DACA Upheld by Supreme Court

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

The American citizenry support DACA.

"Overall, 74 percent of U.S. adults support granting status, while 24 percent are opposed.

Among Democrats, 91 percent support the measure while Republicans are split, with 53 percent in favor and 43 percent against.

Hispanics are the most likely to support permanent status for Dreamers. Overall, 88 percent support permanent status; 92 percent of foreign-born Hispanics and 88 percent of U.S.-born Hispanics support permanent status for Dreamers.

Among white respondents, support is at 69 percent, while 82 percent of African American respondents support it and 77 percent of Asian respondents."% minority.

You are one of the 24% minority. Even a large number of Trump supporters agree.


Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.

Absolutely appalling. We can not allow this in our nation.

There's no stopping it that I can see. This is the kind of thing that most of the country wants now. We just do not have enough on our side to stop it, and even when we get people on the SCOTUS, we end up getting back stabbed by the very people we thought were going to rule by the law.

Conservative failure. Never ever trust a conservative to conserve anything. Not the country, not its people, not the constitution, nothing.

DACA should have been a Republican program. Ronald Reagan would hqave supported it enthusoistically.

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

Tissue is on sale at Costco. You could buy in bulk.

i’m curious, what part of the southern brown shithole are you from and how long have you been fucking over good real Americans?
You must be feeling like a fucking fool today. I thought you said DACA would get voted down? You even made a thread about it.

not nearly as foolish as the ignorant fucks who said a black guy would make a good president and Hillary was sure to win the presidency
Obama was a two term potus that would have had a 3rd term if not for the constitution. He is also the best president in history. So no you dont feel like the smart people that said he would make a good potus. When hillary lost everyone in the entire world was fucking shocked. No one felt foolish. The entire world wondered how americans could be so fucking stupid. I explained to many of my friends that Drumpf had to get electoral AA to win.

Anyway getting back from your deflection. What the fuck made you think you knew what was going to happen? Youre one of the dumbest POS on the board and youre always wrong. Why were you so sure of this specific topic? That is if youre not too embarrassed to explain. :)

haha... I suppose I goofed up by leaning with legal scholars on the issue… I should have trusted some crazy bitter black dude in cyberspace huh?
" I suppose I goofed up by leaning with legal scholars on the issue… "

I thought I told you to start using your own brain? We got those training wheels and that crash helmet for you just for that purpose. Look. Lets be clear. Youre a dumb MF and you need to excercise that mind. Slowly at first but you will pick up speed. Its like riding a bike. You can ride a bike right? :)
You might have my iQ confused with that of Nuggas?
This will just be rewritten and another order will be sent this week
They will choose to side against Trump on the next one too. He needs to try though.

BTW, the 3 branches are SUPPOSED TO BE CO-EQUAL. Why are we allowing the SC this much power?


That really has not been the real world interpretation since Marbury V. Madison.

The SCOTUS kind of usurped power that it previously did not have, and the other two branches didn't stop them.
I guess it's time all you so called republicans chip in together and purchase an Island and make your own country of whites only far away from the U.S. borders. Bunch of fucking cry babies. Go get the fuck out of U.S. and let real American's have it.

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

The American citizenry support DACA.

"Overall, 74 percent of U.S. adults support granting status, while 24 percent are opposed.

Among Democrats, 91 percent support the measure while Republicans are split, with 53 percent in favor and 43 percent against.

Hispanics are the most likely to support permanent status for Dreamers. Overall, 88 percent support permanent status; 92 percent of foreign-born Hispanics and 88 percent of U.S.-born Hispanics support permanent status for Dreamers.

Among white respondents, support is at 69 percent, while 82 percent of African American respondents support it and 77 percent of Asian respondents."% minority.

You are one of the 24% minority. Even a large number of Trump supporters agree.


This is 2020 not 2016. It is time to quit living in the past. Clinton's negatives were 59% and Biden's are around 38%. Biden will end the primaries getting more votes than Clinton.

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

Tissue is on sale at Costco. You could buy in bulk.

i’m curious, what part of the southern brown shithole are you from and how long have you been fucking over good real Americans?
You must be feeling like a fucking fool today. I thought you said DACA would get voted down? You even made a thread about it.

not nearly as foolish as the ignorant fucks who said a black guy would make a good president and Hillary was sure to win the presidency
Obama was a two term potus that would have had a 3rd term if not for the constitution. He is also the best president in history. So no you dont feel like the smart people that said he would make a good potus. When hillary lost everyone in the entire world was fucking shocked. No one felt foolish. The entire world wondered how americans could be so fucking stupid. I explained to many of my friends that Drumpf had to get electoral AA to win.

