Dallas Police RIP, BLM, Obama

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It was a ccusatory and irresponsible. He doesn't know the facts, and before Obama, presidents didn't comment on th his stuff.

Which part was accusatory? Of course they commented on it. They did all the time.

don't you know they think the black guy in the white house isn't supposed to say or do anything?

lol. You resorting to the pussywhipped sidekick??

Obama has a role to play in establishing the FACTS and giving comfort to those who have lost so much. Inciting division is NOT a good thing. As for the two cases of black deaths; it is SAD but all the details aren't out at all. Seems Obama has a lot of "would be" kids who were crims but are now dead. And he's not even from a 'hood!!!

Looks like Ravi is correct about it not being a BLM oraganised Rally. Again, there was no mention of the NGAN in any of the Press releases I saw and it was reported here as a BLM rally. Also reported that there were four snipers TRIANGULATED. Also that the shooter killed was US ARMY. Turns out he was a Reservist.

The vagaries of real time reporting.

Looks like Ravi is correct about it not being a BLM oraganised Rally. Again, there was no mention of the NGAN in any of the Press releases I saw and it was reported here as a BLM rally. Also reported that there were four snipers TRIANGULATED. Also that the shooter killed was US ARMY. Turns out he was a Reservist.

The vagaries of real time reporting.


They said that they had four suspects in custody, including the one that the mini drone blew up, so what happened to the other three, because now it's reported that the dead was was the only perpetrator and acted alone.

I've not heard anything about the other three since the day it happened.
Looks like Ravi is correct about it not being a BLM oraganised Rally. Again, there was no mention of the NGAN in any of the Press releases I saw and it was reported here as a BLM rally. Also reported that there were four snipers TRIANGULATED. Also that the shooter killed was US ARMY. Turns out he was a Reservist.

The vagaries of real time reporting.


They said that they had four suspects in custody, including the one that the mini drone blew up, so what happened to the other three, because now it's reported that the dead was was the only perpetrator and acted alone.

I've not heard anything about the other three since the day it happened.

"Fog of war" thingy maybe. But it seems there was only ONE shooter.

Very interesting!!!!

Looks like Ravi is correct about it not being a BLM oraganised Rally. Again, there was no mention of the NGAN in any of the Press releases I saw and it was reported here as a BLM rally. Also reported that there were four snipers TRIANGULATED. Also that the shooter killed was US ARMY. Turns out he was a Reservist.

The vagaries of real time reporting.


They said that they had four suspects in custody, including the one that the mini drone blew up, so what happened to the other three, because now it's reported that the dead was was the only perpetrator and acted alone.

I've not heard anything about the other three since the day it happened.

"Fog of war" thingy maybe. But it seems there was only ONE shooter.

Very interesting!!!!


Yes, because they've not only not said they've released the other three, they've not even mentioned the other three.
Looks like Ravi is correct about it not being a BLM oraganised Rally. Again, there was no mention of the NGAN in any of the Press releases I saw and it was reported here as a BLM rally. Also reported that there were four snipers TRIANGULATED. Also that the shooter killed was US ARMY. Turns out he was a Reservist.

The vagaries of real time reporting.


They said that they had four suspects in custody, including the one that the mini drone blew up, so what happened to the other three, because now it's reported that the dead was was the only perpetrator and acted alone.

I've not heard anything about the other three since the day it happened.

"Fog of war" thingy maybe. But it seems there was only ONE shooter.

Very interesting!!!!


Yes, because they've not only not said they've released the other three, they've not even mentioned the other three.

there were no "other three". :cuckoo:
Confirmed – Philando Castile Was an Armed Robbery Suspect – False Media Narrative Now Driving Cop Killings…

Confirmed – Philando Castile Was an Armed Robbery Suspect – False Media Narrative Now Driving Cop Killings…

The Falcon Heights, Minnesota police shooting of Philando Castile is based around an entirely false narrative. Castile and Ms. Diamond Reynolds (Facebook video uploader) were pulled over by police because Castile matched a BOLO Alert for an armed robbery suspect from four days prior.

