I am so tired of illegal Mexicans using their children as human shields Dreamers? I am dreaming of a time when people stop using children to excuse their flaws.I am a DREAMER too. I dream of a time when people stop abusing the immigration system and acclimate. I dream once a time I had a homeland and it's NOW being stolen away from me. I am not supposed to notice, but, being American and human, I do.

See post 224 above.

See this: :asshole:

FU punk.

No thanks, idiots aren't my type.

Clever [sarcasm alert]; your posts suggest nothing more than the ranting of a punk. In the infamous words of the dick cheney, "go fuck yourself".

Oooooo, quite the vocabulary you have there, you must be a liberal.
We have laws. Those laws should be followed.

It's simple.

Why doesn't Congress vote on DACA? Who is stopping a vote?

Clever [sarcasm alert]; your posts suggest nothing more than the ranting of a punk. In the infamous words of the dick cheney, "go fuck yourself".

Oooooo, quite the vocabulary you have there, you must be a liberal.

You're a piece of shit, you must be a Trumpanzee.
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!
No. The reality is that they are not as "American as you, or I"... And no. They are not "the kind of people that define what is to be American." I'll reserve that right for myself as an ACTUAL American, thank you very much. and if they are filling even one job; that's a job that rightly belongs to one of my people. Not Mexico's.
As for the vitriole...? It isn't toward them on an individual, personal level. Its toward each inch of this encroachment upon our soveriegnty, that has added up to miles. To the tune of billions of dollars. The bullshit has to end sometime. And we have to start somewhere. Here, and now; is as good, a time, and place as any.
As for their feelings... I frankly don't give a shit. They've been living off of the stolen good graces of my people for years, using up my people's resources for their own benefit. I'll feel as guilty watching them leave, as they did coming in, and deciding to stay...
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!
No. The reality is that they are not as "American as you, or I"... And no. They are not "the kind of people that define what is to be American." I'll reserve that right for myself as an ACTUAL American, thank you very much. and if they are filling even one job; that's a job that rightly belongs to one of my people. Not Mexico's.
As for the vitriole...? It isn't toward them on an individual, personal level. Its toward each inch of this encroachment upon our soveriegnty, that has added up to miles. To the tune of billions of dollars. The bullshit has to end sometime. And we have to start somewhere. Here, and now; is as good, a time, and place as any.
As for their feelings... I frankly don't give a shit. They've been living off of the stolen good graces of my people for years, using up my people's resources for their own benefit. I'll feel as guilty watching them leave, as they did coming in, and deciding to stay...

It takes a black heart and a callous conservative ^^^ lacking empathy to post this sort of hate.
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!
No. The reality is that they are not as "American as you, or I"... And no. They are not "the kind of people that define what is to be American." I'll reserve that right for myself as an ACTUAL American, thank you very much. and if they are filling even one job; that's a job that rightly belongs to one of my people. Not Mexico's.
As for the vitriole...? It isn't toward them on an individual, personal level. Its toward each inch of this encroachment upon our soveriegnty, that has added up to miles. To the tune of billions of dollars. The bullshit has to end sometime. And we have to start somewhere. Here, and now; is as good, a time, and place as any.
As for their feelings... I frankly don't give a shit. They've been living off of the stolen good graces of my people for years, using up my people's resources for their own benefit. I'll feel as guilty watching them leave, as they did coming in, and deciding to stay...

It takes a black heart and a callous conservative ^^^ lacking empathy to post this sort of hate.
There is no hate. Rather, there is love.
This bullshit has to end. Birth right citizenship is the right place. But for now I would offer this. If they have applied for citizenship to become legal they get a green card for now. No application they go back.
This is ignorant and makes no sense, typical of most on the right.

One is not required to ‘apply for citizenship’ to ‘become legal.’

There are millions of LPRAs who are in the US legally and who have not applied for citizenship.

Indeed, the unwarranted conservative hostility toward undocumented immigrants brought to the US as children is preventing them from obtaining a legal status.
Fuck these leeches.

Obama unconstitutionality circumvented our laws not out of compassion but out of political expedience.

