DACA Upheld by Supreme Court

It wasn't actually upheld. It was ruled that the administration went about ending it in the wrong way.

How can someone incorrectly go about ending an In-Constitutional Law that was created by a self-professed 'Constitutional scholar' declaring he had no Constitutional authority to affect US Immigration Law by-passing Congress - the only ones Constitutionally allied to write / pass laws - to impose a personal edict as law?

How can you improperly expunge a NON-law?

Roberts just ruled that an Un-Constitutional law Un-Constitutionally created can remain a law until it is 'properly' rescinded...


Great news - Roberts just set the precedence for the Executive Branch (Presidents) to by-pass Congress and impose their own laws through personal edict / Executive Order.


Like I've been saying, the majority of Americans are now so ignorant they'll allow their emotions to trump law and logic.
They have no respect for our immigration laws, and they work every single day to dismantle our immigration kaws and enforcement.
I don 't know how we could have arrived at this place, but I pretty much have to chalk it up to total ignorance.

It's a great day for America.

Keep crying. It's your right to whine about it like a little bitch.

No it's not, but you're too stupid to see it.

Most Americans support DACA and that's not changing any time soon. Deal with it.

Sucks for you!

And I will say again, and please try reading this time, what people want, or they think is irrelevant when it comes to laws of the constitution !!

"Responding in October 2010 to demands that he implement immigration reforms unilaterally, Obama declared, "I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself." In March 2011, he said that with "respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case." In May 2011, he acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. ... That's not how a democracy works."

Yet in 2012, he did it anyway. He put DACA in place to provide pseudo-legal status to illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as minors, including as teenagers. He promised them that they wouldn't be deported and provided them with work authorizations and access to Social Security and other government benefits.

And he did this despite the fact that the immigration laws passed by Congress do not give the president the ability to do this. Indeed, Congress specifically rejected bills to provide such benefits."

And I'll say it again too.



That's an odd legal standard.

I didn't call that a legal standard. Pointing out that neither America nor the Supreme Court backs what you guys wanted.

The Supreme Court just voted against you. How's that for a legal standard?

Factually false.
It sounds like the Supreme Court didn't like "Obama wrote it" as the reason for trashing DACA.

“We do not decide whether DACA or its rescission are sound policies,” Roberts wrote. “We address only whether the agency complied with the procedural requirement that it provide a reasoned explanation for its action. Here the agency failed to consider the conspicuous issues of whether to retain forbearance and what, if anything, to do about the hardship to DACA recipients. That dual failure raises doubts about whether the agency appreciated the scope of its discretion or exercised that discretion in a reasonable manner. The appropriate recourse is therefore to remand to DHS so that it may consider the problem anew.”

Obama himself admitted publicly he had no Constitutional authority to affect immigration law - this is the left's 'messiah' who claimed to be a 'Constitutional Scholar'.

He was impatient that his Do-Nothing Democrat Congress failed to pass DACA and warned that if they - Congress - failed to author and pass DACA legislation then HE would make it happen.

There is just 1 problem, one Barry publicly admitted:

The Constitution, and the Separation of Powers, makes it CLEAR the Executive Branch does not author legislation and vote them into law.
- I would say Barry should have watched -School House Rock's to learn how a bill becomes a law ...but he knew. Again, he admitted he did not have the Constitutional authority to make DACA a law....but he did so anyway.

Around the time Roberts and his wife were adopting a foreign baby it was rumored that a hold was put on the ability to do so, that he was blackmailed into going against his record and voting in favor of a bill with the Liberal judges, which he did do.

Ever since then he has ruled and run the court as if Democrats have held his nuts hostage in some locked box.

The fact that Roberts allowed a clearly Un-Constitutional law that even Obama admitted was illegal to remain a law is more evidence that something is extremely unusual with Roberts.

Americans are in support of DACA and the Supreme Court just ruled against you.

