Dallas Police RIP, BLM, Obama

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Someone's wish has been granted...92 (92!) off-topic derailments and flames have been moved to a new thread in the Badlands. :disbelief:

Those who wish to continue those conversations can go downstairs to Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum.

As for the rest, let's try to discuss the topic...:beer:

Coyote; can we have a ruling please. Calling someone from Austria a Nazi seems bigoted and disgusting to me. Badlands; no worries....we know about there...but on the open boards?? (And yes; I know I can turn a phrase or two as well).


Greg, the ruling depends on where you are in the forums. In CDZ or The Lounge, it would be against the rules. Here in Politics, it isn't as long as you include some content related to the topic. My best suggestion is to remember that when people resort to Nazi slurs, they usually aren't capable of providing a rational rebuttal.
Lucy has posted in the past of her support for Nazis,her wish that Muslims be rounded up and drowned, and made similar comments about gay people and Jews.

That said, the premise of her op is false.
Someone's wish has been granted...92 (92!) off-topic derailments and flames have been moved to a new thread in the Badlands. :disbelief:

Those who wish to continue those conversations can go downstairs to Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum.

As for the rest, let's try to discuss the topic...:beer:

Coyote; can we have a ruling please. Calling someone from Austria a Nazi seems bigoted and disgusting to me. Badlands; no worries....we know about there...but on the open boards?? (And yes; I know I can turn a phrase or two as well).


Greg, the ruling depends on where you are in the forums. In CDZ or The Lounge, it would be against the rules. Here in Politics, it isn't as long as you include some content related to the topic. My best suggestion is to remember that when people resort to Nazi slurs, they usually aren't capable of providing a rational rebuttal.
Lucy has posted in the past of her support for Nazis,her wish that Muslims be rounded up and drowned, and made similar comments about gay people and Jews.

That said, the premise of her op is false.

You want to be removed from the thread Troll? This is why your type can't be trusted in Zone 2, you bring FZ into Zone 2, keep your shit in FZ.

Take you weird sick obsession with me somewhere else, you're a freak, get back to FZ where you predominately dwell and take your Trolling and Flaming back there with you.

Don't forget to get your FZ Troll's to rate the post "funny" you bunch of sad weirdos.
BLM had nothing to do with the murders. You need to quit lying.
Someone's wish has been granted...92 (92!) off-topic derailments and flames have been moved to a new thread in the Badlands. :disbelief:

Those who wish to continue those conversations can go downstairs to Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum.

As for the rest, let's try to discuss the topic...:beer:

Coyote; can we have a ruling please. Calling someone from Austria a Nazi seems bigoted and disgusting to me. Badlands; no worries....we know about there...but on the open boards?? (And yes; I know I can turn a phrase or two as well).


Greg, the ruling depends on where you are in the forums. In CDZ or The Lounge, it would be against the rules. Here in Politics, it isn't as long as you include some content related to the topic. My best suggestion is to remember that when people resort to Nazi slurs, they usually aren't capable of providing a rational rebuttal.
Lucy has posted in the past of her support for Nazis,her wish that Muslims be rounded up and drowned, and made similar comments about gay people and Jews.

That said, the premise of her op is false.

You want to be removed from the thread Troll? This is why your type can't be trusted in Zone 2, you bring FZ into Zone 2, keep your shit in FZ.

Take you weird sick obsession with me somewhere else, you're a freak, get back to FZ where you predominately dwell and take your Trolling and Flaming back there with you.

Don't forget to get your FZ Troll's to rate the post "funny" you bunch of sad weirdos.
BLM had nothing to do with the murders. You need to quit lying.

It was a sewing circle rally???

Coyote; can we have a ruling please. Calling someone from Austria a Nazi seems bigoted and disgusting to me. Badlands; no worries....we know about there...but on the open boards?? (And yes; I know I can turn a phrase or two as well).


