I am so tired of illegal Mexicans using their children as human shields Dreamers? I am dreaming of a time when people stop using children to excuse their flaws.I am a DREAMER too. I dream of a time when people stop abusing the immigration system and acclimate. I dream once a time I had a homeland and it's NOW being stolen away from me. I am not supposed to notice, but, being American and human, I do.
I really feel uncomfortable with unplanned offspring of low IQ criminals invading my country. If Israel began allowing low IQ mutants into their country I might reconsider my position. Ironically Israel politicians, academia, media support this sort of thing in America.
Well, If Hitler had invaded Poland with poor Germans and never intended to acclimate but pressed on and ignored Polish culture, then went on to Czechoslovakia or to France, but let's say Hitler never used stukas but instead used passive aggressive means like ...immigration, instead. Think about it.

We are talking about children.
Children are involved here. What is disgusting is that their parents are using them as pawns.

I don't think so.

They are no different then many parents around the world...including America.

They are trying their best to provide a better future for their children.

Whether you agree or not doesn't change the fact that the children didn't have a choice in the matter.

You don't build that future by trespassing in the rich neighbors house and then denying him the right to kick you the fuck out.

Check out the labor in your region, how many Spanish speaking work in restaurants, pour cement, cut lawns and landscape, paint and do house keeping in motels and hotels.

The crime is not illegal entry into our country, the crime is when they are hired by American's and those who exploit the worker. In doing so they are scofflaws, since they don't pay payroll taxes or carry workers comp.
I am so tired of illegal Mexicans using their children as human shields Dreamers? I am dreaming of a time when people stop using children to excuse their flaws.I am a DREAMER too. I dream of a time when people stop abusing the immigration system and acclimate. I dream once a time I had a homeland and it's NOW being stolen away from me. I am not supposed to notice, but, being American and human, I do.

See post 224 above.
For some reason, NOBODY has replied to this point. That seems to happen a lot in this forum.

Could it be that liberals are afraid to reach the conclusion it presents?
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?
Actually, you have to ask, Where is the law?

If your heart says you should violate the law, does that make it OK to do it?

Generations ago, Congress passed our immigration laws, and the President at the time signed them into law. They said that any foreign national who comes into the country without a visa, should be deported. The law made no exception for very young children.

DACA is a program created by Executive Order by Barack Obama. In doing so, he simply ignored the law. And then violated it. Is this what Presidents should do?

If Obama's heart told him it was bad to deport someone who had been brought into the country illegally by his parents when he was maybe 1 or two years old... why didn't Obama go to Congress (then fully controlled by Democrats), get them to pass a bill changing the immigration laws to allow grown adults who were brought in as young children to stay? Why did he take it upon himself to violate his own oath of office and break the laws passed by Congress instead? If this idea was as popular as the liberals say it is, there should have been no problem getting Congress to change the law... should there?

The reason is, because most Americans didn't want the law changed. And the Congressmen knew they might lose their next election if they changed the law that way, that's why.

Congress has had plenty of time - decades - to change the law. And they have deliberately kept it unchanged.

If your heart says that's not right... have YOU tried to get Congress to change the law? Or are you pretty sure you'd never succeed... because most American people don't want the law changed?

The American way is to have laws passed by our Representatives and signed by the President... and to have them changed by those representatives and signed into different form by the President. And to OBEY them until they are changed.

People who don't want to follow that pattern, should maybe find a different country where they don't do that. Until they do, no, they shouldn't just start letting illegal aliens who were brought here as kids, stay. That would violate the law - a law that America clearly doesn't want changed. Only a small but vocal minority want it differently.

Some anti-Americans would love to see our highest elected officials violate refuse to do their jobs and start violating American law instead. It would be the first step toward tearing down any American law they feel like, and transforming the country into something the American people don't want.

And those anti-Americans know that their best chance of success is to get Americans to say, "Where is your heart?" ....and carefully ignore the more important question, "Do we want our elected officials to obey and enforce the law we made our representatives pass... or not?"
De nada, Senor.
And now I have to ask: Why do you still disagree?
Because, the President's EO was legal
I have already pointed out why it was illegal: Because it was directly contrary to the clear command of longstanding immigration laws.

An EO is only legal if it works to further laws passed by Congress and signed by the President of the time. The DACA EO did exactly the opposite: It contradicted, and thus violated, existing immigration law. In such a case, the EO must yield... in fact, it is illegal.
Ironically, my Hispanic friends in Miami say "DACA DACA DACA", as I might say, "BLAH BLAH BLAH"
I think I'll give my family notice that they have to leave so I can let the kid of a criminal move in so I can take care of them instead
Comprehensive is nothing but code for "hide shit from the American people."

Immigration to this country should be meticulous and difficult. We WANT to make it difficult so that WE can control the riff-raff that exists in the world and keep them from coming here. This is not uncompassionate. It is NOT compassionate to allow just anyone entry.

Now, for the children of illegals. If they were not born here, they leave with their parents, grandparents. If they were born here then a few considerations have to be addressed.

1. Are they minors unable to fend for themselves? If so, they get a social security number with associated documentation, and when they come of age, they can return to their home country; or they become wards of the State.
2. If they are at or above the age of emancipation, then they can remain and work or school themselves into a good life like the rest of us.

Any consideration about 'separating children from parents' will be treated as the crap argument it is. We don't care about separating parents and children when parents commit crimes and go to jail. Treat it the same way.

Finally, to address the 'through no fault of their own' argument.

If a family were to barge into someone's home and began eating the food, abusing the hospitality, running up the bills, you'd kick them out of the house. You would NOT kick out just the adults and allow the kids to remain, would you? Interlopers are interlopers, end of story.

