Dallas Mayor Says He’s More Fearful Of Armed White Men Than Syrian Refugees

When the good mayor is up for reelection and needs the votes of the white men he is now insulting he will make a beeping sound trying to back away from that comment.
guns make us safe.jpg
Well I don't blame him. I'm more scared day to day of young armed black males. They commit 90% of the violent assaults and robberies around here. Odds of me being killed or attacked by a black male are massively higher than by a Muslim terrorist.

That said...doesn't mean I must ignore importing another threat.

I thought you wanted everybody to carry a gun all the time.
A sane Texan

“I am more fearful of large gatherings of white men that come into schools, theaters and shoot people up, but we don’t isolate young white men on this issue,” Rawlings said.

He also said that vilifying refugees only helps ISIS, as doing so falls into their “trap.” He then pushed back on the notion that ISIS is somehow representative of Islam.

“ISIS is no more Islamic than Nazi senior staff was Christian,” he said. He also subtly challengedChristian governors and other followers of Christ who have rejected refugees, referencing Jesus’ scriptural call to “welcome the stranger” in Matthew 25:41-43, asking, “Christ following people like myself — how do we deal with this issue of strangers, and are we going to let them in?”

Dallas Mayor Says He’s More Fearful Of Armed White Men Than Syrian Refugees

Hey Batshit, you need help with your vocabulary, it's Insane...

You need to work on this or you're not going to get out of 3rd grade...
...That's because the armed white men are the ones resisting the globalist agenda whereas the refugees are a tool to advance it. This guys a traitor.
How about we have the UN set up refugee camps in Syria (and/or Turkey, Jordan, and Iraq) secure them from the warring factions, and keep those people safe until the Syrian civil war is over?
Refugee camps are usually terrible places to live. I had an idea that a re-invention & modernization of the Ellis Island concept for the US, Europe, and Turkey could be useful. House the refugees in decent lodging, have them well cared for and supervised by the UN, and do continuous vetting to make sure problematic people are not admitted to any of those countries. It would cost billions, but what is it costing us now?

We could make Asad pay for part of it with all the millions he's stolen from the Syrian coffers and tucked away somewhere.
If we MUST take them, put them in all the FEMA camps set up around the country...this way it will be EASY for President Trump to DEPORT their ass when he starts his new job in Jan. 2017!
The mere presence of the refugees will be used to justify further infringement of rights, increased austerity, and increase the size of our already bloated, corrupt surveillance state.
Beware of Texans cleaning guns-------they tend to GO OFF and accidentally kill spouses
Trump is a bigger Progressive than FDR and Obama combined, and idjit above supports him. :lol:
When the good mayor is up for reelection and needs the votes of the white men he is now insulting he will make a beeping sound trying to back away from that comment.
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It will be useful for the Democrats to not be concerned for the safety of Americans. Run ads mocking candidates who oppose the flooding of our borders by illegals and especially those young males of fighting age from what they claim is Syria.

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