Greg, the ruling depends on where you are in the forums. In CDZ or The Lounge, it would be against the rules. Here in Politics, it isn't as long as you include some content related to the topic. My best suggestion is to remember that when people resort to Nazi slurs, they usually aren't capable of providing a rational rebuttal.
Lucy has posted in the past of her support for Nazis,her wish that Muslims be rounded up and drowned, and made similar comments about gay people and Jews.

That said, the premise of her op is false.

You want to be removed from the thread Troll? This is why your type can't be trusted in Zone 2, you bring FZ into Zone 2, keep your shit in FZ.

Take you weird sick obsession with me somewhere else, you're a freak, get back to FZ where you predominately dwell and take your Trolling and Flaming back there with you.

Don't forget to get your FZ Troll's to rate the post "funny" you bunch of sad weirdos.
BLM had nothing to do with the murders. You need to quit lying.

It was a sewing circle rally???

It wasn't a BLM rally and neither BLM nor the protesters organizations had anything to do with the murders.
Greg, the ruling depends on where you are in the forums. In CDZ or The Lounge, it would be against the rules. Here in Politics, it isn't as long as you include some content related to the topic. My best suggestion is to remember that when people resort to Nazi slurs, they usually aren't capable of providing a rational rebuttal.
Lucy has posted in the past of her support for Nazis,her wish that Muslims be rounded up and drowned, and made similar comments about gay people and Jews.

That said, the premise of her op is false.

You want to be removed from the thread Troll? This is why your type can't be trusted in Zone 2, you bring FZ into Zone 2, keep your shit in FZ.

Take you weird sick obsession with me somewhere else, you're a freak, get back to FZ where you predominately dwell and take your Trolling and Flaming back there with you.

Don't forget to get your FZ Troll's to rate the post "funny" you bunch of sad weirdos.
BLM had nothing to do with the murders. You need to quit lying.

It was a sewing circle rally???

It wasn't a BLM rally and neither BLM nor the protesters organizations had anything to do with the murders.

They were having a BLM rally in Dallas, or are you referring to something else?

Either way this stuff needs getting under control, representatives from all sides need to sit down and talk like adults, if not they'll be more incidents.
It was a ccusatory and irresponsible. He doesn't know the facts, and before Obama, presidents didn't comment on th his stuff.

Which part was accusatory? Of course they commented on it. They did all the time.
President Obama on the Fatal Shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile

He said he can't comment on the facts but then said there are too many incidents lik ed this and his whole argument read as an indictment on the police

The Philando Castile killing is disturbing, I think most people would have to agree, it's not on the police just shooting someone six times like that, at the least it's manslaughter at the worst it's murder, he was killed in cold blood and those police officers need dealing with.

I heard that the historical Race Baiter Jesse Jackson has been mouthing the wrong sort of things again, talking about police "executions", this is exactly the wrong sort of rhetoric.
Coyote; can we have a ruling please. Calling someone from Austria a Nazi seems bigoted and disgusting to me. Badlands; no worries....we know about there...but on the open boards?? (And yes; I know I can turn a phrase or two as well).


Greg, the ruling depends on where you are in the forums. In CDZ or The Lounge, it would be against the rules. Here in Politics, it isn't as long as you include some content related to the topic. My best suggestion is to remember that when people resort to Nazi slurs, they usually aren't capable of providing a rational rebuttal.
Lucy has posted in the past of her support for Nazis,her wish that Muslims be rounded up and drowned, and made similar comments about gay people and Jews.

That said, the premise of her op is false.

You want to be removed from the thread Troll? This is why your type can't be trusted in Zone 2, you bring FZ into Zone 2, keep your shit in FZ.

Take you weird sick obsession with me somewhere else, you're a freak, get back to FZ where you predominately dwell and take your Trolling and Flaming back there with you.

Don't forget to get your FZ Troll's to rate the post "funny" you bunch of sad weirdos.
BLM had nothing to do with the murders. You need to quit lying.

