DACA Schmocka: Let's discuss the REAL problem

What can we do to improve conditions south of the border?

  • Pursue some kind of military cooperative agreement

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pursue some kind of performance-based private investing strategy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Re-direction of Federal funds to _____________________

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nothing can be done, it's hopeless, just build a wall

    Votes: 15 71.4%
  • Other, please describe

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Mango Tango

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters

And interference from US will be greatly resented.....

Resentment was pretty limited when we rescued their currency.

Mac seems to be calling for a lot more.
I'm really not calling for anything. I'm just posing a question, the one I think is at the core of this mess.

It may very well be that there's nothing that can be done, that's why I included the answer.

Ideas come from curiosity, and I'm curious.
We could always annex Mexico and turn them into a state. It would open up a lot of resort real estate for development, help in ironingout their corruptions, and would certainly shorten our southern border significantly.

Even if you could resurrect Patton, and make him sec def we don't have the stones to go in and take out most of the Mexican government and just fucking kill all the criminals.we would end up killing tens of millions because we don't have time for this scalpel bullshit on our way in and if we put boots on ground and leave the cartels with no AO nor any discretion on the part of our infantry patrolling the street the drug traders become hunted rats in their own country.

Then, after it's pacified, allow civilians with no convictions their 2nd A rights, leave them to vote for their own shit like any other state but maintain standards we should be following ourselves. Then their people can cross the bridges any time they like.
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DACA participants came to the United States legally as children, ...

Last, DACA participants have no knowledge of their birth country, often do not speak the language, and have no means to survive if compelled to return to their birth country – .....

So much false information there ^^^^^

You know someone can't support their position when they have to make up a load of bullshit to try and sugarcoat it.
Oh yeah? Which part?

The part I quoted.
You quoted several parts. They were all accurate. Maybe try to go into a little detail?
I don't give a fuck what the name of the party in China is called, I only care what they do, and what they are doing is not communism. Free markets are producing all the wealth, heck I have some investments in China. I am exploiting the Chinese workers, oh no!

Obviously, you've never done business with vendors in China.... What they do is not "capitalism".

Russia is much poorer under communism? Except their incomes have tripled, what a moron.

When your women are selling themselves off to rich fat Americans, you are a poor country. Heck, even the Philippines are trying to tamp down on that sort of thing.

Americans... Americans.......

You meant Native Americans? Which Native Americans?

The ones living in America.

Which tribe?

What does this have to do with anything? The average native-American is much richer than the average Russian, Cuban, or a Chinese person for that matter........

Link? Proof?

DACA participants came to the United States legally as children, ...

Last, DACA participants have no knowledge of their birth country, often do not speak the language, and have no means to survive if compelled to return to their birth country – .....

So much false information there ^^^^^

You know someone can't support their position when they have to make up a load of bullshit to try and sugarcoat it.
Oh yeah? Which part?

The part I quoted.
You quoted several parts. They were all accurate. ...

None of the ones I quoted were accurate.

DACA participants came to the United States legally as children, ...

Last, DACA participants have no knowledge of their birth country, often do not speak the language, and have no means to survive if compelled to return to their birth country – .....

So much false information there ^^^^^

You know someone can't support their position when they have to make up a load of bullshit to try and sugarcoat it.
Oh yeah? Which part?

The part I quoted.
You quoted several parts. They were all accurate. ...

None of the ones I quoted were accurate.
Yeah, you said that already. Just....can't.....seem....to....say....why....
Americans... Americans.......

You meant Native Americans? Which Native Americans?

The ones living in America.

Which tribe?

What does this have to do with anything? The average native-American is much richer than the average Russian, Cuban, or a Chinese person for that matter........

Link? Proof?

It's so blatantly obvious, but here is the proof anyway:

American Indian and Alaska Native 38,530[1]
List of ethnic groups in the United States by household income - Wikipedia

Russia's Annual Household Income per Capita reached 5,500.87 USD in Dec 2016
Russia Annual Household Income per Capita | Economic Indicators

The other nations that suffered from communism are even poorer.
So much false information there ^^^^^

You know someone can't support their position when they have to make up a load of bullshit to try and sugarcoat it.
Oh yeah? Which part?

The part I quoted.
You quoted several parts. They were all accurate. ...

None of the ones I quoted were accurate.
Yeah, you said that already. Just....can't.....seem....to....say....why....

I work with this population every single day. Don't swallow the liberal drama. The "vast majority" were sent across by their families back home when they were old enough to maybe survive the trip. The real average is 15 and up (which, when correcting for BS means 18+). They very much know their home country, home language, and have family back there. The vast majority will identify with that home country when questioned.

This does not mean that they are, due to circumstance, bad people or unworthy of becoming US citizens when and if the opportunity presents itself. Most are great people who eagerly make the most of the unique opportunities in the US. The problem is that some are absolutely vile, worthless, inhuman scum who see no value in their own lives or those of anyone else. Too many people get caught up in the evil that such scum produce. Yes, I'm talking about the ms-13 and other gangs that are just as bad. They are worse than I think any of you reading this can really understand. A very small number of scum foul the water for everyone, which is a shame because so many of these kids are solid, intelligent, honest, diligent, God-fearing, family-loving people who represent everything we want in American citizens. However, the leftists want to push the notion that every bank robber is the honorable thief who just needs money for his daughter's medicine. Um, no.

The real kids really living all this understand this better than any of us ever will.
Where are the moderates? there can't just be two choices, kill, kick, deport any & all. or coddle & support all. is there no rational middle ground, we are talking about other humans, not comic book hero's or cockroaches.

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