D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"


Imbecile, I already posted Omar's anti-Semitic remarks AND the resolution the House did pass to show Omar's anti-Semitic remarks were condemned and rejected.

Denying that only serves to make you appear even dumber than you appeared before.
It's always hard to tell if you are as stupid as you seem or just a liar. No resolution passed that referred to Omar's anti semitic statements.

Dayum, you're a special kind of stupid.

I already posted this once, but I don't mind posting it again to highlight what a flamin' retard you are....

Omar said...

Omar: "I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country."

Omar: "I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee."

To which, Democrat leadership responded with....

H.Res. 183

(1) rejects the perpetuation of anti-Semitic stereotypes in the United States and around the world, including the pernicious myth of dual loyalty and foreign allegiance, especially in the context of support for the United States-Israel alliance;

Are ya feeling stupid yet? You should.

As always you are full of shit. The bill makes no reference to Omar. Pelosi had wanted to censure her for her anti semitic statements but the Congressional Black Caucus said it would oppose such a bill and Pelose backed down and supported this pathetic attempt to cover up the rampant anti semitism in the Democratic Party. What good is it to condemn anti semitism when you are winking at anti semitic statements?
"The bill makes no reference to Omar."


I never said it did. I said it condemned and rejected her anti-Semitic nonsense.

And that you yourself switched from saying the resolution didn't condemn her anti-Semitic remarks -- to -- the resolution didn't reference her, proves even you know you were wrong.


not really-------the bitch should have been censured

Let's censure you instead. You are the asshole.
“She basically said... Freudian slip...”????? come on, grow up
Ignorance is bliss.
Not Your people did they try to annihilate,
not Your people they expelled from every corner of the middle east.

I should grow up, but she should be allowed to spread her racist blood libels against a minority?
You should grow up and learn how to have an honest debate and she should be called out and held accountable for any inaccuracies that she says. There is no need to make shit up and pretend like she was calmed by the holocaust like many are trying to claim
The funniest part of this is not a single rightard here has expressed even an iota of outrage over her positing for a single-state solution, which actually is anti-Semitic.

Why...? Because their handlers neglected to spoon-feed them that detail; and they are lost without their marching orders.

A single state solution is unattainable. So is a two state one.

Are you drunk? WTF does that have to do with the fact that you morons on the right failed to attack Tlaib for the anti-Semitic remark she actually made; while you freaks went berserk over one which turned out not to be anti-Semitic?

most people do not consider a muslim demand of ONE STATE
UNDER ALLAH to be "anti semitic"----just typical muzzie BS
Ignorance is bliss.
Not Your people did they try to annihilate,
not Your people they expelled from every corner of the middle east.

I should grow up, but she should be allowed to spread her racist blood libels against a minority?
You should grow up and learn how to have an honest debate and she should be called out and held accountable for any inaccuracies that she says. There is no need to make shit up and pretend like she was calmed by the holocaust like many are trying to claim
The funniest part of this is not a single rightard here has expressed even an iota of outrage over her positing for a single-state solution, which actually is anti-Semitic.

Why...? Because their handlers neglected to spoon-feed them that detail; and they are lost without their marching orders.

A single state solution is unattainable. So is a two state one.

Are you drunk? WTF does that have to do with the fact that you morons on the right failed to attack Tlaib for the anti-Semitic remark she actually made; while you freaks went berserk over one which turned out not to be anti-Semitic?

most people do not consider a muslim demand of ONE STATE
UNDER ALLAH to be "anti semitic"----just typical muzzie BS

In fact----have you ever heard the muzzie demand of MUGHAL EMPIRE ----(that would be the whole indian subcontinent and burbs
lol "There's always kind of a calming feeling I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust". Just what is it about the Holocaust that you imagine give her a calming feeling? Do you think she is calmed by the claim that "her people" lost everything because of the Holocaust? Obviously, she is still smoldering with hate over Holocaust Remembrance Day, which she references by saying she celebrated it and then corrects herself, and took the opportunity to sat the Holocaust was a great tragedy for her people. Which part do you imagine had a calming effect on her, her "celebration" of Holocaust Remembrance Day or her belief "her people" last everything because of the Holocaust.