It was a sewing circle rally???

It wasn't a BLM rally and neither BLM nor the protesters organizations had anything to do with the murders.
Coyote; can we have a ruling please. Calling someone from Austria a Nazi seems bigoted and disgusting to me. Badlands; no worries....we know about there...but on the open boards?? (And yes; I know I can turn a phrase or two as well).


Greg, the ruling depends on where you are in the forums. In CDZ or The Lounge, it would be against the rules. Here in Politics, it isn't as long as you include some content related to the topic. My best suggestion is to remember that when people resort to Nazi slurs, they usually aren't capable of providing a rational rebuttal.
Lucy has posted in the past of her support for Nazis,her wish that Muslims be rounded up and drowned, and made similar comments about gay people and Jews.

That said, the premise of her op is false.

You want to be removed from the thread Troll? This is why your type can't be trusted in Zone 2, you bring FZ into Zone 2, keep your shit in FZ.

Take you weird sick obsession with me somewhere else, you're a freak, get back to FZ where you predominately dwell and take your Trolling and Flaming back there with you.

Don't forget to get your FZ Troll's to rate the post "funny" you bunch of sad weirdos.
BLM had nothing to do with the murders. You need to quit lying.

You need to quit Trolling and Flaming, keep FZ shit in the FZ, this was already mentioned several months ago, that FZ stayed in the FZ and not in Open Forum to attempt to derail threads.
pointing out that your thread premise is a lie is not trolling. BLM had nothing to do with the murders. This thread belongs in the rubber room or conspiracy theories.
Lucy has posted in the past of her support for Nazis,her wish that Muslims be rounded up and drowned, and made similar comments about gay people and Jews.

That said, the premise of her op is false.

You want to be removed from the thread Troll? This is why your type can't be trusted in Zone 2, you bring FZ into Zone 2, keep your shit in FZ.

Take you weird sick obsession with me somewhere else, you're a freak, get back to FZ where you predominately dwell and take your Trolling and Flaming back there with you.

Don't forget to get your FZ Troll's to rate the post "funny" you bunch of sad weirdos.
BLM had nothing to do with the murders. You need to quit lying.

It was a sewing circle rally???

It wasn't a BLM rally and neither BLM nor the protesters organizations had anything to do with the murders.

They were having a BLM rally in Dallas, or are you referring to something else?

Either way this stuff needs getting under control, representatives from all sides need to sit down and talk like adults, if not they'll be more incidents.
The rally in Dallas was not a BLM rally.
You want to be removed from the thread Troll? This is why your type can't be trusted in Zone 2, you bring FZ into Zone 2, keep your shit in FZ.

Take you weird sick obsession with me somewhere else, you're a freak, get back to FZ where you predominately dwell and take your Trolling and Flaming back there with you.

Don't forget to get your FZ Troll's to rate the post "funny" you bunch of sad weirdos.
BLM had nothing to do with the murders. You need to quit lying.

It was a sewing circle rally???

It wasn't a BLM rally and neither BLM nor the protesters organizations had anything to do with the murders.

They were having a BLM rally in Dallas, or are you referring to something else?

Either way this stuff needs getting under control, representatives from all sides need to sit down and talk like adults, if not they'll be more incidents.
The rally in Dallas was not a BLM rally.

Most of the news reports have been saying it was. BLM are not a peaceful organisation, many of their leaders have openly called for the targeting of police officers.

Another issue, which I mentioned on another thread, that's that the MSM has stoked a lot of this stuff. The Ferguson rally was a peaceful demonstration until the MSM whipped it all up into a frenzy, resulting in a full-on violent riot.

Words have meaning, and those in the public sphere, such as the MSM and politicians need to be careful which words they're using, because it doesn't take much to escalate an already emotive situation.
WTF we get up to be confronted with some text messages from a friend of ours in Highland Park, which is a small town within Dallas in Dallas County.

