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DACA Upheld by Supreme Court

It’s getting close, the time is getting just about right to protect our borders, protect our heritage, culture, language.

growing up in a city where latinos and other refugees flooded our schools and lowering our wages, and disrespecting our culture my patience is thin.

if we don’t stop this invasion our country is gone.

Your dream of Civil War is not going to happen kid. If that will ever happen you better start hunting for your food with the rest of 312+ millions Americans.
I can assure you that DACA people are far better human than you. Lots of them now has professional jobs. Cops, R nurses, teachers, professors, engineers, social workers, architects. YOU? YOU?
Have you ever been to a urban area?
I’ve been all over America from coast to coast and several countries around the world. What are you trying to say?
Urban areas need high iq educated ordinary ppl,, they need to request things from there reps, and mayors.. not let them treat you like slaves.. todays immigrants are low wage, low iq, have not investment in America, it’s killing our poor Americans. It’s killing our education system and culture.. and pls don’t compare doctors to the immigrants that are coming here.. you idiot
And your IQ from a racist asshole like you? Craving for civil war. What difference does it make? These are better human being than you.

Trump promised you he will deport illegals. He lied again. They are still here. We don’t see any deporting or arrest nationwide. He is very busy nonsense tweets... To find out he is also licking Xi boots asides from Putin boots.

We have a pandemic cause by Coronavirus food supplies are still intact and working despite from the lock down. Who do you think that keeps and make that going? brave enough to help feed your dirty mouth and your rotten low class disgusting attitudes like the rest of you.... WHO? the ILLEGALS.
I’d rather starve to death then have a latin pig in my country,, they have destroyed many parts of America,, most farmers will pay a better wage whites will Do the job like we used to.. no more black and latin refugees! Say it with me
I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.


Are you upset? You sound like you are.

Not really -
It will help insure a higher turnout for President Trump in November.
I can play a long game.

The majority of people support allowing them to stay.
Majority of people are ignorant.
Only the tRumplings.
Libtards are.
See what I mean? The best you can do is "Nuh uh!"
Bothers you that I am right.
This will just be rewritten and another order will be sent this week
They will choose to side against Trump on the next one too. He needs to try though.

BTW, the 3 branches are SUPPOSED TO BE CO-EQUAL. Why are we allowing the SC this much power?
I see it as appropriately checking the power of the Executive. The way the system was meant to work.
No, they are deciding a far leftists EO are not allowed to be nullified. They dont have that power. These are CO-EQUAL BRANCHES. Antvthe president DOES NOT have to abide by their decrees
They are co-equal so that they can check each other's power. It is working the way it was meant to work. The problem here is Congress refusing for decades to tackle real immigration reform.
It’s getting close, the time is getting just about right to protect our borders, protect our heritage, culture, language.

growing up in a city where latinos and other refugees flooded our schools and lowering our wages, and disrespecting our culture my patience is thin.

if we don’t stop this invasion our country is gone.

Your dream of Civil War is not going to happen kid. If that will ever happen you better start hunting for your food with the rest of 312+ millions Americans.
I can assure you that DACA people are far better human than you. Lots of them now has professional jobs. Cops, R nurses, teachers, professors, engineers, social workers, architects. YOU? YOU?
Have you ever been to a urban area?
I’ve been all over America from coast to coast and several countries around the world. What are you trying to say?
Urban areas need high iq educated ordinary ppl,, they need to request things from there reps, and mayors.. not let them treat you like slaves.. todays immigrants are low wage, low iq, have not investment in America, it’s killing our poor Americans. It’s killing our education system and culture.. and pls don’t compare doctors to the immigrants that are coming here.. you idiot
And your IQ from a racist asshole like you? Craving for civil war. What difference does it make? These are better human being than you.

Trump promised you he will deport illegals. He lied again. They are still here. We don’t see any deporting or arrest nationwide. He is very busy nonsense tweets... To find out he is also licking Xi boots asides from Putin boots.