Anyway getting back from your deflection. What the fuck made you think you knew what was going to happen? Youre one of the dumbest POS on the board and youre always wrong. Why were you so sure of this specific topic? That is if youre not too embarrassed to explain. :)

haha... I suppose I goofed up by leaning with legal scholars on the issue… I should have trusted some crazy bitter black dude in cyberspace huh?
" I suppose I goofed up by leaning with legal scholars on the issue… "

I thought I told you to start using your own brain? We got those training wheels and that crash helmet for you just for that purpose. Look. Lets be clear. Youre a dumb MF and you need to excercise that mind. Slowly at first but you will pick up speed. Its like riding a bike. You can ride a bike right? :)
You might have my iQ confused with that of Nuggas?
No I'm pretty sure if IQ was a real thing then yours would be about the same as a chicken nugget.
According to Eder's post, everyone agrees with what you say. They know more about it than I do, that's for sure. I wish Congress would legislate on this. The courts have been forced to pretty much decide if a policy stays in place, when it is clearly Congress who needs to get off their wimpy butts and make a decision.

DACA was a Barry EO.....no basis in law which he admitted a year before he did it. Pelousy would love to vote DACA into law....no way the House gets to decide before it's in GOP hands.....in January.

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

Tissue is on sale at Costco. You could buy in bulk.

i’m curious, what part of the southern brown shithole are you from and how long have you been fucking over good real Americans?

I found an astonishingly accurate depiction of you this morning.


Isn't it crazy how accurate that is?

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

Tissue is on sale at Costco. You could buy in bulk.
Another tard stealing the lines of the right. Are you guys even capable of original thought?

You're just having a bad week after losing two supreme court rulings.

Hey I have a question for you.

On a scale from 0 to DigitalDrifter, how upset are you with this ruling?

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

Tissue is on sale at Costco. You could buy in bulk.

i’m curious, what part of the southern brown shithole are you from and how long have you been fucking over good real Americans?
You must be feeling like a fucking fool today. I thought you said DACA would get voted down? You even made a thread about it.

not nearly as foolish as the ignorant fucks who said a black guy would make a good president and Hillary was sure to win the presidency
Obama was a two term potus that would have had a 3rd term if not for the constitution. He is also the best president in history. So no you dont feel like the smart people that said he would make a good potus. When hillary lost everyone in the entire world was fucking shocked. No one felt foolish. The entire world wondered how americans could be so fucking stupid. I explained to many of my friends that Drumpf had to get electoral AA to win.

Anyway getting back from your deflection. What the fuck made you think you knew what was going to happen? Youre one of the dumbest POS on the board and youre always wrong. Why were you so sure of this specific topic? That is if youre not too embarrassed to explain. :)

haha... I suppose I goofed up by leaning with legal scholars on the issue… I should have trusted some crazy bitter black dude in cyberspace huh?
" I suppose I goofed up by leaning with legal scholars on the issue… "

I thought I told you to start using your own brain? We got those training wheels and that crash helmet for you just for that purpose. Look. Lets be clear. Youre a dumb MF and you need to excercise that mind. Slowly at first but you will pick up speed. Its like riding a bike. You can ride a bike right? :)
You might have my iQ confused with that of Nuggas?

Maybe joggers would be helped by some of that bike training?
I just read up on this.....according to Justice Roberts, immigration can cancel the program. He just doesn't agree with the justification used.

Read here... https://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/a...onth=06&date=18&id=972897&oref=m.facebook.com

"The dispute before the Court is not whether DHS may rescind DACA. All parties agree that it may. The dispute is instead primarily about the procedure the agency followed in doing so,” he wrote, adding the department's decision to terminate the program was "arbitrary and capricious."
DACA is still hanging by a thread, and with it the fate of many American young people. “American” by culture, education, language, and geography. The fate of millions of long-term hardworking undocumented immigrants needs to be addressed as well, and a road to citizenship agreed to, as was originally proposed by the “bipartisan eight.” This does NOT mean “open borders.” If Republicans want their “Wall” extended into the desert to get them to agree to such a proposal, it will be a worthwhile deal. Unfortunately, Trump will never agree to this. He will also be sure to appoint more Supreme Court judges who are corporate legal pimps. Another of the many reasons he should be opposed.