You do realize that the popularity of the UN-Constitutional 'edict' that was created by a rogue President who admitted he had no authority to impose DACA has nothing to do with its Constitutionality, right?!
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You do realize that the popularity of the UN-Constitutional 'edict' that was created by a rogue President who admitted he had no authority to impose DACA has nothing to do with its Constitutionality, right?!

You do realize that the Supreme Court just kicked you in the balls, right?

How does that feel?

You do realize that the popularity of the UN-Constitutional 'edict' that was created by a rogue President who admitted he had no authority to impose DACA has nothing to do with its Constitutionality, right?!

You do realize that the Supreme Court just kicked you in the balls, right?

How does that feel?

'kicked me in the ball's?

Oh you poor pathetic, emotionally unstable snowflake, your inability to answer the question factually, without any actual legal supporting material, is duly noted.

Your support for a president creating law via Executive Order, which is the precedence Roberts just set, is also duly noted.

I am eager to see how loud snowflakes squeal when Trump 'kicks them in the balls' by creating new law through Executive Orders....


You do realize that the popularity of the UN-Constitutional 'edict' that was created by a rogue President who admitted he had no authority to impose DACA has nothing to do with its Constitutionality, right?!

You do realize that the Supreme Court just kicked you in the balls, right?

How does that feel?

'kicked me in the ball's?

Oh you poor pathetic, emotionally unstable snowflake, your inability to answer the question factually, without any actual legal supporting material, is duly noted.

Your support for a president creating law via Executive Order, which is the precedence Roberts just set, is also duly noted.

I am eager to see how loud snowflakes squeal when Trump 'kicks them in the balls' by creating new law through Executive Orders....



Are you tired of all the winning yet?

Supreme Court has been kicking your ass all week.

Where are Trumps balls?

With an election coming up, why doesn’t he redouble his efforts to kick Dreamers out of the country?
I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.


It wasn't actually upheld. It was ruled that the administration went about ending it in the wrong way.

How can someone incorrectly go about ending an In-Constitutional Law that was created by a self-professed 'Constitutional scholar' declaring he had no Constitutional authority to affect US Immigration Law by-passing Congress - the only ones Constitutionally allied to write / pass laws - to impose a personal edict as law?

How can you improperly expunge a NON-law?

Roberts just ruled that an Un-Constitutional law Un-Constitutionally created can remain a law until it is 'properly' rescinded...


Great news - Roberts just set the precedence for the Executive Branch (Presidents) to by-pass Congress and impose their own laws through personal edict / Executive Order.


I asked earlier who was it that ruled it unconstitutional. I never got an answer. It was said Obama said it was but he didn't.

Can you answer?
I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.
I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.


Are you upset? You sound like you are.
“…the court has a way of moderating itself.”

Actually not.

This remains an ideologically aggressive, conservative Court.

Otherwise, Trump has only himself to blame, failing to follow the proper procedure to rescind DACA.

This is yet another example of how incompetent this failed ‘administration’ is.
I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.


Are you upset? You sound like you are.

Not really -
It will help insure a higher turnout for President Trump in November.
I can play a long game.
I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.


Are you upset? You sound like you are.

Not really -
It will help insure a higher turnout for President Trump in November.
I can play a long game.

Well Trump is clearly upset. Sucks for him and his supporters.

And the vast majority of Americans are in support of DACA.

Are you tired of all the winning yet?
“…the court has a way of moderating itself.”

Actually not.

This remains an ideologically aggressive, conservative Court.

Otherwise, Trump has only himself to blame, failing to follow the proper procedure to rescind DACA.

This is yet another example of how incompetent this failed ‘administration’ is.

Highly likely that what ever was submitted, Roberts would have found a reason to object and return it while not commenting on the merit.
He does not like change.
So nothing was really changed today.
President Trump benefits with an additional chance down the road.
It is reinforced in President Trump supporters how important it is to be in office when the next court member is nominated.

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