Stop being such a tool. The only reason the Democratic leadership is trying to defend her indefensible remarks is because she and Omar are protected by the Congressional Black Caucus, and to condemn her hateful remarks would split the Party.

What an imbecile you are. The very same Democrat leadership you claim is defending her comments, and Omar's, actually passed a resolution recently, condemning recent anti-Semitic comments made by Omar.
lol Idiot, Pelosi tried to pass such a resolution, but the Congressional Black Caucus threatened to oppose it if she put it up for a vote, so instead she offered a resolution that opposed all hate speech without referring to Omar. Later, Pelosi said she didn't think Omar was an antisemite. Under pressure from the Congressional Black Caucus and others on the left, the leadership of the Democratic Party has now fully endorsed anti semitism and your pathetic efforts to explain away Tlaib anti semitism is further proof of it.

So what. Condemning all hate is a good thing. Wonder why Republicans are so against it. No one has endorsed any anti-Semitism. Your attempt to lie is pathetic and confirms the trash you are.

Can we condemn Leftist hate? Such as yours, who is triggered by a little red hat.

So you say. Trump and his supporters have a exclusive on hate. You apparently are upset because all hate speech was condemned. Republicans live on hatred. They tried to demonize unarmed women and children and suburban voters told you jerks to shove it.

You live in a fantasy world. Wow.
I can only speak for myself. You seem angry. Need a hug?
I have a wife for that. And I'm not angry. Your perception is highly skewed as evidenced by you thinking Tlaib said she was calmed by the Holocaust even though you just posted a link affirming that's not what she said.

No, you confuse entertained with anger. You entertain me. That's your function here. I'm entertained by the contortions you twist yourself into just to avoid accepting the real reason you didn't once express any knowledge about Tlaibs actual anti-Semitic remark. I'm outraged by it and you would be too -- except you're not because the right wing echo chamber never informed you about it.

This is old news. I attacked her before on this as she ran on a two state solution and post election changed her stance but many on the Left and likely most don’t see anything wrong with the one state solution. They are vehemently anti Israel and anti Jew. If you don’t see that you are the one who is ignorant. Hell I can name five frequent posters off the top of my head who would love the one state solution and proudly vote Blue and hate DJT.

So your little dilemma is lost on me.

Pussy, it's fresh meat because she talked about in this interview. How on Earth could you talk about her being an anti-Semite but not bring up the one anti-Semitic comment she made during that interview?

Oh, that's right.... your handlers didn't feed you that dirt. They only fucked you over by lying about her Holocaust comment.


You do realize that many don’t see the one state solution stance as anti Semitic ? I just told you that. Can you not read? You seem very angry. Need a Midol?

Nah, I need a paper towel to wipe off my phone from laughing so hard at you for avoiding the truth to why you didn't once mention her actual anti-Semitic remark.

Gross. So you type but don’t read. Thanks for sharing. I explained that you Leftists don’t see it as antisemitic
Hamas didnt exist till the 80s....Israel commiter mass murders for decades before that, what's your excuse ?

PLO did. Terror has existed long before Hamas.
PLO was mainly abroad. Isrseli settled gathered and Invaded Palestinians homes killing thousands in the process.
There are thousands of. Videos showing the IDF killing women, children, men unarmed....bulldozing their homes and farms. Shredding them to pieces by tanks, they even did that to human shields from other countries who came to protect Palestinians.
Get out of fox news and see the truth...and ask yourself why the US masks Israel's war crimes and why it uses veto everytime the world tries to condemn Israel just by words.

Look in this video, one Jewish settler the woman with the striped shirt...with the help of the occupying forces got bunch Palestinians kids arrested and frightened to death.....that's what Palestinians go through everyday. And the irony most of those IDF ***** and the settlers are not from there originally.
I can post dozens of videos of the killings that Israelis commit since 1948 but I dont think you will have the stomach for it.

Since 1947 the Arab nations have tried to wipe Israel from the face of the Earth. Do not cry the poor Palestinian mantra here. There is not one mostly Islamic nation that is not a humanitarian nightmare. NOT ONE. Israel is one tiny nation surrounded by enemies. The only true Democracy with real elections in the Middle East. I 100% disagree with your views.

True democracy ? Hahah=ahaha
Tell that to the 20% muslims and Arabs under the occupation, or the no ashkenazi Jews or better yet ask the east African Israelis.