Unfortunately, the false statements in the video – which have gone viral, and are being pushed by the mainstream media – have created a backlash against police officers.
Police officers in: Dallas, Tennessee, Missouri and Georgia have been shot or killed in the past 24 hours as a result of a false narrative driven by the Black Lives Matter movement. It is important to get the truth out quickly.

Saint Anthony, MN, Police Officers Jeronimo Yanez and Joseph Kauser pulled over Mr. Castile and Ms. Reynolds because the driver, Philando Castile, matched the suspect profile in an armed robbery which occurred on July 2nd, at a convenience store, only a few blocks from where their car was pulled over.

The armed robbery occurred on July 2nd 7:30pm (Sat). The CCTV images were given to media and LEO by detectives on July 5th (Tuesday). A BOLO (Be On Look Out) alert was issued the same day, Tuesday July 5th. Philando Castile was pulled over on July 6th.

From the radio dispatch of Officer Jeronimo Yanez:

“I’m going to stop a car. I’m going to check IDs. I have reason to pull it over.”

“The two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery. The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of the wide set nose.”

A minute and a half later, the recording captures the first report that there was a shooting.

Ms. Diamond Reynolds narrates the now viral Facebook video with several false statements.

Reynolds claimed they were pulled over for a broken tail light, false.

Ms. Reynolds also claims her boyfriend, Castile, was holding a concealed carry permit for a firearm that was resting on his left thigh. This also appears to be false.

According to a question presented to the local county sheriff who oversees the Concealed Carry Permit process, Mr. Castile had never requested a concealed carry permit from their office:


He WASN'T an armed robbery suspect. God you guys work so hard to cast victims into the roll of criminals. There was a rumor that he LOOKED like one. Sometimes the police fuck up, and when it's a black man, the fuck up ratio skyrockets.


This man was a good man, why the hell do you need to work so hard to pile dirt on him and smear him? He shouldn't have been shot!

Philando Castile: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
He shouldn't be causing division, which he does on a regular basis. He pops off with all the left wing lies and reinforces prejudice and racial tensions. He was and still is a community organizer, not a president.

No he doesn't. You just think he does because you hate him. If you actually look at what he actually says compared to what you loons think he says, they are as far apart as you can get. Your lot are the type that make "good morning" sound like an insult.
Confirmed – Philando Castile Was an Armed Robbery Suspect – False Media Narrative Now Driving Cop Killings…

Confirmed – Philando Castile Was an Armed Robbery Suspect – False Media Narrative Now Driving Cop Killings…

The Falcon Heights, Minnesota police shooting of Philando Castile is based around an entirely false narrative. Castile and Ms. Diamond Reynolds (Facebook video uploader) were pulled over by police because Castile matched a BOLO Alert for an armed robbery suspect from four days prior.

Unfortunately, the false statements in the video – which have gone viral, and are being pushed by the mainstream media – have created a backlash against police officers.
Police officers in: Dallas, Tennessee, Missouri and Georgia have been shot or killed in the past 24 hours as a result of a false narrative driven by the Black Lives Matter movement. It is important to get the truth out quickly.

Saint Anthony, MN, Police Officers Jeronimo Yanez and Joseph Kauser pulled over Mr. Castile and Ms. Reynolds because the driver, Philando Castile, matched the suspect profile in an armed robbery which occurred on July 2nd, at a convenience store, only a few blocks from where their car was pulled over.

The armed robbery occurred on July 2nd 7:30pm (Sat). The CCTV images were given to media and LEO by detectives on July 5th (Tuesday). A BOLO (Be On Look Out) alert was issued the same day, Tuesday July 5th. Philando Castile was pulled over on July 6th.

From the radio dispatch of Officer Jeronimo Yanez:

“I’m going to stop a car. I’m going to check IDs. I have reason to pull it over.”

“The two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery. The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of the wide set nose.”

A minute and a half later, the recording captures the first report that there was a shooting.

