D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

I’m insulting everybody’s intelligence who claims she said she felt calmed by the holocaust like many are. I’m fine with you taking issue about any false historical claims but that’s besides my point. I’m not making any excuses for her, just looking for honest conversation

That's the thing, You're still doing the act pretending it wasn't a Freudian slip..
What You're trying to portray as "beyond the point" is exactly what makes it even more shockingly vile exactly in that context You try to disconnect from what she said.

I don't see in the Arab attempt against the survivors, to finish what they didn't mange during the Holocaust in a joint effort as anything less than one and the same act, and nothing she ever utters in this relation has been anything but a cover and normalization of an attempted genocide against a minority.
I don’t presume to know what history she was taught, but my instincts would be to question, listen and debate when it comes to historical inaccuracies that differ from what I’ve learned. That’s how conversations should take place. And she should be challenged about what she said. But when the reaction is “she said she was calmed by the holocaust” that’s a straight up distortion of what she said aimed to grow hatred and used to be a political hit job and click bait.

No she basically said she was calmed by the idea it were her ancestors who failed to finish the Holocaust survivors during and right after. What a generosity those Nazi's demonstrate by failing, .real good deed on their part, 'safe haven', right?

Her Freoudian slip just couldn't be more vile degradation of truth, and many say outright Holocaust support,
and spread of racist blood libel against the targeted minority for genocide..
“She basically said... Freudian slip...”????? come on, grow up
Ignorance is bliss.
Not Your people did they try to annihilate,
not Your people they expelled from every corner of the middle east.

I should grow up, but she should be allowed to spread her racist blood libels against a minority?
You should grow up and learn how to have an honest debate and she should be called out and held accountable for any inaccuracies that she says. There is no need to make shit up and pretend like she was calmed by the holocaust like many are trying to claim
That's the thing, You're still doing the act pretending it wasn't a Freudian slip..
What You're trying to portray as "beyond the point" is exactly what makes it even more shockingly vile exactly in that context You try to disconnect from what she said.

I don't see in the Arab attempt against the survivors, to finish what they didn't mange during the Holocaust in a joint effort as anything less than one and the same act, and nothing she ever utters in this relation has been anything but a cover and normalization of an attempted genocide against a minority.
I don’t presume to know what history she was taught, but my instincts would be to question, listen and debate when it comes to historical inaccuracies that differ from what I’ve learned. That’s how conversations should take place. And she should be challenged about what she said. But when the reaction is “she said she was calmed by the holocaust” that’s a straight up distortion of what she said aimed to grow hatred and used to be a political hit job and click bait.

No she basically said she was calmed by the idea it were her ancestors who failed to finish the Holocaust survivors during and right after. What a generosity those Nazi's demonstrate by failing, .real good deed on their part, 'safe haven', right?

Her Freoudian slip just couldn't be more vile degradation of truth, and many say outright Holocaust support,
and spread of racist blood libel against the targeted minority for genocide..
“She basically said... Freudian slip...”????? come on, grow up
Ignorance is bliss.
Not Your people did they try to annihilate,
not Your people they expelled from every corner of the middle east.

I should grow up, but she should be allowed to spread her racist blood libels against a minority?