Islamic empires ruled the holy land for centuries and the Jews lived in several Muslim countries for centuries, they even fled Europe to settle in north African muslims....they lived peacefully and flourished under Islamic rule. Till they de decided to annex Palestinian lands and bringing settlers from all over the world.

I'm wasting my time here, cause I know you are a typical foxnews brainwashed idiot. Just like the rest of the pro Israel *****.

That was before Islam became radical. That was before they were thrown out of Europe. They peacefully settled in their ancient homeland and gave an olive branch to their Arab neighbors. Many refused. They then went to war in 1948 and 1967 but lost. They have been crying every since. Jews are the real Palestinians. The word is derived from Philistine, which is what the Romans called ancient Hebrews as an insult after Rome conquered ancient Israel.

We are discussing semantics. To the victors go the spoils. We are not giving America back to Native Americans. We are not giving New Mexico, TX and Cali back to Mexico. Turkey is not giving Istanbul, formerly known as Constantinople back to the Christians. Jews are not giving Israel back to the Islamists. You know this. Hence a more logical solution needs to be found. It is as much an occupation as the US is occupying Native American lands.

What is your solution, Issa? Do tell.

Apples and oranges....and Islam never became radical, some did just like in any other religion.
And you just can't compare the US and the middle east and here is why:
The Palestinians that their land was taken by the Zionists and the settlers, are still either under siege/occupation inside what's called Israel/ or in refugee camps and The struggle still going on.

Claiming to care for the well being of Jews as an American christian is the biggest lie of all, you guys all you want is Israel to prevail so the prophecy happens and the Messiah comes back so you can go on and slaughter those very same Jews or at least see them all head to hell fire.

During the Crusades , the Christians slaughtered the non Christians including the Jews, who came to the rescue? the Muslims.
During the reconquistas, again the Christians they slaughtered the Jews who fled to Muslim countries and were welcomed and lived in Muslim countries for centuries.
During the World war, again Christians slaughtered the Jews and once again they fled to Muslim countries where so many of them remained there and their families....but some didn't learn and returned the favor by moving to Israel to take Palestinians homes and farms and kill them in the process.

Even the US as we know it the first country to recognize its independence and sign a treaty with and also offer the young country its first building outside US borders was a Muslim country (Morocco).

And your version of the Philistine is wrong, they were not Hebrew and are non Semitic and in fact they were considered to be the biggest enemies of The Jews back then.

You see the problem with lot of Americans that I spoke to about the subject, their lack of history is appalling and all they know stems from the radical fraudulent evangelical church or some wackos on conservative medias/internet. You guys need to read and travel to see for your eyes the truth.
It is calming....I sit and think:
"What if Hitler had made it for ten more years ? "
Ignorance is bliss.
Not Your people did they try to annihilate,
not Your people they expelled from every corner of the middle east.

I should grow up, but she should be allowed to spread her racist blood libels against a minority?
You should grow up and learn how to have an honest debate and she should be called out and held accountable for any inaccuracies that she says. There is no need to make shit up and pretend like she was calmed by the holocaust like many are trying to claim
The funniest part of this is not a single rightard here has expressed even an iota of outrage over her positing for a single-state solution, which actually is anti-Semitic.

Why...? Because their handlers neglected to spoon-feed them that detail; and they are lost without their marching orders.

A single state solution is unattainable. So is a two state one.

Are you drunk? WTF does that have to do with the fact that you morons on the right failed to attack Tlaib for the anti-Semitic remark she actually made; while you freaks went berserk over one which turned out not to be anti-Semitic?

most people do not consider a muslim demand of ONE STATE
UNDER ALLAH to be "anti semitic"----just typical muzzie BS
Her one-state solution would be the end of Israel. I see no proof from you that "most" people don't find such a proposal, anti-Semitic.
I have a wife for that. And I'm not angry. Your perception is highly skewed as evidenced by you thinking Tlaib said she was calmed by the Holocaust even though you just posted a link affirming that's not what she said.

No, you confuse entertained with anger. You entertain me. That's your function here. I'm entertained by the contortions you twist yourself into just to avoid accepting the real reason you didn't once express any knowledge about Tlaibs actual anti-Semitic remark. I'm outraged by it and you would be too -- except you're not because the right wing echo chamber never informed you about it.

