Daily Presidential Tracking Poll- NOT good for the dear leader


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
OH DARN..I guess the fluke was a fluke:lol:

Thursday, August 09, 2012

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 47% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 43%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.

The president enjoyed a bounce immediately following release of last week’s job report. However, the bounce has faded, and the race is back to where it was just before Friday’s report. See tracking history. Following that jobs report, consumer confidence fell to a new 2012 low yesterday and is barely above that low today. Just 24% believe the jobs market has improved over the past year, while 44% believe it has gotten worse.

The president leads by two in Virginia, and the candidates are tied in Colorado. The Virginia Senate race is a tie.

all of it here
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

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