Change the laws and let them immigrate legally if you don't like our laws.

I'm tired of paying for other people's Fucking Bleeding Hearts!

Fucking start your own damn charities Lefty and pay for this shit yourself!

How many of these illegals have you hosted in your home or sponsored clothing food and shelter for them for the rest of their lives?

ZERO like ever other mother Fucking Sheep Fucking Liberal!

This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!
More ignorance, hate, and stupidity – common to most on the reprehensible right.

Those participating in the DACA program were brought to the US legally as minor children, many as infants or only a few years old.

They subsequently lost their legal status through no fault of their own, when their parents failed to take the appropriate action.

Most participating in the DACA program have never returned to their birth country, do not speak the language, and have no way of surviving in their birth country.

The rightwing notion of forcing them to return to what is for DACA participants an alien culture is wrong and hateful – that is not who we are as a people, we are better than that.
This bullshit has to end. Birth right citizenship is the right place. But for now I would offer this. If they have applied for citizenship to become legal they get a green card for now. No application they go back.
This is ignorant and makes no sense, typical of most on the right.

One is not required to ‘apply for citizenship’ to ‘become legal.’

There are millions of LPRAs who are in the US legally and who have not applied for citizenship.

Indeed, the unwarranted conservative hostility toward undocumented immigrants brought to the US as children is preventing them from obtaining a legal status.
You're an idiot. Those people aren't trying to become citizens. The illegals want all the benefits of citizenship without doing it legally, they just want it handed to them. Fuck them,
Fuck these leeches.

Obama unconstitutionality circumvented our laws not out of compassion but out of political expedience.

Change the laws and let them immigrate legally if you don't like our laws.

I'm tired of paying for other people's Fucking Bleeding Hearts!

Fucking start your own damn charities Lefty and pay for this shit yourself!

How many of these illegals have you hosted in your home or sponsored clothing food and shelter for them for the rest of their lives?

ZERO like ever other mother Fucking Sheep Fucking Liberal!

This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!
More ignorance, hate, and stupidity – common to most on the reprehensible right.

Those participating in the DACA program were brought to the US legally as minor children, many as infants or only a few years old.

They subsequently lost their legal status through no fault of their own, when their parents failed to take the appropriate action.

Most participating in the DACA program have never returned to their birth country, do not speak the language, and have no way of surviving in their birth country.

The rightwing notion of forcing them to return to what is for DACA participants an alien culture is wrong and hateful – that is not who we are as a people, we are better than that.
The moment their parents were illegally here they were illegally here. And have done nothing to correct it. Every fucking one of them speaks their home language it's damn near all they speak at home so that excuse is bullshit. They'll be fine in their birth country. Take the flag they wave protesting shit here or cheering for their soccer team and enjoy home.
De nada, Senor.
And now I have to ask: Why do you still disagree?
Because, the President's EO was legal
I have already pointed out why it was illegal: Because it was directly contrary to the clear command of longstanding immigration laws.

An EO is only legal if it works to further laws passed by Congress and signed by the President of the time. The DACA EO did exactly the opposite: It contradicted, and thus violated, existing immigration law. In such a case, the EO must yield... in fact, it is illegal.
Just for kicks and giggles - might be fun to read the eligibility requirements.

Something here for all.... (except those who want immediate, mass deportations)
a. Does not grant citizenship, or even a pathway
b. does not include babies or toddlers (minimum age 15, under 31 on 6/15/12), and arrival in US before 2007
c. does not grant tax payer funded benefits
d. requires a clean record and enrollment in or graduation from HS
e. requires a fee of $495
f. does give a temp. work permit
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals - Wikipedia

All told, this is just a great big plastic political campaign flower - looks great from a distance, but when you lean in close to take a whiff...
These were not people targeted for deportation anyway...in fact, at least 18 states offer instate college tuition rates to undocumented students...some have for years.

These are kids who've been in the public school system for at least 5 years. Known to authorities. It is unlikely the parents paid taxes greater than the annual cost of education for even one child.