The rashida slut actually EXPRESSED the Islamic POV---very
well-------SHE FEELS COMFORTED. I have interacted with muslims from Islamic lands for more than 55 years. She
made an assertion about the SELF-COMFORT that she attains
It is not only the jews that the muslims have struggled to annihilate.
They have committed major genocides -----numbering in the
HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS -------the Zoroastrian people are all
but GONE. -------under the filth of Islamic rule. On the Indian
subcontinent------whole societies of Buddhists and Hindus---WIPED
OUT. I get the impression that lots of people who post here are
either very young or just UNCONSCIOUS-----any of you have any
idea what happened to the BENGALI HINDUS of the erstwhile
"east Pakistan" ????? They were murdered IN MY LIFETIME
for the glory of allah. How about the Biafran Christians-----remember the dried up little bodies of thousands of infants under
MUSLIM SIEGE? (circa 1970) An interesting factoid----there
were jews in Omar's SOMALIA for a thousand years before the
rapist dog of mecca was born -----and there were jews in east
Jerusalem for more than 3000 years before the muzzies imposed
a STARVATION SIEGE in the 1930s - 40s encouraged by the
Islamic heroes-----adolf hitler and al husseini
If she was saying that she was comforted by the holocaust then why would she call it a tragedy in the same sentence? You need to work on comprehension. This is simple English
Liberal assertions of denial reach new heights. It’s in print that she feels calmed by the noble acts of the Palestinians toward the Jews during the Holocaust (despite the fact that they suffered because of the ungrateful Jews)
That's the thing, You're still doing the act pretending it wasn't a Freudian slip..
What You're trying to portray as "beyond the point" is exactly what makes it even more shockingly vile exactly in that context You try to disconnect from what she said.

I don't see in the Arab attempt against the survivors, to finish what they didn't mange during the Holocaust in a joint effort as anything less than one and the same act, and nothing she ever utters in this relation has been anything but a cover and normalization of an attempted genocide against a minority.
I don’t presume to know what history she was taught, but my instincts would be to question, listen and debate when it comes to historical inaccuracies that differ from what I’ve learned. That’s how conversations should take place. And she should be challenged about what she said. But when the reaction is “she said she was calmed by the holocaust” that’s a straight up distortion of what she said aimed to grow hatred and used to be a political hit job and click bait.

No she basically said she was calmed by the idea it were her ancestors who failed to finish the Holocaust survivors during and right after. What a generosity those Nazi's demonstrate by failing, .real good deed on their part, 'safe haven', right?

Her Freoudian slip just couldn't be more vile degradation of truth, and many say outright Holocaust support,
and spread of racist blood libel against the targeted minority for genocide..
“She basically said... Freudian slip...”????? come on, grow up
Ignorance is bliss.
Not Your people did they try to annihilate,
not Your people they expelled from every corner of the middle east.

I should grow up, but she should be allowed to spread her racist blood libels against a minority?
You should grow up and learn how to have an honest debate and she should be called out and held accountable for any inaccuracies that she says. There is no need to make shit up and pretend like she was calmed by the holocaust like many are trying to claim
The funniest part of this is not a single rightard here has expressed even an iota of outrage over her positing for a single-state solution, which actually is anti-Semitic.

Why...? Because their handlers neglected to spoon-feed them that detail; and they are lost without their marching orders.
Life is a bitch those who cry about the holocaust are doing the same to Palestinians since 1948. Killing them, torturing them, removing them, putting them in ghettos, expelling them.

Your facts are inaccurate. 50 Muslim nations and yet the safest place for a Muslim female is Israel. No one is killing or torturing sans Hamas. If Mexico treated the US the way Hamas and Fatah treat Israel, there would be no more Mexico.
Israel treats Muslim women as what again ?
I guess fox wont show you the IDF warplanes bombing houses with women and children in them....is all documented since the massacre of dir Yaseen your highness....
But I dont expect a low life, low education, trump supporter to know the truth and SIDS with it. You chose to be with the devil.

Collateral damage as Hamas hides in residential neighborhoods. You know this of course. And I am the Devil. Mwahahahahhaha.
Hamas didnt exist till the 80s....Israel commiter mass murders for decades before that, what's your excuse ?

PLO did. Terror has existed long before Hamas.
PLO was mainly abroad. Isrseli settled gathered and Invaded Palestinians homes killing thousands in the process.
There are thousands of. Videos showing the IDF killing women, children, men unarmed....bulldozing their homes and farms. Shredding them to pieces by tanks, they even did that to human shields from other countries who came to protect Palestinians.
Get out of fox news and see the truth...and ask yourself why the US masks Israel's war crimes and why it uses veto everytime the world tries to condemn Israel just by words.