This is old news. I attacked her before on this as she ran on a two state solution and post election changed her stance but many on the Left and likely most don’t see anything wrong with the one state solution. They are vehemently anti Israel and anti Jew. If you don’t see that you are the one who is ignorant. Hell I can name five frequent posters off the top of my head who would love the one state solution and proudly vote Blue and hate DJT.

So your little dilemma is lost on me.

Pussy, it's fresh meat because she talked about in this interview. How on Earth could you talk about her being an anti-Semite but not bring up the one anti-Semitic comment she made during that interview?

Oh, that's right.... your handlers didn't feed you that dirt. They only fucked you over by lying about her Holocaust comment.


You do realize that many don’t see the one state solution stance as anti Semitic ? I just told you that. Can you not read? You seem very angry. Need a Midol?

Nah, I need a paper towel to wipe off my phone from laughing so hard at you for avoiding the truth to why you didn't once mention her actual anti-Semitic remark.

Gross. So you type but don’t read. Thanks for sharing. I explained that you Leftists don’t see it as antisemitic
And you're an idiot since I'm a leftist and I see that as anti-Semitic. So much for your rhetoric, huh?
PLO did. Terror has existed long before Hamas.
PLO was mainly abroad. Isrseli settled gathered and Invaded Palestinians homes killing thousands in the process.
There are thousands of. Videos showing the IDF killing women, children, men unarmed....bulldozing their homes and farms. Shredding them to pieces by tanks, they even did that to human shields from other countries who came to protect Palestinians.
Get out of fox news and see the truth...and ask yourself why the US masks Israel's war crimes and why it uses veto everytime the world tries to condemn Israel just by words.

Look in this video, one Jewish settler the woman with the striped shirt...with the help of the occupying forces got bunch Palestinians kids arrested and frightened to death.....that's what Palestinians go through everyday. And the irony most of those IDF ***** and the settlers are not from there originally.
I can post dozens of videos of the killings that Israelis commit since 1948 but I dont think you will have the stomach for it.

Since 1947 the Arab nations have tried to wipe Israel from the face of the Earth. Do not cry the poor Palestinian mantra here. There is not one mostly Islamic nation that is not a humanitarian nightmare. NOT ONE. Israel is one tiny nation surrounded by enemies. The only true Democracy with real elections in the Middle East. I 100% disagree with your views.

True democracy ? Hahah=ahaha
Tell that to the 20% muslims and Arabs under the occupation, or the no ashkenazi Jews or better yet ask the east African Israelis.

Islamic empires ruled the holy land for centuries and the Jews lived in several Muslim countries for centuries, they even fled Europe to settle in north African muslims....they lived peacefully and flourished under Islamic rule. Till they de decided to annex Palestinian lands and bringing settlers from all over the world.

I'm wasting my time here, cause I know you are a typical foxnews brainwashed idiot. Just like the rest of the pro Israel *****.

That was before Islam became radical. That was before they were thrown out of Europe. They peacefully settled in their ancient homeland and gave an olive branch to their Arab neighbors. Many refused. They then went to war in 1948 and 1967 but lost. They have been crying every since. Jews are the real Palestinians. The word is derived from Philistine, which is what the Romans called ancient Hebrews as an insult after Rome conquered ancient Israel.

We are discussing semantics. To the victors go the spoils. We are not giving America back to Native Americans. We are not giving New Mexico, TX and Cali back to Mexico. Turkey is not giving Istanbul, formerly known as Constantinople back to the Christians. Jews are not giving Israel back to the Islamists. You know this. Hence a more logical solution needs to be found. It is as much an occupation as the US is occupying Native American lands.

What is your solution, Issa? Do tell.

Apples and oranges....and Islam never became radical, some did just like in any other religion.
And you just can't compare the US and the middle east and here is why:
The Palestinians that their land was taken by the Zionists and the settlers, are still either under siege/occupation inside what's called Israel/ or in refugee camps and The struggle still going on.

Claiming to care for the well being of Jews as an American christian is the biggest lie of all, you guys all you want is Israel to prevail so the prophecy happens and the Messiah comes back so you can go on and slaughter those very same Jews or at least see them all head to hell fire.