Ms. Diamond Reynolds narrates the now viral Facebook video with several false statements.

Reynolds claimed they were pulled over for a broken tail light, false.

Ms. Reynolds also claims her boyfriend, Castile, was holding a concealed carry permit for a firearm that was resting on his left thigh. This also appears to be false.

According to a question presented to the local county sheriff who oversees the Concealed Carry Permit process, Mr. Castile had never requested a concealed carry permit from their office:

Which has What? to do with him being shot after reaching for his ID?
Obama has a role to play in establishing the FACTS and giving comfort to those who have lost so much. Inciting division is NOT a good thing. As for the two cases of black deaths; it is SAD but all the details aren't out at all. Seems Obama has a lot of "would be" kids who were crims but are now dead. And he's not even from a 'hood!!!


He's not inciting anything. Only those on the defensive of the indefensible.
Yeah, that's right, blame America, blame white people. The one group of people you aren't going to blame is the the people who actually did the crime.

How fucking beautifully liberal!

Unlike you blaming the president? You're a tool.....

Let's see, the murders occurred less than 5 hours after Obama gave a speech about how white people enjoy killing black people, and you imagine he's not to blame?
Please link to the speech, and quote directly from it, where Obama said white people enjoy killing black people.


But what I can say is that all of us as Americans should be troubled by these shootings, because these are not isolated incidents. They’re symptomatic of a broader set of racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system.
. . . . . .

So that if you add it all up, the African American and Hispanic population, who make up only 30 percent of the general population, make up more than half of the incarcerated population.

Now, these are facts. And when incidents like this occur, there’s a big chunk of our fellow citizenry that feels as if because of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same. And that hurts. And that should trouble all of us. This is not just a black issue. It's not just a Hispanic issue. This is an American issue that we should all care about. All fair-minded people should be concerned.
. . . . . .

here are biases -- some conscious and unconscious -- that have to be rooted out. That’s not an attack on law enforcement. That is reflective of the values that the vast majority of law enforcement bring to the job.
In other words, cops are racists who enjoy arresting and shooting blacks.
"In other words" there isn't a single shred of evidence to back up your manufactured bullshit and you got caught. Again.

You made up a total lie. Was it worth it? What do you get out of showing the whole world you are a lying racist fuckhead?
Obama has a role to play in establishing the FACTS and giving comfort to those who have lost so much. Inciting division is NOT a good thing. As for the two cases of black deaths; it is SAD but all the details aren't out at all. Seems Obama has a lot of "would be" kids who were crims but are now dead. And he's not even from a 'hood!!!


He's not inciting anything. Only those on the defensive of the indefensible.

Not so, Pakeha.

But the president did none of that. Instead, he added more fuel to the fire of the false claim that racial bias was at the root of what happened, and that this problem is a pervasive one. According to Obama, the frustrations about what happened in Ferguson “have deep roots in many communities of color who have a sense that our laws are not always being enforced uniformly or fairly. That may not be true everywhere…but that’s an impression that folks have and it’s not just made up. It’s rooted in realities that have existed in this country for a long time.” [Emphasis added.]

But that frustration is not rooted in reality. It is rooted in something that apparently neither the president nor his civil rights advisors such as Al Sharpton want to acknowledge: the unfortunate and tragic fact that the main reason so many more black Americans, particularly young black males, are caught up in the criminal justice system is because they commit far more crimes, particularly violent crimes, than anyone else.

What Obama and Holder Should Have Said About Ferguson Grand Jury Verdict

What concerns me is that Obama is NOT upholding the institutions of Law and Order in the Public Domain. He is at best convoluted.

Confirmed – Philando Castile Was an Armed Robbery Suspect – False Media Narrative Now Driving Cop Killings…

Confirmed – Philando Castile Was an Armed Robbery Suspect – False Media Narrative Now Driving Cop Killings…

The Falcon Heights, Minnesota police shooting of Philando Castile is based around an entirely false narrative. Castile and Ms. Diamond Reynolds (Facebook video uploader) were pulled over by police because Castile matched a BOLO Alert for an armed robbery suspect from four days prior.