The xo has a built in expiration date. So no, we do not need comprehensive immigration reform, we need comprehensive immigration enforcement...when that's under control we can begin the discussion of citizenship pathways, or not, for those here illegally.

It may mean the good folks of California will have to pay a higher price for almonds, and higher wages to their field and household help. :dunno:

ps I don't like the self serving way Obama handled this, I don't like much about the way Obama handled anything - but, this is only one of many landmines he set in his wake, and it either needs to expire on its own, or let Congress handle it as a stand alone bill.
This bullshit has to end. Birth right citizenship is the right place. But for now I would offer this. If they have applied for citizenship to become legal they get a green card for now. No application they go back.
This is ignorant and makes no sense, typical of most on the right.

One is not required to ‘apply for citizenship’ to ‘become legal.’

There are millions of LPRAs who are in the US legally and who have not applied for citizenship.

Indeed, the unwarranted conservative hostility toward undocumented immigrants brought to the US as children is preventing them from obtaining a legal status.
You're an idiot. Those people aren't trying to become citizens. The illegals want all the benefits of citizenship without doing it legally, they just want it handed to them. Fuck them,

You're wrong. I think those who are DACA recipients DO want to become citizens if there were a reasonable way to do so other than going back to a country they have no memory of. They are as American as you and I, and invested in this country.
This bullshit has to end. Birth right citizenship is the right place. But for now I would offer this. If they have applied for citizenship to become legal they get a green card for now. No application they go back.
This is ignorant and makes no sense, typical of most on the right.

One is not required to ‘apply for citizenship’ to ‘become legal.’

There are millions of LPRAs who are in the US legally and who have not applied for citizenship.

Indeed, the unwarranted conservative hostility toward undocumented immigrants brought to the US as children is preventing them from obtaining a legal status.
You're an idiot. Those people aren't trying to become citizens. The illegals want all the benefits of citizenship without doing it legally, they just want it handed to them. Fuck them,

You're wrong. I think those who are DACA recipients DO want to become citizens if there were a reasonable way to do so other than going back to a country they have no memory of. They are as American as you and I, and invested in this country.
Going back to their native country, and applying, like everyone else is supposed to, is perfectly reasonable.
This bullshit has to end. Birth right citizenship is the right place. But for now I would offer this. If they have applied for citizenship to become legal they get a green card for now. No application they go back.
This is ignorant and makes no sense, typical of most on the right.

One is not required to ‘apply for citizenship’ to ‘become legal.’

There are millions of LPRAs who are in the US legally and who have not applied for citizenship.

Indeed, the unwarranted conservative hostility toward undocumented immigrants brought to the US as children is preventing them from obtaining a legal status.
You're an idiot. Those people aren't trying to become citizens. The illegals want all the benefits of citizenship without doing it legally, they just want it handed to them. Fuck them,

You're wrong. I think those who are DACA recipients DO want to become citizens if there were a reasonable way to do so other than going back to a country they have no memory of. They are as American as you and I, and invested in this country.
And no... They are not as American as you, or I; and that won't change no matter how many times you repeat it.
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!

Please excuse me while my heart doesn't bleed, ok?

Illegals take food off the table of American families. Often while collecting food stamps.

(yeah yeah, it's something else now, yadda, yadda.)
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!

Please excuse me while my heart doesn't bleed, ok?

Illegals take food off the table of American families. Often while collecting food stamps.

(yeah yeah, it's something else now, yadda, yadda.)

These DACA recipients are taking food off your table? Collecting food stamps?
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!

Please excuse me while my heart doesn't bleed, ok?

Illegals take food off the table of American families. Often while collecting food stamps.

(yeah yeah, it's something else now, yadda, yadda.)

These DACA recipients are taking food off your table? Collecting food stamps?

You think they're not? They are, sorry.

Their parents feeding them with food stamps counts too. ;)
DACA represents a small portion of illegal immigrants overall. It's kids who had no choice but to come over. More, it's the "best of them" - those employed, in higher education, in the military.

It's a small group. Because of that, it's hard not to see the opposition to it as anything but hateful. Honestly - who does it hurt to make this particular exception?

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