We have a pandemic cause by Coronavirus food supplies are still intact and working despite from the lock down. Who do you think that keeps and make that going? brave enough to help feed your dirty mouth and your rotten low class disgusting attitudes like the rest of you.... WHO? the ILLEGALS.
I’d rather starve to death then have a latin pig in my country,, they have destroyed many parts of America,, most farmers will pay a better wage whites will Do the job like we used to.. no more black and latin refugees! Say it with me
That is what is happening for several years.... So why aren’t you starve yourself to death? Why are you still here?
destroyed many parts of America? Compared to you and trump? LOL Trump fucked up this country big time.,

I know 2 farmer owners here in Ca and one in Arizona. Poor whites working at the farm are extremely very rare. When illegals are scared to go to work because of Trump deportation program rotten agricultural products are all over. They offered $16?to 18/hour but not single whites showed up.

Trump is bad for American.We deserves better than this lousy inept incompetent president.
It’s getting close, the time is getting just about right to protect our borders, protect our heritage, culture, language.

growing up in a city where latinos and other refugees flooded our schools and lowering our wages, and disrespecting our culture my patience is thin.

if we don’t stop this invasion our country is gone.

Your dream of Civil War is not going to happen kid. If that will ever happen you better start hunting for your food with the rest of 312+ millions Americans.
I can assure you that DACA people are far better human than you. Lots of them now has professional jobs. Cops, R nurses, teachers, professors, engineers, social workers, architects. YOU? YOU?
Have you ever been to a urban area?
I’ve been all over America from coast to coast and several countries around the world. What are you trying to say?
Urban areas need high iq educated ordinary ppl,, they need to request things from there reps, and mayors.. not let them treat you like slaves.. todays immigrants are low wage, low iq, have not investment in America, it’s killing our poor Americans. It’s killing our education system and culture.. and pls don’t compare doctors to the immigrants that are coming here.. you idiot
And your IQ from a racist asshole like you? Craving for civil war. What difference does it make? These are better human being than you.

Trump promised you he will deport illegals. He lied again. They are still here. We don’t see any deporting or arrest nationwide. He is very busy nonsense tweets... To find out he is also licking Xi boots asides from Putin boots.

We have a pandemic cause by Coronavirus food supplies are still intact and working despite from the lock down. Who do you think that keeps and make that going? brave enough to help feed your dirty mouth and your rotten low class disgusting attitudes like the rest of you.... WHO? the ILLEGALS.
I’d rather starve to death then have a latin pig in my country,, they have destroyed many parts of America,, most farmers will pay a better wage whites will Do the job like we used to.. no more black and latin refugees! Say it with me
That is what is happening for several years.... So why aren’t you starve yourself to death? Why are you still here?
destroyed many parts of America? Compared to you and trump? LOL Trump fucked up this country big time.,

I know 2 farmer owners here in Ca and one in Arizona. Poor whites working at the farm are extremely very rare. When illegals are scared to go to work because of Trump deportation program rotten agricultural products are all over. They offered $16?to 18/hour but not single whites showed up.

Trump is bad for American.We deserves better than this lousy inept incompetent president.
Whites are the strongest race on earth deal with it .. shit hole countries are black and brown.. kick them the F out
This will just be rewritten and another order will be sent this week
They will choose to side against Trump on the next one too. He needs to try though.

BTW, the 3 branches are SUPPOSED TO BE CO-EQUAL. Why are we allowing the SC this much power?


That really has not been the real world interpretation since Marbury V. Madison.

The SCOTUS kind of usurped power that it previously did not have, and the other two branches didn't stop them.
Someone has to be able to review laws and policies to make sure they're not violating the Constitution. If unconstitutional laws are allowed to stand, the Constitution is worthless. It was understood, I think, that the nonpolitical branch, the Judicial, would be the arbiter. Do you think Congress or the President would be a better idea?

While the function of judicial review is not explicitly provided in the Constitution, it had been anticipated before the adoption of that document. Prior to 1789, state courts had already overturned legislative acts which conflicted with state constitutions. Moreover, many of the Founding Fathers expected the Supreme Court to assume this role in regard to the Constitution; Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, for example, had underlined the importance of judicial review in the Federalist Papers, which urged adoption of the Constitution.

