Daily trivia Tournament

It's always the pop culture questions that get me, that and fiction literature...

I don't know anything about any of that stuff... lol..
A couple lucky guesses

[SIZE=+1]Questions correct: 10 / 10
You took 71 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 929[/SIZE]
Questions correct: 10 / 10
You took 49 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 951

Yeah, a couple for me, too, Horty. But that counts too!
Questions correct: 7 / 10
You took 104 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 596
[SIZE=+1]Questions correct: 10 / 10
You took 83 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 917[/SIZE]
Now I want to watch tootsie....

I also remember this other Hoffman movie where some guys pull his teeth out and hes running through the streets or NY half naked...
I did absolutely awesome, I got this,

We are currently scoring yesterday's results!
Daily maintenance is being performed. Please try back in a little while.
Questions correct: 10 / 10
You took 51 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 949
Questions correct: 6 / 10
You took 100 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 500
I call bullshit on the guinness book of world records being "general" trivia

my answer, "useless" should be counted as correct

somebody please contact the game center & have this travesty of justice corrected IMMEDIATELY!!!
[SIZE=+1]Calculating your score..

Questions correct: 7 / 10
You took 129 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 571
[SIZE=+1]Questions correct: 8 / 10
You took 102 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 698[/SIZE]
Not enough days left for me to catch Missourian

[SIZE=+1]Questions correct: 8 / 10
You took 87 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 713
Calculating your score..

Questions correct: 9 / 10
You took 172 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 728

Missed the first one about the rain check.
Calculating your score..

Questions correct: 9 / 10
You took 172 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 728

Missed the first one about the rain check.

The questions get mixed up so we don't all get the same 10 questions
[SIZE=+1]Questions correct: 7 / 10
You took 174 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 526

Tough questions today.
Not enough days left for me to catch Missourian

[SIZE=+1]Questions correct: 8 / 10
You took 87 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 713

The way the game is scored is probably fine for 50 people, but with our small pool...not so much...I think I'm only winning because I played everyday.
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Calculating your score..

Questions correct: 9 / 10
You took 172 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 728

Missed the first one about the rain check.

The questions get mixed up so we don't all get the same 10 questions

I didn't know that...I thought we all got the same questions.

A few times I have wondered how you all could possibly know the answers to some of those questions.
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