Unfortunately, the false statements in the video – which have gone viral, and are being pushed by the mainstream media – have created a backlash against police officers.
Police officers in: Dallas, Tennessee, Missouri and Georgia have been shot or killed in the past 24 hours as a result of a false narrative driven by the Black Lives Matter movement. It is important to get the truth out quickly.

Saint Anthony, MN, Police Officers Jeronimo Yanez and Joseph Kauser pulled over Mr. Castile and Ms. Reynolds because the driver, Philando Castile, matched the suspect profile in an armed robbery which occurred on July 2nd, at a convenience store, only a few blocks from where their car was pulled over.

The armed robbery occurred on July 2nd 7:30pm (Sat). The CCTV images were given to media and LEO by detectives on July 5th (Tuesday). A BOLO (Be On Look Out) alert was issued the same day, Tuesday July 5th. Philando Castile was pulled over on July 6th.

From the radio dispatch of Officer Jeronimo Yanez:

“I’m going to stop a car. I’m going to check IDs. I have reason to pull it over.”

“The two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery. The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of the wide set nose.”

A minute and a half later, the recording captures the first report that there was a shooting.

Ms. Diamond Reynolds narrates the now viral Facebook video with several false statements.

Reynolds claimed they were pulled over for a broken tail light, false.

Ms. Reynolds also claims her boyfriend, Castile, was holding a concealed carry permit for a firearm that was resting on his left thigh. This also appears to be false.

According to a question presented to the local county sheriff who oversees the Concealed Carry Permit process, Mr. Castile had never requested a concealed carry permit from their office:


He WASN'T an armed robbery suspect. God you guys work so hard to cast victims into the roll of criminals. There was a rumor that he LOOKED like one. Sometimes the police fuck up, and when it's a black man, the fuck up ratio skyrockets.


This man was a good man, why the hell do you need to work so hard to pile dirt on him and smear him? He shouldn't have been shot!

Philando Castile: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

I will wait until the END of the investigation. If the cop did the wrong thing then he should get the full force of the Law on his ass. If not then there are a lot of conclusions being jumped on.

Yeah, that's right, blame America, blame white people. The one group of people you aren't going to blame is the the people who actually did the crime.

How fucking beautifully liberal!

Unlike you blaming the president? You're a tool.....

Let's see, the murders occurred less than 5 hours after Obama gave a speech about how white people enjoy killing black people, and you imagine he's not to blame?
Please link to the speech, and quote directly from it, where Obama said white people enjoy killing black people.


But what I can say is that all of us as Americans should be troubled by these shootings, because these are not isolated incidents. They’re symptomatic of a broader set of racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system.
. . . . . .

So that if you add it all up, the African American and Hispanic population, who make up only 30 percent of the general population, make up more than half of the incarcerated population.

Now, these are facts. And when incidents like this occur, there’s a big chunk of our fellow citizenry that feels as if because of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same. And that hurts. And that should trouble all of us. This is not just a black issue. It's not just a Hispanic issue. This is an American issue that we should all care about. All fair-minded people should be concerned.
. . . . . .

here are biases -- some conscious and unconscious -- that have to be rooted out. That’s not an attack on law enforcement. That is reflective of the values that the vast majority of law enforcement bring to the job.
In other words, cops are racists who enjoy arresting and shooting blacks.
"In other words" there isn't a single shred of evidence to back up your manufactured bullshit and you got caught. Again.

You made up a total lie. Was it worth it? What do you get out of showing the whole world you are a lying racist fuckhead?

But what I can say is that all of us as Americans should be troubled by these shootings, because these are not isolated incidents. They’re symptomatic of a broader set of racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system.

Care to explain THAT in your own words??

Obama has a role to play in establishing the FACTS and giving comfort to those who have lost so much. Inciting division is NOT a good thing. As for the two cases of black deaths; it is SAD but all the details aren't out at all. Seems Obama has a lot of "would be" kids who were crims but are now dead. And he's not even from a 'hood!!!


