This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!
Comprehensive is nothing but code for "hide shit from the American people."

Immigration to this country should be meticulous and difficult. We WANT to make it difficult so that WE can control the riff-raff that exists in the world and keep them from coming here. This is not uncompassionate. It is NOT compassionate to allow just anyone entry.

Now, for the children of illegals. If they were not born here, they leave with their parents, grandparents. If they were born here then a few considerations have to be addressed.

1. Are they minors unable to fend for themselves? If so, they get a social security number with associated documentation, and when they come of age, they can return to their home country; or they become wards of the State.
2. If they are at or above the age of emancipation, then they can remain and work or school themselves into a good life like the rest of us.

Any consideration about 'separating children from parents' will be treated as the crap argument it is. We don't care about separating parents and children when parents commit crimes and go to jail. Treat it the same way.

Finally, to address the 'through no fault of their own' argument.

If a family were to barge into someone's home and began eating the food, abusing the hospitality, running up the bills, you'd kick them out of the house. You would NOT kick out just the adults and allow the kids to remain, would you? Interlopers are interlopers, end of story.

Please refrain from insulting people with this, "Have a heart" specious argument. This is about Americans, where is your heart for them?

So if a "family" barged in you would jail the children with the parents for the same crime?

Talk about "insulting".
I would deport the children along with the parents, period. They have no right to My house.

I don't believe they are entering "your house".

Please, don't be obtuse.

America is our house. Our house has rules. Rules that are meant to be obeyed. We were living here legally long before these people chose to barge in and start raiding the fridge. They violated (whether through will or by accompaniment), our peace and sovereignty by coming here illegally. America is our home, not theirs. If they want to live here, they should ALL obey the rules. Knock on the door first, ask if you can come in, don't just push the person out of the way and make yourself at home. I don't care if you have children or not, I'm not keeping the child out of fear of being being labeled heartless. The child goes with you. It isn't your place to impose the responsibility of that child on me or my family.
The legal argument is simple: children are not culpable for the crimes of their parents.
So stop aborting them hypicrite

So start a thread on abortion.
Fuck that. You CLAIM this is "about the children" so put your money where your mouth is or stfu

You oppose abortion?
This isn't my thread. I am calling you out. Face the music. You've run your God damn mouth for pages and pages, all "FOR THE CHILDREN"

Put up or shut up
I would deport the children along with the parents, period. They have no right to My house.

I don't believe they are entering "your house".
Yes, they are. They have barged in, uninvited and against all the rules, and made themselves at home. They are NOT welcome.

You don't own America.
I don't have to. The laws are clear and specific. I also have as much right as anyone to stand up and be heard. They are law breakers and are taking away from America. I'll side with America over them.

I side with America.
Yet you don't. You side with invaders.

You take your own damn ratty wallet and harbor Illegals in your own home asshole, but you won't will you? You'd rather hide them in a sweat shop making your clothes.

Besides that it's a 10 year sentence for harboring Illegals. Get your head out of your ass!

How many Illegals are you supporting in your own home with your own money or STFU!
Fuck these leeches.

Obama unconstitutionality circumvented our laws.

Change the laws and let the immigrate legally. I'm tires of paying for other people's Hearts!

Fucking start your own damn charities Lefty and pay for this shit yourself!

OT...what makes them "leaches"?


Ok. So you post a retarded meme.

Can you put it into your own words? Why not let them stay - they are working or pursuing education or in the military...they don't seem to be in that "freebie" category do they?

Which ones would you like to stay, those pursuing an education, those in the military, those sitting it out in prison, maybe even those that are in MS13 or some other neighborhood boys club.

I thought I was clear on that...but, since I wasn't - let me put it this way.

If illegal immigrants commit a violent crime, I'm all for deportation.
Interesting that so many hold highly paid jobs and that so many serve in the military. I doubt pino trump is struggling with this at all. OTOH, we've seen that whomever talks to him last is the one he listens to.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!
Comprehensive is nothing but code for "hide shit from the American people."

