Daily KOS says Barack Obama Will Lose the 2012 Presidential Debates

So why am I the first person to notice that the link doesn't work, yet you wingnuts all seem to take it at face value, without even trying to click. What a bunch of circle jerks.

describes your threads very accurately.
So why am I the first person to notice that the link doesn't work, yet you wingnuts all seem to take it at face value, without even trying to click. What a bunch of circle jerks.

as for your sig? Whining about neg reps is for pussies... oh wait.... you are a pussy. Never mind.
How exactly do we determine who wins these things anyway? The one who has the most zingers? They are the most subjective political events in the world. Ive seen ones I clearly thought one side did better than the other only to see the media say the exact opposite and the parrots on message board echo.

Its percetion over substance in Presidential debates. Whos poised? Who stutters? Who has the most umms and uhhs?

Daily KOS is right. Romneys had a LOT of practice and Obama just isnt that strong a debater. Hilary rocked him a couple times and Romney will do the same. Its up to Obama to practice hard and be at 110% if he wants to take Romney down in a debate.

And if its more than one debate, Romney shines again. He gets better in subsisquent debates, not weaker.

This is going to be a damned close election.

I agree with you till the last line. I dont think this will be a close election at all. If Romney wins, it's going to be with a very compelling amount. If Obama manages to win, then I would agree with you that it will be close.
First off, you're link doesn't work. Second, I'll lay odds that you just pulled up someone's diary. That's like pulling up one of the moronic thread starters here, and pretending it's this boards opinion. Damn, you're gullible.

So how about it, do you have a link that works?
link has been corrected.

The point is, a Democratic leaning site has people who think Obama will lose the debates.

It also has people who thought Hillary Clinton was going to win in 2008.

So you're saying they are once again overprojecting how well their candidate will do?

This hurts Romney how?
So why am I the first person to notice that the link doesn't work, yet you wingnuts all seem to take it at face value, without even trying to click. What a bunch of circle jerks.

Good point. I found the article on Google, but I forgot the link:

Daily Kos: Why Barack Obama Will Lose the 2012 Presidential Debates

Thanks. I read through the comments, and couldn't find any substantial argument that agreed with the OP. I did find some interesting memories, regarding the stupidity in the primary moderators questions (RIP Tim). I found a recipe for cooking fish, since there didn't seem to be any reasonable basis for debate and discussion. What struck me more, is this youngster who authored the OP was treated with respect. No one agreed with him, but they still treated him with respect. I never saw that when someone went off the wall on Free Republic, let alone here.

So what's your point KKKonservative? You found a rather weak opinion by a poster on another forum, that not a single other member really supported, and thought you had a gotcha? Good luck with that.

Good for you the circle jerkers think you had something to offer.
So why am I the first person to notice that the link doesn't work, yet you wingnuts all seem to take it at face value, without even trying to click. What a bunch of circle jerks.

as for your sig? Whining about neg reps is for pussies... oh wait.... you are a pussy. Never mind.

You took down your lying sig line, so I'll take down my debunking. Fair enough?
so who is hosting the debates? not NBC/ABC ? can u imagine either one moderating any of them? will the ask bozo how he has increased the debt to 16 trillion and the unemployment went up to 12%?
will they ask bozo how he can critize Baine Capitol when he had already pissed off god knows how many billions of tx payer money into green energy firms?
So why am I the first person to notice that the link doesn't work, yet you wingnuts all seem to take it at face value, without even trying to click. What a bunch of circle jerks.

Good point. I found the article on Google, but I forgot the link:

Daily Kos: Why Barack Obama Will Lose the 2012 Presidential Debates

Thanks. I read through the comments, and couldn't find any substantial argument that agreed with the OP. I did find some interesting memories, regarding the stupidity in the primary moderators questions (RIP Tim). I found a recipe for cooking fish, since there didn't seem to be any reasonable basis for debate and discussion. What struck me more, is this youngster who authored the OP was treated with respect. No one agreed with him, but they still treated him with respect. I never saw that when someone went off the wall on Free Republic, let alone here.

So what's your point KKKonservative? You found a rather weak opinion by a poster on another forum, that not a single other member really supported, and thought you had a gotcha? Good luck with that.

