Daily Presidential Tracking Poll


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
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Monday, July 02, 2012

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows Mitt Romney attracting 46% of the vote, while President Obama earns 44%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.

Matchup results are updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update). See tracking history.

While the Supreme Court declared that the president’s health care law is constitutional, they were unable to make it popular. Fifty-two percent (52%) still favor repeal of the law. That’s little changed from a week ago and little changed since the law was passed more than two years ago. However, while most voters still hope for repeal, the belief that it will happen has fallen sharply. Just 39% now believe repeal is even somewhat likely, down from 61% last week.

the rest here
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Rassmussen? You might as well call it what it is- A Murdoch/Fox Poll :)
Boy everyone loves the ramussen poll when obama is ahead though. Seriously can we stop posting polls until it might matter like in mid to late October?
just about every con on every discussion board cites Razzy polls. Why is that :rolleyes: Also, what is Fox's "go to" pollster? (I don't watch tv but from what I hear, its also Razzy)
I really posted it for the poll on ObamaCare, but it sure got the Obama cult members all in a tizzy..
just about every con on every discussion board cites Razzy polls. Why is that :rolleyes: Also, what is Fox's "go to" pollster? (I don't watch tv but from what I hear, its also Razzy)

Because they are idiots that only want to hear right wing propaganda, distorted polls, and nothing else.
And I can find a poll that says Obama is leading......So?
This race is close, and all that is going to matter is the electoral map.. Not a poll that surveys people 50 and above on their land line phone. Just sayin.
And I can find a poll that says Obama is leading......So?
This race is close, and all that is going to matter is the electoral map.. Not a poll that surveys people 50 and above on their land line phone. Just sayin.

missed my second post on why I posted the poll eh
Rassmussen? You might as well call it what it is- A Murdoch/Fox Poll :)

I don't recall you stating that opinion when sarahgop posted the SAME POLL a few days ago showing Obama over Romney. Wasn't full of shit then I guess, huh :rolleyes:

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