This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?
Actually, you have to ask, Where is the law?

If your heart says you should violate the law, does that make it OK to do it?

Generations ago, Congress passed our immigration laws, and the President at the time signed them into law. They said that any foreign national who comes into the country without a visa, should be deported. The law made no exception for very young children.

DACA is a program created by Executive Order by Barack Obama. In doing so, he simply ignored the law. And then violated it. Is this what Presidents should do?

If Obama's heart told him it was bad to deport someone who had been brought into the country illegally by his parents when he was maybe 1 or two years old... why didn't Obama go to Congress (then fully controlled by Democrats), get them to pass a bill changing the immigration laws to allow grown adults who were brought in as young children to stay? Why did he take it upon himself to violate his own oath of office and break the laws passed by Congress instead? If this idea was as popular as the liberals say it is, there should have been no problem getting Congress to change the law... should there?

The reason is, because most Americans didn't want the law changed. And the Congressmen knew they might lose their next election if they changed the law that way, that's why.

Congress has had plenty of time - decades - to change the law. And they have deliberately kept it unchanged.

If your heart says that's not right... have YOU tried to get Congress to change the law? Or are you pretty sure you'd never succeed... because most American people don't want the law changed?

The American way is to have laws passed by our Representatives and signed by the President... and to have them changed by those representatives and signed into different form by the President. And to OBEY them until they are changed.

People who don't want to follow that pattern, should maybe find a different country where they don't do that. Until they do, no, they shouldn't just start letting illegal aliens who were brought here as kids, stay. That would violate the law - a law that America clearly doesn't want changed. Only a small but vocal minority want it differently.

Some anti-Americans would love to see our highest elected officials violate refuse to do their jobs and start violating American law instead. It would be the first step toward tearing down any American law they feel like, and transforming the country into something the American people don't want.

And those anti-Americans know that their best chance of success is to get Americans to say, "Where is your heart?" ....and carefully ignore the more important question, "Do we want our elected officials to obey and enforce the law we made our representatives pass... or not?"
Just as an aside...the argument that they should "go home" and "fix their own damn country" is the ultimate hypocrisy given that most of us descend from those who did NOT do that but fled their "own damn countries" for economic opportunity, political, religious or ethnic persecution...so, let's please shelve this particularly retarded rhetoric.
Just as an aside...the argument that they should "go home" and "fix their own damn country" is the ultimate hypocrisy given that most of us descend from those who did NOT do that but fled their "own damn countries" for economic opportunity, political, religious or ethnic persecution...so, let's please shelve this particularly retarded rhetoric.
You are a Liar.

That should be more clear.

Are you an American citizen and do you financially support Illegals and shelter them in your home?
LaRaza Atzlan and Reconquista just told you to go fuck yourself.

If these kids were allowed a FAIR and EQUAL education....MAYBE.....

But there are brought here not out of compassion....but for VOTES.

THAT is disgusting.

If it were true, you'd have point.

At this point, there is no evidence to support that and it's a red herring.

Those kids don't likely vote and they had no choice yet they are contributing.

As an aside...do you realize that hispanic culture is very conservative?

Still not speaking English...give it another go.
You oppose abortion?
This isn't my thread. I am calling you out. Face the music. You've run your God damn mouth for pages and pages, all "FOR THE CHILDREN"

Put up or shut up

Start a thread on abortion if it suits.

This isn't about abortion.
You have no courage. NONE

It's "For the children" until they are a factor in opposition to your party platform.

Pathetic hypocrite

I don't have a party. I happen to think DACA is a good idea. WHY punish those children? We aren't talking about all illegals. We're talking about a select group brought to the US through no choice of their own. Does that logic escape you?
Answer my question twit. I answered yours in my very first post in this thread yet you've spent pages avoiding mine.

If you're all about "protecting children" who got here because of their parents why do you support the systemic slaughter of millions of babies via abortion?

You won't answer the question because it blows your "for the children" emotional bullshit out the door.
You're a hypocrite using illegal children to push your agenda.
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?
Actually, you have to ask, Where is the law?