Look in this video, one Jewish settler the woman with the striped shirt...with the help of the occupying forces got bunch Palestinians kids arrested and frightened to death.....that's what Palestinians go through everyday. And the irony most of those IDF ***** and the settlers are not from there originally.
I can post dozens of videos of the killings that Israelis commit since 1948 but I dont think you will have the stomach for it.
Your facts are inaccurate. 50 Muslim nations and yet the safest place for a Muslim female is Israel. No one is killing or torturing sans Hamas. If Mexico treated the US the way Hamas and Fatah treat Israel, there would be no more Mexico.
Israel treats Muslim women as what again ?
I guess fox wont show you the IDF warplanes bombing houses with women and children in them....is all documented since the massacre of dir Yaseen your highness....
But I dont expect a low life, low education, trump supporter to know the truth and SIDS with it. You chose to be with the devil.

Collateral damage as Hamas hides in residential neighborhoods. You know this of course. And I am the Devil. Mwahahahahhaha.
Hamas didnt exist till the 80s....Israel commiter mass murders for decades before that, what's your excuse ?

PLO did. Terror has existed long before Hamas.
PLO was mainly abroad. Isrseli settled gathered and Invaded Palestinians homes killing thousands in the process.
There are thousands of. Videos showing the IDF killing women, children, men unarmed....bulldozing their homes and farms. Shredding them to pieces by tanks, they even did that to human shields from other countries who came to protect Palestinians.
Get out of fox news and see the truth...and ask yourself why the US masks Israel's war crimes and why it uses veto everytime the world tries to condemn Israel just by words.

Look in this video, one Jewish settler the woman with the striped shirt...with the help of the occupying forces got bunch Palestinians kids arrested and frightened to death.....that's what Palestinians go through everyday. And the irony most of those IDF ***** and the settlers are not from there originally.
I can post dozens of videos of the killings that Israelis commit since 1948 but I dont think you will have the stomach for it.

Since 1947 the Arab nations have tried to wipe Israel from the face of the Earth. Do not cry the poor Palestinian mantra here. There is not one mostly Islamic nation that is not a humanitarian nightmare. NOT ONE. Israel is one tiny nation surrounded by enemies. The only true Democracy with real elections in the Middle East. I 100% disagree with your views.
I don’t presume to know what history she was taught, but my instincts would be to question, listen and debate when it comes to historical inaccuracies that differ from what I’ve learned. That’s how conversations should take place. And she should be challenged about what she said. But when the reaction is “she said she was calmed by the holocaust” that’s a straight up distortion of what she said aimed to grow hatred and used to be a political hit job and click bait.

No she basically said she was calmed by the idea it were her ancestors who failed to finish the Holocaust survivors during and right after. What a generosity those Nazi's demonstrate by failing, .real good deed on their part, 'safe haven', right?

Her Freoudian slip just couldn't be more vile degradation of truth, and many say outright Holocaust support,
and spread of racist blood libel against the targeted minority for genocide..
“She basically said... Freudian slip...”????? come on, grow up
Ignorance is bliss.
Not Your people did they try to annihilate,
not Your people they expelled from every corner of the middle east.

I should grow up, but she should be allowed to spread her racist blood libels against a minority?
You should grow up and learn how to have an honest debate and she should be called out and held accountable for any inaccuracies that she says. There is no need to make shit up and pretend like she was calmed by the holocaust like many are trying to claim
The funniest part of this is not a single rightard here has expressed even an iota of outrage over her positing for a single-state solution, which actually is anti-Semitic.

Why...? Because their handlers neglected to spoon-feed them that detail; and they are lost without their marching orders.

A single state solution is unattainable. So is a two state one.
Israel treats Muslim women as what again ?
I guess fox wont show you the IDF warplanes bombing houses with women and children in them....is all documented since the massacre of dir Yaseen your highness....
But I dont expect a low life, low education, trump supporter to know the truth and SIDS with it. You chose to be with the devil.