He's not inciting anything. Only those on the defensive of the indefensible.

What is the indefensible?? Investigate thoroughly before lynching???(figuratively; no reference to Democrat history intended).

Obama has a role to play in establishing the FACTS and giving comfort to those who have lost so much. Inciting division is NOT a good thing. As for the two cases of black deaths; it is SAD but all the details aren't out at all. Seems Obama has a lot of "would be" kids who were crims but are now dead. And he's not even from a 'hood!!!


He's not inciting anything. Only those on the defensive of the indefensible.

What is the indefensible?? Investigate thoroughly before lynching???(figuratively; no reference to Democrat history intended).

At the moment, the conclusions I'm seeing seem to be tearing down the victims character.
Yeah, that's right, blame America, blame white people. The one group of people you aren't going to blame is the the people who actually did the crime.

How fucking beautifully liberal!

Unlike you blaming the president? You're a tool.....

Let's see, the murders occurred less than 5 hours after Obama gave a speech about how white people enjoy killing black people, and you imagine he's not to blame?
Please link to the speech, and quote directly from it, where Obama said white people enjoy killing black people.


But what I can say is that all of us as Americans should be troubled by these shootings, because these are not isolated incidents. They’re symptomatic of a broader set of racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system.
. . . . . .

So that if you add it all up, the African American and Hispanic population, who make up only 30 percent of the general population, make up more than half of the incarcerated population.

Now, these are facts. And when incidents like this occur, there’s a big chunk of our fellow citizenry that feels as if because of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same. And that hurts. And that should trouble all of us. This is not just a black issue. It's not just a Hispanic issue. This is an American issue that we should all care about. All fair-minded people should be concerned.
. . . . . .

here are biases -- some conscious and unconscious -- that have to be rooted out. That’s not an attack on law enforcement. That is reflective of the values that the vast majority of law enforcement bring to the job.
In other words, cops are racists who enjoy arresting and shooting blacks.
"In other words" there isn't a single shred of evidence to back up your manufactured bullshit and you got caught. Again.

You made up a total lie. Was it worth it? What do you get out of showing the whole world you are a lying racist fuckhead?

I just posted the evidence, douche bag. Of course, you can't make a douche bag accept the truth. They have a special talent for denying what is right in front of them. And when they've lost the argument, they always bring out the race card. That's what they do.
Obama has a role to play in establishing the FACTS and giving comfort to those who have lost so much. Inciting division is NOT a good thing. As for the two cases of black deaths; it is SAD but all the details aren't out at all. Seems Obama has a lot of "would be" kids who were crims but are now dead. And he's not even from a 'hood!!!


He's not inciting anything. Only those on the defensive of the indefensible.

What is the indefensible?? Investigate thoroughly before lynching???(figuratively; no reference to Democrat history intended).

At the moment, the conclusions I'm seeing seem to be tearing down the victims character.

There is a Snopes thingy opn this:

Philando Castile Was Not 'Wanted for Armed Robbery'

WHAT'S TRUE: Police who pulled over and killed Philando Castile reported they thought he might have resembled a suspect in an armed robbery case.

I am sure that the truth will come out. Seems to me it was a bad mistake but as I said; I am bound to wait until the END of the investigation or even the Court cases.

Yeah, that's right, blame America, blame white people. The one group of people you aren't going to blame is the the people who actually did the crime.

How fucking beautifully liberal!

Unlike you blaming the president? You're a tool.....

Let's see, the murders occurred less than 5 hours after Obama gave a speech about how white people enjoy killing black people, and you imagine he's not to blame?
Please link to the speech, and quote directly from it, where Obama said white people enjoy killing black people.


But what I can say is that all of us as Americans should be troubled by these shootings, because these are not isolated incidents. They’re symptomatic of a broader set of racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system.
. . . . . .

So that if you add it all up, the African American and Hispanic population, who make up only 30 percent of the general population, make up more than half of the incarcerated population.