If your heart says you should violate the law, does that make it OK to do it?

Generations ago, Congress passed our immigration laws, and the President at the time signed them into law. They said that any foreign national who comes into the country without a visa, should be deported. The law made no exception for very young children.

DACA is a program created by Executive Order by Barack Obama. In doing so, he simply ignored the law. And then violated it. Is this what Presidents should do?

If Obama's heart told him it was bad to deport someone who had been brought into the country illegally by his parents when he was maybe 1 or two years old... why didn't Obama go to Congress (then fully controlled by Democrats), get them to pass a bill changing the immigration laws to allow grown adults who were brought in as young children to stay? Why did he take it upon himself to violate his own oath of office and break the laws passed by Congress instead? If this idea was as popular as the liberals say it is, there should have been no problem getting Congress to change the law... should there?

The reason is, because most Americans didn't want the law changed. And the Congressmen knew they might lose their next election if they changed the law that way, that's why.

Congress has had plenty of time - decades - to change the law. And they have deliberately kept it unchanged.

If your heart says that's not right... have YOU tried to get Congress to change the law? Or are you pretty sure you'd never succeed... because most American people don't want the law changed?

The American way is to have laws passed by our Representatives and signed by the President... and to have them changed by those representatives and signed into different form by the President. And to OBEY them until they are changed.

People who don't want to follow that pattern, should maybe find a different country where they don't do that. Until they do, no, they shouldn't just start letting illegal aliens who were brought here as kids, stay. That would violate the law - a law that America clearly doesn't want changed. Only a small but vocal minority want it differently.

Some anti-Americans would love to see our highest elected officials violate refuse to do their jobs and start violating American law instead. It would be the first step toward tearing down any American law they feel like, and transforming the country into something the American people don't want.

And those anti-Americans know that their best chance of success is to get Americans to say, "Where is your heart?" ....and carefully ignore the more important question, "Do we want our elected officials to obey and enforce the law we made our representatives pass... or not?"

While I don't agree...thank you for providing a decent, thought out argument :)
DACA is currently the law, people! Executive Orders ARE law. Fat Donne Two Scoops can end it or extend it.

And you forget that a sitting president can override the executive orders of previous presidents. Meaning that if he does "end it" that will be the law too.

Will you respect that or support the next lawsuit challenging it?

(I have my two scoops, vanilla flavored, in a cone. Thanks. If you need a means of ID, I'll be the one wearing stilettos.)
My ancestors came here legally and you are full of lying bullshit rhetoric.

No immigrant should get welfare until they have worked 5 years.

Are you an American citizen and do you financially support and give shelter to illegal aliens in your home?

Just as an aside...the argument that they should "go home" and "fix their own damn country" is the ultimate hypocrisy given that most of us descend from those who did NOT do that but fled their "own damn countries" for economic opportunity, political, religious or ethnic persecution...so, let's please shelve this particularly retarded rhetoric.
This isn't my thread. I am calling you out. Face the music. You've run your God damn mouth for pages and pages, all "FOR THE CHILDREN"

Put up or shut up

Start a thread on abortion if it suits.

This isn't about abortion.
You have no courage. NONE

It's "For the children" until they are a factor in opposition to your party platform.

Pathetic hypocrite

I don't have a party. I happen to think DACA is a good idea. WHY punish those children? We aren't talking about all illegals. We're talking about a select group brought to the US through no choice of their own. Does that logic escape you?
Answer my question twit. I answered yours in my very first post in this thread yet you've spent pages avoiding mine.

If you're all about "protecting children" who got here because of their parents why do you support the systemic slaughter of millions of babies via abortion?

You won't answer the question because it blows your "for the children" emotional bullshit out the door.
You're a hypocrite using illegal children to push your agenda.

Oh...I didn't answer quick enough gramps? I'm one and responding to many here.

Abortion is a different argument. Like I said - start a thread on it.