Please refrain from insulting people with this, "Have a heart" specious argument. This is about Americans, where is your heart for them?

So if a "family" barged in you would jail the children with the parents for the same crime?

Talk about "insulting".
I would deport the children along with the parents, period. They have no right to My house.

I don't believe they are entering "your house".

Please, don't be obtuse.

America is our house. Our house has rules. Rules that are meant to be obeyed. We were living here legally long before these people chose to barge in and start raiding the fridge. They violated (whether through will or by accompaniment), our peace and sovereignty by coming here illegally. America is our home, not theirs. If they want to live here, they should ALL obey the rules. Knock on the door first, ask if you can come in, don't just push the person out of the way and make yourself at home. I don't care if you have children or not, I'm not keeping the child out of fear of being being labeled heartless.

America is MY house too. As such, I have as much say as you or anyone else, as to who can be here. Yes?

In my book...children go with their parents. They don't have a choice. They should not be punished for the choices their parents make. I believe that strongly.

If America is YOUR house too, you need to take much better care of it, many of us don't want it to turn in slums, as evidently you do.
I am so tired of illegal Mexicans using their children as human shields Dreamers? I am dreaming of a time when people stop using children to excuse their flaws.I am a DREAMER too. I dream of a time when people stop abusing the immigration system and acclimate. I dream once a time I had a homeland and it's NOW being stolen away from me. I am not supposed to notice, but, being American and human, I do.

See post 224 above.

See this: :asshole:
This bullshit has to end. Birth right citizenship is the right place. But for now I would offer this. If they have applied for citizenship to become legal they get a green card for now. No application they go back.

They had no choice in coming here. They are productive citizens. Does that not count for anything?

Sounds like you have all the demos....what percentage are productive?
The odds say that four in ten will be taxpayer dependent. Many will commit crime and become incarcerated and most will be the root cause of community degradation.
Sound like a win-win for REAL Americans?

Fuck these leeches.

Obama unconstitutionality circumvented our laws not out of compassion but out of political expedience.

Change the laws and let them immigrate legally if you don't like our laws.

I'm tired of paying for other people's Fucking Bleeding Hearts!

Fucking start your own damn charities Lefty and pay for this shit yourself!

How many of these illegals have you hosted in your home or sponsored clothing food and shelter for them for the rest of their lives?

ZERO like ever other mother Fucking Sheep Fucking Liberal!

This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!

Oh. And fuck you too.

What part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been robbing REAL Americans?
I am so tired of illegal Mexicans using their children as human shields Dreamers? I am dreaming of a time when people stop using children to excuse their flaws.I am a DREAMER too. I dream of a time when people stop abusing the immigration system and acclimate. I dream once a time I had a homeland and it's NOW being stolen away from me. I am not supposed to notice, but, being American and human, I do.

See post 224 above.

See this: :asshole:

FU punk.
I am so tired of illegal Mexicans using their children as human shields Dreamers? I am dreaming of a time when people stop using children to excuse their flaws.I am a DREAMER too. I dream of a time when people stop abusing the immigration system and acclimate. I dream once a time I had a homeland and it's NOW being stolen away from me. I am not supposed to notice, but, being American and human, I do.

See post 224 above.

See this: :asshole:

FU punk.

No thanks, idiots aren't my type.
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!

I am so tired of illegal Mexicans using their children as human shields Dreamers? I am dreaming of a time when people stop using children to excuse their flaws.I am a DREAMER too. I dream of a time when people stop abusing the immigration system and acclimate. I dream once a time I had a homeland and it's NOW being stolen away from me. I am not supposed to notice, but, being American and human, I do.

See post 224 above.

See this: :asshole:

FU punk.

Gotta love your DACA kids....THEY'RE SO AWESOME!
Santa Ana man beaten with skateboard, hammer by 2 suspects
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!

obummers circumvention of the laws of this land were abhorrent. That being said, I do agree with you for the most part. I would go through their lives with a fine toothed comb, and if they have been good members of society I would grant them citizenship outright. The slightest blemish and they get a path to citizenship. The slightest criminal behavior and they are gone.

Correct: case by case. Proof. When? Where? How? Why? Vacinations? how long? Life History etc. You can't take a dog from shelter unless chipped, tagged, shots, checkup.....did these illegals pay taxes? Any on welfare or phony SSID go back, cut off. In jail now? Go back. Keep good ones only if you must keep any.

Illegal parents go back? Proven Clean older kids could stay?

Problem is those still of minor age. In that case I offer chemical castration or sterilize both guardian/parents.......they can remain on-watch until "dreamer" is 18. Then they apply. If working, crime-free? Possibly keepers. Cannot vote, must buy car insurance if DL has been granted. Mark them, carry papers. Probation. Rights must be earned.

If they got here in the back of Semi.....go back in Semi. Done.
It's weird that so many blacks care more about bringing in illegal immigrants than preventing the murders of their brothers and sisters and children in places like Chicago and Detroit.

Why is that?
I am so tired of illegal Mexicans using their children as human shields Dreamers? I am dreaming of a time when people stop using children to excuse their flaws.I am a DREAMER too. I dream of a time when people stop abusing the immigration system and acclimate. I dream once a time I had a homeland and it's NOW being stolen away from me. I am not supposed to notice, but, being American and human, I do.

See post 224 above.

See this: :asshole:

FU punk.

No thanks, idiots aren't my type.

Clever [sarcasm alert]; your posts suggest nothing more than the ranting of a punk. In the infamous words of the dick cheney, "go fuck yourself".
Illegals are potential democratic voters.

If the illegal immigrants happened to vote Republican, the Progs would have that border sealed shut and vilify Republicans for stealing American jobs for the evil corporations.
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