Daily Show Nails "Chest-Thumping" Repubs as Babies

If you can't handle CNBC moderators, how can you run a country?

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All the other media should boycott the GOP debates. Let them live in their own Beckian bubble.

Yeah, right. They are going to "boycott" something that could make them millions of dollars.

We all know network executives have priorities other than money.

CNBC moderators were handled, they were booed by the audience and their juvenile behavior was called out by the candidates. Then NBC was fired from their upcoming debate for behaving like ass sniffing Democrat party hacks. I guess we could have beat the crap out of the prissy punks on live TV if that would have made you happy.

It was live tv and the candidates didn't beat the crap out of the prissy punks. They cried afterwards to Reince Preibus and then shut him out of the meeting when they wrote up their panty-waist, crybaby rules for questioning:

1. Soft glow lighting from the klieg lamps, little soft mats for their feet, podiums that make then look thinner and younger.
2. No questions derived from their PAC sites, campaign sites, Tweets or Facebook postings, autobiographies or previous speeches.
3. Green rooms must have vibrating, massage chairs, fresh fruit, a teenage boy go-fer (preferably a virgin), and a bowl of Xanax sprinkled liberally with Viagra.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lmao the left getting booed on their own station is pretty damn funny. :laugh:

Apparently they didn't screen the audience as they normally do and allow only leftwingers in
did they really ask if they can't handle some dickhead moderators how can they run the country?

they can run it the same way Obama has because he couldn't handle going on Fox news. Run our country into the freaking gutter, Foreign Policy a disaster, we are MORE poorer AND worse off now than when BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH WAS President.

really what does it take to put a new Government entitlement on our back, raise taxes on everything they can find, 1000s of new Regulations that is strangling business. they can just follow the Obama plan.
look at the left-wing crybabies projecting their pussiness onto others!!

lol how dare Republicans expect the liberal media to not be shills for the DNC long enough for a debate to happen????
look at the left-wing crybabies projecting their pussiness onto others!!

lol how dare Republicans expect the liberal media to not be shills for the DNC long enough for a debate to happen????

what else do they have. their party is giving them NOBODY to choose from but two old WHITE Socialist fighting each other to get the top Socialist spot. they are losing left and right now as we saw today and more to come at them. so I guess you can't blame them for taking some COMENDY show and acting like it's all the RAGE with the people
poor poor dears. keep digging :boohoo::itsok::poop:
Here ya go, this should raise the lefties spirits. You don't need some comedy show this REAL LIFE coming at you. Maybe the Daily show will do a skit on it?

Obama Ranks Third in Forbes ‘Most Powerful’ List, First Time Sitting U.S. President Drops Out of Top Two

BY: David Rutz
November 4, 2015 9:14 am

President Obama ranked third in the Forbes “World’s Most Powerful People” list released Wednesday, the first time the sitting U.S. president has ever not ranked No. 1 or 2 in the annual survey.

For the third straight year, Russian president Vladimir Putin was listed at No. 1, but German chancellor Angela Merkel came in at No. 2. CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King expressed surprise at Obama’s standing while the show’s panel interviewed Forbes‘ Luisa Kroll about how the magazine came up with its list.

“That’s the first time since we’ve been doing the list that any U.S. president falls out of the top two spots,” Kroll said. “Again, I think that has a lot to do with the fact that this is going to be hist last year in office. He’s a little bit more hamstrung, both domestically and internationally, and it’s just a nod to his decreasing power at this time.”

all of it here:
Obama Ranks Third in Forbes ‘Most Powerful’ List, First Time Sitting U.S. President Drops Out of Top Two
If you can't handle CNBC moderators, how can you run a country?
Well rumor has it that the first thing the Republicans are going to do once they get back in power is shoot all the CNBC moderators...... :)
Most of the Republicans, seeing how poorly they're coming across to the public, are abandoning the sissy act. Christie is flat out condemning it. It's mainly just Carson still playing the uberwimp eternal victim now.

The media, of course, should openly laugh at the "demands" of such sissyboys. One should not give in to tantrum-throwers, as that just guarantees more tantrums.
Most of the Republicans, seeing how poorly they're coming across to the public, are abandoning the sissy act. Christie is flat out condemning it. It's mainly just Carson still playing the uberwimp eternal victim now.

The media, of course, should openly laugh at the "demands" of such sissyboys. One should not give in to tantrum-throwers, as that just guarantees more tantrums.

the ability of left-wing idiots to lie to themselves is AMAZING!!
everybody knows it is the Left that came out the loser in this issue!!

BTW; nobody is going to laugh at the GOP candidate's demands; pretty sad when the best-rated item of a liberal network is a show featuring republicans

also pretty freaking funny watching an idiot callin people sissyboys who is actually crying about people he wasnt going to vote for anyway

stop crying and mind your business dummy!!

left-wing idiot is correct in one regard though; letting the liberal media moderators conduct the openly biased questioning might be a good thing to continue since REPUBLICANS CAME OUT AHEAD IN THAT!

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Meanwhile, nobody but Carson wants to sign on to the GOP letter of debate demands.

GOP debate talks in disarray as consensus collapses

In his campaigns Obama received such "unfair" gotcha questions, such as asking about Rev. Wright. He just answered them, and didn't whine about how unfair it is.

Hillary? 11 hours solo facing such questions. She answered them, with a smile.

Take a lesson.
Meanwhile, nobody but Carson wants to sign on to the GOP letter of debate demands.

GOP debate talks in disarray as consensus collapses

In his campaigns Obama received such "unfair" gotcha questions, such as asking about Rev. Wright. He just answered them, and didn't whine about how unfair it is.

Hillary? 11 hours solo facing such questions. She answered them, with a smile.

Take a lesson.
of course you're moronically lying to YOURSELF AGAIN. most of the networks didnt even ask about Rev Wright and when they did they accepted obama's absurd EXCUSE for attending a racist and bigoted church for TWENTY YEARS

why do left-wingers come here with talking points that are so easily dismissed/??
Meanwhile, nobody but Carson wants to sign on to the GOP letter of debate demands.

GOP debate talks in disarray as consensus collapses

In his campaigns Obama received such "unfair" gotcha questions, such as asking about Rev. Wright. He just answered them, and didn't whine about how unfair it is.

Hillary? 11 hours solo facing such questions. She answered them, with a smile.

Take a lesson.

both hillary and expecially obama whine about Fox News all the time and have for years; obama has gone as far as charging a Fox reporter with SEDITION before having to drop the charge. obama BANNED FOX FROM THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS POOL until even the LIBERAL NETWORKS were so appalled by this action they threatened not to particpate themselves unless Fox was let back in

as usual virtually nothing you post holds water, yet you insist on making a damn fool of yourself wallowing in misinformation, self-deception and lies

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