Like I've been saying, the majority of Americans are now so ignorant they'll allow their emotions to trump law and logic.
They have no respect for our immigration laws, and they work every single day to dismantle our immigration kaws and enforcement.
I don 't know how we could have arrived at this place, but I pretty much have to chalk it up to total ignorance.

It's a great day for America.

Keep crying. It's your right to whine about it like a little bitch.

No it's not, but you're too stupid to see it.

Most Americans support DACA and that's not changing any time soon. Deal with it.

Sucks for you!

And I will say again, and please try reading this time, what people want, or they think is irrelevant when it comes to laws of the constitution !!

"Responding in October 2010 to demands that he implement immigration reforms unilaterally, Obama declared, "I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself." In March 2011, he said that with "respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case." In May 2011, he acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. ... That's not how a democracy works."

Yet in 2012, he did it anyway. He put DACA in place to provide pseudo-legal status to illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as minors, including as teenagers. He promised them that they wouldn't be deported and provided them with work authorizations and access to Social Security and other government benefits.

And he did this despite the fact that the immigration laws passed by Congress do not give the president the ability to do this. Indeed, Congress specifically rejected bills to provide such benefits."

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

Tissue is on sale at Costco. You could buy in bulk.

i’m curious, what part of the southern brown shithole are you from and how long have you been fucking over good real Americans?
You must be feeling like a fucking fool today. I thought you said DACA would get voted down? You even made a thread about it.

You'll have to excuse him. He was expecting the SCOTUS to uphold the Constitution, and strike down Obama's illegal executive decision. He's like most Americans used to be. People who had respect for the United States Constitution. Today, we live with a majority of ignorant fools who are more concerned with their "feelings" instead of logic and legal processes.

How do we know? Because even Obama admitted it – repeatedly.

Responding in October 2010 to demands that he implement immigration reforms unilaterally, Obama declared, "I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself." In March 2011, he said that with "respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case." In May 2011, he acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. ... That's not how a democracy works."

Yet in 2012, he did it anyway. He put DACA in place to provide pseudo-legal status to illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as minors, including as teenagers. He promised them that they wouldn't be deported and provided them with work authorizations and access to Social Security and other government benefits.
And he did this despite the fact that the immigration laws passed by Congress do not give the president the ability to do this. Indeed, Congress specifically rejected bills to provide such benefits.
As Attorney General Jeff Sessions pointed out this week, DACA "contributed to a surge of unaccompanied minors on the southern border that yielded terrible humanitarian consequences." Since most DACA beneficiaries are now adults, "it also denied jobs to hundreds of thousands of Americans by allowing those same jobs to go to illegal aliens," Sessions said.
The unconstitutionality of Obama's actions were confirmed when Obama tried to implement a second, similar program in 2014 called the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program, or DAPA. Like DACA, DAPA provided an administrative amnesty for illegal aliens who came to the U.S. illegally.

Like I've been saying, the majority of Americans are now so ignorant they'll allow their emotions to trump law and logic.
They have no respect for our immigration laws, and they work every single day to dismantle our immigration kaws and enforcement.
I don 't know how we could have arrived at this place, but I pretty much have to chalk it up to total ignorance.

It's a great day for America.

Keep crying. It's your right to whine about it like a little bitch.

No it's not, but you're too stupid to see it.

Most Americans support DACA and that's not changing any time soon. Deal with it.

Sucks for you!

And I will say again, and please try reading this time, what people want, or they think is irrelevant when it comes to laws of the constitution !!

"Responding in October 2010 to demands that he implement immigration reforms unilaterally, Obama declared, "I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself." In March 2011, he said that with "respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case." In May 2011, he acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. ... That's not how a democracy works."

Yet in 2012, he did it anyway. He put DACA in place to provide pseudo-legal status to illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as minors, including as teenagers. He promised them that they wouldn't be deported and provided them with work authorizations and access to Social Security and other government benefits.

And he did this despite the fact that the immigration laws passed by Congress do not give the president the ability to do this. Indeed, Congress specifically rejected bills to provide such benefits."

And I'll say it again too.



Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

Tissue is on sale at Costco. You could buy in bulk.

i’m curious, what part of the southern brown shithole are you from and how long have you been fucking over good real Americans?
You must be feeling like a fucking fool today. I thought you said DACA would get voted down? You even made a thread about it.

You'll have to excuse him. He was expecting the SCOTUS to uphold the Constitution, and strike down Obama's illegal executive decision. He's like most Americans used to be. People who had respect for the United States Constitution. Today, we live with a majority of ignorant fools who are more concerned with their "feelings" instead of logic and legal processes.

How do we know? Because even Obama admitted it – repeatedly.

Responding in October 2010 to demands that he implement immigration reforms unilaterally, Obama declared, "I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself." In March 2011, he said that with "respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case." In May 2011, he acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. ... That's not how a democracy works."

Yet in 2012, he did it anyway. He put DACA in place to provide pseudo-legal status to illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as minors, including as teenagers. He promised them that they wouldn't be deported and provided them with work authorizations and access to Social Security and other government benefits.
And he did this despite the fact that the immigration laws passed by Congress do not give the president the ability to do this. Indeed, Congress specifically rejected bills to provide such benefits.
As Attorney General Jeff Sessions pointed out this week, DACA "contributed to a surge of unaccompanied minors on the southern border that yielded terrible humanitarian consequences." Since most DACA beneficiaries are now adults, "it also denied jobs to hundreds of thousands of Americans by allowing those same jobs to go to illegal aliens," Sessions said.
The unconstitutionality of Obama's actions were confirmed when Obama tried to implement a second, similar program in 2014 called the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program, or DAPA. Like DACA, DAPA provided an administrative amnesty for illegal aliens who came to the U.S. illegally.
Oh so he fucked up because of Obama? Thats even better. :)

Like I've been saying, the majority of Americans are now so ignorant they'll allow their emotions to trump law and logic.
They have no respect for our immigration laws, and they work every single day to dismantle our immigration kaws and enforcement.
I don 't know how we could have arrived at this place, but I pretty much have to chalk it up to total ignorance.

It's a great day for America.

Keep crying. It's your right to whine about it like a little bitch.

No it's not, but you're too stupid to see it.

Most Americans support DACA and that's not changing any time soon. Deal with it.

Sucks for you!

And I will say again, and please try reading this time, what people want, or they think is irrelevant when it comes to laws of the constitution !!

"Responding in October 2010 to demands that he implement immigration reforms unilaterally, Obama declared, "I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself." In March 2011, he said that with "respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case." In May 2011, he acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. ... That's not how a democracy works."

Yet in 2012, he did it anyway. He put DACA in place to provide pseudo-legal status to illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as minors, including as teenagers. He promised them that they wouldn't be deported and provided them with work authorizations and access to Social Security and other government benefits.

And he did this despite the fact that the immigration laws passed by Congress do not give the president the ability to do this. Indeed, Congress specifically rejected bills to provide such benefits."

And I'll say it again too.



That's an odd legal standard.

Like I've been saying, the majority of Americans are now so ignorant they'll allow their emotions to trump law and logic.
They have no respect for our immigration laws, and they work every single day to dismantle our immigration kaws and enforcement.
I don 't know how we could have arrived at this place, but I pretty much have to chalk it up to total ignorance.

It's a great day for America.

Keep crying. It's your right to whine about it like a little bitch.

No it's not, but you're too stupid to see it.

Most Americans support DACA and that's not changing any time soon. Deal with it.

Sucks for you!

And I will say again, and please try reading this time, what people want, or they think is irrelevant when it comes to laws of the constitution !!

"Responding in October 2010 to demands that he implement immigration reforms unilaterally, Obama declared, "I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself." In March 2011, he said that with "respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case." In May 2011, he acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. ... That's not how a democracy works."

Yet in 2012, he did it anyway. He put DACA in place to provide pseudo-legal status to illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as minors, including as teenagers. He promised them that they wouldn't be deported and provided them with work authorizations and access to Social Security and other government benefits.

And he did this despite the fact that the immigration laws passed by Congress do not give the president the ability to do this. Indeed, Congress specifically rejected bills to provide such benefits."

And I'll say it again too.



That's an odd legal standard.

I didn't call that a legal standard. Pointing out that neither America nor the Supreme Court backs what you guys wanted.

The Supreme Court just voted against you. How's that for a legal standard?

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