Daily Show Nails "Chest-Thumping" Repubs as Babies

Looks like someone has to pay the bills soon and is posting like crazy to earn some dough.
I love it when the RW cries and cries and shows the voters of the nation what special snowflakes they think they are.

i love it when left-wing losers cant explain Carson being tied or ahead of hillary in several major polls

cry leftard

Well, there it is again. You can't stay on the topic of the thread. Is it a medical condition, "Patches & Stuff"?

i see; you're butthurt over the thrashing i gave you and your friends in the other thread (patches and stuff), so you're following me around biting my ankles looking for redemption???


When Hugh Hewitt hosts the Republican debate on CNN and they STILL complain about it there is a problem.

...With Republican cry babies
All the other media should boycott the GOP debates. Let them live in their own Beckian bubble.

And this proves that the far left does not like freedom of speech or any opposition to the far left religion!

Bullshit, all it prove is that the GOP is fielding a bunch of pussies who don't deserve to lead this nation.
All the other media should boycott the GOP debates. Let them live in their own Beckian bubble.

And this proves that the far left does not like freedom of speech or any opposition to the far left religion!

Bullshit, all it prove is that the GOP is fielding a bunch of pussies who don't deserve to lead this nation.

from a complete idiot that no doubt makes excuses for a guy who started whining his first day in office and hasnt stopped in seven years; hilarous!!
bodecea said:
I love it when the RW cries and cries and shows the voters of the nation what special snowflakes they think they are.
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i love it when left-wing losers cant explain Carson being tied or ahead of hillary in several major polls

cry leftard

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Well, there it is again. You can't stay on the topic of the thread. Is it a medical condition, "Patches & Stuff"?


racist much???

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