Collateral damage as Hamas hides in residential neighborhoods. You know this of course. And I am the Devil. Mwahahahahhaha.
Hamas didnt exist till the 80s....Israel commiter mass murders for decades before that, what's your excuse ?

PLO did. Terror has existed long before Hamas.
PLO was mainly abroad. Isrseli settled gathered and Invaded Palestinians homes killing thousands in the process.
There are thousands of. Videos showing the IDF killing women, children, men unarmed....bulldozing their homes and farms. Shredding them to pieces by tanks, they even did that to human shields from other countries who came to protect Palestinians.
Get out of fox news and see the truth...and ask yourself why the US masks Israel's war crimes and why it uses veto everytime the world tries to condemn Israel just by words.

Look in this video, one Jewish settler the woman with the striped shirt...with the help of the occupying forces got bunch Palestinians kids arrested and frightened to death.....that's what Palestinians go through everyday. And the irony most of those IDF ***** and the settlers are not from there originally.
I can post dozens of videos of the killings that Israelis commit since 1948 but I dont think you will have the stomach for it.

Since 1947 the Arab nations have tried to wipe Israel from the face of the Earth. Do not cry the poor Palestinian mantra here. There is not one mostly Islamic nation that is not a humanitarian nightmare. NOT ONE. Israel is one tiny nation surrounded by enemies. The only true Democracy with real elections in the Middle East. I 100% disagree with your views.

True democracy ? Hahahahaha
Tell that to the 20% muslims and Arabs under the occupation, or the no ashkenazi Jews or better yet ask the east African Israelis.

Islamic empires ruled the holy land for centuries and the Jews lived in several Muslim countries for centuries, they even fled Europe to settle in north African muslims....they lived peacefully and flourished under Islamic rule. Till they de decided to annex Palestinian lands and bringing settlers from all over the world.

I'm wasting my time here, cause I know you are a typical foxnews brainwashed idiot. Just like the rest of the pro Israel *****.
Collateral damage as Hamas hides in residential neighborhoods. You know this of course. And I am the Devil. Mwahahahahhaha.
Hamas didnt exist till the 80s....Israel commiter mass murders for decades before that, what's your excuse ?

PLO did. Terror has existed long before Hamas.
PLO was mainly abroad. Isrseli settled gathered and Invaded Palestinians homes killing thousands in the process.
There are thousands of. Videos showing the IDF killing women, children, men unarmed....bulldozing their homes and farms. Shredding them to pieces by tanks, they even did that to human shields from other countries who came to protect Palestinians.
Get out of fox news and see the truth...and ask yourself why the US masks Israel's war crimes and why it uses veto everytime the world tries to condemn Israel just by words.

Look in this video, one Jewish settler the woman with the striped shirt...with the help of the occupying forces got bunch Palestinians kids arrested and frightened to death.....that's what Palestinians go through everyday. And the irony most of those IDF ***** and the settlers are not from there originally.
I can post dozens of videos of the killings that Israelis commit since 1948 but I dont think you will have the stomach for it.

Since 1947 the Arab nations have tried to wipe Israel from the face of the Earth. Do not cry the poor Palestinian mantra here. There is not one mostly Islamic nation that is not a humanitarian nightmare. NOT ONE. Israel is one tiny nation surrounded by enemies. The only true Democracy with real elections in the Middle East. I 100% disagree with your views.

True democracy ? Hahahahaha
Tell that to the 20% muslims and Arabs under the occupation, or the no ashkenazi Jews or better yet ask the east African Israelis.

Islamic empires ruled the holy land for centuries and the Jews lived in several Muslim countries for centuries, they even fled Europe to settle in north African muslims....they lived peacefully and flourished under Islamic rule. Till they de decided to annex Palestinian lands and bringing settlers from all over the world.

I'm wasting my time here, cause I know you are a typical foxnews brainwashed idiot. Just like the rest of the pro Israel *****.

That was before Islam became radical. That was before they were thrown out of Europe. They peacefully settled in their ancient homeland and gave an olive branch to their Arab neighbors. Many refused. They then went to war in 1948 and 1967 but lost. They have been crying every since. Jews are the real Palestinians. The word is derived from Philistine, which is what the Romans called ancient Hebrews as an insult after Rome conquered ancient Israel.