During the Crusades , the Christians slaughtered the non Christians including the Jews, who came to the rescue? the Muslims.
During the reconquistas, again the Christians they slaughtered the Jews who fled to Muslim countries and were welcomed and lived in Muslim countries for centuries.
During the World war, again Christians slaughtered the Jews and once again they fled to Muslim countries where so many of them remained there and their families....but some didn't learn and returned the favor by moving to Israel to take Palestinians homes and farms and kill them in the process.

Even the US as we know it the first country to recognize its independence and sign a treaty with and also offer the young country its first building outside US borders was a Muslim country (Morocco).

And your version of the Philistine is wrong, they were not Hebrew and are non Semitic and in fact they were considered to be the biggest enemies of The Jews back then.

You see the problem with lot of Americans that I spoke to about the subject, their lack of history is appalling and all they know stems from the radical fraudulent evangelical church or some wackos on conservative medias/internet. You guys need to read and travel to see for your eyes the truth.

oh gee----faun ENDORSES the khutbah jumaat feces fling bull shit
presented about. ------for the record---the philistines --WAY BACK THEN----were an Aegean people and for the record----regarding the history of jews and muslims-----issa does not know his ass from his elbow. Feel free to ask questions---I have relatives who sojourned in just about every middle east land INFECTED with the filth of arabia
You should grow up and learn how to have an honest debate and she should be called out and held accountable for any inaccuracies that she says. There is no need to make shit up and pretend like she was calmed by the holocaust like many are trying to claim
The funniest part of this is not a single rightard here has expressed even an iota of outrage over her positing for a single-state solution, which actually is anti-Semitic.

Why...? Because their handlers neglected to spoon-feed them that detail; and they are lost without their marching orders.

A single state solution is unattainable. So is a two state one.

Are you drunk? WTF does that have to do with the fact that you morons on the right failed to attack Tlaib for the anti-Semitic remark she actually made; while you freaks went berserk over one which turned out not to be anti-Semitic?

most people do not consider a muslim demand of ONE STATE
UNDER ALLAH to be "anti semitic"----just typical muzzie BS
Her one-state solution would be the end of Israel. I see no proof from you that "most" people don't find such a proposal, anti-Semitic.

"PROOF"??? That's like demanding "PROOF" that the rapist pig of Arabia did not hate jews
PLO did. Terror has existed long before Hamas.
PLO was mainly abroad. Isrseli settled gathered and Invaded Palestinians homes killing thousands in the process.
There are thousands of. Videos showing the IDF killing women, children, men unarmed....bulldozing their homes and farms. Shredding them to pieces by tanks, they even did that to human shields from other countries who came to protect Palestinians.
Get out of fox news and see the truth...and ask yourself why the US masks Israel's war crimes and why it uses veto everytime the world tries to condemn Israel just by words.

Look in this video, one Jewish settler the woman with the striped shirt...with the help of the occupying forces got bunch Palestinians kids arrested and frightened to death.....that's what Palestinians go through everyday. And the irony most of those IDF ***** and the settlers are not from there originally.
I can post dozens of videos of the killings that Israelis commit since 1948 but I dont think you will have the stomach for it.

Since 1947 the Arab nations have tried to wipe Israel from the face of the Earth. Do not cry the poor Palestinian mantra here. There is not one mostly Islamic nation that is not a humanitarian nightmare. NOT ONE. Israel is one tiny nation surrounded by enemies. The only true Democracy with real elections in the Middle East. I 100% disagree with your views.

True democracy ? Hahah=ahaha
Tell that to the 20% muslims and Arabs under the occupation, or the no ashkenazi Jews or better yet ask the east African Israelis.

Islamic empires ruled the holy land for centuries and the Jews lived in several Muslim countries for centuries, they even fled Europe to settle in north African muslims....they lived peacefully and flourished under Islamic rule. Till they de decided to annex Palestinian lands and bringing settlers from all over the world.

I'm wasting my time here, cause I know you are a typical foxnews brainwashed idiot. Just like the rest of the pro Israel *****.

That was before Islam became radical. That was before they were thrown out of Europe. They peacefully settled in their ancient homeland and gave an olive branch to their Arab neighbors. Many refused. They then went to war in 1948 and 1967 but lost. They have been crying every since. Jews are the real Palestinians. The word is derived from Philistine, which is what the Romans called ancient Hebrews as an insult after Rome conquered ancient Israel.

