DACA Upheld by Supreme Court

I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.


Are you upset? You sound like you are.

Not really -
It will help insure a higher turnout for President Trump in November.
I can play a long game.

Well Trump is clearly upset. Sucks for him and his supporters.

And the vast majority of Americans are in support of DACA.

Are you tired of all the winning yet?

I hate to actually enlighten a complete dumbass as yourself, but -
Pay little to no attention to what our very fine President says.
It is what he does that counts.
I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.


Are you upset? You sound like you are.

Not really -
It will help insure a higher turnout for President Trump in November.
I can play a long game.

Well Trump is clearly upset. Sucks for him and his supporters.

And the vast majority of Americans are in support of DACA.

Are you tired of all the winning yet?

I hate to actually enlighten a complete dumbass as yourself, but -
Pay little to no attention to what our very fine President says.
It is what he does that counts.

He got his ass handed to him by the Supreme Court on two separate decisions this week.


I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.


Are you upset? You sound like you are.

Not really -
It will help insure a higher turnout for President Trump in November.
I can play a long game.

Well Trump is clearly upset. Sucks for him and his supporters.

And the vast majority of Americans are in support of DACA.

Are you tired of all the winning yet?

I hate to actually enlighten a complete dumbass as yourself, but -
Pay little to no attention to what our very fine President says.
It is what he does that counts.

He got his ass handed to him by the Supreme Court on two separate decisions this week.



I'm good

And yet he is still your President - riding a rocket ship to reelection.
As are a lot of Republicans -

Corona Virus - Overplayed.
Riots- Overplayed
Biden - Not playing (with negative coattails)

It's a Trifecta Baby!
It wasn't actually upheld. It was ruled that the administration went about ending it in the wrong way.

And there were so many opinions agreeing in part and dissenting in part, that it will take days to figure out what the hell the court actually said, and if it was 9-0, 5-4, 7-2, or whatever.
It was 5-4.
And it won't take days to find out what they said: Read Supreme Court's DACA ruling

Of course, the parroting rubes will wait to be told what to think and bleev instead of reading for themselves.
It wasn't actually upheld. It was ruled that the administration went about ending it in the wrong way.

And there were so many opinions agreeing in part and dissenting in part, that it will take days to figure out what the hell the court actually said, and if it was 9-0, 5-4, 7-2, or whatever.
At least if you only listen to The GOP propaganda machine. Trump lost bad. Roberts is now the good guy. The other four conservative guys are schmucks.
Another loss for the blobbers.

View attachment 351799

As I always said, the court has a way of moderating itself
It is okay, soon there wont be a country left, and all those Latinos will be heading back to Mexico on their own, because they wont want their shit burned and looted...

Well, that and if the DEms win there won't be an economy here for them to mooch off of. They only come here for the bucks. They don't give two shits about the place, they eventually want to move back to the narco state and retire there or open up businesses. They love a 'culture' that will let them sell their daughters to pimps and porno companies for a couple of goats or a pickup.
Trump says the Supreme Court is picking on him.

Actually, they are picking on his horrible decisions
I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.


Are you upset? You sound like you are.

Not really -
It will help insure a higher turnout for President Trump in November.
I can play a long game.

The majority of people support allowing them to stay.
I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.


Are you upset? You sound like you are.

Not really -
It will help insure a higher turnout for President Trump in November.
I can play a long game.

The majority of people support allowing them to stay.

I guess it's time all you so called republicans chip in together and purchase an Island and make your own country of whites only far away from the U.S. borders. Bunch of fucking cry babies. Go get the fuck out of U.S. and let real American's have it.
Stupid lie saying it's about race. It's about being legal. But libtards are too stupid to figure that out.
I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.


Are you upset? You sound like you are.

Not really -
It will help insure a higher turnout for President Trump in November.
I can play a long game.

The majority of people support allowing them to stay.
Majority of people are ignorant.
I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.


Are you upset? You sound like you are.

Not really -
It will help insure a higher turnout for President Trump in November.
I can play a long game.

The majority of people support allowing them to stay.
Majority of people are ignorant.

Irrelevant to the election and turnout.
I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.


Are you upset? You sound like you are.

Not really -
It will help insure a higher turnout for President Trump in November.
I can play a long game.

The majority of people support allowing them to stay.
Majority of people are ignorant.
Only the tRumplings.
I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.


Are you upset? You sound like you are.

Not really -
It will help insure a higher turnout for President Trump in November.
I can play a long game.

The majority of people support allowing them to stay.
Majority of people are ignorant.
Only the tRumplings.
Libtards are.
I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.


Are you upset? You sound like you are.

Not really -
It will help insure a higher turnout for President Trump in November.
I can play a long game.

The majority of people support allowing them to stay.
Majority of people are ignorant.
Only the tRumplings.
Libtards are.
See what I mean? The best you can do is "Nuh uh!"
In his dissent in the SCOTUS DACA case Justice Thomas says The decision is “An effort to avoid a politically controversial but legally correct decision.” :uhoh3::uhoh3:

I agree with him that today's decision "prolong(s) DHS' initial overreach by providing a stopgap measure of its own. In doing so, it has given the green light for political battles to be fought in this Court rather than where they rightfully belong--the political branches."

I'm not sure DACA was "overreach" but it sure is the baliwick of Congress, not the executive branch. Justice Thomas is apparently chomping at the bit to kick DACA to the curb. Eder said "all parties agree" that DACA is unconstitutional. If that's the case, I don't see why they didn't say so. All they've done is delay the inevitable.

Thanks to the Chief Justice, this is one less thing President Biden will have to concern himself with during the last ten days of January 2021.
"Thank for allowing Mexico's trash to continuing stealing American citizenship's for their children...thank you for allowing good real Americans to continuing getting fucked."

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you got Trump shoved down your throat. Thank you for your ignorance and total disregard for the American citizenry.

The American citizenry support DACA.
We arent a democracy.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Majority vote chooses our Congress people. And if an overwhelming majority of the citizenry supports something as benign as this, the Congress had damned well better be listening! So should the President.

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