Immigration to this country should be meticulous and difficult. We WANT to make it difficult so that WE can control the riff-raff that exists in the world and keep them from coming here. This is not uncompassionate. It is NOT compassionate to allow just anyone entry.

Now, for the children of illegals. If they were not born here, they leave with their parents, grandparents. If they were born here then a few considerations have to be addressed.

1. Are they minors unable to fend for themselves? If so, they get a social security number with associated documentation, and when they come of age, they can return to their home country; or they become wards of the State.
2. If they are at or above the age of emancipation, then they can remain and work or school themselves into a good life like the rest of us.

Any consideration about 'separating children from parents' will be treated as the crap argument it is. We don't care about separating parents and children when parents commit crimes and go to jail. Treat it the same way.

Finally, to address the 'through no fault of their own' argument.

If a family were to barge into someone's home and began eating the food, abusing the hospitality, running up the bills, you'd kick them out of the house. You would NOT kick out just the adults and allow the kids to remain, would you? Interlopers are interlopers, end of story.

Please refrain from insulting people with this, "Have a heart" specious argument. This is about Americans, where is your heart for them?

So if a "family" barged in you would jail the children with the parents for the same crime?

Talk about "insulting".
I would deport the children along with the parents, period. They have no right to My house.

I don't believe they are entering "your house".

Please, don't be obtuse.

America is our house. Our house has rules. Rules that are meant to be obeyed. We were living here legally long before these people chose to barge in and start raiding the fridge. They violated (whether through will or by accompaniment), our peace and sovereignty by coming here illegally. America is our home, not theirs. If they want to live here, they should ALL obey the rules. Knock on the door first, ask if you can come in, don't just push the person out of the way and make yourself at home. I don't care if you have children or not, I'm not keeping the child out of fear of being being labeled heartless.

America is MY house too. As such, I have as much say as you or anyone else, as to who can be here. Yes?

In my book...children go with their parents. They don't have a choice. They should not be punished for the choices their parents make. I believe that strongly.
These wetback babies, these so called "dreamers" they are just pawns. Their parents are at fault here for this, not immigration law. They could just have easily adhered to immigration rules than ignore them. So please, spare me the alligator tears, their parents are at fault here , not immigration laws.
You take your own damn ratty wallet and harbor Illegals in your own home asshole, but you won't will you? You'd rather hide them in a sweat shop making your clothes.

Besides that it's a 10 year sentence for harboring Illegals. Get your head out of your ass!

How many Illegals are you supporting in your own home with your own money or STFU!
OT...what makes them "leaches"?


Ok. So you post a retarded meme.

Can you put it into your own words? Why not let them stay - they are working or pursuing education or in the military...they don't seem to be in that "freebie" category do they?

Which ones would you like to stay, those pursuing an education, those in the military, those sitting it out in prison, maybe even those that are in MS13 or some other neighborhood boys club.

I thought I was clear on that...but, since I wasn't - let me put it this way.

If illegal immigrants commit a violent crime, I'm all for deportation.

Oh bugger off.
The legal argument is simple: children are not culpable for the crimes of their parents.
So stop aborting them hypicrite

So start a thread on abortion.
Fuck that. You CLAIM this is "about the children" so put your money where your mouth is or stfu

You oppose abortion?
This isn't my thread. I am calling you out. Face the music. You've run your God damn mouth for pages and pages, all "FOR THE CHILDREN"

Put up or shut up

Start a thread on abortion if it suits.

This isn't about abortion.
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!
My heart is with American taxpayers not illegal aliens.
I don't believe they are entering "your house".
Yes, they are. They have barged in, uninvited and against all the rules, and made themselves at home. They are NOT welcome.

You don't own America.
I don't have to. The laws are clear and specific. I also have as much right as anyone to stand up and be heard. They are law breakers and are taking away from America. I'll side with America over them.