We are discussing semantics. To the victors go the spoils. We are not giving America back to Native Americans. We are not giving New Mexico, TX and Cali back to Mexico. Turkey is not giving Istanbul, formerly known as Constantinople back to the Christians. Jews are not giving Israel back to the Islamists. You know this. Hence a more logical solution needs to be found. It is as much an occupation as the US is occupying Native American lands.

What is your solution, Issa? Do tell.

Apples and oranges....and Islam never became radical, some did just like in any other religion.
And you just can't compare the US and the middle east and here is why:
The Palestinians that their land was taken by the Zionists and the settlers, are still either under siege/occupation inside what's called Israel/ or in refugee camps and The struggle still going on.

Claiming to care for the well being of Jews as an American christian is the biggest lie of all, you guys all you want is Israel to prevail so the prophecy happens and the Messiah comes back so you can go on and slaughter those very same Jews or at least see them all head to hell fire.

During the Crusades , the Christians slaughtered the non Christians including the Jews, who came to the rescue? the Muslims.
During the reconquistas, again the Christians they slaughtered the Jews who fled to Muslim countries and were welcomed and lived in Muslim countries for centuries.
During the World war, again Christians slaughtered the Jews and once again they fled to Muslim countries where so many of them remained there and their families....but some didn't learn and returned the favor by moving to Israel to take Palestinians homes and farms and kill them in the process.

Even the US as we know it the first country to recognize its independence and sign a treaty with and also offer the young country its first building outside US borders was a Muslim country (Morocco).

And your version of the Philistine is wrong, they were not Hebrew and are non Semitic and in fact they were considered to be the biggest enemies of The Jews back then.

You see the problem with lot of Americans that I spoke to about the subject, their lack of history is appalling and all they know stems from the radical fraudulent evangelical church or some wackos on conservative medias/internet. You guys need to read and travel to see for your eyes the truth.

You view is just incorrect but what is your solution? You failed to answer the question. Predictably.
You should grow up and learn how to have an honest debate and she should be called out and held accountable for any inaccuracies that she says. There is no need to make shit up and pretend like she was calmed by the holocaust like many are trying to claim
The funniest part of this is not a single rightard here has expressed even an iota of outrage over her positing for a single-state solution, which actually is anti-Semitic.

Why...? Because their handlers neglected to spoon-feed them that detail; and they are lost without their marching orders.

A single state solution is unattainable. So is a two state one.

Are you drunk? WTF does that have to do with the fact that you morons on the right failed to attack Tlaib for the anti-Semitic remark she actually made; while you freaks went berserk over one which turned out not to be anti-Semitic?

most people do not consider a muslim demand of ONE STATE
UNDER ALLAH to be "anti semitic"----just typical muzzie BS
Her one-state solution would be the end of Israel. I see no proof from you that "most" people don't find such a proposal, anti-Semitic.

I dont See proof that most find it is. I can Name you the Leftist posters here and they will not find it anti

caddo kid

Just to name a few
This is old news. I attacked her before on this as she ran on a two state solution and post election changed her stance but many on the Left and likely most don’t see anything wrong with the one state solution. They are vehemently anti Israel and anti Jew. If you don’t see that you are the one who is ignorant. Hell I can name five frequent posters off the top of my head who would love the one state solution and proudly vote Blue and hate DJT.

So your little dilemma is lost on me.

Pussy, it's fresh meat because she talked about in this interview. How on Earth could you talk about her being an anti-Semite but not bring up the one anti-Semitic comment she made during that interview?

Oh, that's right.... your handlers didn't feed you that dirt. They only fucked you over by lying about her Holocaust comment.


You do realize that many don’t see the one state solution stance as anti Semitic ? I just told you that. Can you not read? You seem very angry. Need a Midol?

Nah, I need a paper towel to wipe off my phone from laughing so hard at you for avoiding the truth to why you didn't once mention her actual anti-Semitic remark.

Gross. So you type but don’t read. Thanks for sharing. I explained that you Leftists don’t see it as antisemitic
And you're an idiot since I'm a leftist and I see that as anti-Semitic. So much for your rhetoric, huh?

