So start a thread on abortion.
Fuck that. You CLAIM this is "about the children" so put your money where your mouth is or stfu

You oppose abortion?
This isn't my thread. I am calling you out. Face the music. You've run your God damn mouth for pages and pages, all "FOR THE CHILDREN"

Put up or shut up

Start a thread on abortion if it suits.

This isn't about abortion.
You have no courage. NONE

It's "For the children" until they are a factor in opposition to your party platform.

Pathetic hypocrite

I don't have a party. I happen to think DACA is a good idea. WHY punish those children? We aren't talking about all illegals. We're talking about a select group brought to the US through no choice of their own. Does that logic escape you?
I wish I could join the convo...but unfortunately, I am biased due to recent events in my life.
Well, If Hitler had invaded Poland with poor Germans and never intended to acclimate but pressed on and ignored Polish culture, then went on to Czechoslovakia or to France, but let's say Hitler never used stukas but instead used passive aggressive means like ...immigration, instead. Think about it.

We are talking about children.
Children are involved here. What is disgusting is that their parents are using them as pawns.

I don't think so.

They are no different then many parents around the world...including America.

They are trying their best to provide a better future for their children.

Whether you agree or not doesn't change the fact that the children didn't have a choice in the matter.
You don't build that future by trespassing in the rich neighbors house and then denying him the right to kick you the fuck out.

Send them back to Mexico and let them apply for legal entrance in to The US and No Welfare for the 1st 5 years for any immigrant.

This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!

obummers circumvention of the laws of this land were abhorrent. That being said, I do agree with you for the most part. I would go through their lives with a fine toothed comb, and if they have been good members of society I would grant them citizenship outright. The slightest blemish and they get a path to citizenship. The slightest criminal behavior and they are gone.
Yoirnbiuse bitch, not mine.

I asked you how many snot nosed welfare leaches. Are you harboring in your home?

How many Illegals are you supporting in your home with your own money you damn Hypocrite!
You don't own America.
I don't have to. The laws are clear and specific. I also have as much right as anyone to stand up and be heard. They are law breakers and are taking away from America. I'll side with America over them.

I side with America.
Yet you don't. You side with invaders.


Ya...those damn 3 yr olds invading your house.

Do you speak English?
That if (speaking as the child) my mom and dad can get away with breaking the law, so can I.

???? If your mom robbed a bank, and you were in a car seat in the gettaway car...are you culpable?
Why do you insist on asking the most juvenile fucking questions?

If mom steals food from the local store to feed her child is the child allowed to keep the food?

Use your fucking brain for once. We have laws. Laws do not operate based on the emotional strings of the witless

Is the child culpable?

It's a BASIC question.

Not to mention are you seriously going to take food from the child?

You have accused others in this thread of being heartless, but with all due respect, Coyote, what I find heartless is using children as a tool to advance an agenda. It tells me that you, or anyone of like mind, lack a convincing argument of your own as to why we should keep them here with their parents. Never will you consider the legal and moral ramifications, just the emotional ones. That makes for quite the paltry argument.

How is it using them as a "tool"? Be specific.

In my mind they had NO CHOICE in coming here. They were raised here, in this culture and are as American as you or I.

Why NOT let them stay? And - HOW is THAT "using them as a tool"?
Let them stay here thats announcing to the world, bring us your underage children and we'll turn them into Americans because we aren't heartless. Bring all those welfare urchins here and make it impossible for poor Americans to survive.
Fuck that. You CLAIM this is "about the children" so put your money where your mouth is or stfu

You oppose abortion?
This isn't my thread. I am calling you out. Face the music. You've run your God damn mouth for pages and pages, all "FOR THE CHILDREN"

Put up or shut up

Start a thread on abortion if it suits.

This isn't about abortion.
You have no courage. NONE

It's "For the children" until they are a factor in opposition to your party platform.

Pathetic hypocrite

I don't have a party. I happen to think DACA is a good idea. WHY punish those children? We aren't talking about all illegals. We're talking about a select group brought to the US through no choice of their own. Does that logic escape you?
Answer my question twit. I answered yours in my very first post in this thread yet you've spent pages avoiding mine.

If you're all about "protecting children" who got here because of their parents why do you support the systemic slaughter of millions of babies via abortion?

You won't answer the question because it blows your "for the children" emotional bullshit out the door.
You're a hypocrite using illegal children to push your agenda.
Comprehensive is nothing but code for "hide shit from the American people."

Immigration to this country should be meticulous and difficult. We WANT to make it difficult so that WE can control the riff-raff that exists in the world and keep them from coming here. This is not uncompassionate. It is NOT compassionate to allow just anyone entry.

Now, for the children of illegals. If they were not born here, they leave with their parents, grandparents. If they were born here then a few considerations have to be addressed.

1. Are they minors unable to fend for themselves? If so, they get a social security number with associated documentation, and when they come of age, they can return to their home country; or they become wards of the State.
2. If they are at or above the age of emancipation, then they can remain and work or school themselves into a good life like the rest of us.