Now, these are facts. And when incidents like this occur, there’s a big chunk of our fellow citizenry that feels as if because of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same. And that hurts. And that should trouble all of us. This is not just a black issue. It's not just a Hispanic issue. This is an American issue that we should all care about. All fair-minded people should be concerned.
. . . . . .

here are biases -- some conscious and unconscious -- that have to be rooted out. That’s not an attack on law enforcement. That is reflective of the values that the vast majority of law enforcement bring to the job.
In other words, cops are racists who enjoy arresting and shooting blacks.
"In other words" there isn't a single shred of evidence to back up your manufactured bullshit and you got caught. Again.

You made up a total lie. Was it worth it? What do you get out of showing the whole world you are a lying racist fuckhead?
G500, I agree in a sense, but those biases come from statistics and cops knowing areas that are he'll holes and generally who lives in them (hint white areas are usually the safest).

Do how about blacks working with cops to get the criminals and fucking keep them in jail?
I always remember Joe Smith from Lean on Me, where he took heat for getting rid of criminals ( yes people actually wanted criminals in the schools!!!!!)

Some people can't be saved and fuck em, let those that want to better themselves ( which is a huge percentage )be allowed to do that without these fucks causing problems
Confirmed – Philando Castile Was an Armed Robbery Suspect – False Media Narrative Now Driving Cop Killings…

Confirmed – Philando Castile Was an Armed Robbery Suspect – False Media Narrative Now Driving Cop Killings…

The Falcon Heights, Minnesota police shooting of Philando Castile is based around an entirely false narrative. Castile and Ms. Diamond Reynolds (Facebook video uploader) were pulled over by police because Castile matched a BOLO Alert for an armed robbery suspect from four days prior.

Unfortunately, the false statements in the video – which have gone viral, and are being pushed by the mainstream media – have created a backlash against police officers.
Police officers in: Dallas, Tennessee, Missouri and Georgia have been shot or killed in the past 24 hours as a result of a false narrative driven by the Black Lives Matter movement. It is important to get the truth out quickly.

Saint Anthony, MN, Police Officers Jeronimo Yanez and Joseph Kauser pulled over Mr. Castile and Ms. Reynolds because the driver, Philando Castile, matched the suspect profile in an armed robbery which occurred on July 2nd, at a convenience store, only a few blocks from where their car was pulled over.

The armed robbery occurred on July 2nd 7:30pm (Sat). The CCTV images were given to media and LEO by detectives on July 5th (Tuesday). A BOLO (Be On Look Out) alert was issued the same day, Tuesday July 5th. Philando Castile was pulled over on July 6th.

From the radio dispatch of Officer Jeronimo Yanez:

“I’m going to stop a car. I’m going to check IDs. I have reason to pull it over.”

“The two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery. The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of the wide set nose.”

A minute and a half later, the recording captures the first report that there was a shooting.

Ms. Diamond Reynolds narrates the now viral Facebook video with several false statements.

Reynolds claimed they were pulled over for a broken tail light, false.

Ms. Reynolds also claims her boyfriend, Castile, was holding a concealed carry permit for a firearm that was resting on his left thigh. This also appears to be false.

According to a question presented to the local county sheriff who oversees the Concealed Carry Permit process, Mr. Castile had never requested a concealed carry permit from their office:


He WASN'T an armed robbery suspect. God you guys work so hard to cast victims into the roll of criminals. There was a rumor that he LOOKED like one. Sometimes the police fuck up, and when it's a black man, the fuck up ratio skyrockets.


This man was a good man, why the hell do you need to work so hard to pile dirt on him and smear him? He shouldn't have been shot!

Philando Castile: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Well they thought he was a suspect but it turns out to be another guy. But the police didn't know it at the time.
And he did have a long traffic rap sheet. Not worthy of getting shot, but could make cops anxious.
Driving with a suspended liscense was a Common occurence
Along with 40 other thing.
I've been pulled over for a not working headlight and got the bitch fixed.
I've had my license suspended, and didn't Mt drive.
Life is easier when following the law
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