You’re an anomaly. Most don’t see it that way.
"Unfortunately, this is far from the first display of heinous anti-Semitic comments coming from Democrat House members this year, and it’s clear this is now the norm for their caucus," Scalise added. "It’s long past time for Speaker Pelosi to take swift action and make it clear that these vile comments have no place in Congress."

It is already too late for Speaker Pelosi to act to rebuke and put an end to this vile behavior - the Democrats have already embraced and defended it. Pelosi fought to take back leadership of the House, but it has proved to be a job she can not handle in the new extremist left Democratic Party.
Don't worry-the pair will say something stupid or hateful again and Nancy will have her chance-if she really cares.
This is old news. I attacked her before on this as she ran on a two state solution and post election changed her stance but many on the Left and likely most don’t see anything wrong with the one state solution. They are vehemently anti Israel and anti Jew. If you don’t see that you are the one who is ignorant. Hell I can name five frequent posters off the top of my head who would love the one state solution and proudly vote Blue and hate DJT.

So your little dilemma is lost on me.

Pussy, it's fresh meat because she talked about in this interview. How on Earth could you talk about her being an anti-Semite but not bring up the one anti-Semitic comment she made during that interview?

Oh, that's right.... your handlers didn't feed you that dirt. They only fucked you over by lying about her Holocaust comment.


You do realize that many don’t see the one state solution stance as anti Semitic ? I just told you that. Can you not read? You seem very angry. Need a Midol?

Nah, I need a paper towel to wipe off my phone from laughing so hard at you for avoiding the truth to why you didn't once mention her actual anti-Semitic remark.

Gross. So you type but don’t read. Thanks for sharing. I explained that you Leftists don’t see it as antisemitic
And you're an idiot since I'm a leftist and I see that as anti-Semitic. So much for your rhetoric, huh?

Explain why not one Democrat went to the opening of the new embassy in Jerusalem? Not ONE!
PLO was mainly abroad. Isrseli settled gathered and Invaded Palestinians homes killing thousands in the process.
There are thousands of. Videos showing the IDF killing women, children, men unarmed....bulldozing their homes and farms. Shredding them to pieces by tanks, they even did that to human shields from other countries who came to protect Palestinians.
Get out of fox news and see the truth...and ask yourself why the US masks Israel's war crimes and why it uses veto everytime the world tries to condemn Israel just by words.

Look in this video, one Jewish settler the woman with the striped shirt...with the help of the occupying forces got bunch Palestinians kids arrested and frightened to death.....that's what Palestinians go through everyday. And the irony most of those IDF ***** and the settlers are not from there originally.
I can post dozens of videos of the killings that Israelis commit since 1948 but I dont think you will have the stomach for it.

Since 1947 the Arab nations have tried to wipe Israel from the face of the Earth. Do not cry the poor Palestinian mantra here. There is not one mostly Islamic nation that is not a humanitarian nightmare. NOT ONE. Israel is one tiny nation surrounded by enemies. The only true Democracy with real elections in the Middle East. I 100% disagree with your views.

True democracy ? Hahah=ahaha
Tell that to the 20% muslims and Arabs under the occupation, or the no ashkenazi Jews or better yet ask the east African Israelis.

Islamic empires ruled the holy land for centuries and the Jews lived in several Muslim countries for centuries, they even fled Europe to settle in north African muslims....they lived peacefully and flourished under Islamic rule. Till they de decided to annex Palestinian lands and bringing settlers from all over the world.

I'm wasting my time here, cause I know you are a typical foxnews brainwashed idiot. Just like the rest of the pro Israel *****.

That was before Islam became radical. That was before they were thrown out of Europe. They peacefully settled in their ancient homeland and gave an olive branch to their Arab neighbors. Many refused. They then went to war in 1948 and 1967 but lost. They have been crying every since. Jews are the real Palestinians. The word is derived from Philistine, which is what the Romans called ancient Hebrews as an insult after Rome conquered ancient Israel.

We are discussing semantics. To the victors go the spoils. We are not giving America back to Native Americans. We are not giving New Mexico, TX and Cali back to Mexico. Turkey is not giving Istanbul, formerly known as Constantinople back to the Christians. Jews are not giving Israel back to the Islamists. You know this. Hence a more logical solution needs to be found. It is as much an occupation as the US is occupying Native American lands.

What is your solution, Issa? Do tell.