We are discussing semantics. To the victors go the spoils. We are not giving America back to Native Americans. We are not giving New Mexico, TX and Cali back to Mexico. Turkey is not giving Istanbul, formerly known as Constantinople back to the Christians. Jews are not giving Israel back to the Islamists. You know this. Hence a more logical solution needs to be found. It is as much an occupation as the US is occupying Native American lands.

What is your solution, Issa? Do tell.
So she was elected to bang the drum for Palestinians? Man I thought she was to serve legal citizens of the USA.

The clear and evident result of favoring multiculturalism over assimilation.

Thank you, Democrats.
I did see a huge Palestinian flag flying at the Democratic convention.

For some reason, I can't seem to recall anything of a similar size by way of American.
That this is even allowed in America is a tragedy.

What, free speech? Or blatantly misrepresenting what Tlaib said while calling yourself "news"? Cutting off a statement mid sentence is not a truthful way to report a person's comments.
now if only you'd defend free speech, not just people you like.

you either defend the right to it's fullest or you're abusing it by slicing it up to fit your views.
I don’t presume to know what history she was taught, but my instincts would be to question, listen and debate when it comes to historical inaccuracies that differ from what I’ve learned. That’s how conversations should take place. And she should be challenged about what she said. But when the reaction is “she said she was calmed by the holocaust” that’s a straight up distortion of what she said aimed to grow hatred and used to be a political hit job and click bait.

No she basically said she was calmed by the idea it were her ancestors who failed to finish the Holocaust survivors during and right after. What a generosity those Nazi's demonstrate by failing, .real good deed on their part, 'safe haven', right?

Her Freoudian slip just couldn't be more vile degradation of truth, and many say outright Holocaust support,
and spread of racist blood libel against the targeted minority for genocide..
“She basically said... Freudian slip...”????? come on, grow up
Ignorance is bliss.
Not Your people did they try to annihilate,
not Your people they expelled from every corner of the middle east.

I should grow up, but she should be allowed to spread her racist blood libels against a minority?
You should grow up and learn how to have an honest debate and she should be called out and held accountable for any inaccuracies that she says. There is no need to make shit up and pretend like she was calmed by the holocaust like many are trying to claim
The funniest part of this is not a single rightard here has expressed even an iota of outrage over her positing for a single-state solution, which actually is anti-Semitic.

Why...? Because their handlers neglected to spoon-feed them that detail; and they are lost without their marching orders.
Yeah, got a handful of people here chasing the shiny objects and not even thinking about what they are actually looking at
Your facts are inaccurate. 50 Muslim nations and yet the safest place for a Muslim female is Israel. No one is killing or torturing sans Hamas. If Mexico treated the US the way Hamas and Fatah treat Israel, there would be no more Mexico.
Israel treats Muslim women as what again ?
I guess fox wont show you the IDF warplanes bombing houses with women and children in them....is all documented since the massacre of dir Yaseen your highness....
But I dont expect a low life, low education, trump supporter to know the truth and SIDS with it. You chose to be with the devil.

Collateral damage as Hamas hides in residential neighborhoods. You know this of course. And I am the Devil. Mwahahahahhaha.
Hamas didnt exist till the 80s....Israel commiter mass murders for decades before that, what's your excuse ?

PLO did. Terror has existed long before Hamas.
PLO was mainly abroad. Isrseli settled gathered and Invaded Palestinians homes killing thousands in the process.
There are thousands of. Videos showing the IDF killing women, children, men unarmed....bulldozing their homes and farms. Shredding them to pieces by tanks, they even did that to human shields from other countries who came to protect Palestinians.
Get out of fox news and see the truth...and ask yourself why the US masks Israel's war crimes and why it uses veto everytime the world tries to condemn Israel just by words.