If you oppose abortion then....that would make you a hypocrite here wouldn't it?
This isn't my thread. I am calling you out. Face the music. You've run your God damn mouth for pages and pages, all "FOR THE CHILDREN"

Put up or shut up

Start a thread on abortion if it suits.

This isn't about abortion.
You have no courage. NONE

It's "For the children" until they are a factor in opposition to your party platform.

Pathetic hypocrite

I don't have a party. I happen to think DACA is a good idea. WHY punish those children? We aren't talking about all illegals. We're talking about a select group brought to the US through no choice of their own. Does that logic escape you?
Answer my question twit. I answered yours in my very first post in this thread yet you've spent pages avoiding mine.

If you're all about "protecting children" who got here because of their parents why do you support the systemic slaughter of millions of babies via abortion?

You won't answer the question because it blows your "for the children" emotional bullshit out the door.
You're a hypocrite using illegal children to push your agenda.

Oh...I didn't answer quick enough gramps? I'm one and responding to many here.

Abortion is a different argument. Like I said - start a thread on it.

If you oppose abortion then....that would make you a hypocrite here wouldn't it?
Start a thread on abortion if it suits.

This isn't about abortion.
You have no courage. NONE

It's "For the children" until they are a factor in opposition to your party platform.

Pathetic hypocrite

I don't have a party. I happen to think DACA is a good idea. WHY punish those children? We aren't talking about all illegals. We're talking about a select group brought to the US through no choice of their own. Does that logic escape you?
Answer my question twit. I answered yours in my very first post in this thread yet you've spent pages avoiding mine.

If you're all about "protecting children" who got here because of their parents why do you support the systemic slaughter of millions of babies via abortion?

You won't answer the question because it blows your "for the children" emotional bullshit out the door.
You're a hypocrite using illegal children to push your agenda.

Oh...I didn't answer quick enough gramps? I'm one and responding to many here.

Abortion is a different argument. Like I said - start a thread on it.

If you oppose abortion then....that would make you a hypocrite here wouldn't it?

Answer the question.
So you are saying it's ok for them to profit from their parents criminal enterprises.

If they are working and contributing to America...is that not something?

Or, are you saying they should be punished for their parents misdeeds?

Is that it?
I'm saying this country isn't big enough to allow every single person who wants to immigrate here to immigrate here. I'm saying we are the the nanny of the fucking planet. We restrict immigration to a million a year. Anyone who wants to come here above that number, tough fucking shit. Fix your own damn country.

Who is talking about allowing every single person to immigrate? We are talking about a very small group of people covered under DACA.
If you can't kick them out what right do we have to kick anyone out.
My ancestors came here legally and you are full of lying bmshit rhetoric

Are you an American citizen and do you financially support and give shelter to illegal aliens in your home?

Just as an aside...the argument that they should "go home" and "fix their own damn country" is the ultimate hypocrisy given that most of us descend from those who did NOT do that but fled their "own damn countries" for economic opportunity, political, religious or ethnic persecution...so, let's please shelve this particularly retarded rhetoric.

Who the fuck cares if your ancestors came here "legally"? Why didn't they STAY in their homeland and fight the oppressors or make their country great? That's what you're arguing after all.
While I don't agree...thank you for providing a decent, thought out argument :)
De nada, Senor.

And now I have to ask: Why do you still disagree?

Some anti-Americans would love to see our highest elected officials violate refuse to do their jobs and start violating American law instead. It would be the first step toward tearing down any American law they feel like, and transforming the country into something the American people don't want.

And those anti-Americans know that their best chance of success is to get Americans to say, "Where is your heart?" ....and carefully ignore the more important question, "Do we want our elected officials to obey and enforce the law we made our representatives pass... or not?"
You have no courage. NONE

It's "For the children" until they are a factor in opposition to your party platform.

Pathetic hypocrite

I don't have a party. I happen to think DACA is a good idea. WHY punish those children? We aren't talking about all illegals. We're talking about a select group brought to the US through no choice of their own. Does that logic escape you?
Answer my question twit. I answered yours in my very first post in this thread yet you've spent pages avoiding mine.