Hamilton had written that through the practice of judicial review the Court ensured that the will of the whole people, as expressed in their Constitution, would be supreme over the will of a legislature, whose statutes might express only the temporary will of part of the people. And Madison had written that constitutional interpretation must be left to the reasoned judgment of independent judges, rather than to the tumult and conflict of the political process. If every constitutional question were to be decided by public political bargaining, Madison argued, the Constitution would be reduced to a battleground of competing factions, political passion and partisan spirit.

Despite this background the Court’s power of judicial review was not confirmed until 1803, when it was invoked by Chief Justice John Marshall in Marbury v. Madison. In this decision, the Chief Justice asserted that the Supreme Court's responsibility to overturn unconstitutional legislation was a necessary consequence of its sworn duty to uphold the Constitution. That oath could not be fulfilled any other way. "It is emphatically the province of the judicial department to say what the law is," he declared.
It sounds like the Supreme Court didn't like "Obama wrote it" as the reason for trashing DACA.

“We do not decide whether DACA or its rescission are sound policies,” Roberts wrote. “We address only whether the agency complied with the procedural requirement that it provide a reasoned explanation for its action. Here the agency failed to consider the conspicuous issues of whether to retain forbearance and what, if anything, to do about the hardship to DACA recipients. That dual failure raises doubts about whether the agency appreciated the scope of its discretion or exercised that discretion in a reasonable manner. The appropriate recourse is therefore to remand to DHS so that it may consider the problem anew.”

Obama himself admitted publicly he had no Constitutional authority to affect immigration law - this is the left's 'messiah' who claimed to be a 'Constitutional Scholar'.

He was impatient that his Do-Nothing Democrat Congress failed to pass DACA and warned that if they - Congress - failed to author and pass DACA legislation then HE would make it happen.

There is just 1 problem, one Barry publicly admitted:

The Constitution, and the Separation of Powers, makes it CLEAR the Executive Branch does not author legislation and vote them into law.
- I would say Barry should have watched -School House Rock's to learn how a bill becomes a law ...but he knew. Again, he admitted he did not have the Constitutional authority to make DACA a law....but he did so anyway.

Around the time Roberts and his wife were adopting a foreign baby it was rumored that a hold was put on the ability to do so, that he was blackmailed into going against his record and voting in favor of a bill with the Liberal judges, which he did do.

Ever since then he has ruled and run the court as if Democrats have held his nuts hostage in some locked box.

The fact that Roberts allowed a clearly Un-Constitutional law that even Obama admitted was illegal to remain a law is more evidence that something is extremely unusual with Roberts.

I've already addressed this earlier in the thread. If you care what I have to say, read the thread.
Some immigration experts also believe that the State Dept must now start processing Applications of those who applied for visas under the DACA program.
I wasn't ruled against at all.
They found a loophole and then refused to follow the law due to a technicality in presentation.
They specifically stated that no judgement was authored on the merits of the E.O.

Their decision goes against Trump. Trump is upset about it. And so are all of his followers.



are you 2?
You act as if you are.


Are you upset? You sound like you are.

Not really -
It will help insure a higher turnout for President Trump in November.
I can play a long game.

The majority of people support allowing them to stay.
Majority of people are ignorant.
Only the tRumplings.
Libtards are.
See what I mean? The best you can do is "Nuh uh!"
Bothers you that I am right.
Lmao! No.

You aren't
Another loss for the blobbers.

View attachment 351799

As I always said, the court has a way of moderating itself
It is okay, soon there wont be a country left, and all those Latinos will be heading back to Mexico on their own, because they wont want their shit burned and looted...

Well, that and if the DEms win there won't be an economy here for them to mooch off of. They only come here for the bucks. They don't give two shits about the place, they eventually want to move back to the narco state and retire there or open up businesses. They love a 'culture' that will let them sell their daughters to pimps and porno companies for a couple of goats or a pickup.
Ridiculous garbage hate propaganda super duper. The Trump administration has totally screwed up the pandemic. We need testing tracing PPE and a lot of social distancing until we have a vaccine. What a mess. This Tulsa thing maybe the end of trump. So stupid.....
In his dissent in the SCOTUS DACA case Justice Thomas says The decision is “An effort to avoid a politically controversial but legally correct decision.” :uhoh3::uhoh3:

I agree with him that today's decision "prolong(s) DHS' initial overreach by providing a stopgap measure of its own. In doing so, it has given the green light for political battles to be fought in this Court rather than where they rightfully belong--the political branches."