Look in this video, one Jewish settler the woman with the striped shirt...with the help of the occupying forces got bunch Palestinians kids arrested and frightened to death.....that's what Palestinians go through everyday. And the irony most of those IDF ***** and the settlers are not from there originally.
I can post dozens of videos of the killings that Israelis commit since 1948 but I dont think you will have the stomach for it.

^^^^^ BS For real barbarism take a look at the autopsy
pictures of the kids murdered for the GLORY OF THE RAPIST PIG---
with nail bombs-------you a'nt got nuthin' ISA----you got sluts who
hide knives in their stinking rags and shove them into innocent
by standers whilst farting ALLHUAKHARAH. Palestinian kids get
FRIGHTENED TO DEATH? wrong again-----they get their
No she basically said she was calmed by the idea it were her ancestors who failed to finish the Holocaust survivors during and right after. What a generosity those Nazi's demonstrate by failing, .real good deed on their part, 'safe haven', right?

Her Freoudian slip just couldn't be more vile degradation of truth, and many say outright Holocaust support,
and spread of racist blood libel against the targeted minority for genocide..
“She basically said... Freudian slip...”????? come on, grow up
Ignorance is bliss.
Not Your people did they try to annihilate,
not Your people they expelled from every corner of the middle east.

I should grow up, but she should be allowed to spread her racist blood libels against a minority?
You should grow up and learn how to have an honest debate and she should be called out and held accountable for any inaccuracies that she says. There is no need to make shit up and pretend like she was calmed by the holocaust like many are trying to claim
The funniest part of this is not a single rightard here has expressed even an iota of outrage over her positing for a single-state solution, which actually is anti-Semitic.

Why...? Because their handlers neglected to spoon-feed them that detail; and they are lost without their marching orders.

A single state solution is unattainable. So is a two state one.

Are you drunk? WTF does that have to do with the fact that you morons on the right failed to attack Tlaib for the anti-Semitic remark she actually made; while you freaks went berserk over one which turned out not to be anti-Semitic?
“She basically said... Freudian slip...”????? come on, grow up
Ignorance is bliss.
Not Your people did they try to annihilate,
not Your people they expelled from every corner of the middle east.

I should grow up, but she should be allowed to spread her racist blood libels against a minority?
You should grow up and learn how to have an honest debate and she should be called out and held accountable for any inaccuracies that she says. There is no need to make shit up and pretend like she was calmed by the holocaust like many are trying to claim
The funniest part of this is not a single rightard here has expressed even an iota of outrage over her positing for a single-state solution, which actually is anti-Semitic.

Why...? Because their handlers neglected to spoon-feed them that detail; and they are lost without their marching orders.

A single state solution is unattainable. So is a two state one.

Are you drunk? WTF does that have to do with the fact that you morons on the right failed to attack Tlaib for the anti-Semitic remark she actually made; while you freaks went berserk over one which turned out not to be anti-Semitic?

That was not the topic of the OP
Ignorance is bliss.
Not Your people did they try to annihilate,
not Your people they expelled from every corner of the middle east.

I should grow up, but she should be allowed to spread her racist blood libels against a minority?
You should grow up and learn how to have an honest debate and she should be called out and held accountable for any inaccuracies that she says. There is no need to make shit up and pretend like she was calmed by the holocaust like many are trying to claim
The funniest part of this is not a single rightard here has expressed even an iota of outrage over her positing for a single-state solution, which actually is anti-Semitic.

Why...? Because their handlers neglected to spoon-feed them that detail; and they are lost without their marching orders.

A single state solution is unattainable. So is a two state one.

Are you drunk? WTF does that have to do with the fact that you morons on the right failed to attack Tlaib for the anti-Semitic remark she actually made; while you freaks went berserk over one which turned out not to be anti-Semitic?

That was not the topic of the OP

What a pathetically weak reply. My avatar is not the topic of the OP, that didn't prevent you from talking about it. Face reality, it didn't even occur to you because your handlers didn't feed it to you. Had they, there'd be have a dozen threads on it.

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