Good for you the circle jerkers think you had something to offer.
all opinions that cast a disparaging light on your 'Dear Leader' are weak, right?
Pathetic hack.
So why am I the first person to notice that the link doesn't work, yet you wingnuts all seem to take it at face value, without even trying to click. What a bunch of circle jerks.

as for your sig? Whining about neg reps is for pussies... oh wait.... you are a pussy. Never mind.

You took down your lying sig line, so I'll take down my debunking. Fair enough?

you're still a proven Holocaust denying little fuckwad liar, and I have the thread to prove it. :rofl:
can you imagine stuart smalley as a moderator: Mr President, what did you have for breakfast this morning?
then he would ask Romney,: Governor Romney, despite the fact that Massachusetts is one of the smallest states in the union,can you explain why Massachusetts had the lowest growth rate in 2003?
{Romney could of been the Governor of Rhode Island and the left would of bitched about dismal employment growth there!)
can you imagine stuart smalley as a moderator: Mr President, what did you have for breakfast this morning?
then he would ask Romney,: Governor Romney, despite the fact that Massachusetts is one of the smallest states in the union,can you explain why Massachusetts had the lowest growth rate in 2003?
{Romney could of been the Governor of Rhode Island and the left would of bitched about dismal employment growth there!)

and the thing about massachusetts(i am from there) the state has pretty much stopped growing about 1o years ago.its not like Florida and Texas. it has always had a population of around 6 million.Americans dont flock there in search of a better life. Pisses me off when the far left rips Romney apart over the growth of Massachusetts. Why arent they ripping apart Moonbeam over the decline of California?
Good point. I found the article on Google, but I forgot the link:

Daily Kos: Why Barack Obama Will Lose the 2012 Presidential Debates

Thanks. I read through the comments, and couldn't find any substantial argument that agreed with the OP. I did find some interesting memories, regarding the stupidity in the primary moderators questions (RIP Tim). I found a recipe for cooking fish, since there didn't seem to be any reasonable basis for debate and discussion. What struck me more, is this youngster who authored the OP was treated with respect. No one agreed with him, but they still treated him with respect. I never saw that when someone went off the wall on Free Republic, let alone here.

So what's your point KKKonservative? You found a rather weak opinion by a poster on another forum, that not a single other member really supported, and thought you had a gotcha? Good luck with that.

Good for you the circle jerkers think you had something to offer.
all opinions that cast a disparaging light on your 'Dear Leader' are weak, right?
Pathetic hack.

It was an uniformed, weak opinion. The weakness was pointed out by other posters on that other forum.

What's even weaker is you presenting a post from another discussion forum as representative of how the left feels. Since you're a lockstep wing nut, perhaps you're unaware that any group is going to have various opinions. I'm sure I could go to Free Republic, and find freepers who openly thought that Romney was a weak candidate, a liar, a panderer, and a flip flopping jerk. I wouldn't bother, because posting stuff from no names on other forums is what a fool does.
Ah..so sourcing KOS is okay now.

Gotta bookmark this..

He didn't even source KOS, or any of their principle bloggers. He dug deep to find a poster that held this opinion, that no one on that site seemed to agree with.
I find it slightly odd that y'all are arguing over who may or may not win the debates. Personally, I'm a little more interested in who wins the election than the talking contests. But that's just me... I lean towards being a rational human being. :lmao:
I find it slightly odd that y'all are arguing over who may or may not win the debates. Personally, I'm a little more interested in who wins the election than the talking contests. But that's just me... I lean towards being a rational human being. :lmao:

Is that what's being argued? Not by me. Conservative's idiotic thread, finding a low level poster from from another forum, and pretending that it's meaningful is the argument. Are you having trouble keeping up?
What's even weaker is you presenting a post from another discussion forum as representative of how the left feels. Since you're a lockstep wing nut, perhaps you're unaware that any group is going to have various opinions. I'm sure I could go to Free Republic, and find freepers who openly thought that Romney was a weak candidate, a liar, a panderer, and a flip flopping jerk. I wouldn't bother, because posting stuff from no names on other forums is what a fool does.

lock step wingnut :rofl: from you? :rofl:

I would never say anything nice about Obama or agree with anything he did, huh Dickless :rofl:

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