I'm not sure DACA was "overreach" but it sure is the baliwick of Congress, not the executive branch. Justice Thomas is apparently chomping at the bit to kick DACA to the curb. Eder said "all parties agree" that DACA is unconstitutional. If that's the case, I don't see why they didn't say so. All they've done is delay the inevitable.
Whether DACA is un-Constitutional or not really isn’t the issue.

A given president is at liberty to deport – or not deport – whomever he wishes.

Trump may deport DACA participants provided he follows protocol and procedure – which he failed to do in this case.

Should Biden become president next year he’s at liberty to not deport DACA participants, even if the DACA program is eventually struck down by the courts.

The ultimate blame rests with Congressional Republicans who refuse to enact comprehensive immigration reform – a provision of which would be to codify DACA.
Another loss for the blobbers.

View attachment 351799

As I always said, the court has a way of moderating itself
It is okay, soon there wont be a country left, and all those Latinos will be heading back to Mexico on their own, because they wont want their shit burned and looted...

Well, that and if the DEms win there won't be an economy here for them to mooch off of. They only come here for the bucks. They don't give two shits about the place, they eventually want to move back to the narco state and retire there or open up businesses. They love a 'culture' that will let them sell their daughters to pimps and porno companies for a couple of goats or a pickup.

Ridiculous garbage hate propaganda super duper.

lol you meant to say proven facts.

The Trump administration has totally screwed up the pandemic.

More stupid baseless fake news; he was acting on restricting its spread while your Party hacks were sniveling about his actions and how it was 'all rayciss n stuff toward Asians' and other idiot babbling.

We need testing tracing PPE and a lot of social distancing until we have a vaccine. What a mess. This Tulsa thing maybe the end of trump. So stupid.....

Yes, it is stupid to throw in crap that has nothing to do with this thread, just you simpering and ranting another 'talking point' you know nothing about, because you know you had nothing with the first two.

This will just be rewritten and another order will be sent this week
They will choose to side against Trump on the next one too. He needs to try though.

BTW, the 3 branches are SUPPOSED TO BE CO-EQUAL. Why are we allowing the SC this much power?


That really has not been the real world interpretation since Marbury V. Madison.

The SCOTUS kind of usurped power that it previously did not have, and the other two branches didn't stop them.
Someone has to be able to review laws and policies to make sure they're not violating the Constitution. If unconstitutional laws are allowed to stand, the Constitution is worthless. It was understood, I think, that the nonpolitical branch, the Judicial, would be the arbiter. Do you think Congress or the President would be a better idea?

While the function of judicial review is not explicitly provided in the Constitution, it had been anticipated before the adoption of that document. Prior to 1789, state courts had already overturned legislative acts which conflicted with state constitutions. Moreover, many of the Founding Fathers expected the Supreme Court to assume this role in regard to the Constitution; Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, for example, had underlined the importance of judicial review in the Federalist Papers, which urged adoption of the Constitution.

Hamilton had written that through the practice of judicial review the Court ensured that the will of the whole people, as expressed in their Constitution, would be supreme over the will of a legislature, whose statutes might express only the temporary will of part of the people. And Madison had written that constitutional interpretation must be left to the reasoned judgment of independent judges, rather than to the tumult and conflict of the political process. If every constitutional question were to be decided by public political bargaining, Madison argued, the Constitution would be reduced to a battleground of competing factions, political passion and partisan spirit.

Despite this background the Court’s power of judicial review was not confirmed until 1803, when it was invoked by Chief Justice John Marshall in Marbury v. Madison. In this decision, the Chief Justice asserted that the Supreme Court's responsibility to overturn unconstitutional legislation was a necessary consequence of its sworn duty to uphold the Constitution. That oath could not be fulfilled any other way. "It is emphatically the province of the judicial department to say what the law is," he declared.

And all of that got tossed out the window by Abraham Lincoln and the corrupt Chase Court, folowed by another 30 years of a corrupt Senate appointing more corrupt SC and Federal judges. Hamilton himself believed in total corruption of government, and he got his wish in 1861 with the suspension of the Constitution.

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