Any consideration about 'separating children from parents' will be treated as the crap argument it is. We don't care about separating parents and children when parents commit crimes and go to jail. Treat it the same way.

Finally, to address the 'through no fault of their own' argument.

If a family were to barge into someone's home and began eating the food, abusing the hospitality, running up the bills, you'd kick them out of the house. You would NOT kick out just the adults and allow the kids to remain, would you? Interlopers are interlopers, end of story.

Please refrain from insulting people with this, "Have a heart" specious argument. This is about Americans, where is your heart for them?

So if a "family" barged in you would jail the children with the parents for the same crime?

Talk about "insulting".
I would deport the children along with the parents, period. They have no right to My house.

I don't believe they are entering "your house".

Please, don't be obtuse.

America is our house. Our house has rules. Rules that are meant to be obeyed. We were living here legally long before these people chose to barge in and start raiding the fridge. They violated (whether through will or by accompaniment), our peace and sovereignty by coming here illegally. America is our home, not theirs. If they want to live here, they should ALL obey the rules. Knock on the door first, ask if you can come in, don't just push the person out of the way and make yourself at home. I don't care if you have children or not, I'm not keeping the child out of fear of being being labeled heartless.

America is MY house too. As such, I have as much say as you or anyone else, as to who can be here. Yes?

In my book...children go with their parents. They don't have a choice. They should not be punished for the choices their parents make. I believe that strongly.
It is not a punishment to send them back home.
LaRaza Atzlan and Reconquista just told you to go fuck yourself.

If these kids were allowed a FAIR and EQUAL education....MAYBE.....

But there are brought here not out of compassion....but for VOTES.

THAT is disgusting.

If it were true, you'd have point.

At this point, there is no evidence to support that and it's a red herring.

Those kids don't likely vote and they had no choice yet they are contributing.

As an aside...do you realize that hispanic culture is very conservative?
America is MY house too. As such, I have as much say as you or anyone else, as to who can be here. Yes?

No. Neither one of us gets to dictate who or what comes or goes. We elected a congress to do that job for us. Thus far, our congress has made it illegal for people to come here without applying for citizenship or giving a valid reason for being here.

Why elect congressmen and senators if we aren't willing to obey the laws they pass on our behalf? Especially ones that are intended to protect us?

Congress NEEDS to address comprehensive immigration reform.

The only reason DACA was innacted (and, it was legal, has not been overturned in the courts) was because they were in such a partisan knicker-knot they WOULDnT.
LaRaza Atzlan and Reconquista just told you to go fuck yourself.

If these kids were allowed a FAIR and EQUAL education....MAYBE.....

But there are brought here not out of compassion....but for VOTES.

THAT is disgusting.

If it were true, you'd have point.

At this point, there is no evidence to support that and it's a red herring.

Those kids don't likely vote and they had no choice yet they are contributing.

As an aside...do you realize that hispanic culture is very conservative?

Still not speaking English...give it another go.
So you are saying it's ok for them to profit from their parents criminal enterprises.

If they are working and contributing to America...is that not something?

Or, are you saying they should be punished for their parents misdeeds?

Is that it?
I'm saying this country isn't big enough to allow every single person who wants to immigrate here to immigrate here. I'm saying we are the the nanny of the fucking planet. We restrict immigration to a million a year. Anyone who wants to come here above that number, tough fucking shit. Fix your own damn country.

Who is talking about allowing every single person to immigrate? We are talking about a very small group of people covered under DACA.
Have you tried to stop The Nazi Eugenics of Planned Parenthood? You know.. For The Unborn Children?
I dream that these 3rd world countries will have their own schools

Many do. Do you support them...or just dream?
They can't do it themselves?

When you're in a country where the Taliban destroys schools and murders schoogirls for having the audacity to want an education...or a country over run by gang and drug violence to the point where law is meaningless...maybe not.

Have you tried? I mean..it's simple right?
Fuck that. You CLAIM this is "about the children" so put your money where your mouth is or stfu

You oppose abortion?
This isn't my thread. I am calling you out. Face the music. You've run your God damn mouth for pages and pages, all "FOR THE CHILDREN"

Put up or shut up

Start a thread on abortion if it suits.

This isn't about abortion.
You have no courage. NONE

It's "For the children" until they are a factor in opposition to your party platform.

Pathetic hypocrite

I don't have a party. I happen to think DACA is a good idea. WHY punish those children? We aren't talking about all illegals. We're talking about a select group brought to the US through no choice of their own. Does that logic escape you?
It's not punishment to make them go home.
I wish I could join the convo...but unfortunately, I am biased due to recent events in my life.

That might be what this conversation needs. A fresh perspective. If you have experienced this in any way, your judgement is more valuable than mine or Coyote's or anyone else's.

Share, or don't. It's your choice, by all means.

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