Congratulation,s your friend lives in the whitest most anti-black enclave of dallas. Highland Park? Fucking please those people are so goddamn sheltered and rich they don't know what goes on in the city of dallas.
BLM had nothing to do with the murders. You need to quit lying.

It was a sewing circle rally???

It wasn't a BLM rally and neither BLM nor the protesters organizations had anything to do with the murders.

They were having a BLM rally in Dallas, or are you referring to something else?

Either way this stuff needs getting under control, representatives from all sides need to sit down and talk like adults, if not they'll be more incidents.
The rally in Dallas was not a BLM rally.

Most of the news reports have been saying it was. BLM are not a peaceful organisation, many of their leaders have openly called for the targeting of police officers.

Another issue, which I mentioned on another thread, that's that the MSM has stoked a lot of this stuff. The Ferguson rally was a peaceful demonstration until the MSM whipped it all up into a frenzy, resulting in a full-on violent riot.

Words have meaning, and those in the public sphere, such as the MSM and politicians need to be careful which words they're using, because it doesn't take much to escalate an already emotive situation.
It wasn't a BLM rally. BLM leaders have not called for targeting cops.
WTF we get up to be confronted with some text messages from a friend of ours in Highland Park, which is a small town within Dallas in Dallas County.

Congratulation,s your friend lives in the whitest most anti-black enclave of dallas. Highland Park? Fucking please those people are so goddamn sheltered and rich they don't know what goes on in the city of dallas.

What does that have to do with anything? They're good people.
Coyote; can we have a ruling please. Calling someone from Austria a Nazi seems bigoted and disgusting to me. Badlands; no worries....we know about there...but on the open boards?? (And yes; I know I can turn a phrase or two as well).


Greg, the ruling depends on where you are in the forums. In CDZ or The Lounge, it would be against the rules. Here in Politics, it isn't as long as you include some content related to the topic. My best suggestion is to remember that when people resort to Nazi slurs, they usually aren't capable of providing a rational rebuttal.
Lucy has posted in the past of her support for Nazis,her wish that Muslims be rounded up and drowned, and made similar comments about gay people and Jews.

That said, the premise of her op is false.

You want to be removed from the thread Troll? This is why your type can't be trusted in Zone 2, you bring FZ into Zone 2, keep your shit in FZ.

Take you weird sick obsession with me somewhere else, you're a freak, get back to FZ where you predominately dwell and take your Trolling and Flaming back there with you.

Don't forget to get your FZ Troll's to rate the post "funny" you bunch of sad weirdos.
BLM had nothing to do with the murders. You need to quit lying.

It was a sewing circle rally???


There's a thread from longknife, it's in Current Events, it includes in his OP a lot of links about the involvement of BLM.

Dallas Shooting Roundup
BLM are not a peaceful organisation, many of their leaders have openly called for the targeting of police officers.

That is true. BLM should be considered by everyone especially law enforcement as a racist, terrorist organization. And yes mainstream afro americans who support BLM are insecure, racist retards. Crooked Hillary said something about afro american families, they have fathers all of a sudden, :p warning their children about the cops. How about afro american families warn their children that not getting educated, getting pregnant at 15, not learning a skill, participating in violent crime, etc., perpetuates the cycle of failure experienced by the afro american demographic.
Greg, the ruling depends on where you are in the forums. In CDZ or The Lounge, it would be against the rules. Here in Politics, it isn't as long as you include some content related to the topic. My best suggestion is to remember that when people resort to Nazi slurs, they usually aren't capable of providing a rational rebuttal.
Lucy has posted in the past of her support for Nazis,her wish that Muslims be rounded up and drowned, and made similar comments about gay people and Jews.

That said, the premise of her op is false.

You want to be removed from the thread Troll? This is why your type can't be trusted in Zone 2, you bring FZ into Zone 2, keep your shit in FZ.

