands for more than 55 years. She
made an assertion about the SELF-COMFORT that she attains
It is not only the jews that the muslims have struggled to annihilate.
They have committed major genocides -----numbering in the
HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS -------the Zoroastrian people are all
but GONE. -------under the filth of Islamic rule. On the Indian
subcontinent------whole societies of Buddhists and Hindus---WIPED
OUT. I get the impression that lots of people who post here are
either very young or just UNCONSCIOUS-----any of you have any
idea what happened to the BENGALI HINDUS of the erstwhile
"east Pakistan" ????? They were murdered IN MY LIFETIME
for the glory of allah. How about the Biafran Christians-----remember the dried up little bodies of thousands of infants under
MUSLIM SIEGE? (circa 1970) An interesting factoid----there
were jews in Omar's SOMALIA for a thousand years before the
rapist dog of mecca was born -----and there were jews in east
Jerusalem for more than 3000 years before the muzzies imposed
a STARVATION SIEGE in the 1930s - 40s encouraged by the
Islamic heroes-----adolf hitler and al husseini
Life is a bitch those who cry about the holocaust are doing the same to Palestinians since 1948. Killing them, torturing them, removing them, putting them in ghettos, expelling them.

Your facts are inaccurate. 50 Muslim nations and yet the safest place for a Muslim female is Israel. No one is killing or torturing sans Hamas. If Mexico treated the US the way Hamas and Fatah treat Israel, there would be no more Mexico.
Israel treats Muslim women as what again ?
I guess fox wont show you the IDF warplanes bombing houses with women and children in them....is all documented since the massacre of dir Yaseen your highness....
But I dont expect a low life, low education, trump supporter to know the truth and SIDS with it. You chose to be with the devil.

Collateral damage as Hamas hides in residential neighborhoods. You know this of course. And I am the Devil. Mwahahahahhaha.
Life is a bitch those who cry about the holocaust are doing the same to Palestinians since 1948. Killing them, torturing them, removing them, putting them in ghettos, expelling them.

Your facts are inaccurate. 50 Muslim nations and yet the safest place for a Muslim female is Israel. No one is killing or torturing sans Hamas. If Mexico treated the US the way Hamas and Fatah treat Israel, there would be no more Mexico.
Israel treats Muslim women as what again ?
I guess fox wont show you the IDF warplanes bombing houses with women and children in them....is all documented since the massacre of dir Yaseen your highness....
But I dont expect a low life, low education, trump supporter to know the truth and SIDS with it. You chose to be with the devil.

Collateral damage as Hamas hides in residential neighborhoods. You know this of course. And I am the Devil. Mwahahahahhaha.

that's why Hamas hides in nurseries and grammar schools-----Muslims is CLEVER . Hezbollah actually PLANTED impoverished
Lebanese families on the southern border of Lebanon-----which is actually a wasteland----no agriculture and no jobs other than
being SHIELDS-----they actually feed the populace just to keep them
there. Muslims is CLEVER

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