Apples and oranges....and Islam never became radical, some did just like in any other religion.
And you just can't compare the US and the middle east and here is why:
The Palestinians that their land was taken by the Zionists and the settlers, are still either under siege/occupation inside what's called Israel/ or in refugee camps and The struggle still going on.

Claiming to care for the well being of Jews as an American christian is the biggest lie of all, you guys all you want is Israel to prevail so the prophecy happens and the Messiah comes back so you can go on and slaughter those very same Jews or at least see them all head to hell fire.

During the Crusades , the Christians slaughtered the non Christians including the Jews, who came to the rescue? the Muslims.
During the reconquistas, again the Christians they slaughtered the Jews who fled to Muslim countries and were welcomed and lived in Muslim countries for centuries.
During the World war, again Christians slaughtered the Jews and once again they fled to Muslim countries where so many of them remained there and their families....but some didn't learn and returned the favor by moving to Israel to take Palestinians homes and farms and kill them in the process.

Even the US as we know it the first country to recognize its independence and sign a treaty with and also offer the young country its first building outside US borders was a Muslim country (Morocco).

And your version of the Philistine is wrong, they were not Hebrew and are non Semitic and in fact they were considered to be the biggest enemies of The Jews back then.

You see the problem with lot of Americans that I spoke to about the subject, their lack of history is appalling and all they know stems from the radical fraudulent evangelical church or some wackos on conservative medias/internet. You guys need to read and travel to see for your eyes the truth.

oh gee----faun ENDORSES the khutbah jumaat feces fling bull shit
presented about. ------for the record---the philistines --WAY BACK THEN----were an Aegean people and for the record----regarding the history of jews and muslims-----issa does not know his ass from his elbow. Feel free to ask questions---I have relatives who sojourned in just about every middle east land INFECTED with the filth of arabia

I endorced no such thing, stop lying.

Pussy, it's fresh meat because she talked about in this interview. How on Earth could you talk about her being an anti-Semite but not bring up the one anti-Semitic comment she made during that interview?

Oh, that's right.... your handlers didn't feed you that dirt. They only fucked you over by lying about her Holocaust comment.


You do realize that many don’t see the one state solution stance as anti Semitic ? I just told you that. Can you not read? You seem very angry. Need a Midol?

Nah, I need a paper towel to wipe off my phone from laughing so hard at you for avoiding the truth to why you didn't once mention her actual anti-Semitic remark.

Gross. So you type but don’t read. Thanks for sharing. I explained that you Leftists don’t see it as antisemitic
And you're an idiot since I'm a leftist and I see that as anti-Semitic. So much for your rhetoric, huh?

Explain why not one Democrat went to the opening of the new embassy in Jerusalem? Not ONE!
I don't speak for them.
The funniest part of this is not a single rightard here has expressed even an iota of outrage over her positing for a single-state solution, which actually is anti-Semitic.

Why...? Because their handlers neglected to spoon-feed them that detail; and they are lost without their marching orders.

A single state solution is unattainable. So is a two state one.

Are you drunk? WTF does that have to do with the fact that you morons on the right failed to attack Tlaib for the anti-Semitic remark she actually made; while you freaks went berserk over one which turned out not to be anti-Semitic?

most people do not consider a muslim demand of ONE STATE
UNDER ALLAH to be "anti semitic"----just typical muzzie BS
Her one-state solution would be the end of Israel. I see no proof from you that "most" people don't find such a proposal, anti-Semitic.

"PROOF"??? That's like demanding "PROOF" that the rapist pig of Arabia did not hate jews
If you have no proof to demonstrate what you claim, that's because you're bullshitting.
You do realize that many don’t see the one state solution stance as anti Semitic ? I just told you that. Can you not read? You seem very angry. Need a Midol?

Nah, I need a paper towel to wipe off my phone from laughing so hard at you for avoiding the truth to why you didn't once mention her actual anti-Semitic remark.

Gross. So you type but don’t read. Thanks for sharing. I explained that you Leftists don’t see it as antisemitic
And you're an idiot since I'm a leftist and I see that as anti-Semitic. So much for your rhetoric, huh?

Explain why not one Democrat went to the opening of the new embassy in Jerusalem? Not ONE!
I don't speak for them.

Please give me an educated guess.

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