Take you weird sick obsession with me somewhere else, you're a freak, get back to FZ where you predominately dwell and take your Trolling and Flaming back there with you.

Don't forget to get your FZ Troll's to rate the post "funny" you bunch of sad weirdos.
BLM had nothing to do with the murders. You need to quit lying.

It was a sewing circle rally???


There's a thread from longknife, it's in Current Events, it includes in his OP a lot of links about the involvement of BLM.

Dallas Shooting Roundup
BLM had nothing to do with the murders and in fact have denounced them on their website.
It was a ccusatory and irresponsible. He doesn't know the facts, and before Obama, presidents didn't comment on th his stuff.

Which part was accusatory? Of course they commented on it. They did all the time.

don't you know they think the black guy in the white house isn't supposed to say or do anything?
He shouldn't be causing division, which he does on a regular basis. He pops off with all the left wing lies and reinforces prejudice and racial tensions. He was and still is a community organizer, not a president.
It was a ccusatory and irresponsible. He doesn't know the facts, and before Obama, presidents didn't comment on th his stuff.

Which part was accusatory? Of course they commented on it. They did all the time.

don't you know they think the black guy in the white house isn't supposed to say or do anything?
He shouldn't be causing division, which he does on a regular basis. He pops off with all the left wing lies and reinforces prejudice and racial tensions. He was and still is a community organizer, not a president.
Trump, that wanna be president does the same, are you voting for him?
Confirmed – Philando Castile Was an Armed Robbery Suspect – False Media Narrative Now Driving Cop Killings…

Confirmed – Philando Castile Was an Armed Robbery Suspect – False Media Narrative Now Driving Cop Killings…

The Falcon Heights, Minnesota police shooting of Philando Castile is based around an entirely false narrative. Castile and Ms. Diamond Reynolds (Facebook video uploader) were pulled over by police because Castile matched a BOLO Alert for an armed robbery suspect from four days prior.

Unfortunately, the false statements in the video – which have gone viral, and are being pushed by the mainstream media – have created a backlash against police officers.
Police officers in: Dallas, Tennessee, Missouri and Georgia have been shot or killed in the past 24 hours as a result of a false narrative driven by the Black Lives Matter movement. It is important to get the truth out quickly.

Saint Anthony, MN, Police Officers Jeronimo Yanez and Joseph Kauser pulled over Mr. Castile and Ms. Reynolds because the driver, Philando Castile, matched the suspect profile in an armed robbery which occurred on July 2nd, at a convenience store, only a few blocks from where their car was pulled over.

The armed robbery occurred on July 2nd 7:30pm (Sat). The CCTV images were given to media and LEO by detectives on July 5th (Tuesday). A BOLO (Be On Look Out) alert was issued the same day, Tuesday July 5th. Philando Castile was pulled over on July 6th.

From the radio dispatch of Officer Jeronimo Yanez:

“I’m going to stop a car. I’m going to check IDs. I have reason to pull it over.”

“The two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery. The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of the wide set nose.”

A minute and a half later, the recording captures the first report that there was a shooting.

Ms. Diamond Reynolds narrates the now viral Facebook video with several false statements.

Reynolds claimed they were pulled over for a broken tail light, false.

Ms. Reynolds also claims her boyfriend, Castile, was holding a concealed carry permit for a firearm that was resting on his left thigh. This also appears to be false.

According to a question presented to the local county sheriff who oversees the Concealed Carry Permit process, Mr. Castile had never requested a concealed carry permit from their office:
It was a ccusatory and irresponsible. He doesn't know the facts, and before Obama, presidents didn't comment on th his stuff.

Which part was accusatory? Of course they commented on it. They did all the time.

don't you know they think the black guy in the white house isn't supposed to say or do anything?
He shouldn't be causing division, which he does on a regular basis. He pops off with all the left wing lies and reinforces prejudice and racial tensions. He was and still is a community organizer, not a president.

it's only "causing division" in the eyes of racists.
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