I side with America.
Yet you don't. You side with invaders.


Ya...those damn 3 yr olds invading your house.
Liberals always with The Buggery!

How many fucking Illegals are you supporting right now in your home with your own money?

Are you an American Citizen? And are you employed?
You take your own damn ratty wallet and harbor Illegals in your own home asshole, but you won't will you? You'd rather hide them in a sweat shop making your clothes.

Besides that it's a 10 year sentence for harboring Illegals. Get your head out of your ass!

How many Illegals are you supporting in your own home with your own money or STFU!

Ok. So you post a retarded meme.

Can you put it into your own words? Why not let them stay - they are working or pursuing education or in the military...they don't seem to be in that "freebie" category do they?

Which ones would you like to stay, those pursuing an education, those in the military, those sitting it out in prison, maybe even those that are in MS13 or some other neighborhood boys club.

I thought I was clear on that...but, since I wasn't - let me put it this way.

If illegal immigrants commit a violent crime, I'm all for deportation.

Oh bugger off.
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!

Personally I want the rule of law to prevail. All these stories about these folks being go getters and being fully assimilated is BS. I saw a "dreamer" interviewed on the news today, she's been in the country more than 20 years, was being interviewed by an English speaker, she spoke in Spanish and used an interpreter.

I'd like to see every damn one of them deported, then the ones that can prove they've gone to school, properly assimilated and have no gang tats, give them and them only, not their parents or anyone else, an expedited green card and a path to citizenship.

I don't see anyway the courts would allow letting stay permanently without a path to citizenship, that would create a two tiered immigration system.

So stop aborting them hypicrite

So start a thread on abortion.
Fuck that. You CLAIM this is "about the children" so put your money where your mouth is or stfu

You oppose abortion?
This isn't my thread. I am calling you out. Face the music. You've run your God damn mouth for pages and pages, all "FOR THE CHILDREN"

Put up or shut up

Start a thread on abortion if it suits.

This isn't about abortion.
You have no courage. NONE

It's "For the children" until they are a factor in opposition to your party platform.

Pathetic hypocrite
It's horrendous that we would even consider dumping young people off in a country where many do not speak the language, may not have family who would know them, no job, no money, no home.

Where is the so-called compassionate christian?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
America is MY house too. As such, I have as much say as you or anyone else, as to who can be here. Yes?

No. Neither one of us gets to dictate who or what comes or goes. We elected a congress to do that job for us. Thus far, our congress has made it illegal for people to come here without applying for citizenship or giving a valid reason for being here.

Why elect congressmen and senators if we aren't willing to obey the laws they pass on our behalf? Especially ones that are intended to protect us?
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!

obummers circumvention of the laws of this land were abhorrent. That being said, I do agree with you for the most part. I would go through their lives with a fine toothed comb, and if they have been good members of society I would grant them citizenship outright. The slightest blemish and they get a path to citizenship. The slightest criminal behavior and they are gone.
So you are saying it's ok for them to profit from their parents criminal enterprises.

If they are working and contributing to America...is that not something?

Or, are you saying they should be punished for their parents misdeeds?

Is that it?
I'm saying this country isn't big enough to allow every single person who wants to immigrate here to immigrate here. I'm saying we are not the the nanny of the fucking planet. We restrict immigration to a million a year. Anyone who wants to come here above that number, tough fucking shit. Fix your own damn country.
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Your house bitch, not mine.

I asked you how many snot nosed welfare leaches. Are you harboring in your home?

How many Illegals are you supporting in your home with your own money you damn Hypocrite!
Yes, they are. They have barged in, uninvited and against all the rules, and made themselves at home. They are NOT welcome.

You don't own America.
I don't have to. The laws are clear and specific. I also have as much right as anyone to stand up and be heard. They are law breakers and are taking away from America. I'll side with America over them.

I side with America.
Yet you don't. You side with invaders.


Ya...those damn 3 yr olds invading your house.

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