If you're all about "protecting children" who got here because of their parents why do you support the systemic slaughter of millions of babies via abortion?

You won't answer the question because it blows your "for the children" emotional bullshit out the door.
You're a hypocrite using illegal children to push your agenda.

Oh...I didn't answer quick enough gramps? I'm one and responding to many here.

Abortion is a different argument. Like I said - start a thread on it.

If you oppose abortion then....that would make you a hypocrite here wouldn't it?

Answer the question.

Sure. I'll answer it. There is a difference between born and unborn.

Now. YOU answer.
Why do you want to punish children for the sins of their parents?
Which is the worst punishment? The children living in ignorance of the law? Having them face an uncertain future with their parents always on the run? Or sending them home with their parents and teaching them a valuable life lesson? Those children are the responsibility of the parent. It is not the government's responsibility.

Do you understand the scope of DACA as it was written by the Obama Admin? From Wiki:

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an American immigration policy founded by the Obama administration in June 2012. DACA allows certain illegal immigrants who entered the country as minors, to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and eligibility for a work permit.

The policy was created after acknowledgment that these illegal students had been largely raised in the United States, and was seen as a way to remove immigration enforcement attention from "low priority" individuals with good behavior.[1] The illegal immigrant student population was rapidly increasing; approximately 65,000 illegal immigrant students graduate from U.S. high schools on a yearly basis.[2]
My ancestors came here legally and you are full of lying bmshit rhetoric

Are you an American citizen and do you financially support and give shelter to illegal aliens in your home?

Just as an aside...the argument that they should "go home" and "fix their own damn country" is the ultimate hypocrisy given that most of us descend from those who did NOT do that but fled their "own damn countries" for economic opportunity, political, religious or ethnic persecution...so, let's please shelve this particularly retarded rhetoric.

Who the fuck cares if your ancestors came here "legally"? Why didn't they STAY in their homeland and fight the oppressors or make their country great? That's what you're arguing after all.
I repeat -->
I don't have a party. I happen to think DACA is a good idea. WHY punish those children? We aren't talking about all illegals. We're talking about a select group brought to the US through no choice of their own. Does that logic escape you?
Answer my question twit. I answered yours in my very first post in this thread yet you've spent pages avoiding mine.

If you're all about "protecting children" who got here because of their parents why do you support the systemic slaughter of millions of babies via abortion?

You won't answer the question because it blows your "for the children" emotional bullshit out the door.
You're a hypocrite using illegal children to push your agenda.

Oh...I didn't answer quick enough gramps? I'm one and responding to many here.

Abortion is a different argument. Like I said - start a thread on it.

If you oppose abortion then....that would make you a hypocrite here wouldn't it?

Answer the question.

Sure. I'll answer it. There is a difference between born and unborn.

Now. YOU answer.
Your right. Liberals can farm body parts for profit off the unborn and votes off the illegals.

That is a big difference.
Are you an American citizen and do you financially support and give shelter to illegal aliens in your home?

Illegal Aliens should be forced to have abortions if they are caught in the US.

Are you an American citizen and do you financially support and give shelter to illegal aliens in your home?

Start a thread on abortion if it suits.

This isn't about abortion.
You have no courage. NONE

It's "For the children" until they are a factor in opposition to your party platform.

Pathetic hypocrite

I don't have a party. I happen to think DACA is a good idea. WHY punish those children? We aren't talking about all illegals. We're talking about a select group brought to the US through no choice of their own. Does that logic escape you?
Answer my question twit. I answered yours in my very first post in this thread yet you've spent pages avoiding mine.

If you're all about "protecting children" who got here because of their parents why do you support the systemic slaughter of millions of babies via abortion?

You won't answer the question because it blows your "for the children" emotional bullshit out the door.
You're a hypocrite using illegal children to push your agenda.

Oh...I didn't answer quick enough gramps? I'm one and responding to many here.

Abortion is a different argument. Like I said - start a thread on it.

If you oppose abortion then....that would make you a hypocrite here wouldn't it?

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